The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 12, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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MARCH 12, 1903.
! 1
i 1
' Ut A
To ufc Cuwi pkf, use stirploi Crem Separator
Book- jiulMM Lalryta" CaCJO fre W. Cbeater. t
; . ON a vV.
' . Prof. O. R. Klock has discovered a very
.'simple Hair Shampoo which i guaran
i teed to stop falling out of the hair and re
Wore gray hair to its natural color. He
offer o seil the receipt for same at J5.00
and allow you to make it for your own
use or for sale. This is an eay money
maker and very fifple to make, so get it
quick. 1 quart of the hair shamroo will
. be sent to any address for $1.00 extra. Ad
r dress Prof. O. R Klock, 1031 No. 28th St.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
30 Day Treat
ment for
Dr. Gordon's Tobacco
Specific is OUABAIN.
T ED to cure, all forms
of the tobr.cco habit in 30
days: money refunded,
Howe treatment;no time
lost from business. It is
- I 1 1 .at
CO 00. I where other so-cslled
I cues have failed. It
cures by eliminat a t the
' MOCTllsE and thus re-
moves the cause, and bu Ids up the NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL sy-tcms. A guarantee to cure
in 30 days or return the bottle wraps and
get your money. Wraps on every bottle.
Thousands of testimonials prove the worth
of our cure. Wnte today for treatment on
the alove guarantee to the
GORDON A CLKINE CO., Lincoln, Neb.
Members of L?giial urn Will KiuU
The Hotel Walton
1516 O STKKKI".
the best and most convenient, low priced
house in the c ty. Rates i per day and up.
2 , Teacher Preferred.
in each county in Nebraska, to sell Rand, Mc
NaJly Universal Atlas of tho World. Best me
dium priced library, school and family Atlas
made, 160 pages of maps, printed in colors, show
ing states, counties, towns, railroads, every
country of the world, all natural features, many
city maps, colored diagrams and cba ts present
ing iu accurate, couche and attractivo form the
manufactures and commerce of the world.
Complete geographical description of every
couuty and state. History and U eogr a phy com
bined, 464 pages 11x14. Price only 6.00. Eiclu
Bive territory. We atlow publisher's commis
sions to solicitors. Experience unnecessary.
We teach you. Men earning $125.10 per month.
Our name guarantees the best goods and. hon
orable dealings. Writ today for fall particu
lars RAND, McNALLY CO., Chicago, 111.
' Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
; Dr. '"Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure i9
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application is: enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send vou a
bottle" for $1.25 delivered. Marshall
"Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
. United Stales, Marshalltown, la.
&ffl Bushels Per Acre
Produced bv the gtronir limentone soil
of " Kose land Place" thia corn is sweet. oind. of
the greatest nutritive caiacity, making 12M to 14
lbs. of pork to the bushel; tlie pork bringing 6
cents to tyi cents In the home feed lots, which is SfO
to 16 per acre for the com product of 1902. Figure
it yourself. You can buy the land for $: to 50 per
acre. More productive than the famous blue
grass region of Kentucky. The most nutritive
grains and gi-asscs ever produced grow big on
, this strong limestone soil, and you don't have to
breathe the frozen air north ot latitude 11.
Corn Never Frost Bitten I
the rich limestone soil
30,000 Acres ft
II ball, on which well cultivi
?! '6 easooable crop year ill
Notes ob tli ProgTeaa Mad hf Nebraska's
Soleas Bills Paaawd
'The Knox committee is indulging
in' considerable horse play pretending
to investigate Bartley's "cigar box."
Hasn't discovered the box yet The
Independent still insists that Attor
ney General Prout Is the man who
cn bestjook into this! matter. Let
him have an execution issued against
Bartley on that big Judgment which is
now hanging over the ex-convict . It
will be returned unsatisfied. Then a
suit in the nature of a bill of discov
ery would make things interesting-for
Bartley and those who. borrowed from
him. .
On the suggestion of Sears a com
mittee has been appointed to investi
gate Former Treasurer Stuefer. Just
why Stuefer should be made the scape
goat of those shady bond deals is not
stated. .The whole board of educa
tional lands and funds is to blamer
The senate has been all wrought up
over alleged irregularities of Secre
tary of State Marsh,; but the trouble
seems to-be really between two Lin
coln dailies. Since Mr. Marsh's ac
tion with relation to the ballots last
fall, The Independent regards him as
a weak specimen of "peanut politic
ian," but it has no sympathy with tue
attacks thus far ..made upon him by
the legislature.
