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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
12 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. MARCH 6, 1JW3. THE LEGISLATURE . olngs of the Nebraska Solon Bail road ' lobby Beginning to Crack IU Whip ' H-K330KUle When the legislature adjourned last Friday the 34th legislative day was finished. Tomorrow will complete the " 39th day. So far substantially nothing has been done, aside from tne intro duction of bills, most of minor import ance, and the killing of House Roll 330 the measure for equitable taxation ... . till a Hief in Clues. 1 lie vm, vi ' fa thfl one measure of prime import' a nee, and Its passage in its present form will mean much heavier taxes for the farmers and small business men J it nrt aharillltPIV. I ISM' er taxes for the railroads and other . fnmAratfnns bie enough to afford brass-collared legislators and lobby ists to lead them. HOW THEY DID IT. Fiftv-one republicans and two fu- eionists in the house Tuesday were compelled to admit that they are thft railroad collar. This is how it came about. The house had imfter rrttsideration the standing com mlttee's reports on House Roll 330 a majority report signed oy nve re publicans recommending indefinite postponement, and a minority report signed by four (including one fusion ist) recommending that the bill be placed on general file. speaHer woc ett held that the majority report was the only one pending. Ten Eyck of Douglas moved that the report be not adopted and that the bill be placed on general file. Douglas of Rock, the railroad republican leader, opposed the motion and persisted in going into the merits of the bill. Ten Eyck thought this should be done in committee of the -whole. Kennedy (fusionist) of Douglas and Loomis ( fusionist ) or. Dodge believed so, too. Finally a roll call was had, and every railroad re publican answered "no" as his name was called. Memminger and Shin- stock were aDsent, dut. asiae irum wvm every fusionist voted "aye," except Mikesell of Dixon and Shipley of Hitchcock, The vote stood 38 to 53, shofing perhaps somewhat less than the real railroad strength if It came , to a pinch. . THE FIRST LINE-UP. The following Is the detailed vote on H. R.: 330, fusionists in capitals, re publicans in lower case: For equitable taxation: Aye AN DERSON of Kearney, BECHER, DO BRY, EGGENBURGER, FELLERS, Friedrich, FRIES, Gilbert, GISHWIL LER, Gregg, HOY, Jahnel, JOHNSON, Jones of Otoe, KAVENi, KENNEDY, KITTELL, Koetter, LOOMIS, McAl lister, McCULLOCH, Mangold, Mors man, Nelson of Douglas, Ramsey, Riggs, Sadler, Sears, Spurlock, STARTZER, Sweezy, Ten Eyck, THORPE,, TOOLE Y, TRASK, VLASK, WARING. For railroad tax-shirking: .No Anderson of Hamilton, Anderson of Knox, Atwood, Bacon, Bartoo, Bel den, Burgess, Caldwell, Cassel, Chris ty, oats, Copsey, Cravens, Cropsey, Cunningham, Currie, Davis, Deles Dernier, Detrick, Douglas, Ferrar, Fisher, Ford, Good, Hanna, Harmon, ' Herron, Hogrefe,' '.Holliet, Hunter, Jones of Richardson, Jouvenat, Jnn- 1-1 vr . r . -w r V .. m m . Kin, xverns, is.nox, jMcuiay, Mcuiain, Mendenhall, Meredith, MIKESELL, Nelson of Pierce, Reed, Ribble, Rob . bins, Roberts, Rouse, SHIPLEY, ; Smith, Spier, Stetson, Warner, We borg, Wilson, Mr. Speaker. Thus was the question", of equitable railroad taxation for municipal pur poses neatly strangled without per mitting discussion on the merits of the bill. Douglas of Rock handled the railroad lash with the dexterity of a master, although, to tell the fact, the opposition to him was feeble to say the least Sears and Sweezy had gump tion enough to favor the motion, thus putting oif the evil day when they would be compelled to obey the rail road summons; but most of the re publican members stolidly voted as - they were told, making no comment. there would be double taxation for SCHOOL purposes but not for city purposes. But the railroads seeming ly did not care to have this known because it would clinch the argument as concerning CITY taxes and they made a dishonest fight The partisans of House Roll 171 must have, known about the double taxation for SCHOOL Dumoses. but they said nothing abou it rand auietly dropped 171 and in troduced 330, extending the principle to all cities and towns having a sep arate. taxing jurisdiction, and attempt ing to remedy the school district pro vision by inserting the very thing they fought so hard in the law as it now stand3. House Roll 330 would have been just as unfair to the other