MARCH 5, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INOEPNEDENT. 11 Marvelous Growth of Hair. A Famous Doctor-Chemist Has Discov ered a Compound That Grows Hair on a Bald Head in a Single Night startling Announcement Cause Doctors to riarvel and Stand Dumfnunded at tho Wonderful Cures Tbe DtJcoverer Send Free Trial Packages to All Who Wrlto After half a century spent in the laboratory, owned with h gh honors forh s mauyword foiuOUs dibcuvcries the ceir bralcd p'uysiciau- Edgar Howard of the Columbus Telegram has undertaken to gently chide Bryan for refusing to meet Cleveland at a so-called democratic banquet, and Editor Bates of th-j Plattsmouth Journal reprints Edgar's effusion and adds a few tears of his own because Bryan's "refusal to par ticipate on such an occasion does . not show that he is very much in favor of harmony." - Cleveland's views on na tional questions are as well known as are Bryan's, and the two men can never again belong to one party, with out stultifying themselves unless one or the other changes his .views. Cleve land is not now and has not been since 1896 a democrat, and if his ideas o national policy are to control the con vention of 1904, then Bryan cannot be a democrat unless he changes his views or acta dishonestly, as Cleve land has done these seven years. There can be no harmony between men of as opposite political opinions as Bryan and Cleveland. There can be no com promise. One or the other must; win and . the other step out. Which will it be? . MISS CLARISSA KERBY and Her Mar velous Growth of Hair chemist at the hexd of the great Altenhefm Med ical Difpensrrv has jut made the staitttngan nouwetnect ;hat he has produced a compound that trows hair on any bald head. The doctor makes the claim that after experiments taking ears to complete, ne nas at last rracnea li e - of his amb tion. To the doctor al heas are alike. There are none which cannot be cured bv this remarkable remedy. The recoi d of the cures already made is truly ninrvflous and ere t-n"t for the high stand us of the great physician and tiie convncing testimony ot t ousai ds ot cut -ns all over the country it wouid seem too mi- racu ousio dc true. There can c io doubt of the doctor's earnest n ss in making his claims, nor can his cures he " cusr.utcd. He does urt ask any tnfti. woman or child to take hL or anyone else's word forit, but - ne stanas ready ana willing to sera tree trial packages of this great hair restorative tc anyone who writes to him for it, enclosing a 2-cent stamp to pav postage. 111 a single ni lit hs started hair to growing on he? ds bald for vears. It has stopped telling hair in one hotir. It never fails, no matter what the condition, age f sex. Old mu -sua yt ung men, women and children all hrv profiled by the free use of t is great new discovery. If you a re bald, if your nair is lainngour, or it your-, nair, t-yrD:Ows or evflashesareth u or sh rt, write the Altheim Medic .1 Dispensary, 8236 Foso Budding. Cincin nati, Ohio, enclosing a 2 cen' stamp to prepav postage for a free package and in a short time you will be entirely restored. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATU OF NKBKASKA AUDITOR OK PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Lincoln, February 1st. I9fW It is hftreby certified, That tbe Phoenix Mu tual Lire Jnsur&nco Company or Hartford, in the State of Connecticut has complied wiUt tb Insurance Law of this Stato, applicable to such companies and is therefor authorized to Cou tinua the business of Life Insurance in this btate for the current year ending January 31st, im. . Summary of report filed for tbs year ending uecemoer nun, INCOME Premiums $763,862.03 All other sources. 8U3.445.27 Total . 3,567,307.30 DIHBDKSBMRNTS Paid policy holders 1,524,(57.08 All other payments 763.164.99 Total ; ......... 2.287.922.07 Admitted assets 15,699,212.40 . LIABILITIES Net reserve.. 14,730,963.00 Jiet Policy Claims :-:9,582.00 All other liabilities.... 223,518 00 14,994,OC3.00 surplus oeyona capital stock and other lia bilities.... 705,149.40 705,149.40 Total... J15,f99,2l2.40 witness my liana and tne seal 01 tbe Audi, or of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. Charles Weston, J. L. Pierce.' Auditor of Public Accounts, Deputy. - . KPrKk'PPPIfCfi efficient for private se Lt t IMMLI lltU counts snd ordinary use tautht with plain examples and illustrations, and "other business information for reference, ;ivninTHl lIAMJYl'OCKfcT ACCOUNT KIOK. 6x4 in., 32 p&g printed, 64 blank for ac counts. Firmly, nicely bound. Poclet andfiap. 