The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 19, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    FEBRUARY 19, 1903.
revenue producer. No other Imported
commodity produces so much. This
is because , vre use so much and be
cause we import nine-tenths of what
we use. As we import about four
billion pounds, this pays theorern
xnent about $70,000,000 annually. I
estimate the average duty at 1 3-4
cents a pound. The refined sugar, im
ported, pays very nearly two cents a
pound; raw sugar more than a cent
and a half. I believe the exact av
erage amount Is 1.68 cents. The total
revenue from all articles imported is
about two hundred and fifty millions,
and, therefore, sugar alone furnishes
about one-third of the revenue of the
national government, derived from
We import a very small amount of
refined sugar. Most of the sugar ccmcs
In raw, to be refined by the sugar
trust The trust, therefore,' imports
the raw sugar. The sugar refining
business has grown up in this coun
try within the last fifty years.
The eleven months ending Novem
ber," 1902, the total imports of sugar
amounted to three ' billions, six hun
dred and twelve million pounds and
of this total only seventy millions
were' refined sugar. These figures show
the extent of the sugar refining busi
ness in this country. The sugar trust
would like to have raw sugar come in
free. Mr. Havemeyer, the president
of the trust, said: "The tariff is the
mother of air monopolies." At the
same time he did not want refined su
gar to come in free. According Xo Mr.
Havemeyer a tariff on refined sugar
was a blessing, but a tariff on raw
sugar , was the mother of all monop
The duty on sugar shows how a tax
imposed for protection is . a tax lor
revenue as well. We cannot suppo3e
that the republicans are blind to this
fact. If not they are in favor of tar-
riffs for revenue as well as protection.
The only difference oeing that :The
democrats favor . tariffs for revenue
"only while the republicans favor tar
iffs for revenue as ! well as protec
tion. If the democrats were in pow
er, they would probably impose a duty
on sugar and call it a duty for rev
enue only, but it, would nevertheless
act as a protective duty. If there is
a commodity, which some of our peo
ple desire to produce or are actually
producing, and a duty is imposed upon
the similar, foreign competing com
modity, then the duty becomes protec
tive to the domestic commodity. Such
is the duty on foreign sugar. The ob
ject is to produce a higher price in
this country for the commodity in
.Question than prevails in foreign coun
tries. The price for sugar in Hamburg
governs the price in nil the world, be
cause all the world goes, there for su
gar. It is the great exporting city of
the world for sugar. Germany, and
Austria are the two great sugar pro
ducing countries. Prance and Russia
coming next. .Until we can produce
sugar equal to our own demands, we
Phall have to go to Hamburg and buy
si'srar and pay the price there. The
price there, plus transportation, pins
duty, will be the price of foreign sugar
hre; and whatever, this price-is, our
producer5! can charge for their share
of the world's production. If we- in
crease the duty from two to four cents
the price of siiear here will be that
tn'ir-h higher. This will be the case,
until we can raise sugar enough to
sa'sfv our consumption. As soon as
tin's t.aV-es .place, supply and demand
hre will govern the price.
It will be. noticed, then, that the
duty raises the price not only of all
foreign sugar imported, but of all do
mestic sugar as well. In this way a
duty becomes a tax upon the con
sumer. In this country, at the pres
ent time, it is a tax upon a great
rnanv consumers for the benefit of a
few producers.
In the long run, however, it may be
a public benefit.
In the last session of congress there
was a great outcry against the pro
posed reciprocity treaty with Cuba.
Now the opposition has subsided.
Why? Because the beef sugar people
have made up their minds that Cu
ban sugar will not lower the price
here. Cuba will have to produce su
gar enough to lower the price at Ham
burg before it can be lowered here.
This she cannot do. She has never
produced more than a million tons
a year in her best days (1895),' and
then no more than 770,000 tons came
here. This, with our cwn production
(150,000 tons), would make only 920,-
000 tons, not enough to half satisfy
our own consumption. If all the Cu
ban sugar should come here, as we
propose by the treaty, it certainly
would have no effect upon the price at
Hamburg, and as long as we have to
go to Hamburg for half of our sugar
(1,000,000 tons) we shall have to pay
the price there.
There i3 nothing, ntrwrto prevent
the ratification of the reciprocity trea
ty with Cuba, except lack of -time to
take a vote.
The duty on sugar ought to be low
ered. not only with respect to Cuba,
but with all the outside world. But
this cannot be done until some other
tax has been provided for the sup
port of the government at Washing
ton. We cannot reduce tariff taxes,
until we can have a tax upon wealth.
