16 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FEBRUARY 19, 1903. f& tTT runs SLAnLho & SEMES SPECIALISTS IN : - Nervous, Chronic & Private Diseases of MKN & TYUMEN. WE CURE ALL MEN'S DISEASES AND FiO PAY UNLESS CURED. W guarantee to cure all curable cases of the Noae.Throat, Chen. Stomach, Liver, Wood. Skin and Kiducy Diseases, Lost Manhood, Night Km ission, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Oon, orrbea, Gleet, Piles. Fistula and fecial Ulcers Diabetes and 1 right's Mkdw. $100.00 for a caseof CATAltKIl, ltllUMA Jl'M, DYS fKFNIAor ftirillLlS we caamot car, if curahl. IIOMF. TBKiTMENT BT MAIL. Examination and consultation free. Call, or address with Mump, P. (X Box 224. Drs.-Searles & ScarlcslS.VtiLV LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. GREAT CROPS OF STRAWBERRIES AND HOW TO GROW THEM The best took on stiawlerry giowing ever writ ten. It ells how 10 grow the biggest crops of big berries tver produced. The bock isa trent se on Plant rh .-ioiocy and explains how to make plants bir Higr l:rri d and l.i'tiuf lliriu, The en y thorough1 red scientifically to own ttiabriy Plant to be had for spring plain ing. One ot them is wo'tb a doren common scrub pants: They grow B I G RED BER RIES. Ihe book i fent fiee to all readers ot the 1.urasica IhwmDKNi. Send vour ad dreto R. M KELLOGG, THREE RIvEOS. MICH. Uurrfu Trnnp onr! Dlonfc g hgiuj 1 1 ceo asm i lauio. ": ' Complete Assortment O of lit horts for the O west, Including O ... . if. , so vermes oi Desi sirawDerncs. 1 8 varietfes of Raspberries. q isuy direct and save aents proms, we A pay freight oo$iu orders, bend for free catalogue to 6 orth Itrnd Nursrlen, "North Itend, J Dodge County, Neb. t zz Trass That Grow 7 he best sad hardiest varieties. See our prices. Black Unit Senium II Illus trated Cut-' 3lo?. r.armflnl or tngiisn tree. Carman Sunarisa Carl Sonderee?er. Proo.. lot 21, ' Beatrice, Nth. What You Can Buy , For $1 00 FRUIT TREES 3 Apple trees, 3 feet. 3 1 each trees, 4 feet. 3 ( hen y trees, 3 feet. 6 ( urrants, 1 year. 25 best strawberry plants. 10 Afi arasus. In i.ne jear Mulberry, send lor catalogue at once. Wttkcfieltl Nurseries, V. akefield, ...... j-ebraska It pays to sow Dwarf Essex Rape which has proved to be the most valuablo forage plant tn ex- Km louciito ur ouecp, noKi or Kabi Cattle. Costs only about 35 cents per acre for seed: yields 20 tons ver Here. Our seed was (crown In Essex, England, and ta extra choice. Descriptive circular andaample freett you mention this aper. Ask for copy of our large illustrated catalog of arden and Karat 8eds. Free for the asking. IOWA S2ES CCXfAXT, EES XQIKZS, lOJL Trees 25 Grafted Apple Trees for ft 20 Budded Peach '1 fees for $1 50 Concord Grape Vines for ji They are home grown, lvalthy and sure to grew. Catalogue at d due till for 25c, free, ( . r FAI R BURY NURSERIES. Box 8. . Falrbury, Neb. fruitTrees SI.00 SO Concord, $1.00 1000 Mulberry, $1 00 50 Asparagus, 2 Sc. .Immense Btock, fine quality, low price. Freight ' prepaid on $10.00 orders. Genera 1 catalogue free, GAGE COUNTY NURSERIES, Beatrlca, ftebr., Box Pure Bred Seed Corn. v REID'S Yf: LLOW DENT. - The corn that pays ih rent. The acknowlwlgwl kin it of the corn belt. .- eloclrd, safe, sound seed, 6ent on approval in the car. Write today for de scriptive circular of pure bred corn. ' - G. M. RICHARDSON, Buffalo Vart. HI. - (Santramon Co.) With Gur 1T I G fnder any 8 or 10 foot V lud .. ill now lumrlnir Tour wuer win KUn crind all kinds of grain. A great inncuine ai a Bargain to intro duce. K.B. VPINGKIS 632 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago Illinois- . Money and the Taxing Power BY VV. IL ASHBY. All Rights Reserved. - CHAPTER VIII. Investigation convinces me that the English word, "money," is of Anglo Saxon origin and lia3 not the remot est relation either to "Moneta" or to any other coin factory. . . ; : The oldest preserved form of this word which I have been able to find is, "mone' atid it was doubtless pro nounced like m-o-a-n and had a sim ilar origin. The word "mone," being Anglo-Saxon, came with