The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 19, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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MARCH 19, 1903.
1 jlk-':2J
Nervous, Chronic
& Private Diseases
We fnaranUfl to rare all curable eaast of
the Kose.Throat, Cheat, ittomaaii. Liver, Blood,
8k In and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood,
Hight Xaiiiiiona, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Goo,
orrhea, Gleet, Pile. Fistula and Rectal Uleerav
Diabetea and ftrlgbt'a Mtev. $100.00 for a
lt!flAor SYl'HIDi, we tanuot cure, If
Acs - - .
Examination and consultation free. Call, or
address with stanap, P. O. Ifox .
Drs. Searles & Searles Srd.mo2ck.
I Hardy Trees and Plants,
Money and the Taxing Power
All Rights Reserved.
Cmp)( Assortment
of bait aorta for tba
ntit, Including
5o varlUes of best Strawberries,
1 8 varieties of Raspberries.
Bny direct and save agonts profits. We
pay freight on $1U order, Send for freo
catalogue to
North Iteud Knraerle, North Bend,
Dong tjouuty. Neb.
25 Grafted Apple Trees for $i
20 Hudded J'tach 'X rces for $i
50 Concord G rape Vines for Ji
They are home grown, healthy and sure to
grow. Catalogue a iid. due till for 25c, free.
Box 8. Falrbury, Nab.
$1 00
3 Apple trees, 3 feet
3 Peach trees, 4 feet.
3 herry trees, 3 feet
6 urrants, 1 year.
25 best strawberry plants.
10 One year s ulberry.
lend for catalogue at once.
IVnkefield Nurseries,
akrfield, ...... Nebraska
200,000 Fruit Trees at Wholesale.
1,000,000 berry plants and large supply of ornamen.
tal, forest and evergreen trees. Mrictly first-class and
healthy. ; holefale prices for orders by March 1.
BALDWIN (Nurseryman), enec, Kan.'
Trees of Various Kinds
Adapted to the western climate, at very
reasonable prices, can be obtained from
the Jefferson County Nurseries, Jansen,
Neb. Address box 25. D. D. Thiesen,
Jansen, Neb. Send for catalogue.
The best land Investments In United States re to be
found In the l'ljr Bend ouutry of Eastern sashing
ton. rite for information.
WASHINGTON LAND CO., Waterville, Wash.
The best book cn strawberry growin g ever writ
ten. It tells how to grow the biggest crops of big
berries ever produced. The buok isa treatise oa
flttnt Phyioley and explains how to make
plants bear iUg Be-rrlea arid Lots of Ilieiu.
The on y thoroughbred scientifically giown
Strawberry riauta to be had for sarins oUnt-
in$.- One of them is worth a dozen common
cruH p ants They prow BIG RED BER-
... DIPQ The hflOt li Kf lit frfnnll rraJrnnf
he Nebraska Indpkndent. Send your ad.
dress to . R. M KELLOGG,
. Budded Cherries loc each; Budded Peaches 4c each;
good varieties: Concord Grapes It tier 100: 1000 Ash 11:
Sd H.uxnut, Ruulu Mulbwrr . prln, hlib qultT Cataloc fro.
Galbraita Nurseries, Box 86, Fairbury, Nebraska.
.Bl3 a.
Tress Tlrat Grcv?
The best aad hardiest
varieties. See our prices,
mwa urau
S Molina tl
Box 21,
trated Cat
alog. Germanl
or fcnplish free.
Gtrmin Nunterias.
Carl Soadereeper, Prop.,
Beatrlca, Htb.
1 Peieh $1.00
50 Conou'd, $1.00
1000 Mulberry, $1.00
50 Asparagus, 25o. 1
Immense stock, fine quality, low price. Frelsrht
prepaid on $10.00 orders. General catalogue free.
GAGE COUNTY NURSERIES, Beatrlca, Nebr., Bar '!
Pure Bred Seed Corn in the vEar.
Leroy Kominei, Box (33, Martinsrille, I1L
When it is thus seen that the
word "Dollar ".which stands as the
symbol of the fixed and unchanging
quantity of valuation of the force of
demand, for purposes of taxation, se
lected to be the "standard unit," con
stitutes the "standard of money" of
this country, it becomes clear that
tax levies must be made and judg
ments rendered in that "money;" and
it is that "money" which congress
is empowered by the constitution to
"coin," stamp, or print - ?
, The "standard of money" is from
necessity a word or term standing as
the symbol, by the use of which to
express a fixed and changeless quan
tity of the force of demand, which is
created by government striving to sup
ply its needs by taking articles from
its citizens; and cannot-be a physi
cal object. This word "dollar" is the
"unit" of the force of demand in the
United States.
In the face of this incontestible
fact, in 1873, and again, after 27 years
of deliberation, in 1900, the congress
passed, and the president approved, a
statute declaring that a Vcoin" of the
United States, composed of 25.8 grains
of gold 9-10 fine shall be the "unit
of value." By this absurd act of v in
sensate and sacrilegious folly, con
gress solemnly undertakes by a stat
ute to divest a material substance of
its density, malleability and all the
other characteristic properties of mat
ter, and to cause a small lump of the
metal, gold, to become a fixed and
unchanging quantity of the force of
demand; thus attempting by statute
to transmute matter into force.
