FEBRUARY 12, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDNT. A Field g! Pencllaria A New Feed G. B. Wells, Washington Co., Kas., says: "We planted Pencilaria early in April and it made an immense mass of foliage. The fodder makes an excellent feed for hogs and horses, being sweet and nice, and the seed Is extra nice for chicken feed. I ex pect to plant largely of it this year." rC.illii! i maasm t WmmiMUM it Wmm&Mmm I 1 The TSmnie-to Bey 1 Ip . .r: ... " " - - " 1J u" ' " Jtf The best time of year to buy many staple articles is just at this season. ; ' TioKTo iovnpl tn fnlrf ajK'finfnrrn of the merchant's determination W t. cn nf rrAv xvTiIln liow n rp ctlll nppll. nn(l liefore snrincr stock crowds in fefj i Cloaks at One-Half Off. 1 All of this year's make and in styles just like those that have been carried away g H by contented purchasers during the season at double the present prices, This is -gg surely an opportunity tor A Great Saving on Your Winter Wrap. i A 1 1 . V m The sizes arc getting more broken every day now. A lew uox-coais, somt fitted backs with loose fronts, blouse, full lengths, three-quarter lengths, and shor coats all these styles are here, lour size prouauiy is nut iu vwiy un uut a. surely be found somewhere in the lot. .Women's Cloaks were f 3.00 to $22.50; now $1.50 to $11.25. Misses' Cloaks were $0.75 to $25; now .5.d8 to $12.oO. This new fodder plant seems to be attracting universal attention among our readers, and the crop is truly wonderful, as it yields from three to seven cuttings per year from one sowing and has produced 95 tons of green fodder per acre from three cuttings in a carefully weighed test. The seeds are so very small that nne nound will plant an acre and still one plant usually has 25 to 75 stalks growing 7 to 14 feet in height. When it is figured that one-fourth acre will produce sufficient fodder to support a cow six months either for summer or winter food, and that the dry hay as well as the fresh fodder is highly nourishing, the value of the new plant will be better appreciated. Knowing that many of our readers will want to try it, we have arranged with the introducers, the Iowa Seed Co., of Des Moines, la., to send a small sample (sufficient, to plant a row 100 feet long) free to any one who wishes it. Be sine to mention The Independent in writing them. After the Funeral Editor Independent: I am an old man, born in 1833; have seen the democratic party come out; also the republican party, but yet knowing as I do that my time is short, still I love my country and human rights. I am a middle-road populist as will W. J. Bryan be in 1905, after the democratic corpse is buried, which will be done in 1904. T. W. J -US LEY. Marvin, Va. Women's Winter Suits JB Very Cheaply Priced Of good quality and neat, desirable styles, though of course not having this spring's new touches. They will give fine service. There are browns, blues, grays, tans, and castor, but- only Lot 2 contains y- ' m black. f Remember these are broken lots. S There is not every size in every color, ff Lot 2 contains black suits but there may m not be a black suit for every price in- 18 eluded under Lot 2. Farm For Sale An 80-acre farm located six miles south of Lincoln; almost level, no waste land; six acres in pasture, bal ance in cultivation; 6 room house, good barn, sheds, cribs and granary; an abundance of water, windmill. Enough fruit for family us?; 2 acres of alfalfa hog lot Con be r nted for $250 cash. Price, $4,400; must be sold. CAREY, BLAND & CHASE. 1041 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Strength in Unity. Editor Independent: I am now past 74 years old, but will do all I can for your paper, as it advocates my prin ciples and wish it was in circulation throughout the country. I enclose $1 for six months now from May 10 last, including with a card for ore year more. I have to give out my pa per to others when I read them. I see in the states where the disorgan izes who repudiated the Chicago and Kansas City platforms they were beat. We should not bo discouraged over that; it shows that Hill and Cleveland caused the defeat in the eastern' and some western states, and if the 'populists, democrats and sil ver republicans remain firmly united they will win I think two years hence; for united we stand and divided we fall. There s one thing, the south was more firmly united for the fusion tiek- LOT 1 $10.00 Suits for.... $ 5.00 $ 15.00 Suits for.... 7.50 110.50 Suits for.... 8.25 117.50 Suits for.... 8.00 $18.00 Suits for.... 9.00 $18.75 Suits for.... 9.00 120.00 Suits for.... 10.00 t'25.00 Suits for.... 12.50 LOT 2 -$10.00Suilsfor....