The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 19, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    MARCH 19, 1903.
News of the Week
There is a large crowd of politic
ians in Washington, many of the
members of . the house still being
there and likely to remain until the
close of the extra session of the sen
ate. This crowd amuse3 itself by dis
cussing the probability of who will be
the candidate of the democratic party
-for. president. The names most fre
quently mentioned are Judge Parker
of New York, Olney of Massachusetts
Gorman of Maryland, Tom Johnson of
Ohio, and D. R. Francis of Missouri
It is said, however, that during the
last few days a new name has been
suggested and at the mention of it
;the old stagers stand aghast It is
that of John Mitchell, president of the
miners union. The claim made for
him is that he can be elected, and
that none of the others stand a ghost
of a chance. The objections to him
are that he would be a class candi
date and that he is too young. The
reply made is that he can no more be
called a class candidate than any oth
er man with a known occupation and
that hi3 defense of the miners is as
an advocate or lawyer pleading their
cause. It is generally conceded that
' no man has a possibility of being
elected that Bryan would antagonize
and on the other hand the candidate
that Bryan would favor would be an
tagonized by the Hill-Cleveland wing
of the party. The Bryan men reply
that that faction is so few in num
! bers, notwithstanding the great hul
Jabaloo that they keep up in the daily
papers, that they would cut but a
small figure in the fight. John Mitch
ell's ability to rule, his friends say,
.was demonstrated when he kept un
der control for months 140,000 Slavs,
Italians, Hungarians and other na
tionalities and made them endure In
peace and quiet the sufferings caused
by the strike. No man was ever able
to do that sort of thing before.
Carter Harrison is to oe the demo
cratic candidate for mavor of Chicaeo
for the fourth time. That city has be
come "populized" to such an extent
that there is now no opposition there
to public ownership of the city's pub
lic utilities, even the republicans ad
vocating it Harrison has long been
an advocate of it
It is announced that the president
will make an extended hunting trip
covering all the western states and
that he will be absent from Wash
ington for at least two months.. He
will not hunt bear on this trip, but
a presidential nomination.
Governor Cummins still sticks to
the "Iowa idea" and declares that
.there must be a revision of the tariff.
He who expects to accomplish such a
feat while the republican party is in
power is one of those things .that no
pop can find out.
A gentleman in Chicago says he
wants The Independent to take cog
nizance of the following facts: "Ar
mour ran a corner on corn. Recent
ly he closed it out The lowest esti
mate of his winnings is $800,000. The
general opinion is that he cleared con
siderably over a million. While Ar
mour was holding up the shorts, no
cars were to be had anywhere in the
west to ship corn to Chicago. Since it
was closed out, the side tracks all
over the west are filled with empty
cars and corn is away down again."
The agitation against child labor Is
still continued as the horrible condi
tions and inhuman cruelties connect
ed with it become more and more
known. Miss Jane Adams declared
last week in Chicago that it was
making cripples ; for life out of un
counted numbers .of little ones. The
truth is, since the worship of Mam
mon became general in the United
States, many thousand more children
have been sacrificed to this modern
god than ever were offered to Moloch.
The Ammonites were a tender-hearted
and righteous people in comparison
with our "captains of industry."
The Chicago board of health in its
bulletin for the week ending March
14 says: "No case of smallpox in a
revaccinated person has been found in
Chicago for years." The board an
nounces another thing of practical im
portance to all housekeepers. It says
that a machine has been Invented for
touse-cleaning that not only cleans
the house without dust, but perfect
ly disinfects it It is a vacuum pump
attached to a hosethe end of which
is run over carpets, furniture and
sucks up every particle of dust and
every disease germ. The process Is
swift and easy and carpets need not
be taken up. Men folks who have
gone through the - process of house
cleaning will receive that machine
with as much joy as the women.
