The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 12, 1903, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. MARCH 12, 1903. vr 'i I s 1 k 3 P i i i t s i 3s JUDICIAL ANARCHY Tlite gieatest' danger that threatens the prosperity and peaee-of thla-oun-try" the federal courts. -.They are the anarchy breeders of this gen eration. In West Virginia the other day a battle was fought growing out of an injunction issued by a federal court. Last .week in St Louis the federal judge, Elmer B. Adams, (let his name be remembered, for it is the beginning of a system unknown in the world before) issued a blanket in junction forbidding the employes' o the Wabash railroad from uniting to Quit work, the full effect of which is to absolutely destroy organized labor tiaisss.. If federal Judges have such powers as this, every labor organiza tion In the United States might as well disband at once, for the legal en slavement of free white men has been provided for. Judge Tulcy of Chicago, in speaking of this injunction, says:' "I believe that the issuing of such writs as Judge Adams' brings the administration of justice into contempt It breeds discontent, 'nd we will reap the whirlwind 'some day from the seeds so sown. The day may come in the near fu ture when the working classes will have political control, and will appoint judges who will also issue writs of injunction in their fav or. It is time to call a halt" To The Independent it looks far more probable that Instead of work Ingmen ever being able to change the constitution of the United States and elect federal judges by a vote of the people, that we will have more and more of such work as occurred in West Virginia. v. : . There is great lamenting in the plu tocratic dailies because the anti-anarchy bill failed to pass at this ses sion of congress, but the true patriot will more sincerely lament because the bill to, restrain the federal judges from issuing such injunctions did not passl That bill, however, never had a possibility of passing and never wL have as long as there is a republican majority of law-makers in Washing ton. - , Mark, these words: The issuing of Buch. an Injunction as Judge Adams promulgated is' the beginning of the darkest days this republic has ever known, unless it is modified or. other Judges refuse to follow such a pre cedent. It is anarchy in its worst form, 'f ? ; TO DOWN BRYAN : There will be more plutocratic boo dle distributed in Nebraska during the next two years than, has been dis posed! pf here for the last ten years. The republicans and gold democrats have determined to down Bryan in his own slated and turn the organization of the democratic party over to the re organizers. The -plan is boldly an nounced. They want to keep Bryan . out of the next democratic national convention and to do that they must capture the organization in this state. While the offices to be contended for in the state this year are a supreme judge and regents of the state Uni versity, they do not enter into the contest at all". The" fight' will be to capture the democratic .primaries and hold the state committee and organi zation for the next 'year. . . . V That the republicans arte .'Ur the scheme no one can doubt. They will vote every republican possible at the democratic primaries and the railroads will bring such cattle into the state by the hundreds. There will be more money spent to capture the next dem- " ocratic state convention in Nebraska ' than was ever spent in the state be fore at any election. If the pluto crats can capture that convention and get the state committee, it will be no job at all for them to hold the state organization for the . next year and the democratic delegates from Nebras ka will be for Dave Hill, "Judge Parker or some other eastern plutocrat for president, while Bryan will not be, al lowed to show his face Inthe" natibnal body when it meets. . File this article away. arid, then Watch. You' will see that every word of it is true..! The. reorganizers are Very much afraid that if Bryan should appear in the national convention that all their schemes would "gang agley.'V Tbjey ar determined to kephim out. TDK TOKRENSBILL Hon. H. H. Hanks, former repre sentative, from Otoe, and fusion nomi nee for congress last .tail, -called on The Independent the other day and r-Ized that the members of the legis lature be reminded that although rev enue is an important subject, the ques tion of a rational system of trans ferring land titles is also important. Representative Loomis of Dodge has a bill which covers the