The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 12, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    MARCH 12, 1903.
Organization and Policy of the Farmers
y Co-Operative Grain and Live Stock ' '
The farmers meetings held in this
City in January and February resulted
In the organization of an' association
which will doubtless make itself felt
ere long not only in this state, but in
the entire wc3i. A resume of the work
'accomplished appears in last weekV
Central Farmer, from which we quote
in part: -
The board of directors of the Ne
braska Farmers' Co-operative Grain
and Live Stock , association met in
Lincoln to mature plans, and the
treasurer and organizer were invited
to meet with them. All the directors
w6j3 present except Mr. Armstrong,
who was compelled to be absent from
the state.
After a full discussion of the sub
ject it was decided to incorporate
with a capital of half a million dol
, lara, as soon as $25,000 shall be sub
. scribed. This; corporate organization
will . be for the benefit of those per
sona and local companies that desire
to purchase stock in such a corpora
tion,, but will not supersede nor dis
place the "association" formed on
February 11. In order to make clear
the -scope of the organizations of
which there will be "two in one," or,
in order Lto make clear the "dual''
character of the state organization,
the , following description is given:
There was formed on February 11
the ; Nebraska Farmers' Co-operative
Grain and Live Stock .''association,"
which is "protective" in its nature,
and it not an incorporated body. Its
purpose is ta assist the local compa
nies and associations in legal con
. tests, and to protect the interests of
V all the local members in every legiti
mate way. It holds no property ex
cept the cash, furnished by the mem
bership fees, and this is - to be ex
pended in promoting the welfare of
the locals in such manner as the board
may deem wise and expedient
Note that this is the state "association.'?-
- - r'.. . , '
In. addition, and in pursuance of the
directions from the state "associa
tion" the directors have now decided
to incorporate a "company" to do bus
iness,; buy and sell grain, erect, hold
and operate elevators, including a ter-r
minal elevator or elevators In central
markets, and do such other business
as is named in the articles of incor
poration, whenever it shall be deemed
expedient to do so. " -
This" organization is named the
Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Live
Stock "company" of Nebraska. The
stock is fixed at $500,000, in 5,000
shares of $100 each, and articles of in
corporation will be filed when 250
shares, or $25,000, are .subscribed.
As stated above, this organization
will not supersede nor displace the
"association," but is for such "asso
ciation members" as want to contri
bute to the establishment of a "line
system," and those who wish to con
tribute to the purchase of a member
ship on a board of trade and to the
establishment of terminal facilities in
central markets.
' Stock may be subscribed in sums of
$100 or multiples thereof (except that
the board may, and probably will,
provide, in the by-laws, that the mini
mum' amount of stock that may be
taken by a local association or com
pany shall be $500 but this point is
not fully determined as yet).
To recapitulate:
(1) : A local company may control
absolutely - every transaction - of busi
ness at its local office, including the
sale. or disposition of its grain and
other products; and yet obtain the
"protective" influence of the state as
sociation by simply paying into the
state "association" treasury one dol
lar for each member in the local com
(2) A local company may do the
above, and in addition thereto may
purchase 5 shares ($500) or more in
the state -co-operative "company," and,
to that extent, share in the ownership
of terminal elevators In central mar
kets, and' in such memberships as may
be purchased on boards of trade in
such central markets.
(3) A local company may, if it so
'desires, subscribe its entire capital
stock in the above state co-operative
"company" (exchange its stock in the
local company for a like amount of
stock in the state "company"), and, in
that case, the elevator property, erect
ed or to be erected, at such point,
will become one of a line of elevators,
owned and.. !. operated by the state
"company," under the management of
Its board of directors and through a
manager to be elected or chosen by
that board.
When a' line of elevators is so es
tablished and ; operated, . under one
management, . the ability to sell in
Vast quantities, direct to . large mills,
and the ability to clean and suitably
mix arid grade grain for certain mar
kets will result In a profit of one,
two, three or more cents per bushel,
more than can be realized on the grain
of a purely local company whose ca
pacity is limited and whose facilities
for cleaning and making are Inferior
to the facilities in terminal markets;
: It is this difference in the . earning
capacity per bushel between , the sin
gle,, independent elevator, and the
"line of elevators" that results in the
success of the one and the failure of
the other. A line of elevators like the
"Peavey line" or the Omaha Eleva
tor Co., or the Central Granaries Co.,
with its ability to command grain suf
ficient to fl!l an order for a quarter or
a half million bushels, and with ade
quate terminal facilities for cleaning,
mixing and grading, can make a small
profit when . buying at a price that
would cause a loss to a small concern
paying the same price.
