The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 19, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
4 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FEBRUARY 19, 1903. - WASHINGTON NOTES JLItllefUld'a IMlemma-Department af Commerce IIun a vt. Boimll- . Mora Bank Loot Promlaed ' Washington, D. C., Feb. 16, 1903. (Special Correspondence.) The house having passed the Littlefield publicity bill without a dissenting vote, it was thought the strenuous "trust-buster who lives in the White house would give his sanction thereto and endeavor to get it through the senate. So far from this being the case, it is said that when Mr. Littlefield called at the White house to enlist the presi dent's support for his,measure he was told that it was far too drastic and could not be made an administration bill. Mr. Littlefield, therefore, occu pies an unenviable position. He is charged by the democrats with hav ing made his bill entirely too lax in its provisions, .while of course the trusts , and thejeaders of the party In power are charging him with mak ing the measure too severe. Hence it will fail in the upper branch of con gress. That he is somewhat piqued at the turn affairs have taken is evi denced by the fact that he refused to vote when the Elkins anti-rebate bill (which came over from the senate last week passed the house 241 to 6 on Friday. The. Rockefeller telegrams were re- reived by no less than a dozen repub- . llcan senators and the inactivity in "anti-trust legislation since their re ceipt is evidence enough of the po tency of the Standard Oil monopoly. It is charged that this is not the first time this monopoly has influ enced legislation, but is a common VERY FEW PEOPLE Are Free From Some Form of Indi gestion. - Very few people are free from som form of indigestion, but scarcely iwo will have the same symptoms. " ' Some suffer most directly after eat ing, bloating from gas in stomach and bowels, others have heartburn or sour . f . . . mi 1 1 i i : . w of' heart, headaches, sleeplessness, pains in chest and under shoulder blades, some have : extreme nervous ness, as in nervous dyspepsia. r But whatever the symptoms may be, the cause in. all eases of indigestion is the same,- that is, the stomach for . some reason fails to properly and promptly digest whar is eaten. - - This is the whole story of stomach 'troubles In a nutshell. The stomach . must have rest and assistance ana Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give it both by supplying those natural digestives ( .which every weak stomach lacks, ow ing to the failure of the peptic glands in the stomach to secrete sufficient .-acid and pepsin to thoroughly digest i and assimilate the food eaten. ; One grain of the active principle in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat, eggs or other wholesome food, and this claim has been proven by actual experiment. which anyone can perform for himself in the following manner: Cut a hard boiled egg into very small pieces, as it would be if masticated; place the egg and two or three of the tablets in a bottle or jar containing warm water (heated to 98 degrees (the temperature of the body) and keep it at this tem perature, tor tnree ana one-nan nours rst t r r nr rr H r HmA Ha fierce will "be as completely digested as it would have been in the healthy stomach of a hungry boy. i " The point of this experiment is '.what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do to the egg in. the bottle it will do to the egg or meat in the stomach and nothing else Will rest and invigor- ,;iie-i,u iuiimi;.u so saimy una Hiieci- rually. Even a little child can take Stuart's Tablets with safety and ben refit if c lis digestion is weak and the thousands of- cures accomplished .by their regular daily use are easily ex plained when it is understood that . 1L ' l a f . 1 ?iney are composed oi vegetaDie es sences, aseptic, pepsin, diastase and Golden Seal, which mingle with the food and digest it thoroughly, giving tijaxeJWOl-ked stomach a chance to recuperate. ' . Dieting never cures dyspepsia, neither do pills and cathartic medi cines, which simply irritate and in- flame the intestines. When enough food is eaten and promptly digested there will be no constipation, nor in fact will there be disease of any kind because good digestion means good health in every organ. The merit and success of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are world-wide and -they are sold at the moderate price of 50 cents for full sized package in ev ery drug store in the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe, practice at every session of congress. Several of its attorneys and lobby ists are regularly employed here." No appreciable progress has been made in the statehood bill situation. It still remains the regular order of business in the senate, and while over tures for compromise have been made, the democrats have remained firm for the rights of all the territories to sin gle statehood. Several republican ad vocates of statehood propose the ad mittance of Oklahoma and Indian territory as one stateNew Mexico and Arizona as another. The Philippine currency bill is un likely to pass at this session. Demo cratic senators are preparing to make silver speeches against the measure, and as but two weeks remain of the session, they will likely be able to prevent a vote. The president has signed the bill appropriating $1,500,000 for the erec tion of a new building to be occupied by the department of agriculture in this city. It will be located near the site of the present structure. The United States minister to Cu ba is in consultation at Havana with the Cuban government officials rela tive to the naval coaling station agree ment outlined in the Piatt amend ment The agreement-permits the estab lishment