15 Tli Lcjlslalcri ?The house finally finished its abor3 o$ H. R.; 344, the revenue measure, passed it and sent it over tJ the sen ate. iTherei it seems likely, the party lash -will be applied and the bill passed ixi double-quick : time. The measure las turned out -to bei a sort of white eJfphant on the republican hands and the majority, seem anxious to turn it over to the governor, ; , "A good many of thej republican mem bers foresee the final result of enact ing II. R. 344. It will , increase the burdens of taxation on the farmer and business man and lighten the already light burdens of the corporations.' This shows: good faith on the part of the' majority. The republican platform of last year, when intelligently,, inter-r preted, meant nothing else than a relative decrease of railroad taxes and. aft Increase of taxation on the farmer; and business man no one short of mullet head could make anything else out of the smooth sentences. Strange to say the farmer and business man whooped it up for just such a meas ure as H. R. 344 but just the same, he will howl long and vigorously when he pays his taxes in 1904. , And it is the inevitable reaction which Is sure td come as the result of the measure, that frightens some of the Nebraska republican solons today. ' Of course It will have little effect upon the election next year, because the taxes of 1904 will be collected principally AFTER the election. But the future success of the republican party In Nebraska depends in great measure upon this H. R.; 344, and those republicans who Tsnow what its effect will be are not particularly pleased with the prospect . However, they can't well turn back now. They have crowed over what they would do and at this , writing it seems likely they will do it The Independent 'some time ago believed that no revenue bill would finally be come a law, but It now seems that that was a mistaken diagnosis. 'Curiously enough the feature of the present revenue law which has caused the two . millions of floating debt is to be repeated in the new law. That is to say, the folly of fixing a maximum rate of levy which the state beard may impose upon any county. It stands at 7 mills now, hut the senate talks of cutting it down to five. - This is simply the rankest kind of non sense, Such a limitation; .will, cancel the other- feature of requiring the board to levy sufficient; to meet ithe appropriations made exactly where the trouble lies with the" present law: r ;It 'seems strange ihat an intelligent legislature doesn't know, and can't find out that there is absolutely no constitutional limitation upon the amount- it may appropriate, and that it it does not empower the state board to levy at least one dollar in taxes for every dollar it appropriates, there is bound to be a floating debt It is Enough" of a limitation to say to, the state board, You must levy one dol lar in taxes for every dollar of ap propriations. Any mill limit, short of ten or fifteen, will finally be found to stand in the way of (a) either a prop er equalization between counties, or (b) a sufficient aggregate levy to do the state's business without piling up a floating debt uch methods as now in vogue in thH regard, and are seemingly to be continued, are quite at par with the Ingenuity of the man who looks his trunk and gives his wife the' key In order to keep himself from robbing himself. A hundred thousand dollar appro priation has been made to erect a building for the agriculture and me chanic artri school. This is good Hews if Governor Mickey doesn't use his veto snickersnee. The "deficiency claims bill" now carries $120,000 of republican deflc ipeies. despite the lies told by Gov ernor Mickey and his coadjutors last fall that the books would be "closed without a deficiency." Which reminds the associate editor of a young lady at Fairbury' who once protested vehem ently that "I can lie if I choose to, because I'm a church member and church members have a right to lie." Stroud 5co!ds Parker Editor Independent: Though never a mpinhprbf the pop party or voted a pop ticket,? after reading your editor ials, and contributions of many of you able correspondents for the past six months, have got in the habit of looking for The Independent every wpelr as a source of education in good citizenship. But If Its columns are open to such false and venomous' ut terances as appears In the March 12 is"e br some fool or knave that slcms himself H. J. Parker of Clarton. III., on "life Insurance" you will plpas.j strike my name from your list and dis- mm III I n n. . s V n 7sn F'T ' what do you dot When your system runs down,' what saontdyoude? You know the answer to the first question; the answer to the second is found in the won derful success of thst still wore wondarfnl remedy VITC-OHE. When the nerves sre unstrung, the muscles loosened, the energies ran down, tee vitality impaired. It serves as the right key to fit the delicate mechanism of the human system, the right force at the ricbt time to-eet the machinery in mo tion, to rewind the energies, to tighten the uerve forces, to replenish the vitality. , It is the ioeal Blood Vitalieer, Germ Destroyer, FleaU Maker, Disease Curer, Brawn Builder and Health Restorer. ' No other remedy can equal its recerd of. cures. ' No othsr remedy eaa be of fered to the public on the terms it ia offered. Read our special offer I YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDUEt , ' Read Our Special Offer. fE WILL send to every subscriber or reader of the Nebr. Indapendeet.or worthy person reeosamended by a subscriber or reader, a full-sised OsM-Dellar