The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 26, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    MARCH 26, 1903.
T totXn mm par, m Sharpies Crwrn Heparalors ,
Bctnstneail)aimn,,CaVJOfree W.Chester. Pa
" X ir it in nmino ,! , $
II II iu uuuwu A
f lt:S At RIGGS' I
t ' A FEW. PRICES. ; "
Bovanine 50c -and s 89-i
, a o. a. a. ...:.
Scott s Emulsion . . .?4e
'Listerine ..;;... .4. 1 . . . ;.74c ; $
y-l ,Maitfii Milk.. 74c
i I Hospital Size U ..... . '. ; '. i $1.99
. Miles' Pain rills.;.;.-..:. i. .22c
2 Danderine . . . : . . !': , . . v . ; . . ,79c
2 - Coke's Dandruff Cure....... 74c
J Booth's Hyomei v v.. ...80c J
S Swansdown ....... 15c" a
Pozzoni .. . . .". .'. . . . . . .V. . . . .39c
7 5-cent cigars.'. . .' , . .25c
4 10-cent cigars V. . . 74 .7. .'. . 25c
2 . One 15-cent cigar.. ........ .10c
No use buying rubber goods
2 -? that are not 4 guaranteed.,, - All
5 our rubber goods are stamped
J "Guaranteed byRiggs' ;and we
make good any time the xubber
f fails to stretch.-- -v v;;
Cancers .CmtfsSi
from :: cancer? : Dr. T,.; O'Connor
cures cancers, tumors and wens;
T5o knife, blood or plaster. Address
1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska. -
Nye & Buchanan Co.,
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Writhe or wire us for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2305
Plumbing and Heating
" Estimates Furnished " ;
133a O Street. Lincoln, Neb.
The Handy Pocket Account Book
Containing four parte convenient for pocket use:
Part I teaches bookkeeping for private accounts.
Part H gives business forms, ruins and tables.
Fart HI teaches letter-writing, with forms.
Part IV 64 blank pages for accounts. 6x4 in. Firmly,
nicely bound. Pocket and flap 60c postpaid, M. O. or
2o stamps. Agents can return books unsold. Money
refunded. Add reps F. O. Johnson, Pub., Marion, Iowa.
for your Farm, Business, Heme,
or properly of any kind, no mat
ter where located, it you aesire
a quick sale, send us description
and price. Northwestern Business Agency,
N 313 Bank ot Commerce Bidg.Minneapoits.Minn
aeter and good reputation in eaeh state (one in
this county required) to represent and advertise
Id established wealthy business house of solid
financial standing. Salary $21,00 weekly with
zpenses additional, all payable ia cash direct
ach Wednesday from head offices. Horse and
carriage famished when neeesiary, References.
Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co.,
K4 Dearborn St.. Chicago. .
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure is
guaranteed to cure or" money refunded.
One application Is enough. One bottle
Js sufficient for 4 -head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists' or he
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send you a
bottle for ?1.25 delivered. Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United States, Marshalltown, la.
Special Attention Given to Dis
eases of the RE OT UM and
amp fCMT-a postal card starts you in
.PINE 0t- BUSINESS. Manufactured
article used by every farmer or teamster. Once
nsed cannot do without it. It has come to stay
and sells at sight.. Address . - . '
GAHM MFQ. CO., Streater. 111.
Gold Watch on Installments.
$1 per week (less than 15c per day). Any size
ladies' or Gents' Elgin or Waltham. From 7 to
at jewels, I4-K Gold Filled Case guaranteed for
95 years. Ko references required, and we loan a
handsome Watch to wear while making pay
ments. We refer to Commercial Reports of R. ft.
Dun, State Nat. Bank, Springfield, Corn .Belt
Bank, Bloomington, Ills.' Send for Booklet R. ,
Pollard &Couthway, Bloomington, Hit.
