The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 19, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Independent School of Political Economy
The Independent School of Politi
cal Economy starts off with students
in nine different states: Washing
ton, Minnesota, Illinois (2), Indiana,
Tennessee, Missouri, Nebraska (4),
New York, and Michigan. Under the
contemplated plan (which is not com
pleted as to details) the work will go
A iruv nivun - - jt
ten thousand who avail memory v
the opportunity. , ,
t in enhntanrn will be the plan
1UM " -
aii Knnta will he listed at a selling
fkX VV " -
price, which will include postage or
.nMoo nronnlfl TO DOITUWci.
vn.mWAf whether a. class or an in
dividual, will send the full amount of
selling price of book or dooks wmiwu,
' ,,4. win ho regarded as a deposit.
. He will be entitled to retain the book
full thirty days. Upon its return vex-
- nnc acra nrpnld hV him) tO
the school, or to some other member
upon order from the director, he will
be entitled to have refunded 90 per
cent of the deposit In other words,
the fee for reading any book wiirbe
one-tenth of the selling price of the
book, plus postage in returning it
Upon return of the book, the borrow
er's deposit will be returned to him
in cash, or it may be left as deposit
for the borrowing of a second book,
and so on.
The school is not instituted as a
. money-making concern, so when a
; book has been borrowed ten times it
will have been fully paid for, and no
further fee for reading it will be
charged, unless it should need re
binding. These free books will then
be loaned to readers of The Indepen
dent who are financially unable to
pay even a small fee.
- A list of recommended books is now
in course of preparation and will
probably be ready for announcement
In two weeks. For readers who de
sire to begin right now, we can sup
ply "The Science of Money" by Alex
ander Del Mar; the deposit .will be
$1; and 90 cents will be refunded when
the book is returned at the end of
thirty, days; we pay postage to the
borrower; the borrower ' pays postage
back to us. Hence, you can readXhis
valuable work for something like 20
cents, and at the same time help some
trt road It latflr without
f""""' k
Also, for three one-cent stamps you
may have a copy of the extra number
of the American Federationist, an 80-page-
pamphlet giving valuable in
formation concerning direct legisla
tion. This need not be returned.
Also, for city students, Prof. Frank
Parsons' "The City for the People,"
the best book ever published on pub
lic ownership, direct legislation, home
rule, etc. Deposit, 1.
The following letters may be help
ful to those who have been thinking
pf joining:
'Editor Independent: I am greatly
In favor of the plan that is left for us
to decide on the study of political
economy. I am eager to study the
truth and discussions on economic
equities, and am ready to buy and re-J
tain such books as The Independent
proclaims beneficial to the public.
Hope that the majority of its readers
will realize the good to be derived
from such books.
Granite Falls, Wash.
Editor Independent: I do not ex
pect to be able to raise the fees nec
essary to keep along regularly in the
Independent School of Political Econ
omy, but you may put my name down
for a two or three months' starter.
By that time it will be on its legs and
will never miss me if I drop out :
. Minnehaha, Minn.
(As the plan will probably be de
veloped, no one will be require'd to
pay any fees regularly. In fact, there
will be none except to cover wear of
the books. Each book borrower will
be 'required to deposit a sum suffic
ient to cover the price of the bpok he
borrows, and when the same is re
turned uninjured, save for ordinary
wear, the deposit will be refunded, less
a small sum (10 per cent) to cover
wear. If the book is never returned,
of course, it is paid for and that ends
the transaction. The Director.)
; Editor Independent: Please count
me in on a course of study in politi
cal economy. , Am glad to get the
chance to gain some insight to what
is one of the essential sciences of gov
ernment Political economy is one of
the most profound philosophies of the
age. In proportion as the citizen is
familiar with its science, in just that
proportion will he know the full im
port of freedom.
Atwater, III. -
Editor Independent: I would like
to have a chance at the traveling li
brary of books but I don't know 0l
any other subscribers here. If there
are any and you will give me their
names, I will see them and organize.
Would be glad to get a lot of sub
scribers for The Independent, but con
have a chance to work at it I am
an old-time republican, but supported
Mr. Bryan both campaigns, ana since
reading The Independent I believe
am nearer a pop than a democrat
Bedford. Ind.
(No one is barred from borrowing
books because he is the only sud
scriber at a given place. Isolated
subscribers have the same rights as
any others. But where several can
organize and hold stated meetings, the
study can be made much more pleas
ant and profitable. The Director.)