$ 7.50 $12.50 Suits for.... 8.50 113.50 Suits for.... 9.00 $15.00 Suits for.... 11.00 $16.00 Suits for.... 12.50 $18.00 Suits for ... 13.50 $20.00 Suits for.... 15.00 $22.50 Suits for.... 18.00 $25.00 Suits for.... 20.00 $27.50 Suits for.... 22.50 Women's Heavy Shoes Greatly Reduced Some of our best makes, no old stock; black or yellow extension soles, patent leather vamps, medium or low heels. Special Sale Price, $2.50 Regular Price, $3.50 Great Bargains in Men's Shirts Of the best madras and percale in only small, clean looking patterns blue, red, or black figures and stripes on light grounds. All have stiff bosoms and detached cuffs. They must go to give room to full now linoa and snrino novfiltios. UK; 11 v. t $1.00 Shirts for 67c 50c Shirts for 35c LINCOLN, NEB. SmXAk . , mmm et and stood solid for the Kansas City platform; but what seems strange is that Pennsylvania went so strong re publican after such a coal strike. Tv0ro mn he. no redemption for her, and Roosevelt would not have cracked his finger to stop it if it had not been on the eve of an election. But the mullet head, the coal miners could not see it. The operators now are kicking against recognizing the union and in my opinion Mitchell will not aarpn to the decision if the operators don't come to his terms. I think all thev wanted was coal dug out and de lay' the decision of the commission and when decided it will not be satis factory to the miners. Send a few more sample copies of your paper. I gave out what you sent. I think when they read them they will subscribe. Keep on as you are doing and you will win. S. T. BROMWELL. Fayetteville. Ark. SPECIAL MARKET LETTER FROM NYE & BUCHANAN CO., LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS, SO. OMAHA, 53,000 cattle in Chicago for threo days this week and 15,000 in South Omaha keep the market on its down ward course, and with corn advancing the cattle are likely to be rushed in and break the market still further. Better hold them back and stop the break. We quote best beef steers $4.30 to $4.05, good $4.00 to $4.25, warmed-up $3.50 to $3.90; choice cows and .heif ers $3.00 to $3.50, fair to good $100 to $3.00, canners $1.50 to $2.50. Stack ers and feeders in limited supply, good demand; choice $3.85 to $4.25, fair $3.25 to $3.75. Bulls slow sale at $2.00 to $3.25; veal $4.00 to $0.50. Hog receipts getting heavy. Mar ket weaker. Range $C50 to $0.00. Sheep receipts fair, with few feed ers. Market active and steady. Killers. Lambs $5.00-?0.OO Yearlings 4.80- 5.40 Wethers 4.00- 5.10 Ewes 3.25- 4.25 Forest Trea Seedlings Burr, pine and chestnut oak; ash, elm, black walnut, Russian mulberry, sycamore, linden, box elder, yellow cottonwood, soft maple. By the sin gle thousand, or in car lots. In size from six inches to twenty-four, one year's growth. Same varieties from six to twelve feet for parks or streets. From one tree to car lots. ROBT. W. FURNAS, Brownville, Neb. Pushing the liducat'onal Work Edilor Independent: You will find enclosed sixty cents for six trial sub scriptions. I am sending this to these several friends knowing they will ap preciate the paper in its noble de fense of the right and exposure of bad men and tiieir unholy designs. Have mailed the five cards and en close one order blank filled out. I hope a majority of these will renew, hut, in case they do not, please discon tinue at expiration of trial subscrip tions. William Peaks is a staunch republican, but open to conviction. Dr. Walker is a populist, and re mainder of list are all warm Bryan democrats. I am very much pleased with The Independent. Wish every man open to conviction could read it and 1 hereby be made to realize the great, danger we are under as a free proplf so-called, and awake to a full s n.-'.e" of our duties and privileges. Will do all that. I can to extend the circulation of The Independent. If you have the back numbers, will be glad for the subscriptions to begin with the first, issue of the year. Will strive to send in my clues right soon. JAMES C. LEWIS. Tip Top, Ky. Prof. E. W. Bemis, superintendent water works, Cleveland, O.: Please send twelve more copies of your is sue of January 15, containing the ex cellent article on socialism by Chan cellor Andrews. Experiments With Dairy Herd The Nebraska experiment - station has just issued Bulletin No." ?G.' This gives the records of the dairy' herd for the past five years. The bulletin may be obtained free of cost by resi dents of the state upon writing to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb. Patronize our advertisers.