- Jntrioslc-Vatoe -
Editor Independent: As you' are
chiefly interested m-Captain Ashby'a
4emolishment ..of "intrinsic value,"
please tell :me" what did the captain'
demolish! -Was? it that t quality gen-
erally referred to and defined as - "intrinsic-
valued, or the : application of
the term jalue? I thought I was right
when I assumed this definition: "In
trinsic value'VJs the inherent prin
ciple of -usefulness": -I gave for illus
tration, this, in wheaN there is the
bread-producing, life-sustaining qual
ity, ' intrinsic value,", which ' is just
&s . jaucjn as 2?v, cena as at.fl ft Ppr
bushel. The commercial value cuts no
figure. If "intrinsic value" is demol
ished, where am I at? Help! Please
be kind to give us light and oblige
; . t . . ISAAC HIG1L 1
r Janesville, la. Vr . " -"
' (If people generally would think of
the "inherent principle of usefulness"
when - the term- '. 'intrinsic value" is
used, there could be no valid objection
to its use; but unfortunately they do
not Republicans taught and be
lieved that . a ten-dollar gold piece is
worth flO, because the gold has, "in
trinsic .value'.'' to,: the extent .of . flO.
In 1896 they even went, to the extent'
of afllrming that the discovery or a
mountain, "of gold wduld havejnot the
slightest, effect ; upon , the "value" .,of
"gold, ; because of " the' intrinsic. Qhar
aater. of its value.' ''Of .'course, they
have changed their tune now and
point with pride to the great increase
in the j " supply arid : circulation of
money. ' '"' - , " ' ' ' ',
"Usefulness" is "the quality or state
of being useful.'" "Utility" is defined
in the same words. The former, hav
ing an Anglo-Saxon prefix, .is used
chiefly of things in the concrete;' the
latter is 1 from the Latin" and is em
ployed more in a;gene'ral of abstract
sense,' we are told by Webster. Hence,
we speak of the "utility" of an inven
tion and. the "usefulness," of the thing
invented. ; v..-1'
In political economy the term "util
ity" is used to mean "adaptation to
satisfy the desires or . wants of men,"
and Webster gives for its second defi
nition, "intrinsic value." " He also
quotes from F. A. Walker that "val
ue in use (intrinsic value)' is utility,
and nothing else, and in political econ
omy , should be called 4by that name
and no other." '
It being evident that what Mr. High
calls the "commercial" value of wheat
is wholly extrinsic, because it can in
crease or decrease hourly without the
slightest change in the life-sustaining
quality of the wheat, why should we
persist in talkhig about '."intrinsic"
value when there are at 16ast two otn
er words that express the idea" more
clearly ? That which is intrinsic is the
result of man's efforts to bvercdme
the adverse forces of nature, by chang
ing the form or location.-That which
is extrinsic is the result of man's ef
forts to overcome the adverse posses
sion of some other man. And the "in
trinsic value" which The Independent
is interested in seeing Captain Ash
by demolish, is that confusion of
thought which attributes all sorts and
conditions oft "Value" to man's strug
gle with nature, and ignores the -institution
of private property and his
struggle with his fellow men for pos
session of it as the only factor causing
the phenomenon Mr. High calls "com
mercial value." "
Mr. High need not be alarmed. His
wheat will still have the "inherent
principle of usefulness" long after peo
ple have, ceased to speak of "intrinsic
value," because they can make them
selves better understood - by saying
"utility" or "usefulness." Associate
Editor.) , . ..
A Brave Stand
Editor '"Independent: The. stand
that The Independent takes on poli
tics is identical with that of all true,
brave men. The fusion and campaign
of '96 was. no means a failure. In
deed in that great fight the enemy re
ceived his deathwound, as like a ship
in a storm they had to throw every
thing overboard in order to win. The
fusion platform of '96, reaffirmed , in
1900, wa3 a step forward, and it will
be the basis, the starting point for
the next forward movement Fusion
is all right if the dog wags the tail;
wrong if the reverse.
In the fourteenth century Wycliff
supported by public opinion- allied
himself with the nobles of England
in ms fight against the encroachments
of the papacy, Wycliff 's aim was a
noble one, that of the nobles was con
fiscation ot the church lands" for them
selves. Wycliff believed in union
against the common enemy; It was
the same at the reformation. :' The
nobles -of northern Europe who coy-'
eted the: lands of the church joined
with the reformers against the pap
acy. . ...