The losses, of very many indepen
dent elevator companies In past years
have probably been owing to a fail
ure to recognize the operation of , the
laws of trade that produced these re
sults. .-:,. - -
i The officers of the association are
as follows:
J. S. Canaday, president, Minden;
James M. Armstrong, vice president,
Auburn; John Reese, secretary, Brok
en Bow; O. G. Smith, treasurer, Kear
ney. , Board of directors: J. S. Canaday,
Minden; John Reese, Broken Bow; O.
Brittell, Elgin; -R. B. Price, Thayer;
James M. Armstrong, Auburn; L. S.
Deets, Kearney; Jacob Ehlers, Gretna.
Our" " South " Omaha correspondent
writes .that one day last week the
cow market was topped by Schlueter
Bros, of Wisner, 28 head selling at 4c;
and the top price of the season on
ewes up,to:that date, $5.10, was se
cured by Franks Whitlan, of Casper,
Wyo., and the hog market was topped
twice during the week .by A. 6. Paul,
of Henderson, la., at $7.25. In each
case the . well-known firm of Nye &
Buchanan Co. handled the shipments.
Recruiting Work Progressing In all Parts
of the Country. Sal of Cards not
"' J" m Large at Expected , ' I
' An examination of the list of 'those,
who have ordered recruiting coupon
books will show that the work ". is
progressing slowly in all parts of the
country The list should be ' rapidly
Increased. . j?There js, , no . more import
ant or. valuable campaign work than
the educational part - It is-the founda
tion, and without; it the average .voter
is carried away hy the brass bands
and fire works display always indulged
in by the plutocratic forces just prior
to an election. " Teach -the people on
which side their interest lies" and they
will not be so easily misled. There is
no surer method than by helping to
extend the circulation and influence of
The Independent. Others are doing it,
why can't. you? '
We have received many encouraging
letters from our friends," everywhere.
Here is one from Texas. Read it and
take courage:
Editor Independent: On the 22nd
Inst. I will be due The r Independent
nine months' subscription, 75 cents.
I think it is the best reform paper I
ever read and I have got to have it
all the while, not only that, but I
feel that it is the duty of every re
former to aid in every way possible
the circulation of good, sound reform
literature. I do not agree with you on
some things, which youimow is npti
human nature to agree on all things,
as we are not infallible.- But as re
gards reform, I think The Independent
is the best all round reform paper in
the union and for that reason 1 am
going to do all I can to increase its
I have been in the reform movement
since 1876.' I enlisted under old Peter
Cooper and have never tired or falt
ered and do not expect " to 'ground my
arms .until victory is ours and suffer
ing humanity is set free or my poor
old weak clay is consigned to the
Send me a book of five recruiting
coupons and consider me one of your
readers of reform books at 10 cents
per . month. , I want my subscription
to The Commoner with your coupon
offer and run to November-, 17, 1904.
I will send you the 75 cents I 6we
with the first coupon money I send in,
which will be soon. R. T. SHORT.
Putnam, Tex.
The Independent has announced a
special rate,, only $1.00 for NEW sub
scriptions to run until after the pres
idential election in 1904. , Recruiting
coupon books containing five coupons
in each book have been prepared.
Each coupon is good for a subscription
to The Independent to be sent to any
address in the United States until
November 17, 1904, twenty-one months
from . this time. : . Every reader inter
ested in the cause of good government
should send for a recruiting coupon
book. No charge is made for the
book. or coupons in advance..,, We'll
send you the book and, when you 'have,
old the coupons send $1. to The Inde
pendent for, each coupon sold. -Any
unsold coupons may be returned. It
costs you nothing to try. Send , for
a book today. Here are those who
have already ordered coupon books.
Way not have your name added to
the list? ''
0. S. i Williamson, Beaver City, Neb.
J. M. Knox, Cambridge, Neb.
A. W.. Gingery, Lamar, Colo.
A. R. Cross, Lewis, Kas.
A. F. Parsons, North Platte, Neb.
J. T. Sims, Simsville, Ala. -V
W. B. Essick. North Benton, O.
J. M, Babb, Clayton, 111.
James Mcllduff, O'Connor, Neb.
