The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 02, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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AFRIL 2, 1903.
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Every bow and thensome lawyer
makes the discovery that a fair,
working knowledge ot political econ
mv ocmsriaiiv nf money and the
functions of coin la of vital Import
ance to him In his profession. The !
county attorney of this (Lancaster)
county made such a discovery last
week or, rather, he should have
made it; but the chances are he
doesn't yet know exactly what hap
pened to him.
A purchased of B a brick building
located upon a lot in West Lincoln
and proceeded to tear it down and re-
- AllO V kUO Ul 1VIM iuiMwCir vt
city. Against the lot and building
were a number of years' delinquent
taxes. If the building were removed
the lot itself was practically value
less. Even lot and building as they
stood could not be sold for the delin
quent taxes.
An injunction was sued out, re
straining A from tearing flown and
removing the building until the lien
for taxes should be satisfied. A of
fered to pay that portion of the taxes
which would be the share against the
building. This was refused. , Then he
offered to put up a guaranty bond to
secure the taxes if the country would
stipulate and permit him to go ahead
with the tearing down, allowing the
whole matter to be adjudicated after
ward. ; Here the county attorney's lack of
knowledge regarding the function ot
money and legal tender coin caused
him to fall. He stipulated himself out
of court and never knew it He could
hardly believe it when the judge as
sured him that taxes are not debts.
That they can be paid only In coin,
or a seizure of the taxed property
which must be sold and converted into
coin. That one cannot pay his taxes
by delivering his promissory note, no
matter how well secured. And that a
personal judgment, as in the case of
debt, cannot be rendered against the
person owing taxes.
Thls particular county attorney a
good lawyer in many respects will
probably never clearly understand the
matter. The sophisms of the "sound
money", advocates are firmly fixed In
his mind. He believes that value is
intrinsic. That the metal called gold
s 13 money. That God ordained gold to
be money, and that its function is to
facilitate exchanges In the world's
markets, while at the same time the
protective tariff prevents such facili
tation. He sees no absurdity in "dear"
money and high "prices." Of course,
he couldn't be expected to understand
why one may not Day his taxes with
a guaranty bond, and that no money
judgment could be recovered in an ac
tion on a bond given for such a pur
pose, '-''.vwswn
It is strange, very strange, from
what different standpoints honest men
will look at Ihe same thing, and tne
diametrically opposite conclusions to
which thev will come. It has been
asked in The Independent, "What has
fusion done? ' At one time lusion
nut eleven womilist congressmen in
the house. It put four United States
senators in the senate. The Indepen
dent remembers .only two cases in
which populists were elected to the
house without fusion. By fusion on
the legislative ticket in Colorado, ben
ator Teller was sent back to the sen
ate, instead of the plutocrat and all
around corporationist, Wolcott. , Two
other seats in the United States are
now occuDied bv men opposed to trusts
and plutocracy who were sent there
bv fusion votes. If the populists anc
democrats had not "fused" these seats
would now be occupied by tools of the
trusts. These thines were actually
accomplished by fusion. They are
facts. What misht have been accom
plished by some other policy can. only
be surmised. To say that certain
things would have been accomplished
had fusion never been adopted, is an
"assumption" and in the nature of
things can only- be an assumption. To
declare it dogmatically is to assume
the prerogative of the Deity.
The fusion of at least four distinct
parties elected Abraham Lincoln.
There were Jo Parkers In those days,
too, and they would have prevented
the election of Lincoln had there not
been division in the democratic ranks.
The innate deviltry among southern
Bourbon democrats in counting out
Tom Watson does not prove that fu
sion" never accomplished anything.
Enough democrats fused with the pop
ulists down there to elect him to con
gress twice and by that sort of fusion
we got the rural mail delivery service,
for Tom Watson was the father of it
The populist party is not a reform
party and never has been. It has rec
ognized from the beginning that one
might as well try to reform a rotten
egg as some of the principles and pol
icies that have , long existed in this
country. Instead of reforming, . it
started out to form things. It has bad
Immense success In that line. What
prospect was . there of reforming the
system of private ownership of street
cars, lighting and water systems ur
cities? What sort of a reform would
do any good? The whole thing was
as rotten as a last year's nest egg. So
the populists did not try any reform
ing in thaHine. They went to work
and formed a new system that had
no likeness or similitude to me om.
hpv nrooosed nubile ownersnip ana
the operation of these necessary mo-
nopoli at coat. mey never im
posed that they should be operated so
as to produce revenue for the city as
they deemed that a very unfair mode
of taxation. As far as street
are concerned, it would not be as fair
as a per capita tax on rich and poor,
for the pennies of the poor are what
produces the revenues oi me
cars. The ricn riae in carri&
automobiles. A public administra
tion of the street car service to pru a nuhito revenue would be a tax
on the poor and the rich would escape.
