APRIL 2, 1903, THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 13 4r To tc &ke com pay, nie Sharpie Cream Separators ook"fcualnesa Dairying CaVIO free W. Chester, fa Cancers Cured; why suffer pain and death from cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor cures cancers, tumors and wens; no knife, blood ot plaster. Address 1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska, Slim Stock CATTLE SHEEP Coo- mission Hya & Buchanan Co., SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA , Best possible service in all depart ments. Write or wire us for markets or other information. Long distance Telephone 2305 Plumbing and Heating Estimates Furnished J.C.COX 133a O 5tret, Lincoln, Neb. The Handy Pocket Account Book Containing: four parte convenient for pocket use: Part I teaches bookkeeping for private accounts. Part n gives business forms, rules and tables. Part III teaches letter-writing, with forms. Part IV S4 blank pages for accounts. 0i4in. Firmly, nicely bound. 1 ocktt and flap. 60c postpaid, M. O. or 2c stamps. Agents can return books unsold. Money refunded. Address F. O.Johnson, Pub., Marlon, Iowa. YOUR OPPORTUNITY COMING Van De Car & Bradley the widely known farm dealers of St Paul, Neb., are preparing a full page advertisement of special farm bargains trom thfir large list. It will appear in The Independent April 16. Watch for it They will sell you a farm at such prices and on f.uch terms that you cannot af ford to pay rent O We cure Piles, Chronic Constipation, Fistula, Pro trusion with our twenty year old HERMIT RECTAL HE TREATMENT No Knife No Burning No Injection of Poisons. NO DELAY FROM BUSINESS nmr rnnnAWTrrn yvnu uvnnn - uui. . . Our book, "Temple of Life," FREE. Mention paper. We invite correspondence with full particulars of your case. HERMIT REMEDY COMPANY, 738 Adams Express Building, Chicago, 111. Women Address "Department W." Lincoln Hida Market The Lincoln Hide & Fur Company, 32) It street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quoto tl:e following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln, until further notice: No. 1 green salted hides, per lb., 6c, No. 2, 5c; bulls and side branded,. 5c; greea hides lc lb. less than salt cured; horse and mula hides, large, each, $135; small. 75c-$1.50; green sheep pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 5-8c per lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb., 12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and murrain hides ,per lb., 5-10c Our clas sified fur list, together with little booklet telling how to trap, skin, Etretch and handle furs and hides to obtain the best r; suits, will be mailed free to all upon request, also write for tag3 and general information any time. Tha Past and Prsssr.t The best we can fully comprehend our present situation is to compare the past with the present and then judge of the future. The corner stone and foundation of humanity and civilization is justice, equal justice to all, everywhere, at all times and in all places. Neither parentage, age or sex can modify jus tice. , ' There are many acts that today are counted criminal, that in ancient times were sanctioned by law and by church. The only way to account for It is that our best men are liable to be mistaken and make mistakes. God never makes mistakes. He was, He is and ever will be the same. Moses was a criminal and had he not hastily fled would undoubtedly have been punished. He must have been converted after that or God nev er would have chosen him as a me dium of communication with the David's' acts were samples of the most heinous crimes. Yet Solomon, the wisest man of ages, was the off spring of David's crime. How won derful that Solomon should give such glowing descriptions of virtuous love as he had hundreds of wives. Such men today would not be received as Bible writers. " Look at the marriage relations in those days. If God had Intended that a man should have a hundred wives and concubines he would have made provisions in nature for a hundred girl babies for every boy baby. Later down they burned wives on funeral piles of husbands, but never burned husbands. Burning alive would "be painful to a man. . . 11.1 Still later tney Durnea wucnes, uut npvpr " hnrned a wizzard. Nineteen women were so murdered in this coum- trv. A broom stick witnout any broom was evidence against the own er, for witches rode through the air cn broomsticks. All tms was ine work of the pretended Christian church. . Still more modern was the crime 01 slavery sanctioned by our. own gov ernment atid by our own churches Slavery was in line with polygamy in many respects. , General Custis, father of General Lee's wife, puDiiciy Doasiea of being the father or 4W 01 ms slaves. As late as 1814 the laws of England provided for the sale of wives, eilher hv nublic auction or by private sale. The transfer was as complete and le gal as the sale of a cow. mere is a record in one county or shire of 39 such sales being made in one year. It was an easy way of divorce. One John Hall only a month after mar- riace led his wife by a rope arouna her neck to the auction block. She was sold to the highest bidder for two shillings and six pence, and the rope for six nence. The auctioneer s tee was 2 pence and the recorder's fee 4 pence, so the rope paid expenses. Up to 1830 every state in this coun try recognized the right of a husband to whip his wlfe.3 The little state of Delaware stipulated that he should not use a stick thicker than a man's thumb. This was a step toward wo man's rights. Two women still live who have doce more to elevate the race thin any