Ralph Ashton, Emmett, Neb.
J. B. Vaughan. Clifton, 8. C. -Wm.
Bailey, Eldorado. .Kas.
August Uhde, Curtis Bay, Md. V
William Hancock, Loup City, Neb.
Wm. Surman, Carllnville, 111.
David Marshall, Milltona, Minn;
H. J. Mason, Fullerton, Neb.
Jerry Johnston, Miola, Pa. .,
II. .J. Mason, Fullerton, Neb. ,
S. B. Binfield, Prosser, Neb. ' ' -A.
Carr, Gilbert, Miss. .
J. P. Bridger, Mt. Airy, Ga:
W. T. McCullocti, Jessie N. D. -Daniel
Lovitt, .La Harpe, 111. ' '
A. S. McKee, Bassetville, Kas.
George Bliss, porchester, Mass.
II. L. Shelton, Wauneta, Neb.
P. T. Soverns, Wilsonville, Neb.
J. H. Wright, Ruskin, Neb. .
Alexander Ritchey, Stratton, Neb.
Chas. P. Postle, Boone, Neb.
J. Wilkes, Hillsboro, Ore.
E. E. Fancher, Yorktown, Kas. -A.
F. Parsons, North Platte, Neb.
G. F. Schmldtlein. Woodville, Ore.
C. C. Murphreer Young?, Miss.'
L. M. Rutledge, Littlerock, Wash.
J. J.-Farris, Annapolis, Mo.
George Holcomb, Park, Cal.
G. D. Winkles, Hamlin,-Kas."
T. A. McGuire, Columbus, Neb?
J. B. Marshall, Loom!, Neb.
D. McCall, Moab, Wash )
T. B. Rankin, Rush, O.
N. D. Reynolds, Gilmer", Wash.
M. D. Raper, Kernersville, N. C
J. H. Blakley, Burt, Kas.
Wm. Law,' Lawrence, Neb.
.Ralph Lewis, Lutes, Neb.
S. A. Houston, Pickaway, W. Va.
George Bliss, Dorchester, Mass.
W. W. Nattingham, Big Horn, Wyo.
Peter Berquist, Atlanta, Neb.
J. W. Way, New London, Pa.
R. T.. Short, Putnam, Tex.
Theodore Foree, Kinsley, Kas.
Meet and Discuss It -
. Editor Independent: Your frank
admission in an editorial, page 7, De
cember's, that under a just inter
pretation of our national constitution,
neither railroads nor any other pub
lic institution could be owned or con
trolled by private citizens or foreign
ers, is upheld by an almost unanimous
sentiment. And your statement that
the question now is, How to secure a
return to public ownership of public
institutions, should receive careful
and prayerful attention from every
citizen of this country, either by birth
or adoption.
r I have great faith in Patrick Hen
ry's way of getting at such a ques
tion: "I know of no way of judging
the future but by the past." The
great, .grand, and successful for a
while, fight made by Jefferson and
Jackson against everything in the
shape of a corporation (that did not
Include all the citizens of the munic
ipality) satisfies me, that we mustjEolr
low their example must destroy ev
erything of that kind; but in' a way
that it will be likely to forever stay
Since the national constitution posi
tively prohibits everything of the kind
and i3 (article. .7, clause 2) "the su
preme law of the land; and the judges
in every state shall be bound thereby,
anything in the constitution or . laws
of any state to the contrary notwith
standing," the "law and. the testimony
are on our side pf the case, and the
people are overwhelmingly with us,
we have only to secure the repeal of
unconstitutional state laws and elect
state and national officials that see
the truth and dare maintain it.
When shall we hold an informal
meeting to arrange for a public meet
ing? , C. M. CLARK,
Lincoln, Neb. "
Rural free delivery, farmers' ele
vator, and then a farmers' telephone
system, says J. . G. Jessup in Clay
County Patriot.
etr and good reputation in each state (one ia
tbitcoaat j required) to reprase at aad adrrrttte
old established wealth? bnsinese house of aolid "
financial standing.' Salary $21.00 weekly with ,
expenses additional, all payable in eaih direct
taeh Wedneaday from head ottieoa. Horse aud
carriage furnished when necessary. Eeforenees. .
Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co.,
& Dearborn St., Chicago.
Build on the solid rock. Read the
best books on political economy for
the foundation. Read The Independent
to keep up to date. Write a card to-,
day if you are interested in the Indj
dent Scuool of i-outicai i.eonomy.
The president has signed the agree
ment with Cuba ceding to the United
States territory for a naval station at
Guantanamo and for a naval coaling
station at Bahia Honda. ' It is learned,
however, that the Cuban government
will not ratify the agreement until
the senate. ha3 ratified the Cuban, rec
iprocity treaty now pending.
Ws cura Piles, Chronic Const! pst-iory.
, v Fistula, Protrusion, with our
twenty year old
No Knife No Burning No Injection
of Poisons.
Our book, "Temple of Life," FREE.
Mention paper.
We invite correspondence with full
particulars of your caee. : "
738 Adams Express Building, Chicago,'
111. Women Address "Department W'
Doyle & Berfe Attorneya at Law
. Notice is hereby giwta that the tmdemcned,
as refereea, duly appointed by the District
Court of Lancaster County, Nebr&aka, in an
action pending in said court, whnroin Mary J.
Canfleld Taylor and Cleora Wilkinaon are
plaintiffs, and Henry M. Sanford. Rebecca Ban
ford, Alonzo D. Wilkinson and William (J. Tny
lor are defendants, to partition the lands of the
Sarties to said action, and on the 4th day of
arch. 1003, the report of said referees to thor
efiect that said real estate could not be parti
tioned without great prejudice to the owners
thereof, was approved, and Raid referees were
ordered by said court to sell said lands at pub
lic sale, as upon execution, at the front door of
the court house in Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska, for cash. The said, referees, pur
suant to said order of said court, and their
powers as such referees, ha Ting given the bond
prescribed by law, and taken the oath of their
oflice, will on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1903, at
the east front door of the court nonce in Lin
coln, Lancaster County. Nebraska, at the hour .
of 'I o'clock p. m. of said day, sell for cash, to
the highest bidder, at public auction, the fol
low ing lands, to-wit: .
Lot twenty (20) in Falrbrothers' Subdivision
of part of the northeast quarter (N. E. ,)of
section twenty-four (24) township ten (10) range
ftix 6) eant of the 6th P. M., and lot four (4) in
Hurley' and MeFarland's Subdivision of Block
thirty-six (36) and part of lot thirty-five (35) in
Fairview, a described in the recorded plat
thereof. Said Fairview being on a part of the
southesst quarter (S. E. ) of section thirteen
( 3 .township ten (l())range 6 (6) east of the 6th P. '
M ; also lot seven (7) in block five (5) in Mechan
ies'Addition to the City of Lincoln,all Lancaster
County, Nebraska; also the southeast quarter
(S. E. J4) of section twent-seven (27) in town
ship six (6) north of range twenty-five (25) west
in Frontier County, Nebraska, containing Wi
acres; also lot twelve (12) and the east one-half
(E. 4) of lot eleven (11) all in block one bun-dred-eigbty-tbree
(183) in the City of Lincoln
Lancaster County, Nebraska t also lot six (0) in
block two hundred forty-three (243) in the City
of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska; lot
"B" of Brock's Subdif Uion of lota thirteen (13)
and fourteen (14) in block fifty six (56) in the
City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
. O. S. WlKD,
Nicholas Riess,
.-' " Befertoa.
. Datad this 4th day of March 1903.
- To Many
Toinis in Cal
ifornia Wash-
feington and
' rirA(vnn
SpictoW" ui5. .
The Union Pacific will sell One-Way
Colonist Tickets at the following rates
Prom Missouri River Terminals "
' $25 to San Francisco,' Los Angeles
and many other -California points
Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to June 15, '03.
$20 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
$20 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena,,
$22.50 to Spokane . and Wanatchee; '
Wash. $23 to Everett, Fairhaven and
New Whatcom; via Huntington and
Spokane. . $25 to Portland, Tacoma
and Seattle. ' $25 to Ashland, Rose
burg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via
Portland. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to
April 30. 1903. :
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt,
1044 O st, Lincoln, Neb,