taxpayers of the Omaha school ais trict, with regard to school taxes, as the present law is with regard to beta city , and school taxes in tnar, city. The proper remedy was to have amended the school law so that the Omaha school taxes should be levied on the COUNTY valuation. However, it was a step in the di rection of equitable taxation, even if not as good as it might have been made, and every fusionist and repub lican who voted for it deserves credit It has shown that the majority of the reDublican members are absolutely under railroad domination something that is no news, to The Independent, but hard to make the average mullet head believe. Mikesell and Shipley may have what they believe the best reasons for their vote on H. R. 330, bnt it will be diffi cult to convince many people that they are any less subservient to the railroads than were the 51 republicans with whom they lined up. Refusing even to allow discussion in commit tee of the whole Is rather a high handed way of killing a bill that pur ports to rectify as rank an Injustice as now exists in the .case of Omaha, South Omaha and Lincoln city taxa tion. THE "STAR" JOKER. The Lincoln Daily Star reporter, who "does" the house, unconsciously got off a good joke Tuesday in his re port of the slaughter of House Roll 330. He said: "Mr. Douglas again objected to the consideration of the bill, thinking that it had been discussed enough. He was sure that the people understood the principal involved, and he was tired of having the matter dinged in to the ears of the house all the time." vOf course the people understand the "principal involved" Mr. John N. Baldwin of Iowa. They understand him thoroughly. And they understand the 51 republicans and two fusionists who followed Mr. Douglas' leadership in helping this "principal" out of a hole by killing H. R. 330. The amount of fog which has been raised over this question of local as sessment ;. for municipal purposes is simply wonderful. And the Douglas county contingent has been handi capped In combatting the railroad sophistries (even assuming every member to be . earnestly In favor of -the principle which is very doubt "ful) because the question has not been presented in an open, frank manner. -Leaving off the second section of .House Roll 171, the measure was ab solutely ; flawless standing alone. But laws do not stand like lone trees on a boundless prairie. The school levy for the metropolitan school -district of Omaha Is made on the CITY valuation not upon the county valuation. Ac cordingly, with House Roll 171 a law, The Bee professes to ' believe that there is no difference between the parties on the question of equitable taxation; thus it is simply a question of railroad and anti-monopoly legisla tors. Well, how can we judge a par ty except by the action of the major ity of its representatives? Let us look at the vote of H. R. 330: For equitable taxation: Republicans ..18 Fusionists 20 For railroad domination: Republicans 51 Fusionists 2 The fusionists stood ten to one for equitable taxation. The republicans stood nearly three to one against Sixty-eight per cent of the entire republican membership of the house brazenly wore the railroad collar; 24 per cent refused to do so; and 8 per cent did not vote. More than two thirds of the party representatives standing one way is enough to show the party leaning. On the other hand only one-twelfth of the fusionists fell by the. wayside; one-twelfth did not vote; and five sjxths of them showed their colors. The Revenue Bill Although 2,000 copies of this bill were said to have been printed, The Independent was unable to procure one Tuesday, and, therefore, cannot dis cuss in detail the objectionable fea tures. In a general way the bill aims at raising greater revenues by making the farmer and small property holder pay more taxes, but allowing the rail roads . to continue their tax-shirking, both as to state, county and school district taxes; and as to city taxes. This is wholly in harmony with the republican platform of last year, when given a fair interpretation in the light of the surrounding circumstances. A majority of the farmers and small property owners said by their votes they wanted just such a measure. They ought to have it. But fusion members of the legislature cannot af ford to sit passive and allow the bill to become a law, without an attempt to amend it by offering a substitute bill which contains the essential lea tures outlined in the Grand Island platforms. No