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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
MARCH 5, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 13 ' To make cows pay, use Sharping Cream Separators Boo"fcmlne Dairylm" Cat-270 free W.Cuester.' Hembtfi of Legislature- Will rind The Hotel Walton 1A16 O 8TBEKT. the best and most convenient low priced house in the c ty. Rates $i per day and up. ONE GOOD SALESMAN, . Teacher Preferred. in each county in Nebraska, to sell Band. Me Nally Universal Atlas of the World. Best me dium priced library, school and family Atlas made, 160 pages of maps, printed in colors, show ing states, counties, towns, railroads, every country of the world, all natural features, many city maps, colored diagrams and ehats present ing in accurate, concise and attractive form the manufactures and commerce of the world. Complete geographical description of every county and state. History and Ueorraphy com bined, 464 pages HxU. Price only $6.00. Exclu sive territory. We allow publisher's commis sions to solicitors. Experience unnecessary. We teach you. Men earning $125X0 per month. Our name guarantees the best gooda and hon orable dealings. Write today for full particu lars HAND, McNALLY CO., Chicago, fll. Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure is guaranteed to cure or money refunded. One application is enough. One bottle is sufficient for 4 head or more. You can buy it at your druggists or he can get it from his jobber. If he won't, write us direct and we will send you a bottle-for $1.25 delivered.. Marshall Oil Company, sole sale agents for the United States, Marshalltown, la. FARM LANDS in the-McoFe Mountain Dist., CANADA. I 200,000 ACRES of the choicest virgin lands for sale at from $8 to $12 per Acre Fertile Valleys, Open Plains, Luxuriant Grasses, . Pure Spiing Water. f It should interest every farmer in Nebraska to know that he can self out his high-prfced lands and move to the fertile valleys of East ern Assiniboja and buy land at frcm $8 oo to $i2.oo per acre, with an expenditure of very 1 ttle cash. It must certainly be of interest also to know thst the taxes on improved farms in this famous district are frcm $2.50 to $5 00 on the quarter section. Hundreds have come into tnis d strict from Minnesota, Iowa and Nebratka at my instigation and have found a district just as fertile, and the winters just as pleasant, as in the Western States, and prosperity more generally prevailing. Poor men who came to this district two years ago and purchased land at $8.00 per acre are now prosperous and contented. In 1901 Areola shipped 500,000 bushels of wheat, being an average of 29 bushels per acre, and in the season just psffsed 900 000 bushels' of wheat being an average of 33 bushels per acre, be sides 200,000 bushels of flax. Write to your friends in this district, or send tome for my map and pamphlet showing the lards I still have for sale at the above prices. You cannot help but be impressed by the prospects. It is worth figuring out. A.B.COOK, Areola, Asslnlbola, Canada. FARMERS, COME TO MONTANA. KICH lands, good markets, fine climate. Buy a farm before they advance in price. They will double in value in the next a years. lean sell you the best improved farms here now for $10 per acre, write me tor particulars. Address, J. M. GAUNT, Real Eat. Great Falls, Cascade Co., Moat. ZEPi Cancers GbTCd: why suffer '! D&in and death from cancer? Dr?- T. O'Connor cures cancers, tumors and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Address 1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska. WANTKD-SIYEtf AL PERSONS OF C3AH aeter and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid nnanciai standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all navable in eaih direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Xnclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 9c jjearnorn cm., unicago. 8. B. Hams, Attorney the District Court in and for Lancaster county, Nebraska. Luther Batten, Plain- wjt. vs. jonn lonng, Mrs. jonn xonng, nis wife, first name unknown, J!. K. Yeung, first name unknown. Mrs. . E. Yonag, first name unknown, E. R. Raybura first name un known, and Mrs. E. H. Kay burn, first name unknown, attendants. Thedefendania John Young, Mrs. John Young bis wue, nrsc name unknown, J. K. loung, first name unknown, Mrs. E. K. Young, his wie, first name unknown. JL R. Ravbnrn first nam wn known and Mrs. . R. Rayburn bis wife nrst name unknown, nan-residents and defen- aiants in said eaase will each takn notice that the lalnttff, Luther Batten on February llth 1903 I J L 1 . . .... ... iea nig amenaaa rxiiuon against aii damn- dants and each and all of them in the District court of Lancaster county, Nebraska the object end prayer of said petition being to have title to the real estate described as north (N tt) of oathwest quarter (8. W. M) of section (fi) town ship eleven (11) range eight (8) Lancaster