The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 12, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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    FEBRUARY 12, 1903.
fore and yet the roads cannot do the
business that they have always done.
The crops are no larger than in form
er years, while the elevators all over
the west are full of grain and no cars
to be had to ship it "
The effort to confine the business of
thousands of miles of railroad in one
office where it was formerly trans
acted in a dozen, has resulted in this
confusion in transportation which yet
may have results so serious that it
will be a national calamity. No one
can tell what the end may be.
The effort to revolutionize the bus
iness of 80,000,000 of people was a
mighty undertaking. The determina
tion to place it in the control, as the
New York Herald says, of thirteen
men whose only object was to ac
cumulate vast fortunes instead of
serving the public welfare was a Sa
tanic impulse. The calamities that
are certain to follow are enough to
stagger the bravest man. Where it
will all end or how it will end is be
yond the knowledge of the wisest. It
is a revolution of vaster proportions
than can be comprehended by any
man at the present time.
In warning the people of what was
coming, The Independent two years
ago quoted from Lord Byron and it
may not be out of place to repeat that
warning now.
But hark! that heavy sound breaks
in once more,
As if the clouds its echo would re
peat; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than
Arm! arm! it is it is the cannon's
opening roar!
Did you not hear it? No; 'twas but
the wind
Or the car rallling o'er the stony
Oa "with the dance.
The Independent is in receipt of a
neat little volume from George P.
llowell & Co., 10 Spruce St., N. Y.,
entitled "Leading Newspapers." Its
object is well expressed in the preface.
"Experienced general advertisers,"
says the publisher, "where business
admits of buying publicity in all parts
of the country, are quick to realize
that all papers are not available for
them and that the comparative value
of service rendered often bears little
relation to price demanded. It would
not be an extreme case where, at the
same cost, the advertising value of
two papers might be as a hundred to
one. That is to say, of two papers
costing a dollar each for a specified
service, the chance of returns from
one might not be more fairly worth
a single cent than that the other
should be fully worth a hundred cents
or more. It is by buying space in
papers of the last named class and
keeping out those of the other sort
that good advertising managers earn
handsome salaries and great adver
tisers accumulate satisfactory profits
from an advertising investment. . . .
The list of papers named in this lit
tle volume is sufficiently large to ex
haust almost any advertising appro
priation. ... It is to aid advertisers in
selecting the best, and thereby avoid
using those that are less desirable,
that this compilation of newspaper
names has been undertaken."
Under the head of "Nebraska" is
the following information:
"Nebraska has about one-forty-fifth
of the area of the United States,
about one-seventienth part of the
population, and more than one-thirty -fifth
of the newspapers.
"The leading newspapers are: Bee,
Twentieth Century Farmer, News,
World-Herald, and Nebraska Fanner,
of Omaha; Evening News, Commoner,
Duetsch-American Farmer, Froie
DENT, of Liucoln; and Drovers'
Journal-Stockman of South Omaha.
These are the Nebraska newspapers
which George P. Powell & Co. be
lieve are the best advertising mediums
in the state. The price of "Leading
Newspapers" is $1.
Address the pub-
The dailies must think that General
Miles is a danger to plutocracy as they
keep up a constant assault upon him,
and some democratic , dailies have no
more sense than to follow the example
set by the trust organs. Their at
tacks are usually directed at his uni
form, finding nothing in his life to
jibe about General Miles, when on
duty, and at no other time, wears the
uniform prescribed by law and no
other. There is not a button or a
speck of gold lace on it that is Dot
required to be there by the rules and
regulations governing the United
States army. These chaps seem to
have a hatred for the uniform of the
officers of our army when worn by
any one who is not a sychophant or an
imperialist. The editor of The Inde
pendent has had a personal acquaint
ance with Generr.. Miles for more than
a quarter of a century and has been
with him on these western plains in
his Indian campaigns. General Miles
never assumed at any time any of the
stylish airs ascribed to him by the
dailies. At Pine Ridge, instead of fol
lowing the style of General Brook,
who was in command before Miles ar
rived, Miles forsook the fine rooms,
the elegant silver ware and table
service that Brook used and ate his
meals from a tin plate with a black
handled knife and fork, in a tent like
the other soldiers. The plutocratic
dailies never use their space to vilify
and ridicule a man whom they do not
think is an enemy to their support
ers, the trusts and plutocracy. The
trouble with Miles' uniform is that it
is worn by a soldier who is a true
American and a believer in the Dec
laration of Independence.
. The plutocratic dailies are making
strenuous efforts to commend the Elk
ins bill for the suppression of trusts
to popular favor. The following is
one of their efforts and is better than
the average attempts, for arguing, in
favor of a manifest absurdity is a
hard undertaking for the most accom
plished. It is as follows:
"The Elkins bill not only makes
the granting or receiving of re
bates a misdemeanor punishable
by a fine, but empowers the inter
state commerce commission with
authority to present a petition to
the circuit court embodying any
proof of violation of law which
it may have secured. It then be
comes the duty of the court to
institute an inquiry and to enforce
the provisions of the statute. The
imprisonment clause of the com
merce law is repealed on the very
doubtful theory that the substitu
tion of a heavy fine is better cal
culated to secure testimony and
conviction of offenders."