subject, and it ought not to be allowed to die in committee. Mr. Hanks says that the county authorities of Cook coun ty, Illinois, inform him that the av erage cost of making a transfer under the Torrens system now in vogue there is something like-$3.50; under the old abstract of title idea, the cost would run up into hundreds of dol lars in many cases. Nebraska should be progressive.. She cannot afford to hold to old superstitions regarding transfer of land titles and should get in the band wagon.' A few hundred second-rate lawyers and abstracters might be obliged to enter some other field of employment if a modern sys tem should be adopted but the thou sands of real estate owners would be the gainers. - Make it easy to transfer the title to land, and the value will be enhanced. , A DILEMMA " - ' The United States supreme court, in. the Elmwood elevator case, said in ef fect that a railroad right of way is private property and that for the state board of transportation to order the Missouri Pacific to give an elevator site to the Farmers' Alliance associa tion would, if enforced, amount to a taking of property without due pro cess of law, and was, therefore, in .violation of the 14th amendment But now our own supreme court in the McLucas case holds that' a rail road right of way is a public highway and, therefore, adverse possession can never run against it. If it be a public highway, then some properly; constituted authority can certainly, grant the use of any portion of right of way not actually occupied by the railroad tracks, depots or sid ings, just as the city council may grant a "street railway the . right to use and occupy the streets. But the Elmwood decision holds otherwise. Now, if we adhere to the private property idea as the United States court, holds we must then surely title can be obtained by adverse possession to such portions of the right of way as are not ''actually being used as rail road unless we assume that a 5-foot track by some legal fiction covers the entire 200-foot strip of land and that it is never possible for any portion to be out of the railroad's possession so long as trains are run over the track. If A should fence off a portion of B's farm and openly, notoriously and adversely retain quiet and undisturbed possession of it for more than ten years, what court would refuse him a good title? That is substantially the state of facts in the McLucas case. Not even a Philadelphia lawyer can ever untangle the kinks in this rail road rope. " ' ' All taxes are paid out of incomes and therefore are in reality income taxes. If a man has no income he can pay no taxes. The income may be derived from sale of property here tofore accumulated, nevertheless it is "income" all the same. It is impossi ble that anything canbe paid out for taxes or for anything else until some thing has come in. All this jugglery in taxation could be avoided by simply putting a tax sufficient to pay the public expenses on incomes. The only reason that it is not done is that such a system would make the rich pay taxes at the same rate as the poor. When a man pays taxes on land or on anything else, he pays it out of his income, and that's all there Is . to it 0X000000000S0000 o o o o o o o GUESSING CONTEST $ioo.oo Cash o o o O o A or choice ofv any high grade typewriter made. Open to young people who are interested in learning shorthand, t & We Want a l nousand New Pupils and will srive the above prize in order to promote interest in our school. O A This is the plan of our great contest: An exact copy of this ad. is inserted A in this week's edition of twenty different weeklv newspapers having an av- r erage circulation of 5,000 each and thy are located in all parts of the A United States. We rant you to GUESS how many answers we will receive A O from the twenty papers. As a basis on -which you can figure we will say,.T judging from our experience, that there will be about 235 answers from V A each paper. O X The first person guessing the correct or nearest correct number will a. V, receive a prize of;, 1100.00 cash or a typewriter as above stated. The next A five guessing the nearest correct will be given our complete course of short- O hand by mail free; : The next twenty-five $1.00 each. . ' We have nothing to sell you and all that we ask is that you send u s the ". W O name of this paper and 10 cents (silver or stamps), for first lesson of our A . 1 1 M 1 1 M tt. 1 1 course, aswe minx - you. wm uecume a pupn alter seeing uow simpio our system is. All answer must be in by March 4, lyUJ. This offer will only Q appear one..;. 