county Nebraska.qnieted in said Luther Batten, to have the cload cast on pllaatiffs title by the ciaiins of said defendants and each and all of them removed and to have them each and all forever barred from asserting any claim against eaid lands and to have the record title of said John Yotmg cancelled as against said plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition oa r before Monday the 22d day of March, 1903. LUTHER BATTJ5N, Plaints. Wm. T. Johnson, Hinton, Okla. : No matter -what the political issues, nev er will I give my vote or support to Cleveland or Hill or any other man tarred with the same dirty stick. I am & life-long democrat.' THE FOWLER BILL Congressman gnallenberger Explains t " the House His Opposition to Asset Currency Washington, D. C., Feb. 25, 1903. (Special Correspondence.) While the house was considering the Fowler bill today Representative Shallenberger of Nebraska made a speech in opposition, conceded to be the strongest yet made on the democratic side of the case, - It will be remembered he addressed the house in opposition to this bill in the first session of this congress. He said today in part: "Although we are , constantly as sured that the money question is set tled, or is dead, yet it seems to have an annual resurrection in the con gress of the United States. I have observed in my brief experience that people are generally very much inter ested In something which they haven't got In the hard times folowing the panic of 1893, when everyone was 'hard up,' the money question had a univer sal interest, and I think that I have observed in the last few years that the American people take but little interest in the fate of the liberties and rights of other people so long as they feel secure in the possession of their own. 'T have sometimes wondered if it was because of this seeming universal interest in things which we have not rather than in those which we pos sess that causes the congressman to take such? a perennial interest in the money question. And it is because of this same trait in human nature that now, when certain parties having about exhausted their own and the coun try's credit by watering and inflating values in stocks and bonds, having thereby in six years added $5,000, 000,000 to the amount of debt that labor must finally pay, these same peo ple have suddenly become interested in the great question of credit and of credit currency, to be based largely upon these same billions of promoted assets which they have largely unload-, ed upon the. banks of the country. Having become somewhat embarrassed by their enormous obligations to the banks and the public during this riot and orgie of promoted prosperity, they now propose to make possible a fur ther mortgaging ,of the future and putting off the inevitable day of set tlement by changing the character of these obligations into promises to pay, which, by the fiat of law, shall have the power and effect of money. "The. remedy which they offer is entirely an experimental one. They do not know by experience what the result will be, but they would like to ftry it upon us, anyway. But experi ments in the realm of credit and fi nance are always dangerous. The gen eral business interests of the country are doing very well just now. "There is no demand for this legis lation from the farmers, the miners, the merchants or the manufacturers, who produce the wealth, sustain the prosperity of the country and pay its debts. People who live in the east are asking for this legislation and professing to do so in the interests of those who live in the west, although no western interest is demanding it. On the contrary both their banks and their business men have protested against it, and in the state in which I live, a western state, more depen dent absolutely upon agriculture for the. prosperity of its people than any other state in the unicn, the congres sional candidates of the republican party were kept busy upon the stump and off of it during the last campaign denying and protesting and insisting that there would be no effort nor at tempt to pass it at this session of con gress and that it was not the policy of the republican party. And it is because of the danger of popular in dignation and condemnation that you do not dare at this particular junc ture to put into legislation the entire plan which you finally propose to pass. "We were told by these same finan cial experts in 1896 that we would lose our credit and could not borrow any more eastern capital if we dared to declare for bimetallism because of the fear that we might pay our debts in depreciated dollars, but the unan swerable logic of events has proved that what the west needed was not the ability to borrow more money, but rather a price for our products that would enable us to pay what we had already borrowed. "We were told at the same time that we "Would be punished by the east re fusing to send us any more money, out Dy