the : Indo Germanic race and must have been drawn from the same Aryan root out of which the Greeks derived the word ."monos," meaning "single," "alone;" and finally the word "monas," mean ing "one," the Greek name for unity. The English word "one"'is no more widely separated from "mone" in orthography than In the word "moan," which carries the implication of lone liness. We have "moan," "lone," and "mone," all implying separateness, loneliness, singleness unity. The Angles and Saxons had, like every other people, a "mone" long before they hada coin factory. They must have possessed some sort of rude standard of "mone" before they settled in Britain. The name by which they designated the device for expressing quantity of the force of demand was, it seems clear to be, "mone." ) A device for expressing quantity of demand consists of a standard unit of quantity of that force symbolized by a chosen term.' "Mone" was what they called that unit. This pretended derivation of "money" from "moneta" violates all rules for the formation of Latin derivatives. How did we get rid of the letter "t" which is pre served in all other words derived from "moneta?" So then, the rea son of the case, as well as the form of the word, goes to prove that "mone," in its origin, referred to a unit and was derived from some an cient Saxon or Angle word implying unity. As the "standard of money" is a unit or fixed quantity of the force of demand, symbolized by a term, it is clear that the word "mone" Is the name properly applied to the device for expressing quantity of the force of demand, and has no reference to a coin or to a coin factory; and is drawn from the same root as the GreeC word "monas," which means unit or one. The English word "one" is produced by simply dropping the "m" from "mone" a variation no greater than is required to form "lone" or "moan' Every nation which has left a his tory, and every nation at present en gaged in making one, had and has as its inheritance the competitive system. Everywhere men have struggled, and continue to struggle against each other for the exclusive possession of things endowed with utility, called "wealth." And where soever such struggle- is carried on un der a system enforcing private own ership and prohibiting violence, it necessarily generates the force of de mand which is by us translated by the mental process of "valuation" or. "ap praisal", into its equivalent of what we apprehend as "value." We have seen that in our dealings with all other. modes of force, and with the three dimensions of exten sion in space, as well as with duration in time, certain appliances have been employed for the purpose of as certaining quantity of each. In as certaining quantity of weight, for ex ample, some modification of the bal ance is used, in which a heavy sub stance, whose quantity of weight cor responds with and is expressed by the quantity of weight symbolized by the standard unit, or some multiple or fraction thereof, is placed upon one arm; - while the substance, the quantity of whose weight is to be ascertained, is placed upon the other. The yardstick, the thermometer, the clock, the steam-gauge, and other ap pliances are employed for a like pur pose. ' ' ' , But the quantity of the "force of demand is unique, in that no mechani cal appliance can be employed to as certain quantity of it This is be cause of its highly complex nature, and the only men? of ascertaining the quantity of the force of demand in any givn ca9e is to subject the thing endowed with utility to the ac tion of that force, at the given time and place? and to make a mental "valuation" or estimate of the quan tity of the force of demand acting upon It such "valuation" or estimate being its quantity of "value." Human appraisal or valuation is the only appliance which can be employed to ascertain the quantity of the force of demand at any given time or place; and human appraisal or valuation of that force is what we mean by "value.""