As far as taxes are concerned that
would be only extending tne present
system, for the poor pay the taxes
now and the rich escape.
Bryan took another course anu uu
to reform the democratic party. He
has made the bravest fight recorded in
history and has compelled the admira
tion of. good and true men me wuuic
world over. But he hasn't got it re
formed yet, and a battle is to oe
virht in the near future as fierce and
vindictive as any in the past.
noHinw Rnmethine for nothing seems
to be the American passion, but this
must not be limited merely to the
o-omhuni? hfthit. For example, news-
j U. a A
hiishprs could" write an in
teresting book on the multitudinous
schemes to get free advertising not
alone the fertile inventions of what
might technically be termed iaKes,
but many reputable concerns stoop to
devices that are almost childish in
their naievete.
Here's a sample: The Mutual Life
Insurance company of New York-
one of the largest concerns in tue
world whose president is Kicnara a.
McCurdy, under date of the 23rd ul
timo sends The Independent a printed
circular letter saying: .
"If you regard the enclosed no
tice as worthy of gratuitous in
sertion in your news columns, we
shall be pleased to have you pub
lish it If it appears, kindly send
us two marked copies, and oblige."
The "pnr-inKed notice" is the bottom
part of form 58,385 and consists of
five paragraphs . (38 lines), of which
the following is a iair sample:
Diarrhoea, cholera, epnepsy anu
spitting of blood, attacks of which
often occur with little warning,
are prescribed for in "Emergen
cies," one of the series of medical
handbooks issued by the Mutual
Life Insurance company of New
York and sent on request to those
who address the Home Office oi
" the company in New York city.
One would think the "Home Office"
might at least be artful enough to
alone a copy of "Emergencies'
and solicit the free advertising under
the smise of a book review. The in
dependent is rot inclined to give the
whole $1.50 worth oi space ana in au
Hit inn be mit to the trouble of mailing
a request for the book. Besides, isn't
this whole scheme rather a trespass
of the physicians' preserve.'
. f . i . .. f 4 a lit a jimrAtitl1a Timl
AT UBIMIODI K Dli Doytrf, nil low price! are warm l""'"-'""- , " r T u x( otvu
will ihow yon MORE stalliona of bi mee, quality and flnub than ALL. IMPOKTKKS
in fliiHUASAA. ana none. yo wui wiin k any or vj joui . , riia r rCTK. iK
you will pay ea.h or glvt baokabU note, yon will sure, buy a .ttalhoa of IAMS. n ttetobwy
he imported 63 black and bay ataUioaa, they cannot be duplicated in any importjn barna in th
ne imported oj Diacic ana nay ateuiooa, iney cannot m uupm-aw "-:-- ",rt
UniUd Ht.tca for the number, for bin tize. Quality, finish, royal breeding "d bargain prices.
awi . ii -
from MiMourt; Jama has the food ones: ha snowa us norses ww min do "
or Iowa at $.',000. See that 2,150-lb 3-year-old, a "ripper". y. Iky J see those six black 2-SW-lb
4-year-olds be is showing to those Ohio men. They are the BEST I EVEB AW. bay, boys 1 look
at this 5,100-lb pair of beauties; they are worth going from Maine to California to see (better
than the pictures'. Say, Ikey, too couldn't tro wrong here. Tbey are alt "erackeriacks . Ifyoa
open your mouth and your pocketbooks, you will do business. lama sells them. He has on nana
Imported and home bred, - -
2 to 6 years old, weight 1.600 to 2,500 lbs., ail approved and stamped by the European gown
Meat. 84 per cent BLACKS, 50 per cent TON HORSKS. lams speaks French and 0rmsn. buys
man's profits. Ihese six facts and his 21 years of successful business at St. Paul makes him sell
flrsl eiass stallions at fllty cents on the dollar, and seres his buyers $60o to aMMoneacb sUtiioa.
FARMERS: Form your awn stock company, why pay slick salesmen $2.W0to tQlr1
rat bullion when Ton can bu a better one of lams at $1,000 or $!,. First class stallions are
1 t T7 a. 1 a
IQgUQ in UUKQU DvlHlSi MUOWiUg tU UlUVVI nvlUUI Ut Ul uuiico a vjwivv.-
St. Paul State bank, First State bank and Citizens' National bank. Barns in town.
... .. ." .. i j rr.ll- t;iH T'w. hnm TUinna. Vm Tlra
visitors ana Duyers inrong uis earns anu j j ntuu, , j ' o a
... w i a i . i l I. . . V. alvartlaaa Kaa thai
Missouri: lams nastnegooa ones: ue uew o uum mvw - rC-
en rou can buy a better one of lams at $1,000 or $1 a. first class stallions ara
(;IAMS paya horses' freight and his buyers' fare. Write for finest horse cata.