tne irony of fate, we have in four years out of the six following that election been given a cron that has enabled us to send our products down to New York and swept the en tire surplus reserve out to the farmers I beyond the Mississippi river and put J the great clearing house institutions of that city into that condition that they could not loan a man in business a dollar except in violation of their charters. ' "Mr. Chairman, I am opposed to private" monopoly as corrupting in its tendencies and therefore dangerous and, inimitable to free institutions. Hence, I am opposed to surrendering to private corporations the illimitable power and profit of issuing and con trolling the volume of currency neces sary to carry on the business of com merce of this, the richest and most powerful republic on the face of the earth. I don't believe it represents the best judgment of the committee who have the bill in charge. Instead of be ing what the majority of the com mittee wants it is what they think they may possibly pass. This bill is open to the serious charge that it is purely an inflation measure. It does not retire any money now in circula tion, but opens the door to practically unlimited inflation if the note issues shall be found sufficiently profitable. It does not limit the number of banks of issue, as every other mticn does that has such a system and it is just as possible to have an over-Tssue of notes by permitting an unlimited num ber of note-issuing banks as by per mitting a limited number o banks an unreasonable or unlimitei right of is sue. It has been the result In every country depending upon note issues for its currency if the brinks of issue was not in some way l'mit d I" times of business booming and speculation, in flation and over-issue haa'taea ;.uce with consequent disaster and disturb ance of business. "Having found out by repeated ex periences the inflation that always follows an unlimited number of banks of issue England in 1845 by an act of parliament prohibited, the establish ment of any other banks of issue than those already existing in England, Ireland and Scotland and further pro vided that should any of those then existing go into liquidation their mo nopoly of note-issuing should be ab sorbed by the Bank of England. .Ger many has been rapidly concentrating and reducing the number of her banks of issue, prohibiting any new ones and has finally reduced the number to about fifteen. France has only one such bank, Austria one, Russia one, Spain one, Belgium one, and Italy three, and Canada, whose system is sometimes invoked in support of the principle embodied in this bill, has found a way to limit the number of banks of issue as securely by statute, although in an indirect manner, as though the actual number was pre scribed by law. At the time of her passage of the banking act there were thirty-six banks in operation and in stead of attempting to fix the number at given figures they made the neces sary monopoly principle secure and limited the number of banks possible to the large money centers of the do minion by requiring that no bank of issue should be permitted to be es tablished with les3 than $500,000 cap ital. "The second point upon which I con sider this bill is objectionable under our present financial system and re serve requirement is that it declares that the notes to be issued under It shall be made specifically payable in gold. In the first place, we have al ready numerous kinds of money, and I certainly object to having another added to them. The present bank notes issued by national banks are re deemable in lawful money only, and that is the only requirement that ought to be asked of the banks, because they must accept under the law several other forms of money other than gold on deposit and in payment of their debts, and it is not sound business policy to require them to pay their obligations in any other kind of mon ey than those they can lawfully ex act for obligations due to them. Un der this bill it is perfectly possible and probable that millions of money would be issued without any reference to the amount of gold in the banks and available for their redemption. "The fact that the government guar antees the redemption of these notes will not make their redemption by the banks any easier, it only raises the hope that the demand will never be made. Before a system of gold note issues is entered upon by any nation the money of that country must con sist of gold as the only money of final redemption, with silver as a subsidiary or token coin and not a legal tender, and the currency of the country to be issued by banking corporations. Ev ery nation that does not have that kind of a currency only requires that the banks shall pay their notes in the lawful money of the country, as does France and Canada. France, retain ing her reserves in silver and gold and Canada in specie and Dominion notes',, corresponding to our treasury notes, so