The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 19, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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MARCH 19, 1903.
For a long time the plutocratic dail
ies 'announced regularly, six times a
week that Bryan was dead. Now they
say that they are going to kill him
by taking the organization of his own
state away from him. It la not Bryan
that they want to kill, however,. It Is
the principles that he advocates. If
ho would abandon those principles
and -join in with the Hill-Cleveland
crowd and advocate the policies that
they advocate, in the eyes of the re
publican and reorganizer . dailies be
would immediately become a great-
statesman, orator" and patriot One
of the deceptions that plutocracy has
-always practiced is, instead of de
nouncing the good principles that men
advocate, they denounce the men.
Plutocrats and kings always declare
that they have. only the good of the
Dcople as their ultimate aim and ob
ject wssws
' Judge Grosscup first issued a re
straining order against the meat
trust and after that he issued a tem
porary injunction. Meantime the
trust goes on its peaceful way, con
tinues its combinations and fixes
prices just as it always did. After a
while Judge Grosscup may make his
injunction permanent, but that will
hot interfere with the operations of
the meat trust at all. If, however, the
trust was prosecuted under the crim
inal section of the law and the peni
tentiary loomed up before Armour,
Swift and the rest of them, the sit
uation would be different. Neither
Attorney General Knox, Judge GrOSS-
Wiin rnr th resident have any idea
of doing 8ucn(JSJJss tiiat-
4 The rtomnrrfts of this state seem to
be "considerable riled" over the pro
wninn nt the reorganizes to coma
here and take charge of their organ
ization and send a delegation to the
national convention to vote for a Dave
Tim randiriatft for resident But
thev will have to do" something be
e tW' talking and writing letters to
the papers to prevent, it. They wil
-have to see to it that democrats at
tend the primaries and that the fake
democrat who has been; voting the re
publican ticket for the last ten years
is kept out of the county and state
'conventions. Democrats in Nebraska
when thinking or talking about that
party in this state are too apt to un
consciously include the whole fusion
Hote of the state, but-when it comes to
democratic primaries, populists ar9
excluded. . r The only assistance that
, . they can render will be to stand by
, and help the democrats keep republi
can from' voting. . 1
Republican Postmaster's Ideas of Which
... There- are Sereral Hundred "Sich"
In braka
In one of Upham Adams' articles de
scribing the three citizens of Llncoln
'ville occurs the following from the
"republican postmaster:
"'What are you looking so glum
!about, ; Brother Jenkins?" askedCol
"onel Monroe, pulling his chair up to
:the and passing his cigar case to
Judge Sawyer. "Has the sale of
.stanms fallen off or a money order
gone astray?"
I "It's Flannagan," declared the post
' master.
"Flannagan? What's Flannagan
.done now?"
' ," "Flannagan's the head brakeman on
"No. 81," explained Jenkins, noting
'the puzzled look on Judge Sawyer's
iace. "He was in here just before you
-came. Flannagan's an ungrateful dog
if there, is. one.. He showed, me his
'pay envelope. His wages have been
increased 10 per cent Last month he
;got $60, this month he gets ?66. Ev-
- eryone but the conductors have been
-'. raised engineers, firemen, brakemen,
switchmen, and yardmen. Now what
do you suppose Flannagan said?"
"Never could guess in the world,'
returned Colonel Monroe. "What did
"He said he oughter been raised ten
years ago," declared Postmaster Jenk
ins, dropping the red hot poker on the
zinc. "I'd raise him if he was work
ing -for me! There's gratitude for
. youl I told him right to his face that
he'd been a long time in Ireland be-
fore he got $60 a month, say nothing
of $66. ... On top of it all Flannagan
savs the company didn't raise their
pay because they loved them, but be
J cause .. it knew they were ready to
strike. . - He brags that their union
brought the railroad to time. I'd like
to be a railroad president, and see any
union1 bring me to time! I ten you,
unions are -ruining this country. Yes,
, sir," ruining it! , Things have come to
a pretty pass when men like Flanna-
1 ' can -can' dictate to: the president of
' "the M. N. and W7! If that Isn't trea
son. I don't know what -treason is,
It's treason and anarchy and socialism
f-thafa what .it is!" . ,
: ; ' "Don't take it much to heart, Jenk-
na" said Colonel Monroe, soothingly.'
'Flannagan is only a rough working-
. A. lJll
man, witnout your aencaxe aenaium
tles, and hasn't had your educational
advantages. Then again tne loss oi
two or three fingers may tend to make
him irritable and to biaa his judgment
But you haven't told all the news
about the railroad. They have in
creased something besides wages.".
