The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 19, 1903, Page 6, Image 6
6 FEBRUARY 19, 1903. " Trusts The Cause and Cure A DISCIPLE OF WILSIIIRE. , . Editor Independent: You wanted short articles on the trust question. The trust Is the product of the profit and competitive system. "A large con cern can be operated more economical ly than a small one. The trust elim inates competition and enables them to raise the price of their product. Men engage In business for profit and as long as we maintain the profit sys tem and recognize the private own ership of such things we cannot con trol them. Under the. existing 'social order we set up. a .system and then challenge thai , system, .with . penalty laws. ,We Ignore the . great natural law of cause and effect and attempt to remove cause . by punishirfg effect. Wilshire's slogan, is. the. correct solu tion: "Let the people own the trusts.", -. .. T. J. SHELLEY. Greer," Idaho . yielding hand. CHAS. A. MILLER. Baldwinsville, N. Y. R. R. 4. A HARD PUZZLE. . . Editor Independent: I hardly know what is the best remedy for the trusts. I am a hard working man and have never given the subject much thought. 1 know when coal is scarce the oil trust raises the price of its product and I pay more for oil. "I think the coal strikers are to blame there. We have too .many ' shrewd men in the country. Give a sharp business man a million dollars and he is a very dangerous fellow. It is but natural he should work for his own interest and invest hl3 money in that which he can get the most out of. If I am poor and unfortunate I must help swell his pile, and yet no man would want to invest his money where he was going to lose it or get nothing out of it. It is a hard puzzle to solve and the poor man pays the freight every time. I think strikes help out the trusts a great deal. Miners strike. Coal becomes scarce and the price ad vances. The oil trust advances the prices ; of oil because there is more demand. I pay more for wood, my neighbor mere for coal. And both 2 cents more for oil. All on account of the strike. There happens to be a very dry sea son. No grass, no hay. , Cattle die by thousands. Very little beef in the country. , Beef trust control the lit tlo there is. " Prices go up. Way up, 20 cents per pound and 12 ounces to the pound. Lots of fish, though, fish goes up, too. Fish trust been losing money for years back, now sees chance to; rake in a pile. And who is to blame, the beef trust, the fish trust, or the dry weather? It. is a hard puzzle to answer, and the only rem edy in my poor way of thinking is to make it unlawful to combine great fortunes against the public good and enforce that law with a firm and un- ORGANIZATION. Editor Independent: I see in The Commoner that you wanted my rem edy for trusts. First, organize; Ig natius Donnely In Caesar's Column shows us a good way. Any man can enlist ten men reformers. Each of the ten men enlist ten men, and so on until we have a majority. Each club of eleven, the organizer to be chair man and to vote only on ties. Second, direct legislation. Third, all officers elected by direct vote. Fourth, free coinage of silver at the ratio of 1G to 1. The banker wants to put up one dollar in credit and make the people give him a one dollar bank note issued on that credit, then make the people put three dollars of gut edged credit for the use of one dollar and pay 6 per cent interest 1 ifth, demonetize bank notes. Sixth, another 16 to 1 proposition; the gov ernment, v which is in the hands of these executive committees of ten, shall coin and issue $1 in legal tender paper money, for every $16 of actual value. Seventh, government to issue to every county $10 per capita of said county, for federal building, govern ment bank of loans and deposits, post office, police and fire department, tele graph, telephone, hospital, government life atid fire insurance. Courts of equity, with judges on salary and all cases to be settled without costs. The day depositors transfer their money to government banks. Look out, We will need an ark; O the water that will leak out of stocks! Eighth, government to build three double-track steel railroads, from At lantic to Pacific, north, central, and southern; and five north and south. Locate them on the map. 20 thousand miles of railroad at 20 thousand per mne, rour hundred million dollars. Sugar and lumber on the free list Greatest government sugar refinery in the world on. Mobile Bay. Government to compete with trusts; government to do a certain per cent of the business of the country, commence with 10 per cent to increase the wages of labor and keep down the price of products so that a laborer can buy 80 per cent of his products. Members of the golden rule labor trust may wear an alumnium charm. Products have advanced 40 per cent, labor 2 per cent.