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About The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1903)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, FEBRUARY 26, 1903. ft II 4 j : j HARDY'S COLUMN li - -N 1)1 Smoke Your Heat With a Brush. The new method of Smoking meat has come to stay. It has already come and staid so long in many parts of the country that there is no longer any more thought of going back to the old method than of returning to the bid fashioned ox cart. Wherf you nmoke your meat with our Modern Meat Sm3ker, you accomplish all that could possibly be done by the old method and you accomplish some thing that the old way does not ac complish. The meat is better pro tected BgniHst decay and against the attacks of germs and insects. It tastes better, it looks better, and it will bring more money. TheJ old method of smoking dries out; the meat and reduces the weight. The shrinkage is often one fifth, and this runs into money when you consider the amount of moat the average farmer usually smokes. Our Modern Meat Smoker is practically condensed liquid smoke which can be applied in a minute with n brunh or a sponge, and that end the process. You run no danger of losing by tire or theft, and save both time and money. Our Modern Meat Smoker is put up in quart, bottles only. One bottle will cover 250 to 300 pounds of meat. - SAMPLES FREE We have put up a number of free samples and shall be glad to give you one of them. If you are not willing to try the smoker on all your meat this year, try the sample at leasu and make comparisons. x We sell everything cheap $1 pat ents are still G4, C9 and 7i)c. Rings' Pharmacy New Location I32I O Street. Lincoln Hide Market The Lincoln Hide & Fur Company. 92) R street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quoto te following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln. - until further- notice: No. 1 green salted hides, per lb., Cc, No. 2, 5c; bull3 and side branded, 5c; t green hides lc lb. less than salt cured, r horse and mule hides, large, each, $2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep pelts, each 40-75e; dry pelts. 5-8c per lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb. 12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and murrain hides ,per lb., 5-10c. Our clas siil d fur list, together with little booklet telling how to trap, skin stretch and handle furs and hides to obtiin the best . 'tilts, will be mailer free to all upon request, also write for tass and general information any time. OO. Ir. Gordon's Tobacco Specific' is CiUARA Tf FD to cure nl! forms of the tobacco habit in 30 days o money refunded. U s PAI LHSS, HARfl LESandf ERflANENT Home treat nientjtio time lost from business. It is especially successful where other so-called cures have fiiiled. It cure by eliminatinRthe INlwOIINb and thus re moves the cause, tfnd builds up the NERV0U5 and PHYSICAL .systems A guarantee to cure in 30 days or return the botle wraps ani get your money. Wraps on every bottle. Thousands of testimonials prove the worth of our t.ure. Write today for treatment on the atove guarantee to the J GORDON MEDIC NE CO., Lincoln, Neb. Tobacco ' Cure. '30 Days Treat ment for $2, The legislature of the state of New York has a queer tax bill just on the point of pa3sage. The governor and other party leaders are agreed upon Its terms. It does away with all di rect taxes for the payment.of state' expences and substitutes a tax on real estate conveyances, on all mortgages and on Inheritances. It is estimated that between six and seven millions will be received from these three sources. The tax is to be ten cents upon every hundred dollar convey ance, a half one 1 per cent on every dollar of mortgages and one cent tax on every dollar of Inheritance. Why i3 it that liquor sellers respect the license law of government and at the, same time trample under foot and spit upon municipal and state law. At the present time, it Is reported there are 'over thirty persons in the city of Lincoln who have a government li cense to sell liquor, but no state or city license. Drunkenness, gambling and prostitution are triplets of the same family. The only way to enforce the law against these vices is to offer a reward of twenty-five dollars to any detective who will find witnesses that will convict the law-breaker. That is the method of general government. The waee-earners are still kicking and striking for more pay and less work. They don't seem to want the government to take charge of the coal mines, railroads and factories for then they never could strike but once and after that they would have to set themselves to work and be satisfied with their own earnings. It is re ported that a majority of the labor strikers are of foreign birth. They are getting two or three times the wages, at the same work, their friends are eettine back in Europe. A girl from Sweden had been back visiting and when she returned declared she could pay her passage both ways and return with more money at tne en a 01 one year than she could earn there. We Want To Buy Sweet Corn We have a customer for several bushels of Sweet Corn. Can use any variety Send us in a sample staling how much you have and (if you know) name. We will pay a good price, enough so it will pay you to bother. Can use it shelled or in ear. We Want To Sell Alfalfa 13 li We have just! received a car load of extra fine Alfalfa. It was grown in Utah. The experimental station here at Lincoln in-; forms us that'Utah seed, w the best to sow. Get a sample. -Wq-; are selling the. Fancy stock at per bu f-9 OQH Choice...... ..