The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 12, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    MARCH 12, 1903.
. . .- . .
Voftlmg ot. Bnslar Lottery Cut Csar
tm Select Befaraae Subsidy Bill.
. ... -i'--:-;';' Sleeping ' :j . "1
(Crowded out last week.). '
"Washington, D. C, Feb. 28," 190?.
(Special Correspondence.) Not since
the memorable, days of the Fifty-first
congress and .the introduction by the
. republican majority of the arbitrary
tyranny of the Reed rules has party
feeling run so high and so ruthless an
attempt made to repeat the procedure
of riding rough-shod over the minority
as was disclosed by the action of the
republican majority Thursday.
For the second time in this congress,
J. J. Butler, a democratic, congressman
from a democratic district in St. Louis,
has been deprived of his seat in the
house for no other reason than that he
is a democrat, and that a republican
could be found In St. Louis. so con
scienceless as to be willing to accept
a stolen seat and to consort with those
who had no compunction of conscience
in stealing if for him. ' In November,
1900, Butler was' elected. by 6,000 ma
jority.. He was thrown out by the re
publicans in. the first session of this
congress. He was elected in Novem
ber, 1902, by 7,000 majority to fill a
vacancy. Now he is thrown out again,
but to accomplish this end, the repub
licans had to count a quorum. As the
quorum "was not present in the house
at the .time of taking the vote to dis
place Butler, resort was had by the
speaker to count members present who
were at their homes in the city and
. . some, even, who were not in the city
at the time, but were momentarily ex
pected. No such high-handed and un
warranted a proceeding was ever be
fore undertaken and carried out in a
legislative body. All efforts made by
the democrats to secure a vote was
denied by the speaker, democratic
niembers were hot allowed to address
thev house and the previous question
was ordered to cut off all debate. To
this summary proceeding was. added
the action of the committee on rules
in bringing in a rule to recess until
final adjournment by continuing the
legislative day of Thursday .and also
to shut off all debate on appropriation
bills remaining to be passed and deny
the rteht of amendment Anneals from
"the decision of the speaker were made
but the speaker retused to entertain
anv aDDeal.
Under this drastic rule fire &X)VTO-
priation bills were taken up and passed
vesterdav without consideration of any
sort The action of the house has. set
a very bad example of one-man rule
and one that, may arise to confound
the perpetrators in a later day. The
Congressional Record shows that on
the dav Butler was unseated there was
not a quorum of the members present
for the transaction or business ana
hnf nr business nnuld leerallv be done.
Outside of the most rabidly partisan
republican circles the action ; of the
"'P0$TJ '
We want a boy
1 in every town to
work for us after
school hours and
on Saturdays.
Over 3000 troys
now at the work.
Some make $10.00
to $15.00 a week.
any boy
who 4s willing to " devote' a few
? hours each week to this work can
earn many dollars selling
The Saturday
"Evening Post
Among neighbors and relatives. . He,
can begin at once. Absolutely no
money - required to start. Write usj'
to-day and we will send the first
week's supply of ten copies free..
These are-sold at 5 cents each, 'and
will provide capital to order the next
week's sbpply at wholesale rates. '
$225 in Extra Cash Prizes Next Month
' Booklet containing photographs of some
pi our most successful boy agents, with
icuers leutng now tney work, sent tree.
The Curtis Publishing Company
.. 467 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
house majority Is characterized as
revolutionary and subversive of free
Messrs. Richardson of Tennessee,
Williams of Illinois, Underwood of
Alabama and DeArmond of Missouri
denounced the majority in unmeasured
terms for its brutal disregard of jus
tice- " ' . . ..
The decision of the United States
supreme court in the Champion lottery
case, taken in conjunction with the
law as laid down by Judge Grosscup
of Chicago in the beet trust case, is
taken by some to construe that a new
era marked in th relation of
the government to corporations.