At the time of the civil war the Lin
coln administration which had allied
a minority of the votes and was
.jS jC
" " '-. '
!-, ' , . - . . '
V - - .
For early pasture sow some of our Dwarf Essex
Rape - Makes pood yield in ten weeks. "Sow 5 lbs.
to the acre, ; Price, 12 pounds for $1.00. .a
RrntTIPO'ViCC Sow this for permanent pasture."
UlUllllUJ. (jj anywhere, will not freeze
out nor dry out; ia green all summer. Sow H bushels to the acre.
Price $2.00 per bushel. ; : , f
mnnnpcp nilipt or billion dollar
UapcUlCdC 1 111ICL. GRASS. There is prob
ably no other plant that will make as much green feed per acre
. .. . as this Japanese Millet. It ia a wonderfully quick grower at
v tains a height of seven feet in a short time. It is estimated that
. " it will make from GO to 90 tons of green feed to the acre. It is
relished by all kinds of stock. Price, 20 lbs. (enough for acre), for $1.
" " T 1 ' ..." ; , .......!.,
GR1SWOLD SEED CO., P. 0. Box K, Lincoln, Neb.
threatened by "the greatest dangers
(which we can hardly conceive of to
day' after the danger is over) won the
support of-the monied men of the
north by offering them financial priv
ileges 1 in return for which they sup
ported the govetnment.' they became
the nation's creditors. ' ' " '
As Wycliff in the fourteenth "cen
tury, like an able statesman as he was,
profited by the1 strife between the no
bles and "the "church. -'As the reform
ers of the sixteenth century accom
plished their object by a division of
their enemies, for (he nobles "and pap
acy alike oppressed and robbed the
people. And as a division in the
democratic ; party enabled Lincoln to
be elected by a minority, so dissen
sion rin the ranks of the' oppressors of
the people will cause a division in the
republican party which will enable a
national party ;of the people, by the
people, and for the people to be elect
ed. For - President Roosevelt and
Grand Vizar "Hanna have not agreed
very well in times past and may not
again. The opposition is weakening,
crumbling under the weight of its own
rottenness. Pride Is a poor substitute
for a great principle and "pride goeth
before a great fall." The republican
party has fallen into poor hands. The
mean jealousy of its small-souled lead
ers shows itself in making war against
their ablest men. Blaine was disre
garded and snubbed while secretary
of state under Harrison. Sherman
wa3 froze out -of the cabinet during
the Spanish ,war for not groveling to
these men.' Reed, the ablest man in
the republican party, was ousted ber
cause he would not , he the . tool of
Hanna and his accomplices. Their
love of power and their jealousy and
hatred of merit and worth was shown
during the Spanish war by, placing
Dewey under the orders of the com
mander of the land forces in the
Philippines, who was a tool of the ad
ministration and superseding General
Miles, commander-in-chief of the
army, with such d man as Alger, sec
retary of war. In both cases the navy
and army disregarded the insane or
ders, that were issued, and the admin
istration did not dare to enforce them.
The course of the republican party is,
and has been for "some time, suicidal.
Addison, Me. .
NEB. ";' : ' . ,
Chicago had their usual heavy
receipts for Monday and another large
run Wednesday; and their market de
clined 20c. Our receipts have 'been
very liberal also, but prices held about
steady until Wednesday, when buyers
took off 10 to 15c. A nice bunch of fat
White-faces brought $5.85 last Friday.
.We quote good beef steers $4.60 to
$4.90, fair $4.00" to $4.50, warmed-up
$3.75 to $4.00; choice cows, and .heif
ers $3.60 to $4.00, fair to good $2.90
to $3.50, canners and cutters $1.75 to
$2.50; choice light stockers and feed,
ers $4.20 to $4.40, good $3.75 to $4.20,
stocker heifers $3.00 to $3.25; bulls
slow at $2.G0 to $3.80; veal $4.00 to
Hog receipt increasing. Market
lower. Range $7.00 to $7.40.
Sheep receipts moderate. . Market
strong. - Killers.
