The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 05, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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MARCH 5, 1903.
. I: '
Free to "
Piles Cured Without Cutting, Danger or De.
7 " tention From Work, by a Simple V
' Home Remedy
. Pyramid Pile Cure gives instant re
- lief and never fail to cure every form
cf'this most troublesome disease. For
sale by all druggists at 50c a package.
Thousands have been quickly cured
Ask your druggist for a package of
Pyramid Pile Cure, or write for our
little book which tells all about th?
cause and cure of piles. Write your
name and address plainly on a postal
card, mail to the Pyramid Drug Co.,
Marshall, Mich., and you will receive
the book by return mall. .
News of the YYeeK
.The attempt to arrest thirty-two
miners in West Virginia for a viola
tion of the blanket injunction issued
by Judge Keller last August, resulted
in a battle between the federal marsh
als and a sheriff's posse in whicn
three men were killed, three mortally
wounded and a large number slightly
wounded. Seventy-three arrests were
made, ten by the marshals and the re
mainder by the sheriff. A somewhat
extended account was given in the
dailies concerning the battle, but af-
. ter that they shut up like clams. What
has happened since nobody knows.
' Perhaps the dailies have come to the
conclusion that the Keller blanket, in
junction was such an outrageous vio
lation of the natural rights of man as
well as of the constitution, that the
best thing to do was to say nothing.
the bill and make a persistent fight to
that ..
Senator Beveridge undertook to tack
another British idea on to this govern
ment the other day. He introduced a
bill to appoint a commissioner to rep
resent Aiaska instead of a delegate
electee by the people. That's "Eng
lish, you know." c '
. In response to a resolution of the
senate, the interstate commerce com
mission reports that for the United
States the total par value of railway
securities is $11,724,035,829, and their
market value $8,351,103,523. The capi
tal stock is stated to be, par value,
$6,021,364,502 and the market value
$3,250,144,596. The par value of the
funded debt is stated to be $5,702,
671,327 and the market value $5,
100,958,927. ;
The defeat in the house of Senator
Patterson's bill to appoint a commia
sioii to arrange for international bi
metallism has resulted in tacking the
same thing on to the sundry civil ap
propriation bill in the senate and ap
propriating $100,000 to pay the ex
penses of the commission. It is said
that the senate committee on appro
priations will insist on retaining it in
United States Consul McWade, lo
cated at Canton, China, reports that
an American physician there has dis
covered a cure for leprosy and has
actually cured several patients who
have been -discharged and declared to
be in perfect health. His method is
the' use of sanitation and antl-sep'tics.
The highest Chinese officials are lend
ing their aid- to the general introduc
tion of the treatment.
It is said that the new legislation
against rebates and discriminations
applies to the granting of passes and
that the road3 will hereafter l. grant
none. The pass business has been a
great drain on the roads and several
times "gentlemen's agreements" have
been made to abolish It which were
never observed longer than about 24
hours. The law will give an excuse to
the roads to cut off a good deal of it,
but as far as the abolishment of all
passes are concerned, that will be got
around by the time the next republi
can campaign begins.
Speaker Henderson, like all the
great pets of the republican party and
the corporations, goes to Wall street
at the close of his term.
in crime, gets the long term and a
regular republican, L. Heisler Ball,
the short one. - -
President Roosevelt has called an
extra. session of the senate to ratify
some treaties which have been block
aded by Quay's tactics on the state
hood bill. '
Mabina, the Filipino patriot, has at
last taken the oath of allegiance and
gone back to Manila. One or two oth
ers who were imprisoned with him on
the island of Guam refused and were
deported to Hong Kong.
When the Venezuelan ship, the
Restaurador, was turned over by the
Germans, the Venezuelans claimed
that she had been sacked of every
thing valuable that could be carried
away. The Germans deny the story
and say that while the ship was in
their possession $12,000 worth of re
pairing was done and that they left
150 tons of coal in the ship for which
they made no charge. The truth about
these South American affairs is very
hard to find out
Pronounce cTMy Case
Said I Would Die Of
Heart Disease.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cur
. Brought Good Health.
"I have every reason to recommend the
Dr. Mile Remedies as the Heart Cure saved
toy. life. I in i large man, considerably
vor six feet in height, weigh nearly three
hundred pounds. Some years ago my heart
was so seriously affected that I never expec
ted to get well. Doctors pronounced my
case in cur able. I noticed your advertisement
in some paper, and bought six bottles of the
Heart Cure. I f ;lt great relief andiniproved
so I continued until 1 had taken twelve bot
tles. My trouble was organic and I never
expected to be permanently cured, but
thanks to Dr. Miles1 Heart Cure, I have kept
in eood health and have been able to follow
ray profession contin ually since first taking
the remedies eight years ago. I am a musi
cian, teacher , of instrumental and vocal
music, musical conductor, etc. I have taught
All over the state of Michigan and have
recommended Dr. Miles' Heart Cure to
thousands of .persons in all parts of the
state and have heard nothing but good re
ports of it I have induced dozens of persons
in my own county to take Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure as my word is never doubted by those
who know me." C H. Smith, Flint, Mich.