Away off In the South Pacific ocean
four or five degrees almost directly
south of the Hawaiian Islands, lies a
low archipelago called Tuamotu isl
ands. Recently awful storms have
prevailed there, the whole group was
submerged by tidal waves and 95 per
cent of the Inhabitants have per
ished. A few escaped by climbing
cocoanut trees. Many tried that
means of escape and failed because
the trees were torn away by the force
of the storm and the. waves. Two
families of Americans on the islands
escaped, one having found a place
above the waves in a cocoanut tree
that did not blow down and the other
on a high stump of a booran tree,
These islands are occupied for the
purpose of pearl fishing.
The following dispatch from the
City of Mexico appeared last Tuesday:
"The failure of six big importing
firms in the City of Mexico Saturday
is said to be the forerunner of a gen
eral financial crash in Mexico. . It, is
claimed it is the beginning of a mone
tary panic that will involve, the entire
republic, and is the result of the ef
fort being made to place Mexico on
a gold basis." If there Is an effort
to establish the gold standard in
Mexico these failures are only the
beginning of her disasters. It is said
that a big American trust company
has been organized at the capital, and
the effort to change the standard of
money in that republic is the result
of Its work.
The judges have taken a new twist
on the labor unions. Down In Con
necticut one of them issued an at
tachment against all the funds tnat
the labor unions have in bank on a
suit for damages because the em
ployes of the Connecticut Railway
and Lighting company quit work.
However the suit ends, that ties up
the funds on which the unions ex
pected to make their fight As long
as the people insist on having repub
lican Judges such and still worse
things may be expected. A more
sweeping injunction than ever before
issued is a feature of the case. It
covers every labor union in the state.
Government by injunction will soon
be the only sort left in these United
States, will not be long either
until that condition is reached at the
present growth.
The charge of extortion made by
the farmers against the elevators
seem to be proved by the annual re
port of the Otis Elevator company for
the year ending December 31, 1902.
It shows a surplus added to the work
ing capital of $300,000 after the pay
ment of $411,835 in dividends and
marking off $266,575 for depreciation.
ine iarmers nave oeen saying for a
ong time that the elevator trust was
gathering millions.
Nothing viler ever occurred. on this
continent than a thing that was seen
n this churchly, republican-ruled
city during the week. A murderer
was executed at the penitentiary a
mile or two away and his bodv was
brought ta this city and put on exhi
bition in an undertaker's shop. Step
by step, under the rule of plutocracy
and the worship of Mammon this na
tion goes lower and lower.
The Panama treaty was ratified in
the senate by a vote of 73 to 5. Every
amendment was voted down and the
treaty stands just as It was . prepared
by becretary Hay and the Colombia
minister. In connection with this it
well to" remember that there is no
absolute certainty that the canal will
be built, but there is a certaintv that
the national banks will get $200,000,
000 more bonds and he ahi in in
crease their circulation that much.
Just at present that is of mors im
portance in the eyes of the bankers
and Wall street than that any canal
should ever be built
This week opened slow on account
Heavy . receipts in Chicago, but has
kept fully , steady and active since.
Heav.y steers are still selling cheaper
proportionately than any other class.
vv e quote best beef steers S4.60 to
$4.80, good $4,10 to $4.50, warmed-up
$a.8u to ?4.u5, choice cows and heifers
$3.60 to $4.00. fair to rood 12.90 to
$3.50, canners and cutters $1.75 to
$2.50, choice light stockers -and feed-
We Pay the Freight.