- . : ..... .. ; Every people, governed by laws of sufficient stability and power to re strain the competitive struggle for ex clusive possession of things endowed with utility, within the rules and ar ticles of legalized commerclar war, and to prohibit violence, has without an exception created the device for ex pressing quantity of the force of de mand, and has consequently, by cus- lonr or law, "fixed a standard of money."- It is not asserted that they have manufactured 'eoin," which is a different thing; but that they have established a symbol standing for a fixed quantity of that "valuation" or "appraisal'-' of the quantity of the force of demand, which we call "val ue;" and that symbol is the standard of money. - That symbol may be the word "rouble," or "mark," or "franc," or "lire," or "mark," or . "dollar;" but whatever. the name may be, it Is always a term which stands as the symbol of . the fixed quantity of the force of demand, which has been adopted a sthe standard unit; and the symbol so chosen, in connection wit the numerals to show how many times it occurs in any given case, does it self constitute the money standard of the nation which adopts it And thi3 fixed standard never exists ex cept when arbitrarily adopted by something of the nature of govern ment t The "money of the United States" consists of the term "dollar," which in April, 1792, either with er without constitutional authority, ws chosen by congress to stand as the symbol of the fixed quantity pi the force of demand selected as the "standard unit;" and that symbol, with the nu merals, constitutes the "money" which congress was empowered by the constitution to "co-'n" or sfamp; and it is a high crime. punishaMe by im prisonment for any one else to do that act The "money" of thi conn try i is therefore tbe term "dollar," which we use in connection with the numerals to express quantity of the force of demand; while a coin is al ways a phvcjoai obt' : When congress" uTic'erta1--es,to fix the standard. of weierhts, it must be done bv establishing a fivel snd?rd unit of the force of gravitation, to be sym bolized bv some chosn tarm, by the use of which, asited bv the numerals, quantity of the forcp of gravita tion mav be expressed. Whn a s'ada'-d rt linear exten sion i to be fixed. H nvst be done by establishing a standard unit of linear extension, svmbolie'l bv the chosen term. Whn the congress undertakes to fix a standard of money, it must be done by choosing a standard unit, consisting of a fixed quantity of the force of demand, which must be sym bolized by the term chosen. The fact that a standard of money exists in any country is conclusive proof of the existence there of the competitive sys tem and the recognition of the right of private ownership, together with settled laws, and" orderly administra tion of a government enforcing these laws. Nomads and savages have no money. No people devoid of laws and a stable government, or who repudiate private ownership and the competi tive system, ever had or could have a "money." The stories of Marco Polo and other ignorant travelers, and incompetent, observers, concerning naVed savages in Central Asia." on the west coast of Africa, and in the wilds of America, relating how among these people feathers, shells, wampum, and other articles were "used as money," are absurd therefore and show us up on what flimsy foundations the cur rent "science of monoy" rests. That such silly and preposterous hearsays are accepted and made the basis of theories of money, by men pretend ing to adopt the methods of modern science, should excite astonishment. Those things were not used as money; they were ' commodities passing .in trade among those people, having pow er, to .serve them in some way. " - (Continued next week.) CATAKRII CANNOT BE CURED with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of -the -disease. Catarrh is a blood or-constitutional disease, and in order to cure it von Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. H- was prescribed by one of the best physicians in thl3 ' country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed . of the best known . tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting J.' il XI mml uii fuuy un iue mucuus suriaces. xas , v.: x, . . yciLCMi. uuuiuiuauuu vi me iwo III- at j 1 , x j . . . greuiems .13 wuat prouuees sucn won- -derful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. . 