Judge Grosscup s decision was that
the beef barons had formed a com
bination in restraint of trade, and
that they were engaged in Interstate
commerce by virtue of uuiug business
in a number of states. The United
States supreme court decided Monday
in the Champion lottery case that
congress had all power to control in
terstate commerce as such, and to say
when such commerce should be pro
It is conceded that the administra
tion has been furnished an effective
weapon if it chooses to use it, but It
will be recalled that Knox;; a trust
attorney and stockholder, is attor
ney general. r
Third Assistant Postmaster General
Madden today; announced that the
two-cent postage stamp of the series
is generally unsatisfactory in appear
ance both. to the postonlce department
and the bureau of engraving and print
ing, and a new design for this stamp
has been ordered. v
The issuance of the present stamp
will be continued until the new de
sign is out. : ' ' - '
While the Littlefield anti-trust bill
passed the house by a unanimous vote
and the sentiment of the country
seems to favor legislation to curb the
trusts; the United States senate yes
terday refused to consider this bill in
any form, although it had been favor
able reported '' from t. the committee.
Twenty-eight democrats voted to con
sider and the 38 republicans present
voted nay. Therefore the failure of
this congress to enact any legislation
against the trusts is' complete, and the
people are at fault for having contin
ued in power a party bound, hand and
foot to the interests of the trusts."
The belief ;is prevalent that-there
will be. an extra session of . the sen
ate,- to consider the Cuban and Pana
ma canal treaties. Senator Morgan
has given notice of his intention to de
feat" the canal treaty; If possible.and
has refused all overtures to consent to
a timtr to take a vote. He complained
that he had received unfair treatment
and proposed to retaliate, v
The senate passed a bill yesterday
to ratify and confirm an agreement
with the Rosebud Indians in South
Dakota for the cession of certain
lands. '
. Yesterday the president sent a spe
cial message to the senate asking for
the passage of a relief measure for the
Filipinos. This proceeding is con
sidered in the light of travesty in view
of the fact that but three months ago
the president sent a message to con
gress in which he' spoke of the ex
treme well-bei'ug'Of the Inhabitants of
those islands under our form of col
onial government. '
Statistics just issued by the govern
ment show that since the beginning of
our war ; with Spain we have spent a
trifle over $700,000,000 for war pur
poses the most tremendous expense
account of this sort ever known "con
sidering the character v of the war.
Those who contend that this was used
for Christianity's -sake, or for the
sake of. trade, or for the sake of as
serting sovereignty and extending the
circle of world-power influence will
hardly be able to realize out Of either
or al of these conditions a recompense
for the blood and treasure wasted.
A very delicate compliment has been
paid the czar of Russia, author and in
stigator of 1 The Hague tribunal; by
the handing to the representatives of
Germany, England and Italy of a pro
tocol providing that the r czar shall
select three 'members of the court of
arbitration " to decide the question of
preferential treatment of the Vene
zuelan claims. - The suggestion was
made by Mr. Bowen, Venezeula's rep
resentative, and accepted by this gov
ernment. It is believed the czar will
accept, and the action will do much to
cement the strong friendship between
this nation and Russia which, besides
France,-is the only friend we have
among the nations of the old world,
and which proved their friendship on
two separate occasions when our na
tional life was threatened.
The house has passed the Philip
pine currency bill, but struck out an
amendment providing for an inter
national monetary conference.