All th leading and best varieties of choico aetocted.
thoroughly tested eed corn, which bara yielded 75to
CIS tomlMls pr mm. CmI Only tSa pr iUrtlwti.
Large deacrtptlTe catalogue of Cera and all kinds of
Farm and Garden Beed mailed free If yon mention this
Editor Independent: I am in favor
of the establishment of the Indepen
dent School of Political Economy, as
it will give every one an opportunity
of becoming well informed on politi
cal questions of great -importance at
merely a nominal rental for the books.
Petersburg, Tenn.
Editor Independent: I want to read
the best books on political economy,
as it is a subject on which I must
confess my ideas are confused and
hazy, and I want to take advantage
of the invitation of The Independent
Baden Station, St Louis, Mo.
Editor Independent: Count me as
in favor of your traveling library. I
always have been and am still a dem
ocrat, but think you have the best pa
per on earth; not because it always
agrees with me, but because you are
honest FRANK E. DOWD.
Bloomington, Neb.
Editor Independent: Find stamp
enclosed to inform me how I can get
books on political economy.
Delhi, N. Y.
(Every subscriber' of The Indenen-
dent can become a member of the
Independent School of Political Econ
omy without charge. He is entitled
to draw books from the traveling li
brary by complying with the rules.
The Director.)
Editor Independent: You ask your
readers what they think of the plan
of starting a reading club in politi
cal economy. I think it would be a
good thing; would certainly avail my-
seii oi tne cnance of joining, if vou
succeed in getting it started. I do
not know as I could get a class for
you or not. Probably not. There may
De some people in this town who are
interested enough in the great comedy-tragedy,
or tragedy-comedy
(whichever it is) of human life, to
take such a course as you would
mark out, but I do not know them.
There are those who object plenty to
affairs as they are object until one
would think they would break away
from the old parties, but my
we are at nresent deen in th
throes of trade unionism in this town.
Did Lincoln ever get a real, solar
plexus blow from trades unions? I
mean were the laborers of Lincoln
ever so well organized that they "run
inings i ir not, you have missed the
greatest opportunity of your life to
learn lots.
I hope you mav bn able to nnmn
such prices on the books you send that
I may find myself able to nnrrhas
moomington, 111.
(Trade unionism is erowinsr vrv
fast in this city. A call is issued to
organize the retail clerks March 17.
The waiters' union is
' wu c Oil I
and restaurants are tied up. Doubt
less much inconvenience may at times
resuii irom this movement, but final
ly something will be evolve whih
will result in permanent benefit to the
people wno toll. The Director.)
to .take part in tne Independent
$25.00 to California.
That is the Rock Island's rate from Lincoln. In effect
daily, February 15 to April 30. Tickets are good in tour
ist sleeping cars, which the Rock Island runs every day
in the week through to Los Angeles and San Francisco.
These cars make quicker time to Southern California
than similar cars over any "other line. Cars are operated
over both the f ' Scenic " and " Southern " lines. Folder
gi ving full information mailed on request.
If you are going to California, GO NOW. After
May 1 it will cost you nearly f 20 morethan at present.
Low rate to Montana. Idaho, Utah and Puget
Sound are plfo offered by th- Rock Island.
See nearest Roclc Island ticket agent, or, if you
prt fer, write the undersigned.
F. H. Barnes, C P. A.
1045 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
School-of Political Economy and can
spare ten cents a month for reading
the best political books. I would like
to give more money towards the
school, but it is impossible for me to
MJ OVJ Ab X VPOill. LauV fc-vAVA VC
paper and I , will renew as soon as
The voters of this vicinity are
Cleveland democrats and Hanna re
publicans. There are no populists in
this county.
E. J. PAYNE, Mid-road Pop
R. F. D. 1, Clayton, Mich.
into the school fund the same as fines
and license money. Both gamblers
are equally guilty and should be made
to contribute to the school fund. A
high court has just decided that lot
tery tickets cannot be sent by ex
press or by mail.
Editor independent: 1 think your
than anxious to join your Independent
School of Political Economy. In my
poor way I am a hard student of
economy, reading, criticising and writ
ing down my own opinions (not for
I will do anything in my power to
help the thing along; first for myself,
for I believe I have tasted of knowl
edge and therefore hunger for more;
second, because I believe our cause of
reform would be won if we could get
each individual to think even a little
for himself. E. W. FERGUSON, Jr.
