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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1903)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. FEBRUARY 26, 1903. DECEIVING THE PEOPLE Every Day the IMutocratlc Dallas f Larje Circulation GIti Promlntnce to Un- Jr. Iniportaat ETents and Suppress Others of Greatest Cencora to the Fubllo The Independent has frequently called attention to the tact that plu tocracy controls the daily press of the country and particularly tnat greatest of news-withering, agency, the Associated : press. During ! the 'past week there has been ACTUAL WAU in the suburbs of the city of Manila. Several detachments of American sol diers were captured by the Filipino insurgents under 'Che leadership of General San Miguel, one of the same generals who were in command and leading the Filipinos three 5? ears ago. At that time the government was in terested in keeping up the m war cry ' for political purposes and every en gagement was described in detail and the number of soldiers killed and wounded was given together with their names and addresses. How different now when the administration sfor po litical reasons is Interested in mak ing it appear that the war is ended. 'Three detachments" of , Americans captured! How many in a. detach ment and who are the unfortunates that fell into the handsiof the enemy? General San Miguel, with "300 uni . formed" soldiers!! How many un uniformed? , It is well known by ev eryone conversant With conditions in the' Philippines that for every uni formed Filipino soldier there rp n others who have no uniforms. At Lex ington and Concord in 1776 there wr? but few uniformed "revolutionists," if history is correct, but there was an excellent supply of "un-uniformed pa triots" who made ,it decidedly inter esting tor the imperialistic red-coat representatives of the English aristoc racy, hirelings of British grped. ' It is the same in the PhUiuoin? today. A; idetermined race of intelligent peo crvrKncr fnr thpir Hhertv. One hundred and twenty-five years aco taxation without representation was tyrannv in America and it no less so today in . the Philippines, even if it is ; practiced bere-th the stars and stripes. The Filipinos have no .rep resentation in the congress that, im poee taxes unon them. With their lives thev protect, apainst it and the subsidized press of the country denies them even an honest hiring before the American peoDle. Will you help to snread the truth by helping to ex tend the circulation and influence of The Independent? You know of its fearless defense of the rierht Tell your neighbor about it. Read The In dependent's report of "The Outbreak in Manila." on paee 2. and ask your neighbor if he has eeen V in anv of hi republican papers? If be wants to know the truth he w'll eie you an or der for his subcription. The Independent has announced a special rate, only $1.00 for NEW sub scriptions to run until after the pres idential election in 1904. Recruiting coupon books containing five coupons in each hook have been prepared. Each coupon is good fo'" a subscription to The Independent to be sent to any address in the United States until November 17, 1904, twenty-one months from this time. Every reader inter ested in the cause of good government should send for a recruiting coupon book. No charge is made for the book or coupons in advance. We'll send you the book and when you have sold the coupons send to The Inde pendent for each coupon sold. Any unsold coupons may be returned. It costs you nothing to try. Send for a book today. Here are those who have already ordered coupon books. Why not have your name added to the list: O. S. Williamson, Beaver City, Neb. J. M. Knox, Cambridge, Neb. A. W. Gingery. Lamar, Colo. A. R. Cross, Lewis, Kas. A. F. Parsons, North Platte, Neb. J. T. Sims. Simsville, Ala. W. B. Essick, North Benton, O. J. M. Babb. Clayton. 111. James Mcllduff, O'Connor, Neb. RalDh Ashton, Emmett, Neb. J. B. Vaughan, Clifton. S. C. Neb. Mut. Ins. Journal. ,Wm, Bailev. Eldorado. Kas. , Auenst Uhde. Curtis Bay. Md. William Hancock. Ionn Citv, Neb. Wm. S'irman, Carlinville. 