The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 19, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    MARCH 19, 1903.
Mr. Stewart's Paper Bead Be for th Ne
braska Irrigtlea AmocUUob
Hon. H.' G. Stewart, of-Mitchell,
Neb., was on the program for a paper
to be "read before the Irrigation meet
ing held some weeks ago at Lincoln,
but was unable to attend. His knowl
edge of conditions In western Nebras
ka gives great weight to what he has
to say on the subject. The paper is
as follows:
I -regret exceedingly that circum
stances prevent me from attending this
meeting of the Nebraska Irrigation as
sociation. And I also regret that these
very important gatherings are not
made more so . by being held in the
region of operative Irrigation.
While irrigation is as old as the
race and was the primitive method of
agriculture, to us it is new; and an
association organized to promote and
fabric the practical experience of the
man behind the shovel. To do this
a part of its meetings at least should
be held where they will be accessible
to practical irrigators.
"Supposing that this association is
interested in pushing forward every
thing promotive of irrigation and espe
cially measures suited to Nebraska,
I wish to bring to your notice cer
tain of our necessities on the line of
national aid to irrigation or to the
reclamation of arid lands. To that end
and for the purpose of making myself
understood briefly, I have proposed
a bill setting forth what I deem to be
' the most practical plan for such aid as
it would be immediately available and
would cost the general government
nothing in the end, as there seems to
be a strong opposition to government
aid which involves the expenditure of
money. While I think the present
national irrigation law a good one, its
benefits are too far in the future for
us . of this generation, but when
worked out it will be productive of
great things. Mr. Newlands himself
said it would take fifty years to per
fect the plan. No doubt most of us
may need water as bad then as we do
now, but I see no provision in the law
locating a reservoir in the region we
are likely to occupy and this is one in
stance wherein congress cannot be ac
cused of looking out for itself.
"Be it enacted by the senate and
bouse of representatives of the United
States in congress assembled.
"Section 1. - That when the citizens
of any state having a district irriga
tion law shall organize themselves Into
a district under such law, having
voted bonds to construct or purchase
irrigation works, shall have complied
with the law as to voting bonds and
to having such action passed upon by
the courts then the government of
the United States shall take such bonds
at their face value and pay therefor
out of current funds or out of any
special fund created for such purpose
under the following conditions:
"Sec. 2. Before the irrigation dis
trict bonds shall be purchased by the
government, the state engineer in
company with an engineer employed
by directors of the district shall run
the proposed route, make an estimate
of cost of the completed works and the
number of acres to ba irrigated there
f by, and measure the water supply. The
report of the said engineers containing
such estimates shall be forwarded to
the secretary of the treasury at Wash
ington who shall immediately dispatch
a competent engineer in the govern
ment employ to review said estimates
of such . works and it Jiis- report shall
agree as to cost and practicability
with the estimates of the aforesaid en
gineers and if such estimated cost shall
not exceed six dollars per acre of Ir
' rigable land for dirt ditch or nine dol
lars per acre for stone ditch then the
secretary of the treasury of the United
States is hereby authorized to pur
chase with any available funds provid-?
ed by congress the 6 pr cent twenty
year coupon bond3 of said district,
payment to be made therefor as con
struction proceeds upon estimates
made and signed by the d strict
board and their engineer and indorsed
by the government engineer who shall
be associated with the district engi
neer upon said works until com
pleted." I simply offer this as the outline of
a plan which I believe would be of
greater benefit than anything elce
which is within the range of possibil
ity. As the government can borrow
money at 3 per cent and the district
bonds draw 6 per cent the extra 3 per
cent would pay all of the expense of
the government in the case and in
the end the government would be out
nothing. Objection is sometimes made
to such plans as this on the ground?
that it interferes with the investment
of private capital. Such objection i3
not good in this cae, as private capi
tal is not seeking investment in irrl--gation
securities as it leads to over-
bonding. , No better security exists
than good irrigable land where the
water supply is sufficient for the act
ual cash cost of necessary works. To
emphasize the necessity of such a
measure will say I know of threa
large districts (first-class Irrigat'on
propositions), which have only real
ized about one-third on the bonds they
are carrying and their construction
was dallied along for years for want
of money. AH could have been done
in one season with $4 or $5 per acre
cash while now the farmers them
selves must pay for three ditches to
get one. And there are other locali
ties which have been waiting for years
to secure money for construction pur
poses at even these terrible discounts.
I .believe that this or a similar and
well perfected measure If enacted into
law would result In putting under Ir
rigation 200,000 acres in Nebraska in
two years' time.