The senate has appointed a sifting
committee composed o? Warner, Wall,
Day, Reynolds, O'Neill,' Hall, Hast
ings, and Sannders, republicans; and
Way, fusionist -
Tuesday the senate passed S. F.
150, irrigation; H. R. 64, concealed
weapons; and H. R. 76, stay of execu
tion; S. F. 115, appeal bonds; S. F.
155, throwing costs on malicious prose
cuting witness; S. F. 160, truant offi
cers; S. F. 58, Missouri river boun
dary; H. R. 46, notice of school meet
ing; S. F. 237, establishing roads.
The house on Tuesday passed H. R.
236, more stringent registration law
for Omaha; H. R. 123, benefiting Elk
horn railroad by removing two-thirds
indebtedness limit; H. R. 240, increas
ing salary of secretary state banking
board to $2,000; H. R. 323, relief of
Russell F. Loomis. .
Richardson county taxpayers have
requested their representatives to vote
for S. F. 242 a sort of phoCnix risen
from the ashes of H. R. 171 and 330,
because the A. & N. pays but $59.43
city taxes, the M. P., $76.50; while
one Falls City merchant alone pays
$47.88 on his stock and $51 on his
store building, and one of the banks
pays $144.50. These Richardson coun
ty taxpayers t have gall in view of
their voting for continued railroad
Governor Mickey has vetoed S. F.
29, which provided for certain fees to
be paid the land commissioner. - He
had heard of the 'Gene Moore decision
and believed the Jbill . unconstitutional.
Of course it isn't but that decision
is rank.
The senate Monday passed H. R.
119, reports of teachers and county
superintendents; H. R. 167, a joint
resolution memorializing congress to
pass a bill for the election of United
States senators by ponular vote.
the Vicinity of Kim-
ftted farm crops in any
I s eaaooabte crop yearwiii amuuitt ioMilo & per B
H cent, of the present cost of the farms; and corn ft
la geaes-ally adv&aced far ei.u;iu to feed tty.-B
August j, ana ury nuougn o cno or seDtemoer
1, placing it out of tho reach of frost two months
Deiore frost comes to this latitude.
The prices of these farms are certain to ad
vance three hundred per cent, as roon as oil
wens are in operation, jrruiteu description.
THOS. D. HUBBARD, Kimball, Kan.
Ita Yon If ant a
' Genuine Bargain
U A ITnriekl !anAa
MtMpnAft f mm raiiiinB to b
diamond ot at en. Th.y laelud. SUiuwaya. Kn.Ui Fihera,
BtSlUvg. and oth.r wall kaow. -akai. Kany eannot b. Jli.
Ufat.hifroain.w MB M M fJI TV
rtehtj aa luw
;iful New TJa.
nun rt rt
u u feru h u w
rm BrC 1 .it
rrs.t diaeoaot.
lnatrumni m - . , . , '
400 piano. " Monthly paymant aaoaptod. Fraight only abort
U Writ for 1U and particulars. Yu maka a grart aavini.
Ioa wamntMl as rapraHotad. Ill nt rated Piano Book Fraa.
inn Adam St.a CHICACO
Watld'l laxfw1 matU konaa; Mil tfarrtbiof known In Ma
The' Cedar Rapids Review has sus
pended. '
The Bee said Monday: "Really if
the session were to adjourn tomorrow
the 28th Nebraska , legislature -would
go on record as having accomplished
less In actual results than any that
ever assembled in this state,"
Lincoln, Neb.
Our Spring and Summer Catalog is now on the press and
will be ready for distribution in a few days. Produced at great
expense Beautifully illustrated complete in every detail of the
Dry Goods business with every "Up to the moment" Fashion for
the coming season represented. This'book should'be in the hands
of every person who likes to dress correctly. If your name is not
already on our mailing list, send at once your request for a copy
mentioning The Independent in so doing.
Representative Rouse of Hall, Perry
of Furnas, and Caldwell of Clay are
leading republicans fighting the rev
enue bill, H. R. 344.
The senate Saturday .. passed S. . F.
70," "dispensing with notice to minor
child adopted unless he is over 14:
S. F. 48, annexation of territory in
bi-county villages and cities; S. F,
125, amendment to articles of incor
poration; S. F. 9, "board of pardons,"
giving a $5 a day job to some law
yer." . . . .'