of a naval station at Guan tanamo and a coaling station at Ba hia Honda. Cuba agrees to cede some twenty square miles of land at Guan tanamo for the naval purpose of the United States as long as the United States deems it desirable to maintain a station. President Palma will send a message to congress asking for the enactment of a law authorizing the purchase of land for this purpose. He will also ask the senate to ratify the agreement, although the ratifica tion is not considered to be legally essential. The amount of rent paid for tho ground used by the United States gar rison at Cienf uegos has been raised from $250 monthly to 500 monthly. The conference report of both houses on the department of commerce and labor, bill was adopted by the house, Tuesday, 251 to 10. Of the negative votes, Littlefield was one of the num ber. The significance of this action lies in the fact that the Nelson amendment, providing for a bureau of corporations and the publication of all the proceedings of certain corpor ations, is included in the act. The democrats attempted to amend by sub stituting the Littlefield bill, but were ruled out Senator Morgan of Alabama de clared in a speech this week in the senate that the republicans were in sincere and were purposely forcing other measures to the front to pre vent any anti-trust legislation. The time of the senate was being wasted on account of what he termed a "peaceful political blockade" on the statehood and other bills. The bill introduced by Senator Han na to pension all ex-slaves is con sidered here to be a political move in the interest of his own candidacy for the presidency. Roosevelt's fav oritism to the colored man of the south has induced the senator to en deavor to offset the popularity among them the president has thus gained, in iev of the fact that nearly all the delogiites from southern states in re publican national conventions are col ored men. The fight between the two men will likely be an interesting one. In Wash ington and the east, Hanna is the more popular man of the two and the prediction is freely made that he will defeat Roosevelt for the nomination. During the debate on the sundry civil appropriation bill, Congressman De Armond of Missouri referred to the Hanna bill in a sarcastic vein, charac terizing it as a cheap bit of politics, but the subject assumed a somewhat serious phase when Richardson of Tennessee stated that adventurers in the south were using the bill to im pose oh ignorant and credulous ne groes. It is interesting in this con nection to note that the first bill ever introduced in either branch of con gress to pension ex-slaves was by W. J. Connell of Nebraska in the house, who was afterward defeated by Mr. Bryan. Two amendments to the sundry civil appropriation bill were adopted in the house, Thursday. One is for $2,500,000 to build an extension to the cast front of the capitol building, and the other for $3,850,000 for a 400 room office building for members of the house just across B street south of the capitol. Senator Aldrich has introduced a new financial bill and strong efforts will be made to pass it before March 4. Among the provisions is one that the secretary of the' treasury shall de posit customs receipts in national banks. Another feature of the bill is the provision in section 2 that vir tually the entire money to -be ex pended for acquiring and construct ing the Panama canal shall be raised uy an issue pf 2 per cent bonds. This, of course, will furnish another graft for the bondholders who have nour ished for the past few years through the favor of executives and lawmaic ers, and as Aldrich is the head of the republican steering committee and probably the most influential senator, save Hanna, it is probable the bill will pass. There can be no reason in any sense for the government to borrow $50, OOu.OuO at 2per cent, while at the present time there is available for this purpose at least $150,000,000 locked up in the vaults of the treasury. That old cry of maintaining the gold re serve is useless with thinking people. Senator Morgan Is making a fight against ratification of the Panama ca nal treaty. He has proposed 30 amendments to the treaty, one of which seeks to vest absolute owner ship of the route in the United States. He contended that the present treaty is loosely drawn and that it should be practically redrawn. Senator Pettus of Alabama endeav ored on Tuesday to secure a recon sideration of the vote of the previous day by which the Alaskan treaty was adopted. This treaty being one by which considerable United States territory is ceded to the Dominion of Canada through the outgeneralling of Secretary Hay by British diplomats. All the democrats and two republicans, Bard and Spooner, joined with Pettus, but were outvoted by 13 majority on a roll call. An amendment to the sundry civil bill to appropriate $3,000,000 to re lieve poverty and distress in the Philippines aroused considerable dis cussion in the house and the quota tion by a democratic member of the president's message pf December 1 in which he referred to the "general pros perity and material well-being of the people." An increase of one-third in the running expenses of the White house was also denounced by mem bers as extravagance and a departure from the original simplicity of the earlier executives. Nebraska has 375 rural free delivery routes in operation at the present timewhile Iowa has 1,379 at last re port. The third assistant postmaster gen eral has issued a new manual of in struction for the conduct of regist ered business in the rural free de livery service. . The most important innovation provides for the registra tion of letters and parcels -left in the rural mail boxes, the carrier leaving the sender's receipt in the box. Un der the old practice the sender