The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 12, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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MARCII 12, 1303.
To Try a Ooo Thing'
' t ;am fifty-two. years old and for
forty years of that time I have been
a chronic catarrh sufferer, says Mr.
James. Gleaning, of Allegheny City;
with every change of weather my heal
and throat would be stuffed up with
catarrhal mucus.
I ' could not breathe naturally
'through the nostrils for months to
; gether and much of the time I suf
fered from catarrh of the stomach.
, Finally my hearing began to fall and
I reaiixed boiuctiiixig luUat be done.
I .tried inhalers and sprays and
salves which gave me temporary relief
' and my physician advised me to spray
or douche with Peroxide of Hydrogen.
.But the catarrh would speedily return
' In a few days and I became thorough
ly discouraged.
I had always been prejudiced against
patent medicine, but as everything else
had failed I felt Justified in at least
making a trial. :.m
Our good old family physician, Dr.
Ramsdell, laughed at me a little, but
said If I was determined to try patent
medicines, he would advise me to be
gin with Stuart's Catarrh Tablets be
cause he knew what they contained
and: he had heard of several remark
able cures resulting from their use;
and furthermore that they were per
fectly safe containing no cocaine or
The next day I bought a fifty-cent
box at a drug store, carried it in my
pocket, and four or five times a day
I would take a tablet; in less than a
week I felt a marked improvement
which continued, until at this time
I am entirely free from any trace of
catarrh. " -
. My head is clear, my throat free
from irritation, my hearing is as good
as it ever was and I feel that I can
not ' say enough in praise of Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets.
These tablets contain extract of
Eucalyptus bark, blood foot and other
valuable antiseptics combined in
pleasant tablet form, and it is safe to
say that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are
far superior in convenience, safety
and effectiveness to the antiquated
treatment by inhalers, sprays and
They-are sold by druggists every
where in the United States and Can
ada. '. . - . .
tor bale ana bxcnange
v No. 463. Hardware and groceries,
$4,000; half cash, balance land. No.
Jn T T . . 1 xl I- I ...ifll 1 i
nuuer mresmug uuuil cuuipiem
for land. No. 492. General merchan-
dise, $5,000, small ranch. , No. 510.
360 acres in Harlan county , for mer
chandise. .No. 511, 160 acres in Har
lan county for livery. No. 512. Ranch,
$3,500, , for merchandise. No. 513.
Hardware, $3,500, for land. "No. 493.
General merchandise, $3,500, at 85c.
No. 521. General merchandise, $5,000,
for land. No. 522. 360 acres in Ver
non county, Missouri, for merchan
dise. No. 525. Grocery and confec
tionary, good country town, $700. No.
527. General merchandise, $14,000, at
65c' If you wish to buy, sell or trade,
this is headquarters. ; T. M. Cline,
1238 0 st, Lincoln, Neb.
Lincoln Hide Market .
" The Lincdln Hide & Fur. Company,
920 R street, Lincoln, Nebraska,- suc
cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quote
tie following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln,
until further notice. ? No. 1 green
salted hides, per lb., 6c. - No. 2,
5c; bulls and side branded, 5c;
green hides lc lb. less than salt cured;,
horse and mule hides, large, each,
$2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep
pelts, each 40-75c; dry. pelts. 5-8c per
lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb.,
12-13c; dry fallent weather beaten and
murrain hides .per lb., 5-10c. Our clas
sified fur list, together with little
booklet telling how to trap, skin.
stretch, and handle furs and hides to
obtain the best i -suits, will be mailed
free to all upon request, also write for
tags and general information any time.
Horse Commits 5uklde
. The Wabash Railway, in a damage
suit instituted by J. M. Sauvinette to
recover the value of : a" horse which
met his death on the Wabash tracks,
sets up the novel defense that the
horse committed suicide. Perhaps the
animal had been reading the adver
tisements of the Wabash and got it
into his head that it was the direct
route to heaven. Globe-Democrat,
Feb. 27,1 1U3.
By Mall, 15c.