that the banks of those coun tries, when gold is demanded of them for export or for hoarding, have a means whereby to protect themselves and compel those who want the gold to pay the proper premium for it upon the open market. ,' "The third' point upon which I wish to challenge the correctness and jus tice of the trinciple injected into, this bil! is tnat stter we have surrendered to the corporations the profit and pow er to be derived from issuing money made a legal tender to all the banks and to all the myriad necessities of the government, we yet propose here in this bill to have the United States guarantee the . final redemption of these notes in gold if for any reason the banks shall fail to make them fcuou. ai lb true lual in return lor tiu guaranteeing their notes, the banks gave -the government a first lien upon their assets, but the trouble with this is that while it is sauce for the note holder it is decidedly cold victuals for the depositor, who frequently even now receives little enough from the failed bank. . Under such- a system as this it is quite evident that the depositor would fare worse than he does now In case of failure, because the govern ment is bound to realize upon, the as sets in order to reimburse the guar antee fund In case of failure. "No other nation that surrenders to private corporation the' profit to be derived from note issues guarantees the note holder against loss or dis count In case of failure. None of them go any further than to supervise by just and equitable law3 so that the creditors of the Institution shall re ceive the full value of its assets. We bad our day of unguaranteed note Is sues under the regime of the old state banks, and the people want no more of it ... "The gentlemen have always ques tioned the soundness of the silver dol lar, and yet they have not dared to offer their bank money without basing it at last unon t.h sama hrnnrl fnnnrla tion that supports the much-despised 6ilver dollar. Every one of them is good because every one of them is an American dollar, and everything that' lar. "In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, this bill is largely experimental and in its recognized principles it follows the line of absolute monopoly which underlies mm esuppuns every empire in tne - world today. It is the very apothesis of special privilege. By the granting of governmental favors we have placed monopoly in control of the transporta tion of the country, by the same prin ciple of special nrivileees mononnltr nas aosorced the industrial interests of the country, and those who would uuw eiitnrone monopoly nave Degun A 1 . V 1 1. . . ,1 ... mar. assault upon mat last citadel or the people's liberty the people's mon ey. It Is the last great source of privilege and power yet remaining in control of the national government, -and it is the record of history that when once a brave and free people such as ours ever loses control of a. great and priceless privilege such as this, it has always been lost to them forever." Mr. Shallenberger was loudly ap plauded on the democratic side of the chamber at conclusion. H. W. RISLEY, There are a great many people who take their troubles to God and keep their joys to themselves. We have the only absolute successful and best treatment for itching, bleeding, protrud'S piles and other rectal diseases, We knew ItT because we have cured thousands of men and women during the last twenty years and can produce testimonials as proof . . A pile operation by knife, injection of poison, ous acids, crushing clamps, ligature or canteri ing with red hot irons in raw sores is filled with aeain danger and never cures. The Hermit Treatmeot U Home Treatment easy to ute and always successful. Never fall. Our statements are truthful. We do as we promise. We refer to former pile "sufferer curra hv 011 r tr.atm , If you have been deceived before or spent money for an unsuccessful operation, write or call on us. WITN ESSES. We Kill Qiw, narrw onrryuetf. Case 1207. This is to certify that the Hermit Rectal Home Treatment can, will and does cure any case of piles. I have had piles since 1861, and have tried dosens of remedies, but none helped me until I received your treatment. (Cognac. Kan.) , Case 125. Did not eTpect a cure in suck short time. (Romaliss, N. Y.) Case 1 20a. I am happy to inform yon I am en tirely cured. (Bryson, Miss.) Case 1 176. Although I have doubted all along; I now know your treatment cured me. (Ran dolph, 111.) -v Case 1 174. After nslag your treatment two months am perfectly cured. Was treated by doctors for three years. No relief. (Chicago, Case H44. Iam well, and your treatment cureol me. (Leland. Oregon.) Case Your treatment acted like a charm. I am entirely cured. (Chicago, IU.) Case 1 153. Six years of pile pain, paid one dec ' tor S75430 for a mueraole failure, but your treat. ment cured me at ence. (Chicago, I1L) ; Hermit Remedy Co. 738 Adams Express Bldg., adage , 111.