"You refer- to the new freight rate
schedule; I presume, observed Judge
Sawyer. "I heard of it yesteraay.
The M. N. & W. ha3 raised rreignt
rates an average of 10 per cent, re
sponded the colonel. "What do you
think of that, Jenkins? Perhaps that
accounts for Flannagan's good luck,
which he so little appreciates."
It's no money out of my pocket,'
returned Jenkins, doggedly. I. don t
ship any stuff. Besides 10 per cent
isn't much of as increase In rates, it
will hardly be felt Don't you tninK
so, Judge?"
Judge Sawyer was deep In the study
of the blue flames through the isin
glass and made no reply.
'Let's see how Llncolnville comes
out on these higher salaries and high
er freight rates," suggested Colonel
Monroe, reaching for a block of paper
and a pencil. "This is a division point
and more than the average number of
railroad men live here. There are
hundreds of towns in the state without
... . i ITT
a railroad employe as a resident, we
have forty of them. We'll average
their former wages at $75 a month, or
$900 a year. The forty of them have
therefore been receiving $36,000 a year.
The 10 per cent increase adds $3,600
to their incomes. This is the rail
road's contribution to Llncolnville.
Thi3 money will be spent on our
stores and some of it be deposited in
Judge Sawyer's bank. Flannagan gets
$72 of it. That will pay his rent for
six months. He Is one of the winners.
Now the question is, How does the
railroad come out? How much freight
business did the M. N. and W. do in
Llncolnville last year? Do you know
the approximate figure, judge?" Judge
Sawyer consulted a "notebook and at
ter a pause said: , :; .;..-!:;..:.
"The year's freight business of the
M. N. & W. in Lincolnville was about
$160,000, Colonel Monroe."
"Very well," continued the colonel,
jotting down the figures. "That is
the amount, Jenkins, that the town of
Lincolnville paid the M. N. and W.
for bringing to us our groceries,
meats, furniture, pianos, lumber and
the thousand and one things we pur
chase from our merchants or consume
as raw material in our factories. This
year the company is going to pay
Flannagan and, his fellow workers $3,
600 increase in wages and charge the
merchants and manufacturers of Lin
colnville $16,000 extra' for freight
bills. What have youto say to that?"
"It don't make any difference to
me," asserted Postmaster Jenkins. "I
only wish I was a stockholder in the
road. It's their property and they
have a right to charge anything they
please. The same people that are al
ways kicking about raiiroads and oth
er corporations would do the same
thing if they were railroads and cor
porations. I don't own nothing my
self, except a house with a mortgage
on it, but I stand up for property
rights and vested interests. They have
made the country what it Is. What
would Lincolnville be if it wasn't for
the M. N. and W. railroad? Nothing!
vnen the colonel points out that
the merchants will add that $16,000 to
the price of their goods .and Mr.
Jenkins' share of it will be about-$50,
the postmaster suddenly changes the
500,000 Apple Trees, 125,000 Cherry Trees, 75,000 Plum Trees and a
complete line of small fruits, ornamentals, roses and evergreens.
Our fruits won HIGHEST AWARDS at Omaha in 1898, Paris in
1900, and Buffalo in 190L Location, one of the leading fruit districts
of Nebraska. Immediate access to main lines of leading railroads; thus
the advantage of quick shipments. We make a speciality of hardy varie
ties which are adapted to Nebraska and the Northwest Catalogue
mailed upon application.
MARSHALL BIOS., Dept. C, Arlington, Nt&r, Washington Co.
mm i t ii I I f T I r 1 1 1 1 iiii I n 1 1 1 i f r Trr. Mynii'ii'in
V9n4nf All Upland Grown on our own farms, igoacrop. Guaranteed to grow where
I Qlldulll 5 any corn will grow. Varieties include corn suitable for d fferent climates and
Cflflrl Pnrn localities. Corn especially bred for cattle feeding purposes, yields from 6o
OCCll UUill to ioo bu. per acre; everybody wants this variety. Also a fine yellow early
loo-day corn, splendid yielder; also a "fine white variety, grows on white cob, etc. Vn
uat's5ed Corn never disappoints. Write for free Samples and Circulars.
OurCiriK siltsttJ. tlxl. sh'llei. . W W Vonct Camc Ffinrrlt l
c I.-.. u . r . . ... k.. . IT If lUUOl M. hJVUJt IHltWLliM
Certificate of Publication
State of Nebraska.
Office of
Auditor of Public Accounts
Lincoln, February 1st, 1903.