$8 50 s Catalogue of other seeds free. ' ' '.' " Griswold Seed Go. $ . M ' i: - 'ii .. ip; P. O. Box K, ' Lincoln, Neb. ft The Daisy Seed t I I r i The Austrian parliament has ex tended the right of suffrage to all the women the same as to the men. These advancements In Europe prove 'there Is more superstition in America than there is over there. Columbian Beauty Seed Cora, the prpminm corn of the world. It took the premium t the World s Fair. The Corn is snow white, large grain and small Cob, weighs 6o Found to the Bushel, 3 tp 5 Ear to the Ma'k; grows from 350 to 300 tushoi to the Acre. It is worth its weight in gold. The 6ied from which this Corn wasjrrown was brought here from (ienoa, Italy, in 1890. by Col. Geo. biewers. The price of this yalua ble Corn is, by mail, postngi pM, Hlf Pound 30c., One Peund 30c, Three Pound $1 00, One Peck $3.50,111 Beshel $4.00. ( ne Bushel $7.90, Tw Biwfcels $12.04. Erory package guaranleea'to gire satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded atone. I refer yon to 8. E. gtevart. postmaster at this place, or to any reliable merchant. Order today and be ready to plant wheu the season comes. The best is always the cheapest. For a success, - 1 ' ' ' THE DAISY SEED FARM Daisy, Forsyth Co., N. C. i' o 4k ' t Forest Tree Seedlings Burr, pine and chestnut oak; ash, elm, black walnut, Russian mulberry, sycamore, linden, box elder, yellow rnt ton wood, soft maDlc. By the sin- elG thousand, or in car lots. In size from six inches to twenty-four, one year s growth, same varieties from six to twelve feet for parks or streets. From one tree to car lota. ROBT. W. FURNAS, Brownville, Neb. France, Germany and Russia have raised their tariff on American goods as high as our tariff is on 'their goods. They admit goods of the same kind from other countries at a much lower rate. They can get all the bread and beef they need from Canada, South America, East India and Russia. Equal justice is a noble principle. One of the greatest gushing oil wells has just been opened near Van Wert, O. The oil is flooding the country. It is being hemmed in by embankments. Refined oil will now go up two cents again. A Texas company has leased a mil lion acres of land in Canada, at two cents an acre, for twenty-one years. They are preparing to put up 300 miles of wire fence this season. The land is located in Assiniboine valley. Cattle and sheep men are goixig where they can rent and fence pa-lures. More than a thousand men will be em ployed. Canadians are men of sense. We can well remember the conten tions back in the thirties up to the sixties in regard to the admission of new states. A northern free state had to be balanced by a southern slave state. In fact every acre on this con tinent purchased or in any way -an nexed to the original independent ter ritory had for its ruling motive the extension of slavery. The slave own er saw that white births and Europ ean imigration was strengthening the north much faster than the south. When Missouri was admitted it was done by a compromise to the effect that the slave states would not ask for any more slave territory north of the south line of Missouri, and when Kansas and Nebraska began to fill up with northern settlers it was then that our civil war was planted. There is now the same feeling among the millionaires of the east against the ad mission of western states there was in the south against the admission of free Kansas and Nebraska. They know if the four western territories are ad mitted as states they will send eight western senators and not one will be a millionaire or in harmony with the present eastern rule of our govern ment If three are admitted now, they know the Indian territory will soon make another one. The senate was the only part of our government the slave-holders thought to control. So it is today with the millionaires. They know that western men cannot be bought as easily as eastern men. The THE ARLINGTON NURSERIES g HAVE IN STOCK 500,0(50 Apple Trees, 125,000 Cherry Trees, 75,000 Plum Trees and a complete line of small fruits, ornamentals, roses and evergreens. s Our fruits won HIGHEST AWA1DS at Omaha in 1898, Paris, in 1900, and Buffalo in 1901. Location, one of the leading fruit districts ' of Nebraska. Immediate access to main lines of leading railroads; thus the advantage of quick shipments. We make a speciality of hardy varie ties which are adapted to Nebraska and the Northwest. Catalogue mailed upon application. MARSHALL BROS., Dept. C, Arlington, Nebr., Washington Co. mmmmmmmmmmmmmfm 35 RELIABLE SEED CORN MADE FROM PHOTO OF OUR CATTLE KING COPN. VflnQJlflf '0 A" upland Grow n on our own farms, 1902 crop. Guaranteed to grow where lOllOufll w any corn will erow. Variet.e- include corn suitatlc ford ffeient climates and localities. Corn especially Tred for cattle feeding purposes, yields from 60 to ir.o hn rpr acre- evprvbridv wants this varietv. Also a fine "vellow earlv iuo-uay corn, p'endm yielder; als- a tine white variety, grows on while cob, etc. van Bftiit's 5eed Corn never di'npn ints. Write for free Fan-pies and Circulars. rVlZ W. W. Yansant fc Sons, tarrat, la. Seed Corn IT; Rf m tea -vm. Ill IIM WWI IIM 1 II II Pll M Ours have Btood the test of 50 years. Send for Catalogue. 600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Established 1S62. PHOENIX NUU8EKV COMPANY, 1850 Park St., Bloomlnfrton, Illinois. $15.00 To Billings. $20.00 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake and Ogden. $22.50 To Spokane. J25 Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and L03 Angeles, via tbe Burlington daily February 15tli to April 30th, 1903. City Ticket Office Cor Tenth and O Streets Telephone No. 235 BurTngton Depot 7th St., between P and Q Tel. Burlington 1290. doctrine of" the west is equal laws for all and all stand equal before the law. If equal protection cannot be given to all, certainly those not protected should not be required to pay for pro tecting others. It 13 so today, the farmers of the west have to pay tar iff on everything they buy, whether made here or abroad, and at the same time get not one cent benefit from tariff themselves. H. W .HARDY.