Hearings conducted by Senator Car
mack in the Philippines committee are
bringing to light' more of the results
of imperialism in the islands. Accord
ing to ' the New York Evening Post,
another American teacher, Inl the Phil-
a a . . k c t
Are situations to his buyers, bis low prUes are "irTjB-rQsH!W' to his com pet 1 torn. fsms
will 'bow you -MOKE stallions of big sit, quali and flhifh than ALL IMPORTERS
IN NEBRASKA, and horses you will wish to buy or par oar fare to see bin yon the Jo 1g. If
you will pay easb or give bankable note, 70a will sure buy a stallion of I A US. In October, 1902,
be imported 03 blaek and hay stallions, they cannot b dnplieated ha any importing barns In the
United States for the Bomber, for big size, quality, finish, royal breeding and bargain prioea.
xney are ait
' Visitors and buyers throng his barns and says Hello,' Bill f I'm from Illinois; I'm Ikey
fro as Missouri; lams has the good ones; be shows us horses better than he adrerti. See thai
1,900-1 b 2-year-old, "a hummer," I bought bim at $1,200. Couldn't duplicate hint in Illinois. Ojio,
or Iowa at $2,000. See that 7.150-lb 3-vear-old, a "ripper".- May. Ikey I sne tlinso six black 2.3 M-lb
4-year-olds be is showing to those Ohio bbmj. They are theBJtsJT 1 M.VH.K hAW, bay.Doysi tooa
at tnts o,iuu-iD pair or teauties
eauties; they are worth going from Maine to California to see (btter
, Iksy, you coalds'tgo xrroas hsn. ,Th:y are all "crk ejeV", Ifymj
open your mouth and your pocketbooks, you will do business.
imporiea ana noma orea,
jams sells them. Hs has on hand
2 to 6 years old, weight 1,603 to 2,500 lba., all approved and stamped by the European govern
meat. M per aent BLACK 3, 60 per cent TON HOKSKS. lams speeks French and German, bays
A.T. r.-.s-.a tKa krJ liV! lT TV1 ? P W on vomiVh'DU Vf til .RKURN H.
man's profits. ' These six facts and his 21 years of sneceaafal business at St. Paul makes him sell
first class stallions at fifty cents on the dollar, and sates bis buyers IftUO to 11.0.4) on escb stallion,
FARMERS: Form your own stock company, why pay slick salesmen $UX)to 13, (XX) for third
rate stallion when you can buy a better one of lams at $1,000 or First class stsllions are
BY SALESMAN: IAMS pays horses' freight and his buyera' fare. VTrito for finest horse oata
logue in United States, snowing 40 lUastraMons of his horses. ' It is an eyeopeaer; References,
St. Paul State bank. First State bank and Citizens' National bank; Barns in town. " ,
ST. PAUL, Howard Co., Neb.
On U. P. and B. & M. Rys.
We down all
(jYl Head to select from all im
0 U ported by us and guaranteed.
$i,ooo buys a good one from us this fall.
competition by selling more quality for lo6S money than the small importers cnb
possibly do. We do not advertise 100 and only have 20, but have just what we
claim. CO good ones now on hand. Barns just across from B. & M. depot. - On
September 9 we landed 40 head, which m our 34th import.
Watson, Woods Bros! &' Kellsy Go,, - - - Lincoln, Neb.
Ippines has discovered, after , "care
ful study and close observation of the
Tagalogs," that they are "extremely
ungrateful." This is Mr. R. D, Epps,
of South Carolina, and his letter home
is rightly described a3 "in a gloomy
vein." Everything in the Philippines
is going to the dogs. To begin with,
"there are so many disreputable
Americans in these ' islands." This
close observer declares that "there
are thousands of American men living
there with the lowest claBS of out
casts. These men are government em
ployes,' soldiers,"' 'discharged soldiers,
deserters, -ex-volunteer officers, etc."
Many of them are legally married to
native" women, "only to leave them
when they wish to get back to Ameri
ca." As for the Filipino women of
the better class, they "look down upon
many forms of vice that are winked at
by Americans." . Mr. Epps adds that
lower-class women are "scattered all
over these islands who have been
basely deceived and deserted by Amer
ican husbands." After this, we can
understand the-' sorrow and indigna
tion with which he tells us that the
Filipinos are "ungrateful." To be
thankless when you have been robbed
and. outraged is, indeed,-a very ser
pent's : tooth of ingratitude.