111. David Marshall, Milltona. Minn. H. J. Mason. Fullerton. Neb. Jerry Johnston. Miola, Pa. H. J. Maon. Fullerton, Neb. S. B. Binfield. Prosser. Neb. A. Can. Gilbert, Miss J. P. Bridsrer. Mt. Airy, Ga. W. T. McOlloch, Jessie, N. D. Daniel I oitt. La Harpe. 111. A. S. McKee, Bassetville, Kas. George Bliss, Dorchester, Mass. 11. Xj. cwieiiuii, vvauufia, ncu. P. T. Soverns, Wilsonville, Neb. J. II. Wright, Ruskin, Neb. Alexander Ititchey, Stratton, Neb. Chas. P. Postle, Boone, Neb. J. Wilkes, Hillsboro, Ore. E. E. Fancher, Yorktown, Kas. A. F. Parsons, North Platte, Neb. G. F. Schmidtlein, Woodville, Ore. C. C. Murphree, Young, Miss. L. M. Rutledge, Littlerock, Wash. J. J. Farri3, Annapolis, Mo. George Holcomb, Park, Cal. G. D. Winkles, Hamlin, Kas. A CKARM1NS CHILD'S STORY FREE Send 3-le Stamp and Get It Children nowadays get a whole lot of good f stories-i put tin' - their heads. These stones "have a good deal to do with the child's future. They start them to thinking and give them im pressions that are lasting. The trou ble with most of these stories is that they deal with subjects altogether too weighty for. the child." '.There is not enough of the real' child lite in them. In other words, they are stories that possess, the right sentiment, but are written to amuse ' and ' instruct the grown-ups" more than the .young ones. A. H. Armstrong, of the 'Armstrong Clothing Company,, of Lincoln. Neb., has written a . child's Ftory. that is purely in its simplicity a child's story., ,It is abo.t a pony called. "Nip." It wilt be .. mailed to any parent free oh receipt oi 3 lc postage stamps. These stamps help pay postage and other '. mailing ex penses. The story ia free, c Send for the story today. If you are not pleased with the story when you get it, re turn it to us and we will return you your 3 lc stamps ' together with any oiner expense you nave Deen put 10. In writing simply say, "Mail to my address- child's pony , story,", and sign your name andgive P. O. address. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO., . Lincoln, Neb. ree Rupture Dure If ruptured writs to Dr. W.' H. Rice, UU Main Si., Adaraa, N. Y., and he will Bend free a trial of kit won derfnl method. Whether skeptical or not get this free method and try the remarkable invention that cure withcit pnin, danger, operation or detention from work. Write to-day. Don't wait. We cure Piles, Chronic Constipation, Fistula, Protrusion, with our twenty year old HERMIT RECTAL HOME TREATMENT No Knife No Burning No Injection of Poisons. N OLD E L A YJFRp MJB USINESS CURE GUARANTEED " NEW ORLEANS Andrew Hupp of Winside had a car of cows in to Nye & Buchanan Co, South Omaha, on February 20, that fold for, ?3. 90. and on e, out sold alone at $1.80, which topped the cow market by 30e. wHupp was ntnr lly-'very much pleased with his sale, jj i - For Sale and Exchange N6. 447 480 acres in Furnas coun ty for merchandise. ; No. 450 Stock of clothing, invoice $7,000, for land. No. 463 Hardware and groceries, $4,000; $1,500 cash, balance land. No. 469 Huber threshing outfit complete for land. No. 477 General stock, $7,000; small ranch. No. 484 $10,000 stock of clothing for land. No. 486 General merchandise, $5, 500, for city residence, $2,000 to $3.Q00, balance cash. No. 492 General merchandise and building, $5,000; small ranch, must have $1,500 in cash. No. 510360 acres, Harlan county, for merchandise. No. 511160 acres in Harlan coun ty, for livery. No. 512 Ranch equity $3,500, even deal for merchandise. No. 505 Omaha residence for land. No. 513 Hardware, $3,500, for land. No. 48110 acres suburban, fine im provements; want 160 to 640 acres; pay cash difference. No. 493 General merchandise, $3, 500. at 85c. No. 507 General merchandise, $10, 000. for land. No. 515 Kansas City, Kas., prop erty. $15,000, for ranch. If you wish to buy, sell or trade, this is headquarters. T. M. CLINE. 