The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 26, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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FEBRUARY g6, 1903.
'.J5:Sav fx
S.ArtLEi &
Nervous, Chronic
& Private Disuses '
t iirtur
ai I vrrv
W guarantee to cure all curable caies of
the Nose.Throat, Chert. Stomach, Liver, Klood.
8k in and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood.
Mght Kmission. Hydrocele, Varicocele, (km,
orrhea, Gleet, Files. Fistula atid fecial Ulcers
Diabetes and Rriht's Disease. $100.00 for a
case of ('ATA Kit II, KM HUM ATI. M, DYH
VKi'SlAor SKI'HILIS we cannot cure, If
Examination and consultation free. Call, or
address with stamy, P. O. ISox VAX.
Drs. Searles & Searles "VVSuook.
The best book cn strawberry Riowinjf ever writ
ten. It tells how to grow the biggest crops of big
berries ever produced. The buok isa treatse on
l'lant flijuioloicy and explain how to make
plants bear Itig Harries and Lots of Them.
The on y thorough! red scientifically giown
Hti mm berry Pima to be had for spring plant
ing. One of them Is woith a dozen common
scrub pants. They grow BIG RED BEH
R ES. T he book h sent free to all readers of
dresato R. M KELLOGG,
am hi
0 I rifi
1 44W444e
! Hardy Trees and Plants, f
y ... s
Complete Assortment
of llest Sort for the
west, Including
Sfc varltles of best Strawberries.
1 8 varieties of Raspberries.
lixxj direct and save agents profits. We
pay freight on $10 orders. Wend for freo
catalogue to
North Band Nurseries, North Bend,
Dodge County, Neb.
Trees That Grow
ma best Bud nudint
varieties. See our prices.
unrtM Appi. ie.
mmoera Urepoi,2e.
Biark Loeiut
trated Cat-
sloe. German
or knglish free.
Barman Nursariat
Crl Sondereeeer. Prop..
lox 21, - Beatrice. Nth.
Money and the Taxing Power
All Rights Reserved. . - -
fruit Trees
17 Pei-h $1.00
50 Concord, $1.00
1000 Mulberry, $1.00
50 Asparagus, 25c.
Immense stock, fine quality, low price. Freight
prepaid on $10.00 orders. Genera 1 catalogue free.
CAGE COUNTY NURSERIES. Beatrice, Nebr., Box m
from diHO&se. We
ray freight. Apple,
I Sto4 ft. to: cherry. 2 to 3. ft., 15; peach, tl; Concord
grape. It ir 100. 1UO0 Ash, tl ; Catalpa, Locust, K. Mul
berry, B. Elderand Osage Hedge;low price. Catalog free.
EilbraithRurseries.tronMrij jMaenNnrKrBj 35, Fairbury.Heb.
In every aggregation ol men ac
cepting the institution of private own
ership to posscBsible things endowed
with utility, and having laws or cus
toms restraining from violence, it nec
essarily happens that at any given
time and place some commodities
will be in more strenuous demand than
other .commodities. It matters not
what may produce the. more intense
action of the force of demand for these
commodities, they wiil always be
more eadily exchangeable than ar
ticles in less urgent demind. Super
stition, vanity, a mere whim of fash
ion, as well as hunger or any other
cause setting human energy in motion
to obtain them, may, under suitable
conditions, generate the force of de
mand for them. Conditirns and cir
cumstances not explained to us, and
always unseen by these story tellers,
must of necessity hate given to these
articles ability to lo beneficial ser
vice, which gave rise to a force of
demand, that was urg?nt and general,
for those now worthless things, among
those savages, for it is' preposterous to
asert that people would perform la
borious service or give up articles en
dowed with utility in exchange for
them, as we now do in exchange for
coin; for that is what is meant by
the assertion that they were "used as
money." The truth is that all things
that are exchanged for other things,
whether coin or meat, whether human
labor or government l:onds, are
merely commodities, which
for some reason sre subjected to a
force of demand thit is more or less
imperious and universal.
"Money" is confined to nations hav
ing laws and a stable government, and
is not a commodity that may be ex
changed, but is a device by means
of which quantity of the force of de
mand may be expressed, after ascer
tainment by a "valuation;" while
"coin" is an entirely distinct thing,
and is a physical object and always a
"Money," therefore, is not a phy
sical object, but is a device to express
quantity of the force of demand, and
consists of some symbol which is
adopted by government authority to
stand for a fixed and changeless quan
tity of the force of demand, and which
is used in connection with the numer
als as a means of expressing quantity
of the force of demand; and that force
of demand, having been "valued" by
a "valuation" or appraisal made, may
be expressed by the "money term" or
symbol, and can be expressed in no
other way.