1218 QSt. Lincoln, Nob,
News of the Week
The moment that Allison and Ald
"rich got "a tip from London they aban
doned the gold standard theory, voted
for. and made speeches in favor of in
ternational bimetallism. Itv took -a
tip from London, and that was all, to
get them to do it : " ' '
None of the currency tinkering bills
which the Wall street pirates were In
terested in got through congress.. That
was because the democrats inaugur
ated the most persistent filibuster that
has been seen in congress for years.
When the republicans unseated Butler
at the end of the term with about a
week to serve and Installed a repub
lican in his place who lacked 6,000
votes of being elected, the democrats
retaliated by a filibuster against ev
erything. In the fight the Fowler bill
and the Aldrich bill fell outside the
breastworks. Had it toot been for this
filibustering, they would both have
passed. ..-
Another stenographer has been ele
vated to a very high and responsible
office in Washington. The private
secretary of Secretary Shaw has been
appointed assistant treasurer of the
United States. Before the appoint
ment to high offices was turned over
to Wall street and the trusts, such
positions were reserved for statesmen
of acknowledged ability. Now they
are conferred on stenographers whom
the trust magnates know will obey or
ders in the future as punctiliously as
they did when occupying confidential
positions as clerks.
1 he silence of the tomb is as the
roar of a great battle when compared
to the silence, of. the great plutocratic
daiHes concerning the passage of the
law to create a commission to bring
about bimetallism and fix a ratio for
silver. If you want the news you
will have to continue to read The
Independent. .
There is a strong movement in Colo
rado for a state civil service law. In
this state through the appointment of
ward heelers to responsible places two
of, the state, institutions, have been
burned down and the rest of them
are run on the political plan.
The democratic senators placed Gor
man back in his old position as head
of the steering committee and leader
for the democratic side. He occupied
that position when the Wilson bill
was mangled and mutilated with ivu
amendments and' made over into a
high protection measure. Gorman is
a gold standard man, a protectionist
and imperialist. Both sides of the
chamber will be under the same lead
ership, that is, led by men holding ex
actly, .the same political principles.
Judge Parker of New York seems to
be out of the fight He has announced
that he would not think of taking the
nomination for president unless he
had the hearty support of W. J.
Bryan. - .
There was a high old time on Wall
street nearly all the week. As soon
as. it was announced that the Aldrich
bill had failed, stocks began to tum
ble and the bank statement proved the
worst for years. Loans were curtailed
and the bears have had it all their
own way ever since. Some heavy,
failures have been announced and
things look black for watered stock
concerns. The Aldrich bill would
have furnished a lot of rag-tag and-bob-tailed
money and credit which,
would have swung things along for a
while, but when the crash came it
would have been all the worse. The
system that the republicans have
forced on this country demands a
continuous and everlasting inflation
to keep it going, which is a manifest
impossibility. , . -
In information that is of Interest to
the common people, The Independent
Is always two months to two years
ahead of the dailies and it seems that
it is generally more than that much
ahead of the ministers in matters af
fecting morals. For four or five years
it has been like the voice of one cry
ing in the wilderness in regard to the
degeneration that sat in upon the in
auguration of the worship of Mam
mon. - Now some of the ministers are
beginning to reiterate what The Inde
pendent has been saying for so long
a time. Rev. George Whitman
preached a sermon in Buffalo, N. Y.y
last week in which he said: "There
is a growing godlessness among many
well-to-do persons. The type of de
pravity among persons in the higher
circles is often worse than in the
slums of the city America is fast
following in the steps of the old Ro
man empire The home is despised;
children are an encumbrance; a poo
dle dog is of more value than a baby.
Wealth and pride consume the life
blood of the nation and aristocratic
weaknesses sap our democratic vigor."
The Independent has said those same
things during the last few years many
The Brooklyn Eagle confirms the
statement made by i he Independent
that an enormous amount of boodle
would be poured into this state to cap
ture the democratic organization and
down Bryan. It says: "The situa
tion in Nebraska is, therefore, regard
ed as favorable to the plans of the re
organizers, who can supply the anti
Bryan people at once with all the
needful" equipment for a powerful or
ganization." Every one who knows
anything of the way plutocratic cam
paigns are fought will have no diffi
culty in coming to a conclusion as to
what the term "needful ' equipment"
means v when used, in this connection.