I States, snowing 40 illustrations of his horses. It is an eyeopener. References.
t mi iCIi 1 I 1 mi IU.1! - 1 1 I. Da-ana t tAWR.
ST. PAUL, Howard Co., Neb. On U. P. and B. 4. M. Ryt.
g n Head to select from all im
y U ported by us and guaranteed..
$1,000 buys a good one from us this fall. We down
competition by selling more quality for less money than ,the small importers can
possibly do. We do not adrertiee 100 and only hare 20, but have just what we
claim. 60 good ones now on hand. Barns just across from B. & M. depot On
September 9 we landed 40 head, which ia our 3ith import.
Watson, Woods Bros. & Kelley Co,, - - - - Lincoln, Neb.
Twelve or thirteen years ago when
the populists were beginning to fright
en the two old plutocratic parties, one
nnnnlis exDression. "the money pov-
er," received special attention from
republican and democratic papers
''What nonsense." these wiseacres
wduld sav. "there is no 'money power;'
or if there is, it is the laboring men
whose millions are deposited in the
savines bank's.
Twelve years of nonulist education
have wrought a great change, wow
neither reDublican nor democratic pa
pers jeer at the expression. Even so
staid a journal as the Fittsourg lead
er ( anti-Quay rep.) last Sunday, in
an editorial headed. "Roosevelt's
Nemesis." after assuming that."WaI
street" does not take kindly to the
nresident's strenuity and is doubtless
hoping that the democrats may nomi
nate some "conservative of the Cleve
land type," says
Whatever serious opositioji may
come to defeat or endanger the
re-election of Mr. Roosevelt, will
emanate from this quarter. It
may come in the form of organized
opposition and efforts in behalf of
the rival candidate, or possibly
may assume the negative plan of
refusing to aid. It may, by reck
less or calculated stubbornness
The Planting of
The best grades of Blue Grass, White Glover, Alfalfa
Clover, Timothy, Landreth's Garden Seeds. Call or
order by mail..
LAH R'S, Stoves and Hardware.
SeaJion?... 1032 0 St., Uncolo, lleb.
excite labor to revolt of gigantic
proportions for its power to do so
and its willingness, if it so de
sires, is unquestioned.
Under the circumstances the fi
nancial barometer for the next
year will pretty accurately reflect .
the disposition of the financial
powers. The situation is remark
able and one that will merit close
And that is coins: as far toward ad-
mittine: the existence of "the money
power" as any populist could ask.
The editor of The Independent has
had several requests lately to write
imon insurance and give the place
that it occupies in political economy.
It has no place at all m political
economy. That science treats of
wealth and its creation and in that
category insurance has no plare
whatever. Three or four years age
the subiect of Insurance was discussed
at some length in these columns and
just at present there is not space to
go over the fiiound again. The only
basis that insurance has is "benevo
lence." If a man's house burns down
and his neighbors "chip in" and re
build it for him. that Is benevolence.
If anticipating such disasters they
"chip in" betorehand and create a
fund, pay some one to take charge of
it and have the money ready to hand
over, which is the basic principle of
insurance, that is benevolence. The
way that Insmance is now managed,
it takes advantage of the benevolent
instincts of mankind to fleece the peo
ple and accumulate millions.
Mr. W. H. Rose, in an address be
fore the Denver chamber of commerce,
made the following statement, and
what i3 true of Colorado is true of
Nebraska anl most of the western
states. Mr. Rose said:
"We find that our people pa!d
net premiums for all kinds of in
surance the Bum of $6,467,053.19,
while losses incurred under these
policies amounted to but $2,291,
511.12, leaving a difference between
premiums paid and losses re
ceived of $4,175,541.97.
"This sum is far more than the
entire income of the state and is
far more thin the expenses of the
$1.00 Peruna...... ...,,.640
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root. . ..64c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies 64c
fl.OOWine of Cardui 64c
$1.00 Stuart's Tablets. 64c
$1.00 Pinkham's Compound. . .64c
- See the Easter window
The Cut Rater
iooi no
maintaining all the state institu
tions, paying the salaries of the
state officers and even including
the general assembly."
There is ' no political economy in
that sort of thing. No wealth is cre-i
ated by institutions such as that It
is more like a gold brick performance.
The people save this $4,175,541.97 to
some sharpers, mostly from the east
ern states, and then borrowed it-back:
again at from 6 to 10 per cent inter
est and used it as capital upon which
to do business. It is evident that if
the people of Colorado had had no
insurance at all, they would have been
four million dollars richer at the end
of the year than they were. A small
number were saved from loss and per
haps poverty, but the people as a
whole were that much poorer.
Do you want, to read tho best books
on political economy? Then write a
card to The Independent today,