On the other hand, "coin" is a phy
sical object upon which the money
symbol is impressed, and may be used
as an article in exchange for other
commodities, but does not express
quantity of the force of demand. Tin
"money" is the symbol that is
stamped on a physical object, and is
not the physical object. The "coin"
is the physical object thus stamped.
This distinction is all-important and
must be kept in mind.
25 Crafted Apple Trees for $1
20 Budded Pesch Trees for $1
50 Concord Grape Vines forji
They are borne grown, healthy and sure to
grew, catalogue at a due bin lor 25c, tree.
Box 8. Falrbury, Neb.
3 Apple trees, 3 feet.
3 1 each trees, 4 feet.
3 1 berry trees, 3 feet.
6 ( urranta, 1 year.
25 beet strawberry plants.
10 Asparagus.
10 One year Mulberry,
bend for catalogue at once.
Wakefield Nurseries,
Wakefield, Nebraska
Orchards and
Vineyards on Shares.
Diaeiuip iw far 11 UKUr
PLAN, wbluh fipfoioj bow Wf ftir-1
lth rwpoMlbl people with H ARDf
raatnlil ordhardiaar on ihini. Addrau
y - - - j
The Gardner Nursery Company,
A. 1 m j a at
, oox i40. usage, iowa.
Pure Bred Seed Corn.
The Cora that pays the rent. The acknowledged
king of the corn belt. Selected, safe, sound seed,
sent on approval In the ear. Write today for ds
criptlre circular of pure bred corn.
Buffalo Hart, 111. (Sangamon Co.)
Having shown the nature of the
device which is properly called
"money," the next inquiry is as to its
origin. We may well assume that such
a device arose out of some necessity in
human affairs; such a device was nev
er created for mere amusement
If we examine the constitution of
the United States we find no grant of
power to congress to "fix the stand
ard of money." The grant is limited
to "fix the standard of weights and
This hiatus was the result of the
ignorance of the age.
When congress at its first session
undertook to exerci?e the powers of
legislation thus granted, it is not re
corded that any sogjeftion of a lack
of power upon this subject was made,
or that it was felt by anyone.
The lack of accurate knowledge of
the subject is manifest in the fact
that the law which in fact did "fix
the standard of money" is the 20th
section of the act of April. 1792, in
stead of being, as it logically should
have been, the first section.
If we examine that 20th section, we
find its authors battling with the
ignorance of the age and struggling,
without knowledge and without any
constitutional authority, to "fix the
standard of money." It reads as fol
lows: . "Sec. 20. And be it further enacted,
That the money of account of the
United States shall be expressed in
dollars or units; dimes or -tenths;
cents or hundredths; mills or thou
sandths; the dime being the tenth
part of a dollar; the cent the hun
dredth part of a dollar; ana1 the mill
the thousandth part of a dollar; and
that the accounts in the public
offices, and the proceedings in the
courts of the United States shall
be kept and had in conformity to
this regulation." -
This section has never been amend
ed or referred to in any legislative
enactment since it became a law; and
I have never seen it referred to by any
writer or speaker upon the subject of
Although its authors were groping,
yet by good fortune they "fixed the
standard of money" by selecting the
term "dollar" to stand as the symbol
of the fixed quantity of the force of
demand adopted as the standard unit.
Now, what necessity is there for
this device?
If we examine the above quoted sec
tion, we find that "the accounts in the
public offices and the proceedings in
the courts of the United ; States
shall be kept and had in conform
ity to this regulation." The use of
the device then created is thus made
mandatory in the public offices and
in the courts and nowhere else. Its
vuse in those two places is compulsory.
But if it is used elsewhere, that use
is strictly voluntary and optional. No
other use of the "money" so estab
lished by "statute is mandatory. If
private accounts are "kept" in this
"money," it is because the keeper of
them elects to do so, at his own op
tion. If the nominal quantity of val
ue expressed In promissory notes,
bills of exchange, stocks, private
bonds, etc., is expressed by the means
of that symbol which constitutes
United States "money," it is because
the parties interested voluntarily
choose to do so. There is no compul
sion. The only places and cases in
the world where the use of the symbol
constituting our "standard of money"
is mandatory, are in the public offices
and in the courts of the United States.
In those two places its use is compul
sory. It is by the statute appointed
to the performance of an office in those
two places; and the functions it there
performs are its official func
tions. It was created for the pur
pose of doing something in the public
offices and in the courts; and any
otner use ot it is merely a voluntary
adaptation of it. We have a right, to
assume that where its use is thus
made compulsory there exists an im
perative necessity for it, which com
pelled its invention.
Let us follow this "standard of
money" into the public offices of the
country and there, by observing its
operations, ascertain what is the office
for which it was created, and what
official functions it there performs.