Had a yardful of jackasses perpe
trated such an egregious act of idiocy
and of monstrous wickedness com
bined, that one act alone would have
vindicated the Judgment of Aesop,
long ago passed upon the stupidity of
intellect of that dull animal. But
what shall we say of the mental con
dition prevalent, wuen the assembled
representatives of the mightiest na
tion of the earth, boasting of its
transcendent enlightenment, really
attempt to enact such grotesque in
iquity and impossible nonsense into
law? When King Canute, reduced to
a state of semi-idiocy by the flatter
ies of his courtiers, seated himself on
the beach and commanded the tides
of the ocean to cease their resistless
flow, his decree thus uttered was not
more ludicrously sacrilegious and fu
tile than this insane attempt to an
nihilate by statute the inherent prop
erties of a metal and to cause a ma
terial commodity to become a fixed
quantity of an abstract form of force.
Such an incredible absurdity, at
tempted to be enacted into law, is
the logical outcome of the teachings
of a race of impostors, called "Profes
sors of Political Economy," who from
the days of Aristotle downward have
set at defiance all the rules for the
guidance of scientific inquiry, and each
succeeding generation of charlatans,
like , parrots, have repeated without
investigation the senseless platitudes
of ignorant predecessors. Instead of
giving us a science, they have contin
ued to impose upon us the supersti
tions and childish assumptions of our
remote ancestors, who were savages.
No one of them ever labored enough
himself to devote the necessary labor
and wearing , toil required to wrench
from the jaws of chaos a real knowl
edge of the thing called "value" and
catalogue it among the forms of force,
where it 'belongs, and where its ex
istence ceases to bo an anombly, but
becomes intelligible. No one of them
ever delved into the dark quarries and
with drill and dynamite blasted ouj
the truth, that the thing properly
called "money" is not a "coin," but is
a device for expressing a fixed quan
tity of. the force of demand, and con
sists of a term standing as the sym
bol of that fixed and changeless quan
tity of the force of demand adopted as
the "unit;" and that quantity of all
valuations may be expressed by that
symbol, aided by the numerals. .
-o one of them ever, labored enough
to discover that which, when pointed
o-it, is . patent, to all that-the neces
sity which brought about this Inven
tion was not any imaginary difficul
ties surrounding the exchange of
heterogeneous commodities .for each
other; but that instead it was brought
forth to overcome otherwise insuper
able obstacles in the way of a just
exercise of the taxing power by the
governing forces of the world. Such
puerilities as we find in the works of
these priests of chaos are limited,
when they essay into the field of
"money,": to childish discourses con
cerning "coin" and its substitutes,
T7hich their infantine imaginations
clothe with magical powers that put
to shame all that was claimed for
Aladdin's lamp, in. capacity to set at
defiance the laws of nature. '
TJte conflicting, cross action pf hu
man beings engaged-in a competitive
struggle to obtain or. retain exclusive
possession of things endowed with
power to beneficially serve them,
driven by the impulse of self-preser
vation, and restrained - from violence
by govefnment authority, generates in
that struggle the force of demand. The
elusive resultant of differing estimates
and appraisals of, the quantity or in
tensity of that force for those things
upon which the force of demand acts
at. any given time and place, culmi
nates in a "valuation" of the "quantity
of demand in action, and that result
ant of differing . valuations of that
force is what is truly, meant by that
ignis fatuus, "value." 'it is a form or
mode of force less tangible and fur
ther removed from comparison with
material substances than electricity
or sound. And yet these "Professors
of Political Economy" and "Authori
ties" upon the "science of money" tell
us that disks of a magical metal called
gold are able to "measure", that in
tangible force!
Having made clear the fact that
money is a device instituted as an es
sential part of the mechanism for
equitably exercising tne taxing power,
by making it possible to express any
given quantity of the force of de-
mand, through a term which stands
as the symbol of the fixed and un
varying quantity of that force, chosen
as the "unit," it was to be expected
that we should find it performing its
proper official functions "in the public
offices," where tax levies are made.
Accordingly we find its use in those
public offices is made mandatory in
making tax levies. Next by a stat
utory adaptation of the device, we find
the use of the symbol, which is "mon
ey," is also made mandatory in the
courts in rendering judgments. It is
by statute compelled to perform the
functions pertaining to its "office."
It was created for the purpose of per
forming those official functions, and
was . not created for any other pur
pose. When we find people employingthis
"money" in other places and for oth
er purposes, to suit their private con
veniences and as a means of facilitat
ing their private aims, we are com
pelled to recognize the fact that all
such uses of the symbol (which is our
"money) are purely voluntary
and optional.
These secondary uses to which it
may be applied exercised no influ
ence in its creation. It was not with
any view to its being applied to those
voluntary . uses, that it was devised.