We will deliver the following flO.CO combination to any town in
the state of Nebraska, fieipht prepaid by us, any time during the
month of March, 1903. Reference: First National Bank or The In
dependent. ' '
. CO lbs Best Granulated Sugar for...;... 11.00
20 ibs Choice Prunes , . .M.00
2T bars Good Laundry Soap ................... 1.00
2 lbs High Grade Japan Tea 1.00
10 1 bs H iph Grade Peaberry Coffee . . . .7. 2.(0
6 lbs Fancy Bright Apricots. . .'. .75
4 lbs Fancy Muer Peaches...... .50
4 lbs Faury 4 Crown Larce Raisins..... ...... ... .... .50
6 lbs Fancy Japan Head Rice .60
2 cans 16-oz Cram of Tartar Baking Powder... ...... .50
3 pkgs. 10 cent poda v.. .25
3 pkgs 10 cnt Cum Starcfe. . . i ...... .25
3 pkgs 10 cent GIops Starch .25
1 lb Pure Black Pepper .25
. . 1 bottle IiCmon Extract....; .10
1 bottle Vanilla Extract. .10
2 dez. clothes Pins .05
All the abore for. .$10.00
Orders for cuatomers outside of the state of Nebraska and on line
of railroad anteririg Lincoln add 75c to pay part of freight.
Branch & Killer Co.
Lincoln, Neb.
C r. ith and P Sts.
What we Advertise we Do.
i JP jjjfjjf J0,P tft jP 2 4m f alW
ipsra use
Tour LAST CIIAACE to buy onr stocks at
25c Per 01.00 Share
Is the week ending APRIL 1st.
The phenominal enloof this allotment forces us to
doseour present offer promptly on tbat data. After
that dato tbore is no argument yon can offer tat will
enable you to secure this valuable stock at the old
price. ."
' Better be prompt than sorry.
REMEMBER tho last
seven days of March
close the Sale at 26 cents.
On April 1st the price will advance to
Onr 100-ton concentrating mill (soon to be enlarge
to 500-ton) it being completed aa fast aa money and
men can do tho work. '
Tbia one-bundred-ton mill will earn onr Company
$3( 0,000 CO yearly. Dividends will commence very soon.
When they do commence stock will po at once to par
and 6 Vent Stock will hate SOQper cent profit
and pay an Income for Life.
REMEMBER are hmve $XOO,HV.OO worth
of ore ready for the mill and two million
dollar worth opened up.
Write today for prospectus and tret the facta
about this property tbat we own.
BankHoferen.ce: Western State Bank, Chicago.
Shares gold on the installment plan if
desired; 237 down, 25 thirty days, 60 sixty days.
(25.00 buys 100 shares value $100.00; $66.00 buys 2tt
shares, value $200: $100.00 boys 400 shares, value $40I.M
$200.00 buys 8C0 shares, valua $800.00, and 'so on np.
Jtlany are havina shares reserved while
getting money rendu. Why not you t
National Gold and Sliver Mining Co.a
Suite 126 70 La Salle St.i Chicago.
ers $4.20 to $4.40, good $3.75 to $4.20,
bulls slow at $2.60 to $3.80, veal $4.00
to $6.50.
Hog receipts light Market lower.
Range $6.85 to $7.20.
Sheep receipts moderate. Market
lower. Killers.
Lambs $6.25-$6.75
Yearlings 5.50- 6.00
Wethers , 5.40- 5.80
Ewes 4.50- 5.25
Statc of Nebraska.
Lincoln. Februarr 1st, l'3.
Itis herehy certified, that thf Union Aassur
ance comnany of London in England, has com
plied with the iauraaca law of this state, ap"
plieabte to such companies and is therefore au
thorized to con; iau the business of Fire and
Lightn'nff Insurance in this state for the cur
rent yarndin' January 81st. 19H..
- Witness my r ani and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year first above
J. L, PIERRE, Auditor Public Accounts.
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr; Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure if
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application Is enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he
can get it from his Jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send you n
bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United Staves, Marshalltown, la.
rtat of nrbbarka
Lincoln. February 1st, 1903
It is hereby certified. That the State Firo
Insurance Comnany of Liverpool, in Enaianl.
has complied with the Insurance Law of this
State.applicableto such companies and Is there
fore authorised to -Continue the business nt
Fire and Lihtnin Insurance in this State for
the current year radios January 81st, JSKS.
witness my .nana and the saal of the. Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year first above
written. Charles Weston,
J. L. Fierce, Auditor of Publle Aacounta.
, Danntv.