Lambs $7.00-$7.25
Yearlings ......... a. 7 -6.25- 6.75
Wethers C.00- 6.50
Ewes v 5.25- 5.50
Good paint, is cheap. ' It will pay
you to paint your house and bafn this
spring. See the special paint bargains
offered by the Farmers Grocery Co. of
this city in their ad. this week. Write
for color card and mention The Inde
pendent. ' ; " - : ' ' ' :
in the Mooe ,
Mountain Dist.,
200,000 ACRES of the
choicest virgin .lands for
sale at from .
$8 to $12 per Acre
Fci tile Valleys, Open
Plains, Luxuriant Grasses,
. Pure Spi ing Water. .
It should interest every farmerfn Nebraska
to know that he can self out his hifch-priced
lands and move to the fertile valleys ot East
ern Assiniboia and buy land at from JS oo to
Jiaoo per acre, with an expenditure of very
title cash. It must certainly be of interest
also to k now that the taxes on improved farms
in this famous district are from $2,50 to Js 00
on the quarter secticn, Hundreds have come
into this d!strict from Minnesota, Iowa and
Nebraika at my instgalioti and have found
a district just as fertile, and the winters just
as pleasant, as in the Western States, and
prosperity more generally prevailing. Poor
men who came to this district two years ago
and purchased land at J8.00 per acre are now
prosperous and contented,. In 1901' Areola
shipped 500,000 bnshels of wheat, being an
average of 29 bushels per acre, and in the
season just passed 000 000 bushels of wheat
being an average of 3 bushels per acre, be
sides 208,000 bushels of flax. Write to your
friends iu this district, or send to me for my
map and pamphlet showing the lands I still
have for saleat the above prices. You cannot
help but be impressed by the prospects. . It
is worth figuring out
A. B. COOK, A reola, Asal a ibwla, Canada.
YOUR ' ' :
, Van De Gar & Bradley
t the widely known farm dealers,
of St t PatU Neb.,- are . preparing.
a' full ,' page advertisement of
special farm bargains lrom thfir
large list. It will appear In
.The Independent April 16..
Watch for it. They will sell you "
a farm at such prices and on'
Mich terms that, you cannot af.
ford to pay rent
; ' . OFFICHOF ' " - '
Lincola. Feb. 1st, 1903. .
It is hereby certified sbat the Prudential Insur
ance Co. of America, of Newark, in the state
of New Jersey bis complied with the Insurance
law of this state, applicable to such Companies
and is therefore authorized to Continue the bus
iness of Life Insnrance in this State for the
current year ending January 31st, 19U4. -
Summary of report filed for the year ending
December 21st, 1902. '"' - - -
.. - .... . imcow - 'v- '
Premioms... w. 131,138,717.47 , .
All other sources....... 2,425.327.41
Total 33,652,319.38
Paid policy holders $9,491,459.42 ,
All other payments..... V.iG0,lU."$ "'. . .
Total .. 22,801,394.21)
Admitted assets ' " - : eo,245,:&&.87
Net reserve $49,WX).C'W.OO
Net policy claims 2Sr,&K4.28 '
All other liabilities.. . . . C67,420.26 50,723,934.54
Capital stock paid up. r. 2,(X)0,C00.(X) -
Surplus bevond capital
stock & other liab'IVs 7,!i21,405.33 9,521.405.33
Total. . fc),245,S.o7
Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accouuts, the day and year firt above
Depnty. . Auditor of Public Accounts.
A $300 Bone Spavin Core Recips Free.
To every reader of The Independent if
you send us a trial order for a 25-1 b
sack of Schmidt's Medicated Food. We
guarantee it to be the best on the
market for fattening all kinds of stock
and curing disease In every case where
medicine and food can be of any use
whatever. Price, $1.50, cash with or
der. Agents wanted. '
Scotland, So. Dak.
Build on" the solid rock. Read the
best books on political economy for
the foundation. Prad Thr rnrtpnomient
to keep up to date. 'Write a card to
day if you are interested in the Ind?
dent School of ifcuttcal Leoiiomy. '