The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 19, 1903, Page 15, Image 15
f FEBRUARY 19, 1003. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 15 A WISE DECLARATION Fopuliata f ' Bancroft, Nebraska, Iaaue . Declaration That The Will Stand hf Popnliam "' The populists of Bancroft, Cuming county, Nebraska, held a conference the other day and talked about the past, present and future of populism. Finally they . decided to state their ..position in. the form of a declaration. This contains so much good, sound sense that The Independent prints it in full:. The members of the peoples party of Bancroft, Neb., in conference as sembled to consider the present po litical situation declare: 1. We are more firmly convinced than ever of the soundness of the prin ciples announced at the first national convention of the people's party held at Omaha and which . we have ever since maintained and defended. .2.-- That the principles there first proclaimed and which were universal ly denounced by the plutocratic press have obtained millions of adherents outside of the membership of the peo ple's party and to a large extent have been placed on the statute books of the various states of the union, espe cially is that so in regard to the pub lic ownership of public utilities in the cities, where populism had at first few, if any, adherents. 3. The. populist financial theories have largely been adopted by our most persistent foes, the republicans, that party having enormously in creased the amount of money in cir culation by an increased coinage of silver, by the unexpected large out put of gold and by adding to 'the amount of national bank notes, and the increase in . the volume of money produced exactly the effect that pop ulists said it would. 4. r That the inefficiency in the man agement of the railroads since they have been combined into a few large systems, managed by a few men in Wall street, whose time and energies are expended in speculation, has dis arranged business, all over the coun try to such an extent that it has been -impossible to move the crops, supply the people with fuel, prevented busi ness men from fulfilling their en gagements,, farmers from paying their debts and. caused widespread suffering and death among the poor. ' 5As If is " impossible for these immense systems of railroads Jto be 'economically: 'and efficiently managed from one office by men whose energies are devoted to holding leadership on the: stock, exchange, the confusion in business and the suffering among the poor in consequence thereof, is more , likely to. increase than diminish as long as the present system endures and that the populist demand for the public ownership of the railroads will grow as the years pass by. 6. That from the beginning of the organization of the people's party it has denounced monopolies and trusts and accurately predicted the result of their formation and perpetuity. 7. That the absolute control of the volume of money by the government (neither leaving the amount to the uncertain production of the mines, nor to syndicates and corporations formed for banking purposes), the public ownership of railroads, the enforce ment of the precepts of the common law against monopolies and a reason able revision of the tariff system would relieve the people of the ills ,of which they complain, reduce the bribery and corruption in elections and legislative bodies, restore the honor of the American name, bring an era of prosperity for the whole peo ple and glory and power such as the nation has never before known. 9. That the membership ,of the , people's party cares nothing for names, and much for principles, but we know that the organization of a new party, with its committees in ev ery township, county and state is the work' of a lifetime and that it would be as easy for the plutocratic press to cast odium upon any other name as that of the "people's party." 10. That a body of two or three millions of independent voters, all agreed upon one set of principles, can exercise a very great' and sometimes a preponderating influence upon legis lation, as is seen by the adoption of many populist principles by all the different parties. That being the case, the organization of the people's party should be extended into every voting precinct of the United States. L. R. FLETCHER. EARL FLETCHER. T. A. FELIX. DAVID BARBER. N. HEISE. W. S. FLETCHER. F. S. SCHWEDHELM. M. A. EDWARDS. G. W. HAWEY. G. C. TEICII. f r; HELPING HIM SUCCEED The Independent has had a great honor thrust upon it It has been se lected as a suitable victim to pub lish at $1.50 per the effusions of one .Mr. Nath'I C. Fowler, jr., "universal ly acknowledged," as he blushingly ad mits, "to be the most experienced and expert business adviser in the world." The CHkwood Publishing Co., Bos ton, seems to have discovered this prodigy, whose "original business profossfnn" ppneara to be to tell other people in a series of 26 articles each a column long, $39 for the whole works how to help the boy succeed. Doubtless Mr. Fowler writes enter tainingly and preaches the gospel of content in a fascinating way. But if the birth of one baby boy say, for il lustration, one of ,Baer's grandchil dren closes the door of opportunity against several hundred or thousand other baby boys, where's the use of so widely disseminating this peculiar knowledge which Mr. Fowler has for sale? If all the boys in the world knew just what Mr. Fowler knows, they couldn't ALL succeed in this age