Any unprejudiced man will no
doubt agree that the whole thing de
pends on a "very doubtful theory."
The knowledge of giving and receiv
ing secret rebates is confined to the
two parties and it is next to impossi
ble for any outsider to get evidence
of such transactions. When both the
parties are made criminally liable,
where is the evidence to come from ?
Under the constitution no man can
be made to give evidence incriminat
ing himself, and the Elkins bill cuts
off every source of evidence. That is
the intention of the scoundrel who
drew it up. Those voting for the bill
do it, not to stop secret rebates, but
for political effect. There are many
such laws on the statute books of the
different states and never a convic
tion has been obtained under one of
William H. Lincoln, president of
the Boston chamber of commerce and
an old friend of the editor of The
Independent, who hai nnuh to do to
ward the change in the government's
policy toward the Indians, basing his
action on the constitutional provision
OMAHA All Winter '..Clothing must
be sold. Send in your order for anything you need now and you
will save 25 to 50 cents on every dollar. Send size and State just
what is wanted. The goods will be sent subject to your approval
and your money refunded if not satisfactory.
Send your mail orders now.
900 Pairs of Pants to b Closed out at $1.00
These pants arovrll .
made, in gray checks
and strict
ly all wool cassimeres,
worth 2.00 and
closing sale price.
750 Pairs rien's Old
Suit Pnts to bs Closed
Out at $1 50.
These pants are left
from our $12.50 and
$15.(i0 Snits, whnro
coats and rests liavn
been sold separate;
the j are all in the lat
est styles and fabrics
- cheviots, serges,
cassimeres, fancy
worsteds and black
clay worsteds, none
worth loss than $3.iK);
cloiina out sale price,
only $1.50.
SUIT of the very best
quality, in brown and
oxford fray, in round
or squaro cut sack
stylfts, singlo or double-breasted,
in regu
lars, etouts, slims and
extra sizes, all limxl
with lino Italian cloth
and handsomely finished; worth up to
$12.50; sale priee, ffi,75.
TO CLOSE OUT AT $10.00 we offer over
50 different patterns to select from. Tbe
best styles and colors in fancy cheviots,
worsteds, serges, fancy worsteds and unfin
ished worsteds, iu Scoth plaids, brown mix
tures, plain colors and stripes, all lined with
the finest serge linings and well tailored
throughout, worth up to f 18.00; an astonibh
ing value at only $i0.00.
all Wool Melton Overcoats of tho best qnal
ity, in brown and oxford gray; medium and
full lengths, sizes ?4 to 50; all I'm d with a
fine Italian cloth body lining; best Skinner
satin sloovelining and well tailored through
out, none of these Overcoats worth less than
flC.OO and up to $15.00; sale price, only $0.75.
Overcoats to Close Out at $10.00.
These overcoats come in kerseys, beavers,
vicunas and cheviots; they come in black,
blue, oxford gray and brown mixtures; all
lined with a fine serge body lining: Skinner
satin sleeve lining and we 1 tailored
throughout; worth up to $18.00; sale price
only $10.00.
uunxuii mi g as 1 F.a ft
mil iuiurn mimNu
"After a full, careful examination of the property
covering several days and with an intimate knowledge
of this whole district, I will say that the
reminds me of the Alaska Treadwell Mines. I be
lieve the "EVA" to he capable of the same proportion
ate output with possibilities of greater profits, and have
no hesitation in making such a comparison."
(Signed) ERNEST C. WOOD, E. M.
Dividends from the "EVA" assured before the end of this year. Write
at once for particulars and booklet E.
The Alaska Treadwell Mines Have Paid $4,500,000 in Dividends
to Stockholders,
mineq EYnuANfij: ipnrn
hiL ftiEnLu LAUnniiuL,; LiSwii i ElLli
Box E-100G, 112 Clark Street, Chicago, III.
We buy and sell Mines and Mining Stocks. Ask for our monthly min
ing report and stock list.
Calumet, Mich., 115 Fifth St. Dumjth, Minn., ICG Palladio Did?.
Nelson, B. C. Salmon, Idaho. Camborne, B. C.
that all persons born in the limits of
the United States or territory subject
to its jurisdiction, were citizens and
entitled to all the rights and privil
eges of any other citizen, has now
gone into municipal reform. Mr. Lin
coln says that Mayor Collins is an
honest and capable man, but that the
city council which spends the people's
millions is composed of men who
could not secure any position what
ever with any business house and that
the city's money is squandered in the
most recivless manner. It appears
that, notwithstanding Boston balked
beans and culture, that they have the
same kind of city councils down there
that the republicans gave us here in
Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln Is a
man of energy and sound judgment,
but he will find out, If he has not
already done so, that corruption in
city councils can never be eradicated
as long as franchises are given away
and the street railways, city water,
gas and electric lighting is allowed to
remain in private hands.
People are getting frightened at tho
confusion resulting from trusts and
railroad mergers. Communities ev
erywhere are suffering for the want
of some of the necessaries of life be
cause of the inefficiency of the trusts
and railroads. The destruction o
competition has resulted in amassing
heretofore unheard of fortunes and
producing chaos in business. - '
Patronize our advertisers.