Friday was the last day for Intro
duction of bills. The various appro
priation bills, of course, came in. They
are so divided up that it is difficult to
give exact totals, but it is not far
from 3 1-2 millions.; The "deficiency'
bill alone carries over $118,000, not
withstanding the smooth stories told
by Governor Mickey and Norris
Brown on the stump last fall, tha
the books would be closed "withou
a deficiency.";
Representative Thorp of Loiip In
troduced II. R. 442, appropriating
$200,000 for .the ection ,of a jriantj to
: "We will mail you absolutely free a complete list of color cards describ
ing our pure ... .
Ready Mixed Paint.
- This paint, which is delivered at your station freight prepaid, is of the
very highest test of purity, compounded to obtain the best practical re
sults. It costs you 30 to 50 cents a gallon less than other "high grade"
paint. If you intend doing any spring work write for color cards. Save
irom ' to super cent. Drop us a postal.
Pure House Paint, per gallon ...... .$1.35
Standard Barn Paint, r er gallon 65
Pure. White Lead, per lb...... .... ... c6
We guarantee the above paint with
two coats for three years.
F'.obr Paint, pei gallon. .;7.$i.i5
Wagon Paint, per gallon. ...... 1.20
Carriage Paint, per gallon 1.E0
Graphite Pi'int, per gallon - 90
Shingle Stain, per gallon...., 60
Wcod Filler, per gallon. 1.25
Oil Stains, per gallon...... ... 1.20
Light Hard Oil, per gallon 1.25
Wood Alcohol, prr gallon .... .. .....1 25
Best Grade cf Schellac. per gallon... 2.10
High Grade of Exterior Varnish per
gallon 1.60
Medium Grade of ExteriorVarnish,"
per gallon 1.45
High Grade of Interior Varnish, per . -
gallon....... 1.60
Furniture Varnish, per gallon.... .. . 1.25
Japan Dryer, per gallon. 65 -
Boiled Lineeed Oil,1 Woodman Brand
per gallon.. ...,
With five gallon order one new fifty
cent oil can free.
One 4 inch China Wall Brush all -
Bristles 60
One 3 inch Chini Wall Brush all
Bristles.. 50.
One 3 inch China Wall 1 rush all
'Bristles... 40
Genuine English Venetian Red, per
pound., 2c
Ameiican Venetian Red, per lb......ic
French Yellow Ochre, per lb.... .. .; .2c.
Fnnch Grav Ochre, per lb.....,..'.,.'ajic"-
Putty, per lb.. .. , 03
226-240 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Lowest prices on colors in oil. '
We have used a quantity of the above paints. 'They are best quality
and we recommend them to our readers. The Independent. '
.. . . -. . tr rnim w.-fcf "Ut .
make binding twine at the peniten
tiary and to purchase raw materials.
There are 294 Senate Files and 487
House Rolls.
Kennedy of Douglas has introduced I
a joint resolution instructing the at
torney general to re-open the maxi
mum freight rate case and find out if
under present prosperity the rates
will stand.
The senate Friday passed S. F. 118,
limiting revivor of dormant judg
ments'. S. F. 149, providing for a time;
wherf injunction - suits may be
brought; S. F. 8, to elect county com
missioners in Douglas by whole coun
ty, vote; S..F. 152, destroying, weeds
along highways; S. F. 21fi, 218, 219,
repealing laws providing for deputy
treasurer, deputy secretary of state,
and governor's private secretary; S.
F. 85, brick sales; H. R. 18, county
treasurer's seal; S. F. 9u, supersedeas
in appeals to supreme court.
The house Friday passed H. R. 128,
statistics bill; H. R. 113, providing for
Indictment of corporations.
The ship subsidy bill is dead for this
session. " Four republican members
ignored the Hanna lash and voted
with the-democrats on the merchant
marine committee in declining to re-;
port it to the house. . Like the Fowler
bill, it is only a question of time when
it will 06 forced ' upon the " people,
probably . in the. next .congress.
. M . IV myjf J V I j
iiii m iiiiili' 1 'iiv iiif-trii a
Notice is hereby given, that there has been
filed in the office of the County Clerk of Lan
caster County, Nebraskaan amendment to the
articles of incorporation of the Farmers Union
Ditch Company, whose original articles of incor
poration have been hitherto filed in the counties
of Buffalo and Dawson, Nebraska, which amend
ment was adopted at a meeting of the stock
holders of the said company, held at the office of
the Company at Kearney, Nebraska on Febru
ary 18th, 1902, and is as follows: Article II. The
principal place of business of this corporation
shall be the city of Lincoln, in the County of
Lancaster and State of Nebraska.
', . Secretary.