As an old hat, seen doing duty by
voluntary adaptation ii place of a
broken pane of window glass, does
not justify the conclusion that any
such use was contemplated by its
manufacturer; so also when we find
the symbol, which is "money," em
ployed by private persons in keeping
their accounts, in expressing nominal
quantities of value in promissory
notes, bills of exchange, private bonds
and stocks, and in market reports and
prices current (where it does "facili
tate exchanges between commodi
ties"), we are bound to take notice of
the fact that such uses were not con
templated in its creation, and are
mere voluntary adaptations of an in
genious device, (which was' created to
fill a public office in making tax lev
ies and rendering judgments), to the
performance of a service ; which was
not contemplated or intended by its
makers. . ; ",' '
Its use in market reports, as a
means of "facilitating" the exchange
of heterogeneous commodities for each
other, was not .a factor in its cre
ation. After it was devised as a
means of accomplishing the just ex
ercise of the taxing power, it was
siezed upon without authority, and
voluntarily employed by : private per
sons in private transactions never
contemplated in its original creation.
It is used in prices current and mar
ket reports simply because; of its con
venience, and not because; Jit was in
stituted for any such purpose, nor be
cause such use is necessary , in such
cases. 1 . ' , -' ' ; U
(Continued Next! Week.)
Ours have stood tbo teat mt 50 rears
Send for Catalogue. ' ! '
600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Established 1882.
' 1860 Park gk, Blooming-ton, Illinois.
Send to the Nebraska Seed Farm
and receive five of the best seed corn
samples on earth and my catalogue
free. Free samples of Oats and Seed
Potatoes. I have the Early Six
Weeks Ohio and the Late Ohio. My
Seed Corn, Oats and Potatoes will be
just as good as the samples. Address
all orders to
Nebraska Seed
Of 4 tOilC Essex Rap which haa-
valuable forage plant la ex
istence for Sheep,. Hogs or .
Cattle. Coete on It about 3S
cents per acre for seed; yields to tons per ay re. our
seed was grown in Essex. England, and la extra choice
Descriptive circular and sample freeif yott mention this? '
paper. Ask for copy of our large illustrated catalog of
Garden and Farm Seeds. Free for the askin.
'Choice Seed Potatoes"
We have a fine lot of hand picked
seed potatoes consisting of Early,
Ohio and Early Michigan at 75 cents
a bushel. A limited number of Won
derful at 80 cents a bushel. No small
Bancroft, Neb.
We promise you the best lncu
bator on earth. 0.50 up; all thela;
est improvements, no night watch.
mg, because we use our Dive-Inch
Uoubla W ater Regulator. 30 days'
trial, hend it back if you want to.
Catalogue Ireo. V e pay freight.
Box 42. Omaha, Neb.
With Our ISOI Grinder
any 8 or 10 foot Tftind Milt now
pumping your water will also
grind all kinds of giain. A great
machine at a bargain to Intro
duce. E. 11. "WINGER
632 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago.
W-j J Honest men who are
VVainrGtj! fairIy wel1 acquainted
' T iQ the county where
they live who want to engage in an honest and
pr fitable business, to write us for particulars.
It is a money maker for a hustler. Others are
making from i6 to$n per day. Why not you?
The Olive Food Co.
? flarshalltown, Iowa,
" IV3otiy in Pou.ary.V
Our new 68-p. illustrated
book tells how to make it.
Also how to feed, breed, grow and
market Doultrv for best results.
Plans for houses, diseases, cures, how
to kill lice, mites and cives many valu
able receipts. Illustrates and describes the
lursrcst nure-brcd poultry establishment i
the country; quotes low prices on pure-bred.. v,
fowls and eggs. Mailed to any address for 4cW
in ilimii, O EW Rn, '( Ilia U.ln l
TIFFANY'S Sure Death to
Lice (Powder) sprinkled
In the nest keeps your
fowls free from lice. Sprinkle
hen and the little chicks will
"Liquid" kills mites instantly.
Sprinkle bed for hogs, roosta
foj fowls. Box powder for lit
tle turkeys and chicks post
paid 10c. We want agents.
Lincoln, Neb.
Orchards ai
Vineva.rds on Shares.'
tloM itimp for mr"HAI.F CROP
FLAN," which explain, bow , for
BlibrwponilMa)Mpl.with rfARDT T
(ommanlsl orchtrls( ss ihans. Addrsss
The Gardner Nursery Company,
Box 146, Usage, Iowa.
5 iuu. ihe way we sell the fafj$;
rui&L InSUSATOn,
I FOR 30 0AY8
tn. Mit Mir-ngulstlag, automatic I uVWr v;'
lnoubUor is th. world. It work, f' Tii.
ptrfrcUr. If sot MUlAMtorr In I fj
Twjwjsndltbik. CatTffrts. I H,,s
Dept. 33, Dm Moines, I awi.
" Trial. B
r 1 FURS, f
J -
Don't Pay Double.
We'll sell you a better hatcher
for the money than any other
incubitor concern on earth. New i ap
proved regulator, that can't get out
of order. Bif book-iUOUlutntioiia fm.
Clay Ceater, K.b. er Celaabas, Okie, '