. The American Window Glass com
pany has closed all its plants and will
not open them until they are furnished
with the new patent machinery which
it is said will entirely supercede
skilled labor. We may now, look for
another rise in glass as this is one of
thQ. corapletest trusts in existence. It
is surrounded on every side by a tariff
Nearly a year ago The Independent
remarked that the exorbitant prices
charged for coal by the trust would be
collected mainly from those who oc
supied apartment houses, flats and
heated roCms; The real estate men of
Chicago have announced a raise in
rents of from 10 to 15 per cent.
One day last week Morgan paid a
little over $26,000 for an old book
which had no value at all except that
it was old. The same day one of the
steel plants shut down because the
superintendent refused to pay the reg
ular scale or recognize organized la
bor and the men went on a strike.
The Sherman County Times-Inde-'
pendent began volume XXVI. last
week. Editor Brown has been In
charge since' December 1, 1888, but
started as devil on the Times in its
first year. He -deserves great credit
for keeping the Times-Independent al
ways the leading paper of Sherman
Piles Can be Cured Quickly and With-
out Pain by Using Pyramid -'
Pile Cure
A Trial Package Mailed Free For the Aiklaff.
We want everv nile sufferer to try.
Pyramid Pil Cure at our exDehse.
The treatment which we send win 7
bring immediate relief from the awful
torture of itching, bleeding, burning,
tantalizing piles. If they . are fol
lowed up as directed we guarantee an,
entire cure.
l " IS, j&&t
The Platte Valley News of Bridge
port, and. the Mitchell Index, axe de
lighted with the government action
in withdrawing 17 townships of land
in Cheyenne, Scotts Bluff, and Banner
counties under the irrigation act of
June 17, 1902, preparatory to .building
a $600,000 reservoir at Devil's Gate,
Natrona county,-Wyo.
The Madison Star-Mail is the way
it reads now. Senator Allen, after
somewhat over a year's editorial man
agement of the Mail, found his law
business too pressing to allow him the
pleasure of editing the paper, and he
sold it . to J. B. Donovan of the Star,
who merged the two.
Readers of The Independent should
write for the spring catalogues now
offered free by advertisers. Buying
by mail is as safe and more economi
cal than buying over the counter. Try
it and always mention The Indepen
dent when writing. -
The Discoverer of the World's Great
est Remedy For Piles.
We send the free, treatment in a
plain sealed package with nothing to
indicate the contents, and all our en
velopes are plain. .... - .
Pyramid Pile Cure is put up in the
form of suppositories which are ap-.
plied directly to the affected part
Their action is immediate and cer-.
tain. They are sold at 50 cents the .
box. by druggists everywhere and on,
box will frequently effect v a perma
nent cure.
By the use of Pyramid Pile Cure you .
will avoid an unnecessary, trying and
expensive examination by a physician,
and will rid yourself of youftrouble
in the privacy of your own home at
trifline extense. .
After using the free treatment,
which we mail in . a perfectly plain ;
wrapper, you can secure regular, full- .'
size packages from - druggists at 50 ;j
cents each, or we will jnaii direct in
plain package upon receipt of price, . ,
You can get every cent of your money .
back if after using ohe-half a full box .
you are not satisfied that it will cure
you. Pyramid Drug Co., 114 Main st,
Marshall, Mich. . ,
Good paint is cheap. It will pay
you to pafnt your house and barn this
spring. See the special paint bargains
offered by the Farmers Grocery Co. of
this city in their ad. this week. Write .
for color card and mention The Independent
Do you want to read the best books
on political economy? Then write a
card to The Independent today.
New Book
Of samples and styles of Alerts
and Boys Clothing is ready for
(jour inspection. No matter where
you have teen buying your cloth
inq you owe it to yourself and
your pochet book to "post wn"
on prices. Our. mail order de
pa rtmen t is making f riends and
patrons all over the gredt west.
Loio prices, promptness in ship
l)ina and careful attention to ph.
x .
ery detail are winning their ivay
wim me ouying puotic.
Your address plainly written on a postal will
bring you by return mail our spring catalogue
and you, trill find it full of points and pointers
on how to dress well at moderate costr
MAYER BROS. Lincoln, Neb.
mm ii v i