50c 1 ostpaid, M.O. oriic stamps. Agents wanted. Address F, O. Johnson, Pub., Marion, Iowa. AGENTS WANTED-NO EXPERIENCE NE cessary, to take orders for a new educaiinnal chart anpw combination plan which will net you j a day commissions are XV3 per ctnt; express snd freight chU'gFg raid; active workers send 75c for a sampte outfit, which 'will be returned to you upon receipt of yourflrst;10 order, ddmw . gems' Lepartmeut, 208 pioneer Press building, t. Paul, folnn. AMENDMENT TO ARTICI.KS OF INCOR- PORATION Notice is hereby given, that there has been filed in the office" of the County C'erk of Lan caster County, Nebraska, an amendment to the j an cjcs 01 uicnrp'rai on 01 me rarmeis union Ditch Company, whose original art'des of incor poration have been h'therto fi'ed in the cunties of Buffalo and Dawson, Nebraska, wh eh amend ment was adopted at a meetine of the nock ho'der of the said companv, held at the office r f the Company at Krarnev. Nebraska on Febru ary isth, 1902, and is as follow?: Article II The pnnciral place of biis-negs of this corporation shall be the city of Lincoln, in the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska HENRY B. LEVIS, Secretary. It is now said that by adopting the "security holding company" plan, that the beef trust will entirely escape from the decision of Judge Grosscup and make as tight and hard a trust as ever existed. The Judges will let them ot on some sort of technicality under the lnnlinr,nlU IfrVi a" Tllon What fhlB coubtry needs most is an entirely new judiciary. A few hundred men -having sup ported the republican party for the last six years, voted for .its presiden tial candidates, advocated protection, the gold standard, and imperialism, now propose to take charge of the democratic party and proclaim them selves the. only genuine, Simon-pure democrats in the whole land. If there ever was a piece of effrontery fn all history equal to that will some hum ble individual please to point it out? A memorial has been introduced in the Colorado legislature asking con gress to deed' to the state all the coal lands within its borders not now owned by private parties, to be held as public property for the use of the whole people. Railroad disasters under the inef ficient management of the great com bines continue to increase. Some of them lately have been the most hor ri ble that can be imagined. " Rev. ". Frost Craft says:; 'The in crease of crime with which we are con fronted shows that some forces are at work undermining the foundations of virtue among our people." While The Independent has been telling the peo ple that same thing for the last five years, still it is glad that some of the ministers are finding it out at last Build on the solid rock. Read the best books on political economy for the foundation. Read The Independent to keep up to date. Write a card to day if you are interested in the Inde pendent School of Political Economy. Come to think of it, it was rather fortunate that the referees, appointed by our supreme court in the case against the Standard Oil company, made that absurd ruling that threw the case out of court entirely. What in the world would the people of Ne braska have done if the suit had gone against the oil trust? We may have some idea by observing what the trust did in St Paul. A damage suit, for selling bad kerosene, cost the trust $10,000 and costs. The very next day the priee of gasoline went up from 15 to 18 cents in that particular district and remained up . nine days. Seven teen thousand dollars was thus col lected enough to settle the damage suit and then the price dropped back to 15. The people of Nebraska dare not drive the Standard Oil trust out of the state and it won't be long that they will dare to cry out too loudly about the pinching price of oil. The trust may give them an object lesson. The Tobacco Worker, official maga zine of the tobacco workers' interna tional union, published at Louisville, Ky., calls attention to H. R. 16.026, in troduced by Representative Otjen of Wisconsin, which, if enacted into law, wpuld doubtless prevent the union la bel from being attached to packages of smoking tobacco, fine cut, cigarettes or cigar3, and asks all manufacturers to register their protest against the bill. The bill is adroitly drawn, ostensibly to prevent packing pictures and vari ous prize articles in with the tobacco goods a typical republican measure, worthy of the party that stands up for sweat-shops and scabs. $15.00 To Killings. ' 3)20.00 Butte, Helena, Salt Late and Ogden. $22.50 To Spokane. 1 : $25 -.Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and Los Angeles, via tbe Knrlmgtun daily February 15th to April 30th, 1903. . .. m Mii0 WW City Ticket Gffi Cor Tenth and O Streets Telephone No. 235 - Bui linrrf nn Ponnf wi uncivil Mpwi 7th St, between P and Q Tel. Burlington 12p0. S. L. F's "Incorrigible Fops" is the heading the Weekly People (S. L. P.) of New Yoric gives to about a column of edi torial comment of -The Independent's recruiting for 1904. "" The People takes exceptions to The Independent's statement that-r Mr. Bryan was twice defeated by the power of money and the lack" of organization and united action v among the common people ! . and says,: - ' Which is another way of say- ing that Mr. Br an was defeated for lack of votes. The question comes, Why did the votes not come his way? Surely his campaign managers had money enough to cause his arguments to reach all ; the voters. Why did his arguments fail to draw the votes to him? Were they bought off by the 'mon ey power?' That's nonsense. Fact is that Mr. Bryan defeated him self. - The proof