- Labor must be ad vanced 38 per cent JOHN A. GAYLORD. Cuyahoga Falls, O. i - " Brought On Sciatic Rheumatism. Nervous Prostration Followed. Dr. Miles Nervine Gave Back, Health. I was laid up during the winter of 94-95 -with sciatic rheumatism ar.d nervous prostra tion brought on by a ssvere attack of La Grippe. The rheumatic pains were so se vere at times that it was impossible for me to turn in bed. I was unable to sleep. I had two of our best physicians in attendance, took all the advertised remedies for troubles of this kind bnt got no help whatever until I took Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Six bottles restored me to health; I am better than for years; in fact am entirely relieved. I can eay with a clear conscience that it was Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine that restored me to health. When the pains of sciatica and rheumatism were most severe I secured almost immediate relief by the use of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.' I have recommended Dr. Miles' Remedies to many people." Fred Myers, Redfiekl, S. D. "I was taken with pain in my heart and under the left shoulder; with such heavy op- Ijressed feeling in-my chest that I could lardly breathe. I had palpitation so bad and my heart would throb so that it would shake my whole bed. I also had a weak, all eone feeling in the region of my heart. My doctor treated me Tor liver and stomach trouble but I failed to receive any benefit until a friend rernmmpndprt 7"r AliW ITonrt- Cure and Restorative Nervine. I used both and one box of the Anti-Pain Pills. I believe I am completely and permanently cured.." Mrs.. J. V. Golding, Noblesville, 11 1 1 11 ii'triM" sr 11 sarin i'uhi t 1 1 ir-r- dim ihh tie Dr Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and 1; cart1 Diseases. Address Drjdilea Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. IDEAL ANARCHY A CURE. Editor Independent: "What cause,, trusts?" Greed, backed bv thfi nowprs of government. Governments now, and in the past, are. and have been instituted for the sole purpose of hold ing the masses in subjection while the robbers despoil them. The nffirers of government are permitted to get a tew or tne crumbs that fall from the rich man's tables. Nonentities that cannot earn in other vocations, more man tnree or four hundred dollars a year, under present systems, get elect ed to office and the dear people pay them from one to fiftv thousand dol lars a year for governing them. it is too expensive. "What is trip remedy?"- Get rid of all the parasites that ride on the backs of labor. Get the idea of freedom started in your think shop. Jefferson and other good men saia, and say. "The least gov erned are the best governed." What do you socialists say? What right has any man to govern any other man? What right h as rniT sr nf men to govern any other set of men? It sometimes seems to me that rxli Il eal parties are hiehwavmen that throng the highways to divert the minds of the people from real issues. The question today , is one of freedom or slavery. "He who would be free, must strike the first blow." The first thing for the people to learn, is to know their rights, and in learning them, they will learn how, and why, thev are being robbed. The smouldering slumbers of revo lution cannot be kept in bounds when the people once fully understand these questions, and then the drones will be shaken from off the backs of industry, and the sunshine of peace will cast its rays in gloomy abode3, andThe God dess Love will reign supreme. The drones who fatten off the toil of robbed labor, will never let the shack les be taken from the limbs they bind until compelled to do so. I and, air and water are natural ele ments, not made or put here by any man, and no man, or set of men. has any right to hold , more of either of these elements than Is necessary for his or their actual needs, against, or away from, any other man who needs SPELTZ OR EMMER Sow it in place of Oats. Grain is just as good for stock. Bet ter than Barley for Hogs. It is liked by Horses, Sheep and Cat tle. -Its Straw makes feed equal to Prairie Hay. It yields from 50 to 100 bushels of feed per acre and makes a crop in dry years when other small grains are a failure. Speltz is a Dative of Rus sia and is used there extensively as an article of food. The hull favors barley but contains two seeds which look like a cross be tween rye and wheat. It should be sowu very early (February or March) as it is not injured by frost or snow. Some