of special privileges. They couldn't ALL even succeed in getting a home of their own. and right now thev mis:ht have difficulty in getting coal to het cme if thev did have it. The Independent will forego the pleasure of publishing Mr. Fowler's ar ticles, and 'in this one instance "let well enough alone." SPECIAL MARKET LETTER FROM NYE & BUCHANAN CO., LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS, SO. OMAHA, NEB. Although cattle receipts are liberal in Chicaigo and here first half of this week, the market is a little higher. The (fold weather brings better buy ing qVders, as is usually the case. Spring moving will bring fair re ceipts probably for next couple of We quote best beef steers $4.35 to $4.60, good $4.00 to $4.30, warmed-up $3.50 to $3.90, choice cows and heif ers $3.00 to $3.50, fair to good $2.60 to $3.00, canners and cutters $1.50 to $2.50; choice stockers and feeders $3.65 to $4.25, fair $3.25 to $3.75; bulls slow sale at $2.00 to $3.25; veal $4.00 to $6.50. Hog' receipts heavier, but market on the whole advancing. Range $6.85 to $7.15. Sheep receipts fair. Market active and stronger. Killers. Lambs $5.00-$6.25 Yearlings 4.80- 5.40 Wethers .. 4.00- 5.10 Ewes 3.25- 4.25 Th9 World's Fair The Independent is not inclined to favor a very large appropriation for the Nebraska exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to be held at St, Louis next year. Some appropria tion will doubtless be necessary, be cause we have gone so far that the state cannot well be left unrepre sented; but there is no necessity for spending any large amount. A good fire-proof building for the state his torical society will be of more lasting benefit to the state than all the mon ey spent on exhibits at St Louis. The day is past when eastern people as a rule look upon Nebraska as a state of prairie dogs and hair-raising Ind ians and those who do so still regard Nebraska are the very persons who will never attend the exposition. Any person with ambition enough to come to the fair, will have grit enough to come on to Nebraska and see things for himself first-hand. At the same time The Independent has no objec tion to printing the following let ter from the department of domestic exploitation: . Editor Independent: An interna tional exposition will be held in St Louis to celebrate the centennial an niversary of the first expansion of the nation, a step which made possible the commercial and political develop ment which has given the United States her present commanding posi tion in the world's affairs. The congress of the United States has stamped its approval upon this great undertaking by appropriating $5,000,000 and the city of St Louis has appropriated the magnificent sum of $10,000,000 to aid in its installation in a manner commensurate with its great mission. In extent and variety of interests as well as in the amount of money to be expended, it is designed on a larg er scale than any preceding exposi tion in 'the world's history. The Missouri legislature at its last session appropriated $1,000,000 for its building and exhibit The Illinois com mission is now in the field backed with an appropriation of $250,000, J which probably will be doubled at the next session. In Iowa a bill appro priating $125,000 was passed by the legislature; this amount probably will be Increased. New York has made a preliminary appropriation of $100,000, and Mississippi, a state that never be fore made an appropriation for expo sition purposes, has provided $50,000 for her participation in this great; en terprise." , . " The enterprising state of Nebraska has. always played a prominent part In the development of the country and in every line leading tc the advance ment of humanity. .Her sons and daughters are among lh3 best of ev ery state and territory in the union, and Tier social, commercial and civil influence extends . throughout the whole.. We ask you to do everything in your power to pave the way to a liberal appropriation by the legislature to enable Nebraska to be so well repre sented that it will not be second to any other state. We are especially anxious to have Nebraska do her full duty in this mat ter on account of the moral effect it will have on the western states. Lay ing aside all sentiment and state pride and considering it strictly in the light of a business proposition, a liberal appropriation by the legislature would be repaid many fold within the next few years. We trust you will find in the fore going and in the enclosed leaflet enough to stimulate your friendly in terest in this enterprise. If you should require specific rather than general Information regarding any feature of this exposition or its development and progress, it will be sent you immediately upon applica tion. Yours very truly, CHAS. M. REEVES,. Secretary Committee on Legislation. St. Louis, Feb. 9, 1903. COLONIZATION OF THE SOUTHWEST Aid and Inducement Offered by the Mia aouri Pacific 1? nil way The Missouri Pacific Railway is bending every effort towards devel oping the agricultural, mineral and industrial resources of the west and southwest To attain this end, it asks the aid and co-operation of ev ery farmer, miner, merchant and pro fessional man along its lines. - The development of the products of any section of the country means just, so much more capital to be spent , in that section. Prosperous neighbors make a prosperous community, espe cially if they live and have their in terests" at home. ! It is this class of persons that the