1 .T "ITTT7IXTI7I T ft. ' T . I x t . IjUXii, ld JL Ub WW.. 1 1UUB.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Oars Lave stood the test of 50 years . Bobd for Catalogue. 600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Established 1SS2. PHOENIX MTRSEKT COMPANY, . I960 Park Kloomlnston, Illinois. 81 BUSHELS PER ACRE Produced by the strong limestone soil of Rose land Place." 'Jhls corn Is sweet, sound, of th5 greatest nutritive capacity, making VZV.2 to 14 lbs. of pork to the bushel, the pork bringing tic to 6Uc In the home feed lots, which is f M to J5 per acre for the corn product of l!02. Figure it yourself, lou can buy the land for s.TOto IV) per acre. More productive than the famous blue-grsg region of heutucky. 'i he most nutritive grains and grasses ever produced grow Mg on this strong limestone soli, and you don t have to breathe the tioteajAr north of latitude 41. C08N NEVER FROST BITTEN. 30,000 irrres of the rich limestone soil in the vicinity of Kimball, on which well cultivated farm crops In any seasonable crop year will amount to 60 per cent, to 75 per cent, ot the present cost Ot the farms; and corn is generally advanced far enough to feed by August Land dry enough to crib by tep t: inbcr 1, placing it eut of the reach of frost two month? before frost coimsto this latitude, 'lho prices or these fa nus a re certain to advance 300 per cent, as soon a&oii wells are in operation Printed defcriplion. 'iHUs.. HlBbAhU, Kimball, Kans. Pure Bred feed Corn In the Ear. Leroy Ho mines, Box C33, Martinsville, 111. FREE SAMPLES OF LLP uUriil s Send to the Nebraska Seed Farm 'and receive five of the best seed corn camples on earth and my catalogue free. Free samples of Oats and Seed Potatoes. I have the Early Six Weeks Ohio and the Late Ohio. My Seed Corn, Oats and Potatoes will be just as good as the samples. Address all orders to MIKE FLOOD, Nebraska Seed Farm. SEWARD, NEBR. HONEST TREES -W WH.W Gnfted Apples 4cea-h; Ltud.leU Cherries lie each; Budded Peaches 4c each; ' good varieties; Concord Grapes $! er 100; 1000 Ash $1; B.aiid H.lxicujt, HuHifta Mutbrrr Ac. Low prlca. higl) quality- Catalog frt. Galbraith Nurseries, Box 35, Fairbury, Nebraska. " Money in Poultry. Our new 68-p. illustrated book tells how to make it. Alo how to feed, breed, grow and market poultry for best results Plana for houses, diseases, cures. to kill lice, mites and gives many valu able receipts. Illustrates and describes I larsrost pure-bred poultry establishment the country; quotes low prices on pure-bred. town ana eggs, wanea to any address for 4c . in stamps, f. puy , uox ', ucs Moines, la. 31 how mTS&a3fid2t9 Wra7.-iJM ORFT PAY niGKEY tor an incubator you hare not tried, whenj you can get the best,) tiie Boyal Incubator, out 39days free trial. Itisentlre-! ly automatic and certain lit I reiuita. Trj ana. Catalans free. I KOTat ISCEIUTOK CO.. Dent- i 'i Dm Hnt.M. I.m. sfiMeSfiiwaMSBjBHHBiaflaarfBBaHBKBKasffe mam The Sure Hatch's Latest An AlItDlrtfitip fliroof w . Wj '-" x. u.vayi . 1 re?lJ latfr t h n t sn rrwi gqaq o n xr pother improvement ever made Ijtrated catalog and free trial offer. I "SIIRLC UATPU iMPIIRl-rnR rr (lay Center, Nsb.. or Columbus, Ohio 11 roii? U J TRIAL L9 WE PAY FREIGHT Burr Incubators and brood ers have all the latest ira provements self-regulating, self-rentilating, perfectly au tomatic, every one succeeds. No night watching, because it ha the five-inch double wafer regulator. Thirty days trial. Catalogue free. Iturr Incubator Co., Box 42, Omalin. TIFFANY'S Sure Death ta Lice (Powder) sprinkled In the nest keeps your fowls free from lice. Sprinkle hen and tho ltttlo chicks will bare no lice. Tiffany 'sParagon "Liquid" kills mites instantly. Sprinkle bed for hogs, roosts for fowls. Box powder for lit tle turkeys and chicks post paid 10c. We want agents. THE TIFFANY CO., Lincoln, Neb