Operator of "Push Farm,"
R. F. D. 1, Hartington, Neb.
Editor Independent: Please send
me your plans about taking up tne
study of political economy.
Trenton, Neb.
Editor Independent: I htink your
plan of an Independent Schol of Po
litical Economy all right I favor it
greatly and I shall try to organize all
the local classes in Keya Paha county.
Since Bryan made his appeal to
the anti-reorganizers to start demo
cratic clubs, I have been looking to
see what the democrats would do
here; but they have made no attempt
to do anything yet Our people seem
to be dead since the democrats have
treated us so badly in local politics;
but still if we do not try, nothing will
be accomplished; and I will make
another effort, hoping we will have
the success that we had in the farmers'
alliance in 1888-1890. .
Springview, Neb.
Our state lawmakers and tax mon
ey investors should look ahead a lit
tle. All the present railroads are go
ing to become nearly worthless when
the new system of electric power is
about to be put into use. The state
and local authorities should at once
begin planning to build and run the
electric roads. If a charter is given
for a company, to build a new road
the charter should expire at the end
of twenty years. If possible, the Platte
river power should be utilized to gen
erate electricity. There is already
quite a water power at Kearney. If
we could utilize a small proportion of
our water power we could run rail
roads for one-half what they are run
for how. The electric system would
not only be cheaper, but much safer.
One train on a certain section would
cut off all other trains from running
on that section until the stretch was
clear. No train would have the pow
er to run into another train. The wa
ter power at Kearney and Fremont
could be made to run all the roads in
the state. .
The Fifty-seventh congress has ad
journed after spending over a billion
and a half. The tariff money must be
used up is the republican cry.
Neither does state or national gov
ernment object to owning canals, but
they do not dare to own a railroad.
Why may they not own telegraph
wires as safely as .mail bags?
Once in a while good things start in
the east as much for the benefit of tho
west as for selfish home interest Pro
fessors of Harvard and Yale have com
menced to kick the football game in
stead of kicking the ball and the play
ers. We all know that deaths and
life injuries have gradually increased
on the gridiron. There is but little
difference between football games,
prize fights and duels.
A number of Indians are now em
ployed by the Elkhorn eompany,
shoveling coal and dirt Good.
The window glass trust has not
taken in the whole country yet
There are independent factories that
punch the trusts. A glass factory is
not an eXDensive nlant thoro nro
more than a dozen of them standing
idle owned or rented by the trust
and new ones are beinor hniit. Tha
Is no justice in the law that protects
tne manuiacturer in charging us a
higher price than he does the Cana
dians. The Canadian tariff is paid
and then it is sold for less mnnpv
than here.
It is certainly
Nebraska farmers to sins Hail fin.
lumbia, for the middle of March never
looked more promising: than
Wheat never looked better. A very
little rain in April or Mav will sim
ply all the moisture needed for a full
crop. The ground is thoroughly soaked
ana corn win nave a good start
It takes our NphrncVa lanViofi.
, ivgiaiciLulD
and our Washington
while to do nothing. The president is
SDlittine: his nartv from
- mt y w uvt IV
the other as badly as Bryan is split
ting his. . He can no more lead Rocke
feller and Pierpont Morgan than Bry
an can ieaa Cleveland up Hill.
The isthmian eanal trontv Tiqo
ratified by the senate, but Cuba and
the Philippine islands have to stand
out in the cold.
free with coal and beef."
Statistics frnm thp Mohracin .t
tentiary show there have been 3,997
w""" cv.civcu csmce me peniten
tiary was erected. Of these 3,123
were sentenced for 1
.uvvu wax is
for crimes where they sought to get
something for nothing, exclusive of
gambling; 783 received sentence for
assault two for ohnu CtflO Mm 4?a.
four for arson4 three for gambling
two for blarkmnll ani Vi wa. j .
w ifst iur
scattering and less important of-
The man who loses money gambling
should not have it back. The winner
should be made to pay it over to the
state authorities and it should be put
"I have always hAiWod in -
- iaa a. 11 in
come tax, and have thought that the
decision of our supreme court against
mo iuusu luuunamy oi such a tax
was one of the most unfortunate oc
currences of the age. We should have
a tax on. all incomes, large or small "
exempting a moderate amount of
property from execution and levy
President Ingallsof the Big 4 R'y