' I am a druggist and have sold and recom
mended t)r. Maes' Heart Cure, for I know
what it has done for me, and I wish I could
state more clearly the splendid good health
I am enjoying now. Your Restorative Nerv
ine gives excellent satisfaction." Dr. T. H.
Watts, Druggist, Hot Springs, S. D.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. iSend for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
; Dr. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, lad.
The Aldrich bill authorizes the sec
retary of the treasury to receive as
security for government deposits (1)
United States bonds, as at present; (2)
bonds of any state; (3) bonds of cit
ies at least twenty-five years old, with
at least 50,000 population, with a debt
not more than 10 per cent of their as
sessed valuation, and which have not
defaulted in Interest or principal of
their debt for ten years; (4) bonds of
railroads ' that have for at least ten
years paid dividends on their entire
capital stock of at least 4 per cent
annually. A provision of the bill also
permits the acceptance of the new
Panama canal 2 per cent bonds as "se
curity for circulation" when issued.
The republicans were lifeely in a
tight box when ; they' unseated a duly
elected- democrat just before the close
of the session. As there was no politi
cal necessity, the republicans already
having a good working majority, the
only conclusion that can be reached is
that the man whom they seated was
in a position to ruin the party if he
was not seated. Perhaps he had in
formation alid could give evidence that
would have made it very unpleasant
for some of the leaders. The fight that
the democrats have since kept up is
justifiable. '
It is said that W. R. Merriam, di
rector of the census bureau, will short
ly resign and go to Wall street There
is where all the real pets of the re
publican party finally land.
Besides giving the attorney general
$500,000 to prosecute the trusts, congress-has
also provided two assistant
attorney generals and a lot of clerks.
Knox now has all the appliances fur
nished him for "trust busting" and if
he don't bust them what excuse will
he make? No doubt he will conjure up
some sort of a one that will be satis
factory to the partisan Idiots who al
ways, "vote er straight."
Government by injunction grows.
Judge Adams of the United States dis
trict court has enjoined 1.100 firemen
and trainmen of the Wabash from
striking for higher wages. They have
been voting 'er straight right along
let them take their medicine. -
"Gas" Addlcks couldn't reach the
senatorial persimmon himself, but he
did like D. E. Thompson of Nebraska
picked a substitute. ; J. Frank Al
lee, bis right-hand man, and partner
Ball and ' Allee, the new senators
from Delaware, were sworn in on
Wednesday in time to draw their sal
aries ; at least for the session just
closed, if not further back. V
V v LIP. '...: -The
most frequent location of ter
rible disease in the male caused from
the constant , irritation prod by
smoking or chewing tobacco. Dr. Bye
the Specialist on the Treatment o '
Cancer, Kansas Cit r, Mo. - advises
early treatment in such cases, as mos.
cases terminate fa ally aft; r the lym
phatic glands become envolved under
the chin. Mr. N. H. Henderson, of
Wilsey, Kansas, wps recently cured of
a very bad catocer of the lip by the
Combination Oils. Persons afflicted
with this disease should write the
Doctor for an Illustrated Book on the
treatment of Caneer and vnt
Diseases. Address Dr. W. O. Bye, 9th
& Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. .
Keeps Close Tab on Congress and Ven
tures the Prediction That the
... Department of Commerce Is
One of the Best Creations
of the Session.
Can you spare 10 cents a month for
reading the best books on political
economy? Read the article on the
first page and write a postal card to
day. ..
; NEB. .
Two days of this week continued the
strong cattle market, with a 10 to lie
advance. Receipts were lighter than
expected. We had hoped this to be
the beginning of a permanent advance
but Wednesday brought liberal re
ceipts and a lower market.
We quote best beef steers $4.60 to
$5.00, good $4.00 to $4.50, warmed-up
$3.50 to $4.00; choice cows and heif
ers $3.50 to $4.00, fair to good $2.85 to
$3.40, canners and cutters $1.50 to
$2.50. Choice stocker3 and feeders,
$4.20 to $4.40, good $3.75 to $4.20.
Bulls slow sale at $2.50 to $3.70; veal
$4.00 to $6.50.
Hog receipts light. Market advanced
for two days, but was 5c lower Wed
nesday. Range $6.80 to $7.15.