had to meet the carrier on the route. Rural carriers are directed to accept for reg istration all mail matter properly pre pared and offered by any one that meets them while on duty, whether a patron of the rural free delivery ser vice or not. Storekeepers on rural mail routes receive the mail matter of their pa trons and deliver it to them at the first opportunity. Registered mail, however, has not been delivered in this manner in the past, but the new instructions require that on the writ ten order left by the addressees with the storekeeper for the delivery of their mail, registered mail also wili be delivered, except such as is in dorsed by the senders, "deliver to ad dressee only." To those who recall that in th first hearing of the income tax case in the United States supreme court the constitutionality of such a tax was upheld, and that, subsequently, without apparent cause, the decision was reversed by the same court, the infallibility of a judicial tribunal may reasonably be called in question. Hawaii imposes an income tax, one of the reasons therefor being assigned as the inability to raise an adequate revenue by any system of land taxa tion. So the income tax levied was one of vital importance to the terri torial government It 'was contested, however, by many taxpayers, who al leged that it was discrimination tend ing to compel citizens to incriminate themselves, presumably by answering questions falsely. The imposition of the tax was upheld by Hawaiian courts, but appealed to the United States circuit court of appeals at San Francisco. In that court, Judee Gil bert presiding, a decision has just been handed down affirming the deci sion of the lower courts and declar ing the constitutionality of the tax. The court says it sees no discrimina- HEADACHE At all drug tores. 25 Deots 2 Sc. J CARELESS MOTHERS THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MUCH SUFFERING Many a Womu Can Trace the Casta of Htr Trouble to Neglected Girlhood One of the Exceptions Three-fourths of the women who are suffering could truthfully say that their mothers are to blame for their trouble. Perhaps, the proportion is even greater. How grateful then must be the woman whose prudent mother brought her safely through the critical period of her girlhood, guarded her health and fitted her for perfect womanhod. Such was the case with Mrs. A. L. Luckie, of 419 Linden wood avenue, St. Charles, Mo. She says: "When I was fourteen years old, I was afflicted like many girls upon-ar-. riving at about that age and the credit is due my mother and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People that I came through it safely. In addition to the trouble mentioned I was so pale that it seemed my veins were empty of blood. I was delicate and without strength or ambition. But my mother gave me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and a few boxes restored me to health and brought good color to mjr.. cheeks. "Later on in life I used this rem edy again with just as good results and now we always keep them in the house. I am now regular and I am in excellent health, thanks to Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People cure cases like this because they go to the root of the disease. Other remedies act on the symptoms these marvelous vegetable pills re move the cause of the trouble. Not only have they cured hundreds of cases similar to Mrs. Luckie's but they have proven themselves to be an un failing specific-for all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood and weakened nerves two fruitful causes of nearly all the ills to which humankind is heir. They arean un failing specific for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, after-effects oi the grip, pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weak ness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold in boxes at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' - Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. tion in the income tax, and that "it places the burden of taxation upon the points of strongest resistance, where it is easiest borne." This decision will be hailed with satisfaction by those who have ever considered the income tax a great one that should be imposed in this country. United States Minister Bowen, rep resenting Venezuela in the peace ne gotiations, yesterday signed protocols with representatives of Germany, Italy and Great Britain, by which the block ade of Venezuelan ports is to be raised, all Venezuelan ships to be re turned by the allies and the claims for preferential treatment to be sub mitted to The Hague for arbitration. The result is considered a victory for Mr. Bowen's diplomacy. - H. W. RISLEY. TAKE IHE MINES Settle the Coal Strike by Taking the Minea and Railroad, Says Mr. Schwelzer Editor Independent Our statesmen and legistators are at their wits' end to control corporations, therefore it may be interesting and they may learn a little from the folowing article, an abstract from the civil code adopted Anno. 1887 by a direct vote of the people of the state of Zurich, Switz erland; that article reads: Sec. 35. "The Regierungsrath (Ex ecutive board of 7 members) is au thorized to reform such corporations as are degenerated or .which endanger the credit or other public interests." Besides, the Kantonsrath (legisla ture) can abolish such corporations if they pursue aims unauthorized or im moral or injurious to the common good. About eight years ago the federal executive of Switzerland settled a railroad strike in less than twenty four hours, and not long ago the Swiss congress abolished a railroad company under that law, taking pos session of the roads by paying the shareholders their real invested cash paid capital. About a year ago the French gov ernment under a similar law abol-