is almost a mathematical demonstration. The "demonstration" is that Bryan effectually taught the "absurd notion that the wbrkingman's welfare" de pended upon the welfare of his em ployer. "And that settled Mr. Bry an," because for every one employe whose middle clas3 boss wanted free silver there were four whose full blown capitalist employer wanted gold. ' Of course, the People avers, "the workingman's welfare is in Jnverse ratio to his employer. The faster the capitalist the leaner the working man," and Mr. Bryan's "fote was a deserved one", for teaching the "ab surd notion." Just as the single-taxer, dwelling in a great city where economic rent, is easily demonstrable cannot . under stand why farmers do not fall over themselves embracing the Georgian philosophy, so the followers of Marx, teaching the materialistic conception of history, class consciousness, and "surplus value," are unable to under stand that, as the Missourian would say, there are a. "right smart" of mid dle class workingmen who are their own boss. For example, any problem which leaves out the 5,698,901 farm familis in the United States (more than one third of all families), is faulty. The middle class is still a factor, and the inverse" theory doesn't go with the 3,148,648 farmers who operate their own farms, ur tne Z3,754,ZU5 males over ten years of age who in 1900 were engaged 'in "gainful" pursuits, 9,404,429 of them were agriculturists, employers and employes; and few of these would sgree that the way to make the farm laborer "fat" is to make his boss "lean." It is doubtful if the 828.1C3 professional men wanted to see their boss "lean." Perhaps the theory might apply to the 3,485,208 engaged in domestic and personal ser vice, tne 4,zbJ,bi7 in trade and trans portation, and the 5,772.788 in manu- acture and mechanical pursuits or a good portion of them, but it is evident that even in these pursuits there are a large number of middle class per sons who "exploit" themselves as well as a few other laborers. Partisan insanity, prejudice, , decep tion, misrepresentation, and fraud; and treachery within his own party, all helped to defeat Mr. Bryan. For every dollar spent in his behalf cir culating his "absurd notion," probably ten were spent by the republicans cir culating notions still more absurd. A single example will suffice: It was alleged that a conspiracy was on foot among the "British silver mine own ers" to elect Bryan in order to dou ble the "value" of their silver bullion yes, elsewhere, it was urged that the silver when coined would be "fifty cent" dollars. And there were plenty of fools who believed such rot The "pops" n re by no mans the only incorrigibles. A little introspec tion jmight teach The People that "there are others." However beauti fully the Marxian philosophy may work out on paper, the "moribund Smoke Your Heat With a Brush. The new method of smoking meat come to stay. It has already come and staid so long in many parts of the country that there is no longer nny more thought of going back to the old method than of returning to the old-fashioned oxcart When you smoke your meat with our Modern Meat Smoker, you accomplish all that could possibly be done by the old method and you accomplish some thing' that the old way does not ac complish. The meat is better pro tected against decay and against the attacks of germ and ineecta. It 'tastes better, it looks better, and it will trinji? more money. The old method - of smoking dries out the meat and reduces the weight. The shrinkage is often one fifth, and this runs into money when you consider the amount of meat the average farmer usually smokes. Our Modern Meat Smoker id practically condensed liquid smoke which can be applied in a minute with a brush or a sponge, and that ends the process. You ran no danger of losing by fire or theft, and save both time and money. Our Mode rn Meat Smoker is put up in quart bottles only. One bottle will cover 2D0 to 300 pounds of meat SAMPLES FREE We have put up a number of free samples and shall be glad to give you one of them. If you are not willing to try the smoker on all your meat this year, try the sample at leasi and make comparisons. ' - We sell everything cheap $1 pat ents are still 64, (J'J arid 79c. Riggs' Pharmacy New Location 1321 O Street, FREE SAMPLES OF CORN. Send to the Nebraska Seed Farm and receive five of the best seed corn ample on earth and my catalogue free. Free camples of Oats and Seed Potatoes. I have the Karly Six Weeks Ohio and. tbe Late Ohio. My Seed Corn, Oats and Potatoes will be just as good as the samples. Address all orders to ! mike: flood, Nebraska Seed Farm. SEWARD, NEBR. , Plumbing and Heating Estirrates Furnished J. c. cox 133a O 5tret, LIncoin, Neb. I bourgeois" still lacks extinction by some millions of voters and by some billions of possessions. Of course, many of these millions have not yet. learned what is' good for them, and by voting the republican ticket have helped create conditions which, if con tinued, will doubtless wipe out the middle class. But it isn't accom plished yet and is hardly likely to be.