The "accounts in the public offices"
are made up of innumerable repetitions
of this "money" symbol in connection
with the numerals. Those accounts
are simply the machinery for raising
revenue, through the exercise of
the taxing power of the gov
ernment. -
WThat is the "taxing power?"
It is the power possessed by govern
ment to support and maintain itself,
by the seizure and appropriation, to
supply the public need, of the services
of its citizens and the commodities of
the people, required for its operation.
The ostensible object of modern
government, in exercising the taxing
power, in to gather "coin" into the
A moment's consideration, however,
reveals that the gathering of "coin"
is only an intermediary means for the
accomplishment of its real object,
which lies beyond. The real aim and
final purpose of exercising the tax
ing power is to seize and appropriate
to government use the services of men
and materials required to carry on
government operations.
(Continued Next. Week.)
and brooder on trial. Pe your
own judge. Improved automatic
regulator keeps the temperature
exactly right. Nonlgbtwork. No
complications. Everybody suc
ceeds. Your money back if you
say so. Catalogue free. Burr In
cvbatorCo., liox w 23,Oniaha,Neb
" Money in Poultry."
Our new 68-p. illustrated
dook tells now to make it.
Also how to feed, breed, grow and
market poultry for best reaults.
l'lant tor houses, diseases, cores, how
to kill lice, mitea and cires manv valu
able receipts. Illustrates and describes the
Unrest pure-bred poultry establishmont 1
the country; quotes low prices oo purs-bred, w
fowl and eggs. Mailed to any address for 4c B
in stamps. F. FOY. Box 32. Dei Moines, la. f
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that cau
net be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props,,
' Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney fcr the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation mada
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo. O -Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sysU-ai.
Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills ara the best.
With Our 1901 Grinder
any 8 or 10 foot Wind Mill now
pumping your water will also
grind all kinds of grain. A great
machine at a bargain to intro
duce. E.B. WINGER
532 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago,
Mot Fail
in the chicken busi
ness if you start
right with a
Incubator and Brooder.
Not experiments but machines with years of
successful record. Perfect regulation per-
recc na tones, uo not swell
nor shrink. A variety of
styles a nd sizes. Large In
cubator book (168 pages) tree.
Books In five languages.
Des Moines Inch. Co.
Dept. S3, Da stelnea, Iowa.,
or Kept. 85, Buffalo, K.Y.
Trial. X
DciV. Pay Double.
We'll sell you a better hatcher
for the money than any other
Incubator concern on earth. New i m.
proved regulator, that can't get out
order, bij Doct-roiiuuitnuona rr.
Clay Canter, Neb. or Coiambna, Ohio.
TIFFANY'S Sure Death ts
Lice (Powder) sprinkled
In the nest keeps your
fowls free from lice. Sprinkle
hen and the little chicks-will
haro no lice. Tlffany'sParaeroa
"Liquid" kills mites instantly.
Sprinkle bed for hogs, roost
for fowls. Box powder for lit
tle turkeys and chicks post
paid 10c. We want agents.
Unco In, JSeb,
m oaw aa - m
Yards Flat Poultry.
We sell the Reliable
Iacnbator on the strong
est kind of guarantee that it
shall ffije jou perfoct Batisfutios,
or you gt jour money nacic "
vaat everybody to know of the Boo
moiiture, beatlnr, rerouting, aursery
and ventilating fcatnn. Send 10 cents
postage tor 19th edition ef great poulr
try book, J net Issued.
Sellable laeb. aid Brooder Co.,
Bex l,Qwlnev. HI.
fit hi Bar lnrl!rAte ft " v
terfect t roe of thorotieh-
rArrt TkSa sn1 rkf iekek
e - harvest will demonstrate
f lrhfifnrt that mir imnrnvrl ror.
Jietiesof Seed Corn will yield 2056 J
v J to 60 more than the older kinds. It costs
AOnly 25 Cents Per Acra !l
Ito plant our cuotee, tested seea corn, iou
kVcan'taflord to risk doubtful stock or inferior .
varieties. Large illustrated catalog of X3var- 41
leties oi peaigreea reca v.orn unu oiso oeca
tl Wheat, Ostt, rouiteee, eto. mailed men joa meaura
k 'V WeeMtheUraetseedoomdealezstnU.S.
IOWA SEES CO., Sea Koines, Iowa.
-v II
'.Send to the Nebraska Seed Farm
and receive five of the best seed corn
samples on earth and my catalogue
free. Free samples of Oats and Seed
Potatoes. I have the Early Six
Weekg Ohio and the Late Ohio. My
Seed Corn, Oats and Potatoes will be
just as good as the samples. Address
all orders to
Nebraska Seed Farm.
A Rubber Stamp of your name, 30
high-grade steel pens, a pint of Perfect
black writing ink, all for 19c, postpaid.
C W. SLAGEL, Davenport, Nebr.