Missouri Pacific Railway asks the pat rons along its lines to invite to their sections. You furnish the names and ad dresses, and we will furnish the nec essary descriptive and illustrated lit erature to induce them to settle in your community. We wish to colonize the west and southwest, and offer every Induce ment in the way of excellent transpor tation facilities and low rates to all prospective settlers and homeekers. H. C. TOWNSEND, Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agt, St Louis, Mo. AN INTERESTING STORY Tbe atory of the discoyery of Vit-Ore. the peculiar mineral remedy now being o widoly aiiTPrtfs! IBd t'ted KMifc 'n the ptihHo pre0 as told by Prof. Theo. Noel, the man whose pick! while driving deer in the hills of the southwest, firat brought it to light, is one of great interest to all who read for knowledge and profit. Tt is gien in full detail in the M-paga booklet, 'Vit-Ore," issued free by theTheo. Noel Com pany of Chicago, whose large advertisement will be found in this isne. . This mineral.' a magnetic ORE, Is a subtle combination or blending of elements, a forma tion peculiar to th locality of its discovery, as it ha been found nowhere else, that reqnirea bnt the addition of hydrogen and oi gen an addition obtained by mixing tbe ore with water to make it a most powerful and effective rem edy, as hundreds ofth readers of this paper Lave found it The offer made by the company to the sub scribers and readers of thia caper, is almost as remarkable as the Ore itself. They do not ak for cash, but desire each person to use the Ore for thirty davs time before paying one cent and none need pay unless positive! benefited. The offer, which is headed "PERSONAL TO SUB SCRIRKRS," is certainly an original one. Men tion The Independent when writing. A ST. PATRICK EMBLEM FOR 1903 By Mail, 15c. AM. CARD COMPANY. 1246 Q8t. Lincoln, Neb. CERTIFICATE OP PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBABKA. OFFTOB OP AUDITOR OF PURLIC ACCOUNTS. -I woi.n. February 1, 1j03. It Is Hereby Certified that the ew Hampshire jMre lnurance Co. of Manchester, In the rtate of New Hainpsmre. has compiled wun ine 'Durancol aw of thin ' tate, applicable to Mich companies, and Is there- fore authorized to continue the rusinegs of r ire and I lgblnirttr Insurance in this Mate for the current year ending .Tannary 3'rt, 1904. Witness iny hand and the sea) of the Auditor of I'u1). lie Accounts the day and year first a' ove written. CHAKLKS WESTON, Auditor Public Accounts. J. L. PIEBCE, Deputy. Smoke Your neat Zry With a Brush. The new of Miiiokiog meat has come to stay. It has already come and staid so long in many parts of the country that there is no Jorjger any more thought of going back to the old method than of returning to tbe old-fashioned ox cart When you smoke your meat with our Modern Meat Smoker, you accomplish all that could possibly be done by the old method and you accomplish some thing that the old way does not ac complish. The meat is better pro tected against decay and against the attacks, of germs and infect. It tastes better, it looks better, and it will bring more money. The old method of smoking dries out the meat and reduces the weight. The shrinkage is often one fifth, and this runs into money when you consider the amount of meat the average farmer usually smokes. Our Modern Meat Smoker is practically condensed liquid smoke which can be applied in a minute with a brush or a sponge, and that ends the process. You run no danger of losing by lire or theft, and save both time and money. Our Modern Meat Smoker is put up in quart bottles only. One bottle will cover 250 to 300 pounds of meat. SAMPLES FREE We have put up a number of free samples and shall be glad to give you one of them. If you are not willing to try tbe smoker on all your meat this year, try the sample at leas; and make comparisons. v . " We sell everything cheap $1 pat ents are stil 1 61, 09 and 79c. Rings' Pharmacy New Location 13210 Street. HORSE COLLARS kJ n if ajJf) ASKyour pEALERTosHowTlitM before: you buy. 4 - AANUFACTURED by HARPHAM BROS.CO. Lincoln. Neb. Young Railroad Men Mr. W. B. Essick, North Benton. O., has sent in a large number of edu cational subscriptions the past month. He says: "It pleases me that I have been able to get your excellentj?aper in so many homes. I hope you "will keep it as good as it is now. Would like to have answered by you or some one what or why it is that the rail ways will not hire any one now over 35 years old? We all know that man is only at his best at about 40. Can't you let us have your idea? I find that those I talk to about it believe the railways take this plan to break up all the railway employes' orders." (There are probably a number of reasons. By taking on young men they can be trained to know nothing else than railroad work becoming at. once more efficient in that line and more helpless if thrown out of railroad em ployment This will tend to destroy the Independence of t.fS men and a the same time insure the company a long period of service by men whe have grown up to the business. If. is" true that a man should be at his best about 40 but he cannot then learn a new business, and be as ef ficient as the man of 40 who has been working at it for 20 years. Ed. Ind.) The excuse given by the anti-trust republicans for the retention of Knox in the cabinet is, that if it is good policy to hire a thief to catch a thief, it is also wise to hire a trust de- " fender to catch the trusts.