I present this paper to your meeting
hoping that it may, receive favorable
consideration and support
In his History of American Politi
cal Theories (Macmillan), Mr. C. Ed
ward ' Merriam traces the historical
devolopment of American political the
ories from the colonial days down to
the present time. The political phil
osophy of the colonists is first con
sidered, with especial attention to the
significance of the Puritans. The doc
trines of 1776 and their expression in
btate constitutions is made a subject
of iuvestigation, and is followed by an
examination of the reaction from these
fdeas as seen in The Federalist, and
in the school of which Adams was
the great theoretical exponent The
characteristic doctrines of the Jeffer
01113 n democracy are carefully anal
yzed and the further expansion and ex
pression of these ideas in the Jack
son'an democracy is described, the
poIJical philosophy of the slavery
controversy is examined and the texts
of the pro and anti-slavery parties
studied in detail.; The development of
political ideas in connection with the
great conflict over the nature of the
unioa is discdssed at length, and the
principles of the great schools of in
terpretation compared from the stand
point of modern political science. Re
cent tendencies In political specula
tion are tancu up and contrasted with
the doctr'nts characteristic of earlier
diys. Throughout the discussion, the
various iype of political theory are
considered in connection with the facts
of American history and the intimate
relation between the ideas and the en
vironment is strongly emphasized..
A Heinous Crime
Charles Rlebe, an old man, was ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Special
Detective Wilson of the Big Four rail
road. Riebe has been out of work
since summer. His wife goes out
washing in order to make a living and
a daughter works in a laundry. Both
were at work when Riebe left the
house to pick up some coal. When
they came home in the evening he was
nowhere to be found and,;the mother
asked the police to help them find
The police found him. He was in a
cell at .the central police station,
charged with petit larceny. When Mrs.
Reibe told her story to Night Police
Clerk Tratzmiller, he allowed the
man to leave the prison and go home
on a personal bail bond. The of
fense which brought misfortune to his
family is that of stealing 15 cents
worth of coal from the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad company. Cleveland
Recorder. -
Editor Independent: I herewith
send you a clipping I took from the
Recorder, a daily paper published in
Cleveland. I desire you to print it in
your paper, and make such remarks
as you deem proper. We are living in
a time of prosperity (?) when such
incidents are of frequent occurrence.
If a man, destitute of fuel, his wife
and children slowly freezing to death,
steals a bucket of coal, the officers of
the law are ready to pounce upon him,
like an enraged tiger upon his prey;
if a man, woman or child, to satisfy
the pangs of hunger, steals a loaf of
bread that retails for a nickel they are
speedily arrested and are doomed to
suffer the full penalties of the law.
There is no mercy shown to poor
suffering people who In their dire ex
tremity are forced to steal a hod of
coal or a morsel of bread, to save the
lives of the sufferers, but those fav
ored ones who steal on a gigantic
scale, and who steal, not to save life,
but who steal to add to their millions.
they are allowed to go scot free. There
is no safety in stealing on a small
scale; there is safety in stealing on a
large scale. See a Carnegie, a Rocke-1
feller, and a Baer, and the trusts,
are better than "NatiYe Stock" They mature earlier, yield mora to the acre, are
not irrigated, are more solid and free from scab. They are little effected by drouth,
and produce large, smooth, regular sized potatoes that bring the highest price on
the market.
- The wost profitable early prtato in
cultivation. Fit to eat in six weeks
and crop fully matured in ten weeks
from planting. In yielding it raoki
with medium and late varieties, a
rare trait in an extremely early kind.
Tubers are oblong, smooth; skis
flesh color: flesh white; upright,
strong vines with tubers growing
compactly in the hill t in this retpect
similar to the Early Ohio, but large
ly surpassing that variety in yield of
uniform and large sized potatoes.
Eyes shallow, quality excellent,
mealy and of fine flavor. Keeps well.
Qrown in North Dakota. Order at
once as our supply will, without
doubt, be exhausted before planting
season is over. Trice peck, 35c;
bushel, 11.00; barrel, $2.00.
Carman No. 3
This handsome new main crop pot a"
to is of large size, yielding immense
crops of uniform size and shape. It
Is of perfect form. It has but few
eyes and tbryare shallow; the akin
' and flesh are extremely white and ,
its cooking qualities are very fine.
It is a remarkably handsome potato,
enormously prolific. Keeps well.
Per peek, 30c; bushel, 90c; bbJL, 2.40.