ten living men. They are Julia Ward Howe and- Susn B. Anthony. Their third classmate died only a few dav? ago Elizabeth Cady StaCnton. Th? age of each stood between 82 and 85. Julia wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Elizabeth called the 'first woman's meeting ever called in Amer ica. Susan paid the last two thou sand dollars to gain the admission of girls to the Rochester university. With these in line stands Miss Frances Wil lard. Now for the future. Even marriages should be advo cated. Smokers should marry smok ers, drinkers should marry drinkers, libertines should marry prostitutes. Marriage should be recognized by law and by conscience as the nearest relation on earth. The wife should be made the only heir of the husband and the husband the only heir of the wife. In case of mutual divorce everything should be equally divided. In case of divorce from crime or vice, the crim inal should be cut off entirely. Young people leave father and mother, sis ter and brother and cleave to each other that makes the marriage re lation the most sacred. Every right and every privilege granted the husband should be also granted the wife. She should have equal voice in government and law making. Neither nationality, race or complexion, nor birth or relatives should give any one human being or class advantages over others. II. W. HARDY. OOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cl irt Ov ir irti it iriCT We will deliver the following $10.00 combination to any town in the state of Nebraska, freight prepaid by us, any time during the month of April,-1003. Reference: First National Bank or The In dependent (X) lbs Best Granulated Sugar. ...............$1.00 10 lbs Choice Prunes, New Crop..... . ...... ......... .50 4 lbs Nectarines.... .1...... .50 25 Bars Good Laundry Soap....... ....1.00 2 Jbs High Grade Tea. 1.00 21bs Japan Tea Sif tings, choice..... .50 5 lbs High Grade Peaburry Coffee.,.. ........ ....... 1.00 6 lbs Fancy Bright Apricots ................ .75 , 4 lbs Fancy Muer Peaches .50 . 4 lbs Fancy 4 Crown Large Raisins..., .... ...... .... .50 12 lbs Fancy Japan Head Rice.... ....1.00 2 Cans 16 oz. Cream of Tartar Baking Powder .50 3 Pkgs. 10c Soda .25 3 Pkgs 10 Corn Starch .25 - 3 Pkgs loc Gloss Starch 25 1 lb Pure Black Pepper .25 1 Bottle Lemon Extract ..... .10 1 BottleTanilla Extract .10 2 Doz. Clothes Pins . .05 All the above for....'. 110.00 Orders for customers outsido of the state of Nebraska and on lin of railroad entering Lincoln add 75c to pay part of freight O O O o o o s s z o o o o Bra ncli & Miller Co, Cor. i o h and P Sts. What we Advertise we Do. Lincoln, Neb. SPOTTED '-.HOGS FATTEN .QUICKER! oritai. WniM or Black hogs On Prussian Stock Food. Pigs or shoats that have Prussian Stock Food mixed with tbeir feed will grow rapidly and save SO to 40 days time in fattening. Prussian Stock Food prevent and cures disease, purifies tha blood, Increases appetite, aids digestion and assimilation. A wonderful aid In growing and fattening stock of all kinds. BY USE OF PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD You save waBte. aa all the nourishment is taken out of the food and nothing is wasted. The Fru-slan Stock Food Is manufactured and controlled by practical registered pharmacist of over 25 years experience, which la In itself a sufficient . guarantee of the efliciency of its preparation. inuYtraurm met : a UJUlfO LOT. 1 bad n hunch of hogs which were the hardest lot tc feed I ever tried. I100? . j.;,, t ?,. u. !-.. c inn SSinrlr Fnnrl IT RTRt IAMTFNFD THEM UP. GAVE THEM GOOD APPETITE. I turned them off in fine condition. Oliver John, Roanoke, 111. ,1,,- III FATTEN HOGS AND CATTLE sit sma'lent cost by adding PnisBlnn Btock Food to the feed. IT DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF FEED. It creates appetite and capacity tor fuU ration. CLEANS OUT WORMS. GET HORSES READY for spring work by fti vinpr them the Prussian Stock Food with their regular feed. It will put your horses in condition in quick order. KEPT HIS HORSES HEALTHY. Mr. Knapp, Spring Brook, Wis., says; "I fed Prussian Stock UJLiun lur spring wcaa. a ucjr wwc jjveuuit neighbors were sick with epizootic, couldn't work" Pkg's, 50c-$1.00; Pails, $3.50 ' Tell us how many head of stock you hara where you saw this ad., we will send you 8 pae Hand Book, free. WRITE US FOR ' OUR SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD AND REMEDY CO. ST. PAUL, MINN. Manufacturers PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD, HEAVE POWDERS, WORM POWDERS, LICE I KILLER, ETC. PRUSSIAN SHEEP DIP AND SCAB CURE, Costs Two Cents a Gallon to Use 1 Cheap ' Excursions VIA Illinois Central. SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST. Low one-way Settlers' and round trip Homeseekers' tickets to points in Kentucky, Tenneessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama,' Virginia, Geor gia, North and South Carolina; on sale Apr. 7th and 21st. NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Cheap one-way colonist tickets to points in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Manitoba, Western Ontario, raskatehewan and Assinniboia; on sale Mar. 31st, Apr. 7th and Hth. Colonist tickets sold daily until Apr. :i0tb, to points in Montana, Ore gon, Washington and Vancouver. Homeseekers' round trip tickets sold to above points on Apr. 7th and 21st. Fall information relative to rates, schedules, etc., will be cheerfully given, if you will write me about your trip. ' W. H. BRILL, Dist. Pass. At., I1L Cent R. R. Omaha, Neb. 111. Cent. Ticket Office 1102, Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.