We must have an income tax, or some
kind of a tax on wealth,, before we
can begin to abolish taxes on con
sumption. '
Tariff taxes for revenue are far
more unjust than those for protec
tion. Each nation Is trying to get
the whole earth. It is as natural for
each nation to protect itself as for
each individual. Tariffs for revenue
are more unjust because they are
more unnecessary than tariffs for pro
tection. Tariff taxes exist, simply be
cause a few rich folks want the great
army of poor folks to bear the burdens
of government , This is the reason
for all those tariffs that are made for
revenue only.
Although this article is getting long,
I must refer to one more fact: On
the 5th day of March. 1902, the high
contracting parties of Great Britain,
Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium,
Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands
and Sweden, i. e., every considerable
nation of Europe except Russia, signed
a "convention relative to sugar," the
object of which was to suppress the
direct and indirect bounties "by which
the production or export of sugar
might benefit." If this "convention"
is carried out by tl e "high contract
ing parties," there will be no more
bounties on sugar in Europe, and we
can arrange our tariff duties with
that understanding. Heretofore we
have iiad to impose high duties on
sugar (and perhaps some other com
modities) partially because some of
the European countries were encour
aging and protecting their sugar in
dustry by bounties, sometimes on pro
duction and sometimes on exports.
This made it necessary for the United
States to impose a "countervailing
duty" as it was called. It ( counter
vailed the bounty on European pro
duction or exportation, and thereby
enabled our citizens to stand on a lev
el with European subjects.
" Those who think that we 'ought to
have free trade or a tariff for rev
enue only ought to study the history
of tariffs in Europe, and then they
will come to a proper understanding
of the meaning of protection and its
necessity. JNO. S. DE HART.
Jersey City, N. J.
Ingly funny to see Jones get after the
pops. What If he did lie? That will
simply strengthen us, they then be
lieved. But they failed to see that
no party, no newspaper, and no per
son can gain any permanent advant
age by adopting the tactics of Jones.
Finally It began to react upon re
publicans and grew to such an ex
tent that another republican newspa
per was a necessity.
The Independent has no wish to be
little the Star as a newspaper. It ia
bright, newsy, up-to-date; it . is red
hot republican and, of course, filled
with a lot of political rot editorially
upon national questions. But In its
statements of fact it is truthful and
that Is the strongest feature of any
paper. Men may honestly differ In
matters of opinion, and they-have a
moral right to do to; but the'insid
iousness of artfully told lies is far
reaching. The Star's phenomenal
growth since last October is in great
measure a healthy protest against
the rottenness of the. State Journal;
it is a healthy protest against Jones
and his ' cowardlv slanders in the
"More Or Less Personal" column. Of
course it took energetic newspaper
men to build up a paper like the Star
n a field occupied by a lonc-estab-
ished paper, but anv thoughtful man
can see that had the State Journal
always been conducted along the lines
ollowed bv the Star, there would have
been no Star today.
The. Independent believes that. May
or Winnett. with his experience, is
better qualified for mnvor than is Mr.
Adams. But Mavor Winnett is a vic-
im of his friends a victim of "too
much Jones." -' " ;
Lincoln Hida Market
The Lincoln Hide & For Company.
92) R street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc
cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quoo
t-e following prices, f. a b. Lincoln,
until further notice: No. 1 green
salted hides, per lb., 6c, No. 2,
5c; bulls and fiide branded, 5c;
green hides lc lb. less than salt cured?
horse and mule hides, large, each,
$135; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep
pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 6-8c per
It.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb.,
12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and
murrain hides .per lb., 5-10c. Our clas
sified fur list, together with little
booklet telling how to , trap, skin,
stretch and handle furs and hides to
obtain the best : wits, will be mailed
free to all upon request, also write for
tags and general information any time. ,
(jJ fc? tp tJst
& The date at which vour sub- &
& scription has expired or will s
expire is minted plainly. with
the address on ihe wrapper of s
& the paper each week. It is &
"sufficient notice to all readers
of The Independent as to the &
, condition of their account.
j Examine the date on the
& wrapper of YOUR paper. If &
it is past your subscription
S is delinquent .
tj .
,5 8
Lincoln Dally Star Wins DecUive Victory
Oftr the "Four Old Journal"
The Independent has refrained from
commenting upon the mayoralty con
test in Lincoln for a. number of rea
sons: , Its field is national and not lo
cal; the pre-primary contest was
within the republican party and, on
the surface at. least, a fight for su
premacy between two daily newspa
pers. No extended comment would be
made now, further than to compliment
the Lincoln Daily Star upon its de
cisive victory, were it not that that
victory has really a deeper signifi
cance. ;
The result is not so much a victory
for the Star because that paper is
controlled by the minister to Brazil,
as it is because the State Journal's
managing editor is one Will Owen
Jones, who once upon a time grad
uated after a six-weeks' course in
"journalism" down at Bosting. It is
not because George A. Adams i3 so
much superior to Hudson J. Winnett;
doubtless either of these gentlemen
would make a good mayor as mayors
go these days. But it will be found,
after sifting out the chaff, that the
real reason of Winnett's overwhelming
defeat is simply a case of "too much
"Curses, like chickens, come home
to roost," and the republican party
is beginningto feel the effects of hav
ing such a paper as the State Journal
professing to be a republican paper.