1238 O st, Lincoln, Neb. Our book, "Temple cf Life," FREE. Mention paper. We invite correspondence with full particulars of your case. HERMIT REMEDY COMPANY, 738 Adams Express Building, Chicago, 111. Women Address "Department W." HELP WANTED COPYING LET ters at home, either uex. We pay $15 per 1,000. Send stamp for particulars. Na tional Supply Co., Poughkeepsie, N. Y ABID1LE . fii AS? ft! ESS oft Tfuffl A large catalogue, full of illustrated fashion plates, 68 pages, free for the asWng if you mention The Indepen dent. FitzGerald Dry Goods Co., Lin coln, Neb. '01)8 Dealer jo SHOW BEFORE. YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED By HARPHAM BROS.C0. Lincoln, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I1UII0IS CEIITBll R, R, If CYlPfV Special Tours to Mexico and to YIlAIuU California va tba Illinois Central ' and New Orleans, tinder the au- -Pfil imDtJIl PicM of Raymond & Whit uALIrllnrS A comb, will leave Chicago wnUII Ulltlin andst i,, February 21 and March 14. Entire trip made in special rri rate Testibuld trains of finest Pullmans with ruperb dining car service. Fascinating tripa complete in every detail, To second Illinois Central Eicnr ion to Cuba (will leav Chicago, St. Loui. Cincinnati and Louisville Feb. i 13, 19(K!. renrbinir Damn iminta nn tliA rtnrn Feb. 24. A deilsrlitful vovHe across the Qn'f of Alexico, a six dajs' stay on the Island of Cuba, " including a virit to Havana. Matanzas, the Val ley of Ynmuri, the Caves of lielle Mar and other interesting points under the escort of the American Toprist As-ciation. Kates from 'he points mentioned will be $lfiO for tie round trip, which amount will include all expanses everywhere Itineraries, giving full particular!, of your local Illinois Central ticket anent. JA dfe.'ightfully unique city for the tourist to visit. Winter tourist rat now in effect. Double daily service and, fast steam-heated vestibule trains with through sleeping car3, hutlet-libmry smok ing car service and all meals en route in dining cars. Ask for an Illustrated book on New Orleans. ' CI DDIflA Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping rLUnlliA Car Lines, .st. Louis to Jackson- bvmwn vUlei and Cbic8go to j.ckgyn. ville. Route via Nashville, Chattanooga and ' Atlanta. , Personally conducted Week ly Kxcursion Cars through tr I,r AniJfilp and San Francisco ft 9 followii: Vi Naw Orlnns and the Southern Route every Wednesday from hi ca go; every Tuesday and Friday from Cincin nati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Friday night from 1 hicago. h Plpep- between en Ana Hot springs, carried on the Central's fast Puli mon vestibule "Limited" train. Send for book describing this most interesting of health and pleasure resorts. The PaseDger Depart ment 01 the Illinois Central Railroad t m- pany is issuing monthly circulars concerning fruit growing, vegetable gardening, tock rais ing, dairying, etc., in the btates of Kf ntutky, West Tennessee. M iSissipji aid Louisiana, ivory Farmer or Homeseeker, who wiil forward his name and address will be maili d free Circu lars Nos. J, V, 'J, 4, f and 6. aiid others a8 they are published from month to month. on application to J. F. Merry, A. G. P. A., I. C. E. 11., DubuQue, Iowa. Fllll Parlinillare concerningal! of the above rUSI fOllltU'Gi'd can be had of agents of the Illinois Central,' or by addre ing the nesrf Ftof t lie undersigned reprebentatives of tLe "Cen tral." A. H. HANSON, O. P. A.. Chicago. !H J. F. MERRY, G. P. A., Dubunu-. i..: CALIFORNIA HOT SPfilfiGS,AfiK. S HGMESEEKERS - .Live 1 Stock CATTLE SHEEP Com mission a 8. B. Ilna, Alttray the District Court in and for LaneanW ouaty, Nebraska. Luihar Batten, Plain tiff, vs. John Tonng, Mrs. John Young, hn wif, first name aaknswa, JE. R. Young, first name unknown. Mrs. E. K. Young, first atat vnknwn, E. R. Raybura first name un known, and Mrs. E. R. Sayburn, first name unknown, defendants. NOTICE TO NON-IESIDENT DEFENDANTS Thedefendanti John You, Mm. John Yonng his wife, first nave unknown, E. R. Young, first aaasa unknown, Mrs. E. R. Yovng, kia wl'a, first name uaknown, E. K. Ray born tlrat nmt unknown and Mrs. E. R. Ray asm his wife first nana mnknown. noa-reidBts and defea danto ia saia aaase will aach take notice that the plaintiff, Lather Batten on Fakruary llth Wi filed his aaaanded petition a ainst said dfen daata and each and all of thaat in the Diitriet curt of Lancaster eeunty, Nebraska tba object and prayer of aaid petition baiag to have title tothoraai estate described as north (N ,) of a..aihwt quarter (S. W. 4) of eaetion (8) towa ship eleven (U) range eight () Lancaster county Nebraska.quieted in aaid Luther Batten, to have the cloud cast on pliantlff s title by the claims of aaid defendants and each and all of them removed and to have them each and all fotever barred fro asserting any alaim against aid lands and to have the record title of said Jehn Young cancelled as against said plaintiff. You are required to answer said petitiou on r before Monday the 224 day or March, 1903. LUTHER BATTEN. Plaintiff. Nye & Buchanan Co., SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Best possible service in all depart ments. Write or wire us for markets or other information. Long distance Telephone 2305 The spring of the year is the best season for painting. If you are in need of paint send your order to the Farmers' Grocery Co., whose adver tiement appears in another column. They handle the best quality of paint, buy direct from the factory and sell at about 50 per cent less than local dealers. Mention The Independent. On pasc 9 readers of The Indepen dent will find the advertisement of Hayden Bros., the largest and most complete department store in the state. They have shown their friendliness to The Independent by making a con tract to rm thir ad. in every issue for a vear. We hope that our readers will return the favor bv oiling them a lib eral mnjl order pntrnnruxe. You'll get your money's worth every time. Men tion The Independent. Any readers of The Independent who are interested in Canadian farm lands should write to A. B. Cook, Areola, N. W. T., Canada, whose advertise ment appears in another column. lie offers some good bargains. Mention The Independent when writing. H. M. Dopp, St. Petersburg, Fla.: Since coming to this beautiful sum merland I have almost lost sight of the democrat, populist, and republican parties. Here they appear to have be come back numbers, all being absorbed in the principles of socialism. I have been a long-time subscriber to your paper, through all its various phases, but now I feel that I have taken av step in advance having become a so cialistand my limited time for read ing should be in the direction of the principles I advocate. Though, for the sake of "auld acquaintance," I regret to do po, I will a1- that you discon tinue The Independent. (Sorry to lose you, Bro. Dopp. b-'t would rather see you a "kangaroo" or S. L. P. than an upholder ol plutocracy. Assoc Ed.) WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS OF C U aeter and good reputation in each state one in this county required i to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of aoiut financial standing. Salary JKI.00 weekly witb expenses additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. Re fort noes Enelose self addressed envelope. Colonial o., SUA Dearborn St., Chicago. A ST. PATRICK EMBLEM FOB 1903 By Mall, 15c. AM. CARD COMPANY. 1246 Q St. Lincoln, Neb, Plumbing and Heating Estimates Furnished J. c. COX 1332 O Street, Llnco'n, Neb. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Statk op Nebraska - offick of AUBITOR OF PURTIC ACCOUNTS. Lincoln, February :st. J 903. It is hereby certified that the Western Assur ance Co. of Toronto, in Canada, has complied with th Insurance Law of this State, anplica-, ble t such companies and is therefore author-" izd to continue the business of Fire and Light ning Insurance in this Siate for the "current year ending January 31st, 1904. Witness my hnnd and the seal of th Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year firstabova written. CHARLES WESTON Auditor of Public Accounts. J. L. PIERCE, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OK PUBLICATION. 8TATK OF NEBRASKA OFFICK OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Lincoln, February 1st. 190:5. It is hereby certified, that the United Fire men's Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania has complied with the Insurance Law of this tate, applicable to such companies and is therefore authorized to con tinue the business of Fire and Lightning Insur ance in this State for the current year ending January 31sk, 1904. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written. CHARLES WESTON, Auditor of Public Accounts. J. L. PIBRCE, Depnty. counn.