elaborate substitute bill Is neces sary. A few. important amendments to the present revenue law are suf ficient At a cost of many' thousand dollars probably into the hundred thousand mark many of the sections of the present' law have been Inter preted by our supreme court, and an entirely new law will mean years of lawsuits and great expense to reach the status of the existing statute on revenue. The prime necessities are (a) amendment of section 75 by making it possible for the state board to levy a dollar of state tax for every dollar ap propriated by the legislature. That will raise more revenues and the railroads will come in for part of the Increase, unless Baldwin's board should cut down the railroad assess ment this year, (b) Amendment of section 32 in harmony with the su preme court's holdings in the Omaha case. (O Amendment or sections 6v and 40 so that in arriving at the fair cash value of railroad property, the market value of the stocks and bonds shall be taken to represent the value of the tangible property and the fran chise. Other amendments might be suggested, but these will cover the ground sufficiently to fulfill the prom ises made at Grand Island. tin Stock CATTLE SHEEP Commission liya & Buchanan Co., SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Best possible service in all depart ments. Write or wire us for markets or other information. Long distance Telephone 2305 HELP WANTED COPYING LET. ters at home, either sex. We pay $15 per 1,000. Send stamp for particulars. Na tional Supply Co., Poughkeepsie, N. Y Xotleei of Special lifting Notice ia hereby sriven that a soecial ma tin of the stockholders of the National Mannf ae turing Company, a manufacturing corporation organized under the lawi of the state of Nebras ka doing business at 1530 to 1534 N street in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, ia ia called to meet at the office of said manufac turing: corporation at 6 p. m. Monday, March 16th, 1903, for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year. Dated February 11, 1903 President, CM. KINO, Secretary, Doyle & Berge Attorneys at Law NOTICE OF PARTITION 8ALE House Roll 375, by Belden, aims to restrict the clerk of the supreme court to his ?1,500 salary. But the legisla ture will not pass the bill, for the same reason that the fusion legisla ture of 1897 did hot cut Clerk Camp- bells income in hone of capturing the ordered br said court to anil said lands at nnh. Office. 1 lie sale, as upon execution, at the front door of tne court nouse in lancoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, for easb. The said referees, cur- Knn-r of Knfrii- nrania T-tartla-ir and suant no said order or said conrt. and tbeir Meserve investigated and has Intro- teuwaSS QUCea a resolution covering tne SUD- I omce, will on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1903, at Notice is hereby given that the nnderaiffnAri as referees, duly appointed by the District Court of Lancaster Count v. - Nebraska, in an I action pending in said court, wherein Mary J. Canneld Taylor and Cleora Wilkinson are plaintiffs, and Henry M. Sanford. Rebecca San ford, Alonzo D. Wilkinson and William G. Tay lor are defendants, to partition the lands of the parties to said action, and on the 4th day of March, 1908, the report of said referees to the efiect that said real estate could not be parti tioned witnout great prejudice to tne owners thereof, was approved, and said referees were ject. Attorney General Prout has the most effective weapon to Make Bartley talk a bill of discovery. Why doesn't he try it? For Sale and Exchange No. 447 480 acres in Furnas coun ty for merchandise. No. 450 Stock of clothing, invoice ?7,ooo, for land. No. 463 Hardware and groceries. ?4,000; ?1,500 cash, balance land. No. 469 Huber threshing outfit complete for land. No. 477 General stock, $7,000T small ranch. No. 484 $10,000 stock of clothing or land. No. 486 General merchandise. $5.- 500, for city residence, $2,000 to $3,000, Daiance cash. No. 492 General merchandise and building, $5,000; small ranch, must have $1,500 in cash. No. 510360 acres, Harlan county. or merchandise. No. 511160 acres in Harlan coun ty, for livery. " No. 512 Ranch equity $3,500. even deal for merchandise. No. 505 Omaha residence for land. No. 513 Hardware, $3,500, for land. No. 48110 acres suburban, fine im provements; want 160 to 640 acres: pay casn difference. No. 493 General merchandise. $3.