farmers have failed with this crop because it was not sown early enough. Drill 2 bushels, or if broadcast, 3 bushels to the acre. Cut when middling green as it threshes easier and the straw makes better hay. Our seed was raised in Ne- "7 K C, braska. Sow some you will not be sorry. Per bu.. . . J J Griswold Seed Co. m ?m Ft--! la P II Rnv K I 1VTU Fal El All the leading and best varieties of choice selected. EK38 f ' buahala par aer. Coals Only ie Pop Aef for Sm. t?reSl &arge descriptive catalogue ot Corn and ail kinds of W ii Farm and Garden Seed mailed free If you mention this Qk3 paper. IOWA SEED CO., DES KOTKm, inw I THE ARLINGTON NURSERIES 500,000 Apple Trees, 125,000 Cherry Trees, 75,000 Plum Trees and a 2 complete hne of small fruits, ornamentals, roses and evergreens " 2 1(m0u,J ? HIGHEST AWARDS at Omaha in 1898, Paris in 1900, and Buffalo in 1901. Location, one of the leading fruit districts of Nebraska. Immediate access to main lines of leading railroads; thus 2F the advantage of quick shipments. We make a speciality of hardy varie ties which are adapted to Nebraska and the Northwest. Catalogue mailed upon application. . MARSHALL CEOS., Dept. C, Arlington, Mr., Washington Co. 1 IBlllllll RELIABLE SEED CORN ' MADE FROM PHOTO OF OUR CATTLE KING COFN. V 3ilSf?nf A1! l7l',and Grv " on otir own farms, 1902 c rop. Gnarenteed to erow wfcere uiivuiii 0 any corn will prow. Variet e include corn suital le ford ff--ient climates and oEfill Cflffl locaI,ties- Co'" espccallytred for cattle feeding 1 utfoes, yields from 60 if) " to ,ro ' Per flcre; very body wants ihis variety. Also a fine yellow earlv u u.,y corn, endid yjelder; als. a fine wlme rarieiy, grow on white cob, etc. Van- ?. " Xa?orn never diapi t ints. Write for free San p'ts and Circulars sur VOm III C.lft 4l -.A - - If... nr v.r . r . ackd and F.O. B. cor tt $i 25 rer b '. w. w. vansant fit ions, harrajrat, t The Daisy Seed Farm . .ri5mb;in i?f A fw". th preminm corn of the world. It took the premium f. .iS'L" Thef oru it enow white, large irraiu and small lob, weighs 60 Founds to the Futhel. x in k Kars m th v .r..r. tr t 1. . .1.. X v r " liV" W?r1' lU Welllt ln Th Bred from which thi Corn wai erown was X r0??114 D."reLfr" .-,noa' ''y in ISM. by Col. Geo. biawera. Thn prict- of this Taiua- V 01 i Ofn IS, by Kail, poet? DxlJ. Half Pound UCOnc Pnund mnr Thr.. $1 co. One teck $3.50. Ha:f Bushel $4.00. tne Bushel $7.00, Two Rusbela $ia.oa. JLTery paekaga naranied to giie satisfaction or money chreHnily rf funded at once. I i 1. ynnnier at mm piace, orto any reliable men-bant. Order X today and b ready to plant whn the saso comes. Ihebentis always the cheapest. V or a snecess. THE DAISY SEED FARM Daisy, Forsyth Co., N. C, S t and can use what they do not need an J cannot use, except for the purpose of enslaving others. Every title deed to land is one of force, written in blood, and are frauds that free men will not permit. Occupancy and use is the onlytitle to latid, and when men learn their rights, will be the only title that will be recognized. Let us L direct our every effort to educating the people, for in this alone can come the revolution that will set men free and bring in the millennium when we will have "Peace on earth and good will among men." S. A. WRIGHT. Springfield, Mo. If the land is plowed the soil will drift li'e enow. Renting would stop the cattle and sheep men fighting. HARDY'S COLUMN We have not heard the slightest reason why our legislature turned down the government sand-hill renting resolution. If tht nine mill'ons of acres, good for nothing only pasture, could be rented in blocks of fo'ir or five tho"f mL acrs at one cAnt an acre, and the herder take a home stead, in the center build himself a house and other buildings, then fence hie pasture, he can make a living. The railroads from Chicago to Buf falo have taken off their sixty-mile-an-hour night trains. Every passen ger had to pay extra throe dollars for a sleeping berth and extra two dol lars fare. Passengers on the Nickel i tate road can ride five or six dol lars cheaper than on those fast trains and two or three dollars cheaper than on any of their regular trains. The safety of a moderate train more than pays for the two or three hours ex tra time. We never had a more pleasant ride between Chicago and Buffalo than on the Nickel Plate, We are to have two months' city campaign this year. If the excite ment increases as it usually does we will have a hot time. We hardly Ihink that another ex periment farm in the western .part of the state will pay. The expense of running the present state farm, with the experiments, cost fifteen to eigh teen thousand dollars a year. Buying