package of VITA3-ORE, by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one snoath's treat as set, to be raid for within one month's time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the dregs and doses of auaeke or aood doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever need. Read this over again carefully, ana understand that we astc oar pay only wnea n i dene yoa good, aexf net before. We take all the risk ; you have nothing to lose ' If it does net benefit you, you psy us nothing. Vrtae-Ore is a natural, hard, ad amantine, roek-like substance mineral ire mined froaa the ground like gold ' and silver, and requires about twenty years for oxidization. It eontaias tree Iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and one package will equal in medicinal '. strength and eurative value 800 gallons of the most powerful, efficacious mineral water drunk fresh at the springs. It U a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel of the century for curing such diseases as Rbcametlss, Bright'" Disease Blood PoUeataa;, Heart Tremble, Dropsy, Catarrh and Threat Affections, Liver, Kidney ana PiaMer Awsneata, stomach and Feneaie Disorders, La Grippe, Malarial Fever, Nerveas Preetratlea, and General Debility, as thousands testify, and as no one, answering this, writ- . inf for a package, wiU deny after using. Vltae-Ore has cured more chronic ob- - atmate, proaeaaced incurable cases than any other known medicine and wilt reach such cases with a more rapid aad powerful curative action than any med icine, combination of medicines, or doctor's prescription which it is possible to procure. . " " . Vlt-Ore will de the same for yoa as it has for hundreds of readers of .this , paper, if you will give it a trial. Send for a $1 package at ear risk. - Yoa kaver nothing to lose but the stamp to answer this announcement. We want ae one'a , money whom Vttae-Ore canaet benefit. Yoa are te be the fudgef Can a ay thing , bemorefairT. What sensible person, no matter how prejudiced he of she may be, who desires a eure and is willing to pay for it, would hesitate to try Vltae-Ore on this liberal offer? One package is usually sufficient to cure ordinary cases ', two or three for chronic, obstinate eases. We nseaa just what wa aay in this- an Bouncement, and will dp just as we agree. - Write today for a package at our k risk and exDeusa, giving your age and ailments, and mention this paper, so wa . may know that you are entitled to this liberal offer; ,m v This offer will challenge the attention an l consideration, and afterward the gratitude of every living person who desires better health or who suffers pains, ills, and diseases which hi ve defied the medical world and grown worse with age. We care not for your skepticism, but ask only your investigation, and at , our expense, regardless of what ills yoa have, by sending to us for a package, ' Address .. -a; .: v -, , i -. s ' THEO. NOEL CO., Independent Dept., VI r-ORE BLDQ.t Chicago, 111. J) continue my paper. It do not know of any of the regular legal reserve old line life companies that, issue any such policy as ,he mentioned. What the "fake imitation" associations (of which there are many) are doing, I do not know as their tactics and meth ods are very similar to those of train and bank robbers always working their schemes .in the dark. But one thing I do know is that, the most suc cessful, business men all over the country are the largest investors in Aetna Life and Endowment Insurance policies, all of whom have nothing but praise and commendation for its fair and just , business methods. Of the many I have sold to know of none that are dissatisfied or have been be trayed or disappointed; and our old est and largest policy holders are our best patrons as they are constantly in creasing their Aetna insurance as fast as their means permit . Among business men of intelligence such false and villainous slanders as thl3 "Parker rot" does no harm, but may mislead some of the young and Inexperienced that otherwise would bi investing his surplus savings where it would positively protect his family and his old age from want Dr. Franklin said, "A policy of life insurance is the cheapest and safest provision for one's family." "He that - fails to provide for his own is worse than an infidel!" H. STROUD. 143 Main st, Oshkosh, Wis. BE L IABL B SEED 0 OR N . MADE FROM PHOTO OF OUR CATTLE KING CORN. ttttii4?a. All Upland Grown on our own farm, ion? crnp, Guaranteed to grow where f UlldQIII 9 anvcora will grow. Varieties include corn suitable for different climates and Caari Pntn localities. Corn especially bred for cattle feeding purposes, yields from 6o Wilu vUl II to ioo bu. per acre; everybody wants this variety. Also a fine yellow early too-day corn, eplendid vielder: also a fine white variety, trrows on white coo. etc. Vi Mat's 5ea Cera sever disappoints. Write for free Samples and Circulars. Oara hare a teed the test af SO years. Bead far Catnlecrao. 600 Aerea. 13 Oreenbousea, Established VSk PUOEHIX NtTKSEBT COUP A NT, m lt60 Park Bt-, BleMMlactoa, IUlMia, Readers of The Independent should write for the spring catalogues now offered free by advertisers,- buying bv imil is as safe and more economi cal than buying over the counter. Try It and always mention The Indepen dent when writing. Highly Import ant The Planting of GOOD SEEDS The best grades of Blue Grass, White Clover, Alfalfa Clover, Timothy, Landreth's Garden Seeds. Call or order by mail. . LAH R'S, 31111 Hardware. 1032 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Remember the New Location....