Red Triumph
Wear all familiar with it as sold at
our groceries when the first "new po
tatoes" are shipped in. Extremely
early, earlier than any others, but
not of very good quality, and more
subject to blight than other varie
ties. Tubers nearly round, medium
in size, reddish pink in color. Grown
in North Dekuia. reck, ZZci b'dihei,
SUc; barrel, $2.10,
Early Ohio
Early Ohio is the most popular early
potato in this country. We have
more calls for it than any other early
variety. Every potato arower knows'
what it is, and knows just-about
what it will do in his locality. It is
the standard extra early the world
over, and other varieties are mea
sured by it. We have an extra choice
strain of Early Ohio. Onr Red Hirer
Valley stock, grown in North Dako
ta, is as fine as one cares to see. The
tubers are smooth and regular in
ah ape, free from prong, uoifoctl
pure and full of vigorous life. Price,
pock, 25c; bushel, 80c; barrel, 2 10.
Griswold Seed Co.;
S Columbian Beauty Seed Cora, the premium corn of the world. It took the premium
; at the World's Fair. The Corn is snow white, large grain and small Cob, weighs 6o
The Daisy Seed Farm
founds te tft Bushel, 3 3 Ears to the talk; grows from as to 300 Bssbela to the
Acre, it is wortn its weight in gold. Jhe seed from wtitcb this Corn waa grown was
brought here from Genoa, Italy, in 1890. by Col, Geo. 8iewrs. The price of this valua
ble Corn is, by mail, postage paid. Half Peama jec.. One Pound 50c., Three Peuads
$1.00, One Peck $3.50, Half ftatshel $4.00. One Bushel $7.00. Twe Bushels $13.00.
Every package guaranteed to give satisfaction or aaoney cheerfully refunded atones. I
refer yon to 3. E. Stewart, postmaster at thia place, or to any reliable merchant. Order
today and be ready to plant when the season comes. The best is always Wis cheapest
Get a Larger Corn Crop by planting high
bred seed. My varieties include corn that is
suitable for different climates and localities.
Carefully selected seed.shelled or in the ear. Illus
trated seed catalogue free. Enclose 2-cent stamp
and samples of six varieties will be sent to you.
Write today. Address C. M. WEST, Shenandoah, la.
$15.00 To Billings.
$20.00 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake and Ogden.
$22.50 To Spokane. " ,
$25 Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and
Los Angeles, via the Burlington daily February
15th to April 80th, 1903. .v.;
City Ticket Office .
Cor Tenth and O Streets
Telephone No. 235
Burlington Depot
7th St, between P and Q
Tel. Burlington 1290.
combines, monopolies, and such like,
that rob and steal and violate the law
every hour they live.
Ashtabula, O.
(The remarks that the editor would
make, Bro. Kain, you might not "deem
proper." You have stated the case
accurately, and no reader of The In
dependent Is so tongue-tied that he
could not make some appropriate,
though perhaps not elegant, remark.
Ed. Ind.)
The Independent Press, Sheridan,
Wyo., is the latest 'kangaroo" socialist
paper . infant "just brung." A little
better proof reading would Improve it
sane. . ,
Good paint 13 cheap. It will pay
you to paint your house and barn this
spring. See the special paint bargains
offered by the Farmers Grocery Co. of
this city in their ad. , this week. Write
for color card and mention The Independent
i . Certificate of Publication '
j - BUte of Nebraska
. , . Office of
Auditor of Public Aeeonnts
. V Lincoln, February 1st, 1903.
It is hereby certified that the Pntomee inenr.
aoce company of Washington, in tba District of
Columbia, haa complied with the insurance law
of thia state, applicable to such companies and
is therefore authorized to eontinue the businesa
of Fire and Lightning insurance in this state
t0L?P cu,Tent Tear ending January 31st. 1904.
witness my band and the seal of the auditor
of publio accounts the day and year first abora
written. Charles Weston,
J. L. Pierce, Auditor of publie account.
Deputy. .
Certificate of Publication ; V
' State of Nebraska
Office of
Auditor of Public Accounts
, , . Lincoln. February 1st. 1301
It is hereby certified that the Concordia Fir
insurance company of Milwaukee, in the state
of Wisconsin, has complied with the insurance
law of thia state, applicable to such eompaniea
and is therefore authorized to continue the bu
iness of Fire and Lightning, insurance in this
state fortbe current year ending January 31st,
1904. ' , a, ' j
Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor
of publie accounts the day and year first abora
written. . Charles Weston,
J. L. Pierce, Auditor of publio account 4,