Members of the republican party for
merly chortled whenever Jones print
ed a particularly atrocious lie about
some populist in his More Or Less
Personal" hell-box. It was excruciat
Published in these columns two and
three weeks ago, showing what strides"
have been made by the
are still the talk of business people,'
whether in the life insurance business
or engaged in other lines.
B. H. Roblson, president of the
Bankers Reserve Life association, the
aggressive western company which
has become so widely and favorably
known,; shook up the dry bones of the
life insurance world in his annual re
port In insurance circles the 'phe
nomenal figures contained In that re
port have been the principal topic of
discussion ever since they were made
public. Friends are congratulating
the company with great sincerity and
foes are admitting that no other life
insurance company in the west has
ever made so remarkable a record.
Premiums for 1902.......$ 179,509.14
Invested assets for 1902.. 68,659.18
Cash in bank Dec. 31, '02. 25,284.61
Net ledger asts Dec. 31, 02 92,943.99
New business 2,332,750.00
Total insurance in force.. 5,234,500.00
Only $6,500 in losses incurred dur
ing the year 1902. Every loss pail
and every obligation met prior to ma-'
turity. -Not a ledger item of indebt
edness which is due and unpaid. Not
a contested claim on the records or
in the courts. Put these facts to
gether with that other great fact that
the Bankers Reserve Life association
began writing its present forms of
policies but little more than three
years ago.
and bis corps of agents and associate
officers have a right to be proud of
the young company. They have
earned the legitimate privilege of pro
claiming to the world that here in the
heart of the central west the people
are building up a home company
which will one day be a pillar of
strength to the financial welfare of
the west
DUCERS. The Bankers Reserve Life is ex
tending its field of operations to other
states, thereby has choice territory
and lucrative positions open to busi
ness and professional men who can
organize, or life insurance producers
can obtain positions on most liberal
HeAf year
Weight With
1 educe jour fat and be roflnml. ltcflno your
tat find i o reduced, "leducto" Is perfectly
harmlrm yes eta le compound endorsed lt
thousands ol physicians and weopln who have
tried it. - V o scud jou the i onuula, you make
Mteuuctn" at bonio if you desire, you know
full well the ingredients and tlieroforo need
have no fear of evil rltccts. s-end 11.00 for re
ceipt and instruction- everything mailed in
plain envelope. Address v
: Sinseng Chemical Co,, .
3701 S. Jeflersou Av St, aU Mo
IWin?' -P?" '-
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw- Cure is
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application Is enough. ' One bottle
Is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send you a
bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United SUUes, Marshalltown, la.
A Rubber Stamp of your name, 30
high-grade steel pens, a pint of Perfect
black writing ink, all for 19c, postpaid.
C. W. SLAG EL, Davenport, Nebr. ,.:
Farms for Everybody ,.V
Choice bargain in half section "In
Sherman county,, Neb. 320 acres' of
fine land about 5 miles' from Litch
field and 8 miles from Loup City.
Good roads to both towns:- Good
frame improvements, well,' windmill,
pasture fenced. ' About 140 acres of'
nice land under cultivation, balance in
grass and pasture. Soil is first class,
location is fine, price is very low; - A
fine opportunity to buy a first class
combination farm on easy terms ; of
sale. Price, $4,800. We have some
snaps in straight grass' lands.' - Write
to us. Van DeCar & Bradley, St.
Paul, Neb., or Wolbach, Neb. " ' '
VUJ13 iVl ff WW
, Farmers write me what' you
Lotto onfl T will UftV Vnil tllf
highest market price if I can
use it.
Charles B. Gregory, J
, Member of LgiUtur Will Wlud
The Hotel Walton
II 18 1 O STREET.,
I ffleVtestand most convenient low priced
I liou?e in the c ty. Rates $1 per day and up.
THE rush of settlers to the Canadian North
west has already commenced in good ear
nest, and promises to excel in a iew months the
famous Oklah ma stampede. I have informa
tion worth Thousands of Dollars to intending
settlers, investors or persons wanting free grant
lands. Send your name and address rn a sealed
envelope today. Tomoi row may be too late.
I,et me talk to you. I can show you something
that will do you good.
Real Estate Exchange.
Regina, Northwest Territory, Canada.
To make cows par. use Sharply Cream Separators
ook"Uuilneu Dairying" & cat.270 free W. Chester.?