Sheep receipts light Market 10 to
15c higher. Killers.
Lambs $5.50-$6.25
Yearlings 5.50- 6.00
Wethers 5.20- 5.40
Ewes ..' 4.00- 4.65
Splendid Farm
A choice farm of 320 acres, three
and one-half miles from Ragan, Har
lan county, Neb. 160 acres under cul
tivation. 160 acres in pasture and h?y
meidow. New 7-room house; barn
24x30 with full size hay loft overhead.
Other out buildings and everything In
first-class shape. Good well and wind
mill. Price $15 per acre. . Weber &
Farris, Lincoln, Neb.
Cheap Trip to El Pso
On March 7th to 9th, inclusive, the
Rock Island System will sell round
trip tickets to El Pnso at rate of tine
fare plus $2. Liberal return limit
This low rate provides a splendid
end-of -the-winter opportunity to 'at
tend the Cattle Raisers' Annual Con
vention, to inspect the great and grow
ing interests of New Mexico, to visit
the modern American city of El Pso
and to contrast it with the tvhfp i
old Mexican city of Juarez, just across
the river, with its adobe houses
peons, old cathedral and bull fights.
jpor tickets, etc, address,
-F. H. BARNES, C. P. A.,
. . Lincoln.
The Nebraska Exnpriment RtnrWi
has just issued Bulletin No. 77. This
gives the field observations of the
veterinarian and the laboratorv
of the chemist, which led to the dis
covery or the cause of sorghum pois
oning in cattle. The bulle'in may be
obtained free of cost by residents of
the state, upon writing to the Agri
cultural Experiment Station, Lincoln
George B. Cortelyou, secretary of
commerce, has large ideas of the im
portance of the new department He
wants over $600,000 for expenses and a
$7,000,000 building for an office. The
new head of the new department ap
preciates the importance of the office
for which he has been selected and
appreciates -the opportunities it af
fords, for usefulness.
A $7,000,000 BUILDING
would be none too good for the depart
ment of commerce. . It should be an
architectural gem and should be dis
tinctly appropriate to the idea of com
merce. Old Corinth was a commer
cial center. The noble Corinthian
architecture of the ancient Greeks was
developed out of the enlightened self
ishness known as commerce. We want
in this new building the American
ideal original, significant and ornate.
will watch the development of this
department with great interest, for
under its roof will one day be housed
a bureau of life insurance. By that
time the young Nebraska company
will be one of the greatest western
life companies. - Already taking rank
among the best, its report J;o the audi
tor for 1903 shows a phenomenal
growth, and a promise for the future
which makes alien competitors green
with envy. ." '
will shortly apply for admission to
several new states. First-class under
writers can get in on the ground floor
by making"early applications for con
tracts. He wants a thoroughly com
petent man for a general agency now.
See him or communicate with him at
the home office;"!
McCague Building, Omaha, Neb.
0. A. Roberts, box 98, Edison, Neb.:
The Independent is a number one pa
per. It -gives the railroads and
that is what they need.
Every subscriber can become a
member of the Independent School of
Political Economy.- Write a postal
card today if you are interested.
Insure Your Crops
The United Hail Insurance Associa
tion of Lincoln, Nebr., has paid the
enormous sum of $147,300.00 to 1949
farmers who have suffered losses by
hail during the past four years. This
is the oldest and most reliable company
in the stale. It slarteu this year with
over 3,000 of our best class of farmers
as members who have their cultivated
ground covered with $ 1,360,000 of In
surance. The average cost the past
three years in the Eastern part of the
state has been 2 per cent, on the
amount insured, while other compan
ies have not carried it for less than 4
- SEE 'K
United Mutual If ail las. Association,
116 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Do Yon Want a
Genuine Bargain
Hundred! of Upright rioitoi
Mia rind from . reutlni tn
dUpoeed of at one. They Intlnde Htetnwati, Knabet, Plrchtn,
Sterlings and other well known make. Many eanaet be di
llaguiahed from new mat fp jox nn)tt all are offered at
groat diee-Mul BCT fill 1 H E 3 1 Uarigtto a low
ai f 100. aleo bean. 121 1 1 JJ tiful Now l a.
rlchtaattlSMIM, M U If i IMaodtiM. Alio
Initnmast at 1190, w fllj equal to maw
$00 pianos. MmtUr payment) eaeepted. Flight only about
ft. Write lot Hit and pertiealars. Toa make a great eavlag.
Fteaoe warranted u repreunted. tllutrated Piano Book Free.
' IOO Adams St. CHICAGO.
Vgtld'g iMf tt BatU Wwi tell IrtrjtMBf, kaewi !