't '.v ""' ' ' ' o o o A. v o Patersonlibrtliand School, FLINT, MICHIGAN. o o o o o v O t4 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION BTATH OFWHBBABKA - . Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. LINCOLN, February 1st. 1903. It is hereby certified. thAt the Jean Mutual Life Insurance CompAny, of .Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, has epnplied with the Insurance Law of this State, applicable to such companies, and ii therefore authorized to continue the business xt ; : v ' LifkImburakcb in Ibis state for the current year ending Janu ary 31st, 1904. ... Summary of Report Filed for the Year Ending December 31st, 1902: INCOMK Premiums...;.;... $10,709,248.47 All other sources 2,731,319.43 Total... $13,440,567.90 . DISBCX8BMXNT8 Paid policyholders $4,861,303.33 All other payments 2,781,994.89 Total.... .-...$ 7,643,298.42 Admitted assets....' .....$54,391,103.31 LIABILITIKS Net Reserre. $45,964,541.00 Net Policy claims 329,004.00 All other liabilities.... 5,070,418.27 51,3C3,963.27 Surplus beyond Capital Stock and other liabil- Hies 3,027,14404 Total 84,391,103.31 Witness my hand and the seal seal of the Auditor of Public Ascounts the day and year first a bore written. Chablxs WasTON, J. L. Pierce, Deputy. Auditor of Public Aects. O. Z. Gould, Gen'l Agt., 522 Bee BuUding, Omaha, Nebraska. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATU OF NEBRASKA Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. LINCOLN, February 1st, 1903 It is hereby certified that the New York Life Insurance Company of New York, in the state of New York, has complied with the Insurance Law of this state, applicable to such compan ies, and is therefore authorized to continue the business of Life Insurance in this state for the current year ending Janu ary 31 st. 1904. Summary of report filed for the year ending December 31st, 1902. INCOME Premiums $05,049,944.54 . All other sourees 14,058,456.80 . Total ;.. $79,108,401.34 DISBURSEMENTS Paid policy holders..., ..30,558,559.77 All other payments 16,367,031.70 Total $ 46,925,591.47 Admitted Assets 322,840,900.03 LIABILITIES Net reserve $268,344,420.03 Net policy claims..... 2,509,476.97 All other liabilities . . . 51,987,003.06 322,840,900.03 : Total $322,840,900.03 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. CHARLES WESTON, J. L. PIERCE, Auditor Public Accounts. Deputy. . CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. BTATB OF NEBRASKA OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. ' Lincoln, Feb. 1st, 1903. It i hereby certified that the Equitable Life Insurance Co. , of -Des Moines, in the State of Iowa, has complied with the Insurance Law of this slate, applicable to such Companies and is therefore authorized to Continue the bus iness of Life Insnrance in this Slate for the current year, ending January 31st, 1904. Summary of report filed for the year ending December 31st, 1902. INCOME Premiums .$ 62 511.20 All other sources 145,597.78 Total 808,108.98 DISBURSEMENTS Paid policy holders..... 227,636.72 All other payments 190,541.07 Total 418,177.79 Admitted assets $3,132,708.13 LIABILITIES Net reserve 2,579,385 93 Net policy claims....... 27,17134 All other liabilities 10,771.73 2,617,331.00 Capital stock paid up 100,000.00 Surplus beyond capital stock A other liabTt's 415,377.13 515,377.13 TotaLi..... $3,132,708.13 Witness mj hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written. J. L. PIERCE CHARLES WESTON, . .. Depnty. Auditor of Pnblic Accounts. - Write a postal card today If you want to take part in The Independent's school of political economy. - W i 1 d Ion: INVEST A rionth for io ilonths " 4,000 'RRE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Underwrite 'Stock in new mining company! Positively a GROUND FLOOR proposition as UNDERWRITERS are the promoters. The Company has ALREADY acquired and OWNS six RICH FREE GOLD claims in Idaho. Also a property adjoining the famous EVA" group in British Columbia which recently sold for - $250,000. Special concessions will be made to UNDERWRITERS for a short time. By UNDERWRITING you become one of the promoters. Let us ; tell you all about " UNDER-" WRITING. ine MINES EXCHANGE, Limited. BOX E., 112 CLARK ST., Chicago, III; Mines and mining stocks bought and sold. Ask for stock lists and reports. - Other Offices s" .Calumet, Micb.,' 115 6th Bt.' 4 ! Duiuth( Minn., 106 PalladioBldg... ; Nelson, Bi C 'l. -' ; ) ; . .. . Camborne, B. C. : : '. . Craabrook, B, C. , ,. "'.----- - - Salmon, Idaho. At 4' i