- ouu, at sac. vuaw v- vwu vu V4j ri aiui i&4 jure avw Kk 9 the east front door of the court hone in Lin. coin, Lancaster County. Nebraska, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, sell for cash, to the hiebest bidder, at miblie auction, the fnl. lowing lands, to-wit : Lot twenty (20) in Falrbrothers' Subdivision of part of the northeast quarter (N.E. )ot section twenty-four (24) township ten (10) range six 6) east of the 6th P. M., and lot four (4) in Barley's and McFarland's Subdivision of Block thirty-six (36) and cart of lot thirtv-five (35) in Fairview, as described in the recorded plat thereof. Said Fairriew being on a part of the southeast Quarter (S. . L of section thirteen ('3)townshiDten (10)rane6 (ftlatnf thnfith P. M ; alsJ lot seven (7) in block five (5) in Mechan ics Addition to tne City oiLmcoln,all Lancaster County, Nebraska; also the southeast quarter (S. E. k) of section twenty-seven (27) in town. ship six (6) north of range twenty-five (25) west in Frontier County, Nebraska, containing 160 acres; also lot twelve (12) and the east one-half (E. Wl of lot eleven (11) all in block one bun. dred-eighty-three (183) in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska; also lot six (6) in block two hundred fortv-three (243) in the Citv of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska; lot o or croc i s ssuodivision or lots tnirteen (13) and fourteen (14) in block fifty six (56) in the. City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. u. . ward, Nicholas Kkss, Cakleton K Loomis, Dated this 4th day of March 1903. NNfillfclOrMP ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R. ; lirVIPn sPecIal To" to Mexico and to hIlAIOU California via the Illinois Central ouu new uiicius, uuuor me aus Oll irnn&lll Pices of Raymond & Whit- UAUrUilfilA comb, will leave Chicago wni.ii uiiiun and Louig February 21 and March 14. Entire trip made in special pri- vat.A vjt.ihiilrl fcraina nf finait No. 507 General merchandise. S10 superb dining: car service. Fasciuating trine 000, f6r land. complete in every detail, 515 Kansas City. Kas.. nron- IICIM flDI dWy-uniqM . erty, $15,000, for ranch." HUH UI1LLHIIO 7 If you Wish to buy. sell or trartp rates now in effect. Double daily service and this is headquarters. T M nmp st steam-heated vestibule trains with through 1238 O St., Lincoln, Neb. and all meals en route in dining cars. Ask for an illustrated book on New Orleans. CI flD in I Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping rLUniLJA cr Lines, St. Louis to Jackson- ville. Eonte via Nashville, Chattanooga and Lincoln Hide Market The Lincoln Hide & Fur (Inmranr Atlanta. 920 It street, Lincoln, Nebraska, sue- PAI IPflRfllA Personally conducted Week- cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quote UHLirunillH TnUVK l-ie IOllOWing prices, f. o. b. Lincoln Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and ...111 A l . . W 1 ft lL T i TIT J a -. . unit lunuei xiunce: xno. i green Stedvhi,des' per lb" 6c No. 2, 5c; bulls and side branded, 5c green hides lc lb. less than 1 . ... VU1VU, " aua muie nmes,, large each, the Southern Route erery Wednesday from Chi cago; every luesaay ana triday from Cincin nati. Via Uinaha and the Scenic Route every Friday night from Chicago. Through Sleep- iDg i,ar Detween Chicago and HOT SPRINGS, ARK. $2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep Hot Springs, carried on the Central's fast Pull, pelts, each 40-75c: dry DeltS 5-8p r Ban estibule'Limited" train. Send for book 17 nmt tmtCQered hides, per lb.," 12-13c: drv fnllo-n v, murrain h Mes h I A f" UnMCCCCfCDe TheTassenger Depart- Siflcd fur list, to hpr wUK mTL IIUIHl.wl.l.lI.IIU r'U' ' booklet telling how to' traD skin Fan! Is is?uin mo,nth,lT circulars concerning RtrprM, an 8k'D fruitgrowing, vegetable gardenjng, i,tock rais- IV . , uauu' lun na niaes to m' dairying, etc., in tne states, of Kentucky. -"c ucbv j mils, will ne mailpH J."'-""' "'ivi urn Louisiana. m . . " Miaild, I TTvam. Farm,, r,. TTrttnAaaAlr a. w V. : 1 1 , ree 10 au upon request, also write for hi.V.i;nd uisa aim general mrormation any time. ' No9 3, 4. 5 and 6, and others as they are Dublishod from month to month, on Rnnlint;nn to J. F. Merry, A. G. P. A., L C. R. R Dubuque, AST. PATRICK EMBLEM FOR 1903 By Mail, 15c. AM. CARD COMPANY. 12QSt. Lincoln, Neb. Full Particulars slSffSiSiatitei Illinois Central, or by addresaimr thn m...Etr.f t ha under signed representatives of the "Central." A. H. HANSON, a. P. A.. Chicago, 111. J. F. MERRY, G. P. A Dubuque, low.