It is hereby certified. That the Michigan Mu-
Life Insurance Co., of Detroit, in the atate
of Michigan, has complied with the Insurance
law or this state, appueame to sucn companies
and is th refore authorized to continue the bus
iness of Life insurance in this state for luo cur
rent year ending January 81st, 1904.-
Summary of report filed for the -year ending
December 31st, 1902.
Premiums. ...:$1,425,04U5 v
All other sources , 373,532.50 -
Total...., $1,793,573.65
Paid policy holders .... 750,762.49
AllnfhMnarmnntl S40.931.91
Total.... $1,291,694.40
Admitted assets 7,Tn,7i4.w
Net reserve 7,338,799.72
Net policy claims, and
matured installment
All other liabilities..... 11,687X3 7,373,444.96
Ca pital stock paid up . . 250,000.00
finvnlna Kovrinrl ranita! '
stock & other liabTt's 154,269.90 -404,269.90
Total I 7.777,714.86
Witness mv hand and the seal of the auditor
of public accounts the day and year first above
L. Pierce, Auditor or Public Accounts.
Certificate of Publication
State of Nebraska
Office of -
Auditor of Public Accounts
Lincoln. Februarv 1st. 1903.
TfciiliArebv certified. That the Continental
Casnaltv Company of Hammond in the State
nt Indiana, has comDlied with the in
surance Law of this state, . appitca Die to
such companies and is therefore authorized to
rntinni the business of Accident Insurance
in this state for the current year ending
January 31st, 1904. .
Summary or report mea ior me year enamg
December 31st, 19Q2.
Premiums $ 1,28S,1S8.06
A 1 nthr KOnrcpis 3KB.644.U1
Total I,t)fi,MZ.Ui
Paid policy holders.. . 644,850.36
i ii etc ni aft
AU UbllOI f7 unci.. wuwjiiau. ,
Total i.3iii,iwa.i5
. DISEASES," . .
Successfully cured by a combina'
tion of Medicated Oils. . Thousands of
persons come or send to Dr. Bye, of
Kansas City, Mo., for this wonder
ful Oil. Many cases : are treated at
home without the aid of a physician.
Person3 afflicted should, write for il
lustrated book showing the various
diseases before and after treatment.
Physicians indorse this mild method
of treatment Call or address Dr. W.
O. Bye, Cor. Ninth and Broadway,
Kansas City, Mo.
J. P. Faran, (Juster, S3, u.. I con
sider The Independent the best edu
cator In the land. I send you five
educational subscriptions and hope
the paper will open their eyes. Send
me five more cards.
At all drog stores. 25 Doirs 2St.
Admitted assets.
Unpaid claims
Unearned premiums..
All other liabilities..
Capital stock paid up
Surplus beyond capi
tal btoek ana other
Total $ 1.158,424,28
Witness mv hand and the seal of the auditor
of publie accounts the day and year first above
written. Shanes weston,
J. L. Pieree, - Auditor of Public Accounts.
Office of Auditor of Public Accounts.
LINCOLN. February 1st. 1903.
It is hereby certified that the Equitable Life
Assurance bociety ot the United states, of New
York, in the state of N. Y.. has complied with
the Insurance Law of this State, applicable to
such eompanies, and is therefore authorized to
continue the business of Life Insurance in
this state for the current year, ending Janu-
arv Slit. 1904.
Summary of Report Filed for the Year Ending
December am, iw&:
Premiums .'..$ 53,932,4?a41
Another sources.... 15,533,714.27
Total ..$ 69,466,137.71
Paid policy holders.! 29,191,250.79
All other payments.. 13,515,976.12
Total $ 42,707,226.91
Admitted assets ....$358,417,284.75
Unpaid claims and
expenses '. . . ..$279,450,753.00
Unearned Premiums 2,586,613.51 '
All other liabilities. 2.230,674.44 $284,208,040.95
Capital stock p'd up 100,000.00
Surplus beyond Cap
. ital Stoek and
other liabilities 74,049,213.80 74,149,243.
Total ............. $358,417,284.75
Witness my hand and the seal seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year
first above written. . . Charles. YVe&ton,
J. L. Pieece, Deputy. Auditor of Fublic Accts.
H. If. Longhridge Qen'l Agt., Lincoln, Neb.
To make cows pay, use Sharpies Cream Separators
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$15,000 FREE
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The American Mining Prospect
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The Fish Creek Camp will be in
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take our advice and BUY NOW.
The American Mining Prospect
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$1 buys 10 shares.
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The American Mining
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