One of the most reprehensible ac
tions of this republican congress is
the voting away of 1,500,000 to the
Pennsylvania railroad company and
the same amount to thet Baltimore &
Ohio for the purposes of building a
union station in this city. .The NS
braska fusion members opposed . this
grant to the railroads, but the relbli
cans lined up solidly as is customary.
Senator : Dubois read Washington's
farewell address in the senate Mon
day, such reading being an annual
The new department of commerce
and labor, under Secretary. Gortel you,
is expected to employ about 1,300, peo
ple by July 1 An appropriation 'of
$7,000,000 for ' a building has;" been
asked, for.' ; ' ." ' ,.'
.The reports of the militia from vari
ous states show an aggregate of 118,
259 commissioned officers and enlisted
men organized, with at least 10,853,
396 men on whom the country can
call in an emergency and not belong
ing to any military organization.
Prominent republicans from twenty
eight states have united in asking
President Roosevelt to appoint- Davs
Mercer to, a federal position. ,
While the sundry civil appropriation
bill was under discussion in the senate
Monday several senators criticised the
practice of chief executives to. name
senators as members of commission to
negotiate treaties, etc., claiming that
it tended to prejudice the performance
of duty? to the people they represent.
The cornerstone of the new army
war college was laid at Washington
Barracks last Saturday before a dis
tinguished company, chief of whom
was the president, who delivered ah
address. ' ' " ' ' ' '""..
I . -
I Vanish
People who all their lives have had
two or three week' dmomfort with
every cold are 'hard to convince
mometime that .any., cold can be
cured in a day if the cure gets a
quick start after the cold oomes;
We guarantee Jtiggs' 'Laxative
TaJilets. If 'no cure your money
awaits yov. A new cold yields in
24 hours' an old fold lakes longer
but can be cured just the same in
a fraction of the usual' time' re
quired. ;."$old here only; 25 cents.
$1 Patent medicine cut to 64c,
74cand79c; Mail orders solicited.
Cut Price f Pharmacy.
?32i OSt't Lincoln, Neb, ?
Certificate of Piiblicatlon ' ,
; State of Nebraska
: . Office of .
Auditor of Public Accounts
! ' Lincoln, February 1st, 1903.
It is hereby certified. That the Security Trust
and Life Ins., Company xf Philadelphia, ia the
hlt.t. a, P.nnetlv.nta Im ArimnlfA1 witK t.lia
Insurance Law of t hit State, applicable to
such companies aad'is therefore authorized to
Continue the business of Life Insurance in this
state for the current year ending January 31st,
JUs' h, .-! - '
Summary of report filed for the year ending
December 31st, 1902. . ... ,.
Premiums... ...S. ..79t.913.40
All other sources.... .. - 229,654.92
Total 1,021.508.32
Paid policy holders..;., 1 422.709.42 -All
other payments.. j 413,647.75
Total ......;..........$ 86.357.17
Admitted assets.;..'.. ...... 2,082,613.1')
' .-. t. IIABIUTIE9 i ' ' ' .' i .
Net reserve.. W.. r 1,3,911.50 . d -
Net policy claims arid
maturedinstaliment ' ' ' ' i ' ' '
policies not yet due r 101,126.43 , , '
Air other liabUitles., .. 88,222.10 1,578,260,03
Capital stock paid upr" 500,000.00
Surplus beyocd capU?') V -
.tal stock and other
liabilities , 4,353.07 R0t.333.O7
Total $ 2,082,613.10
Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor
of public accounts the day and year first above
written. Charles Weston,
j. L. Pierce, Auditor of Publio Accounts.
. - Depaty. '.
for your Farm, Business, Home,
or property of any kind, no mat
ter where located. If you desire
a quick sale, send us description
and price. Nohthwestern Business Aobncv,
, t . r t i ... . . ? , . . .
rs 313 DRBkui vumuicivc dug. Bimueapous, Minn