The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 12, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    FEBRUARY 12, 1903.
A few industries that have not been
captured by the trusts and in which
the rational laws of trade are stil
preserved, are the ones in which the
great advancement has been made. It
is hardly possible to Morganize the
poultry business and the way it has
gone forward in the last few years is
astonishing. In Missouri during the
last fiscal year the sum derived from
the sale of poultry and eggs ran $17,
000 ahead of all the other products of
the state combined. The advance
ment in the live stock industry is al
most as wonderful. Go out onto the
ranges and notice, not only the in
creasing number of cattle, but the
quality as well. Everywhere we find
the shorthorns, the white faces and
other improved breeds, where the
long-horned, long-legged Texas steers
used to roam. Combinations and de
struction of competition have retard
ed progress and not advanced it. The
whole trust business is wrong in prin
ciple and defective in results.
There has a blight fallen on the
towns in Nebraska almost equal to
that which 'followed the "object les
son" which the bankers gave us in
1S93. No cars. The merchants are
doing no business. The streets are
deserted and a pall of gloom hangs
over everything. A republican farmi
was standing on a corner looking oc
casionally toward two wagons loaded
with shelled corn. The sky was a
steel gray, frost filled the air and a
chill wind was blowing. At last he
said: "I don't care a d n who holds
the offices. I want cars." That
shows great signs of progress.
The bill to prevent rebates on the
railroads was prepared by Steve Elk
ins. Any man who knows anything
of the character or history of the
said Elkins will have no fear that re
bates will be abolished under any bill
that Steve would draw up. A more
perfect scoundrel never held office
than Steve Elkins. He is one of those
kind of men that the trusts and rail
roads put in office for they know that,
he will never fail to stand by their
interests. They have the "drop on
him," so to speak, and he dare not
do anything contrary to their orders.
Any man of common sense knows
that if the railroads of the United
States, even under the present system
of private ownership, were in the
hands of five hundred corporations,
the managers of which were intent on
getting, all the business possible, in
stead of being under the control of
two gangs of Wall street grabbers,
that there would be no such condi
tion as now exists. There would be
no dozen roads refusing to haul
freight. There would be cars enough
to ship the crops. There would be
agents soliciting trade instead of bru
tal orders to refuse it. That is what
the Morganizing of the railroads has
done for the people. We will have
more of it in the future.
The basis of the international postal
union is that all mail matter re
ceived from any foreign country shall
be delivered without further charge to
the recipients in the country to which
it is directed. The country from
wh-icli the matter is sent keeps all
the money paid for postage, so there
are no international accounts to set
tle and no bookkeeping to be done. It
is a fair arrangement to all parties.
A law should be passed applying this
same principle to telegraphs and tele
phones in the United States. A car
rier of news has no more right to re
fuse to transfer it to another linj
thnn a railroad has to refuse to trans
fer freight to other lines. The prin
ciple involved is exactly the same.
Some democrat or populist should in
troduce such a bill in the present leg
islature. A request for sample copy of The
Independent came the other day writ
ten on the blank side of a half sheet
of a circular sent out by some "school"
of personal magnetism, printed in
imitation of typewriter work. "I will
teach you," says the vice president
and general manager, "how to secretly
Influence and direct the minds of oth
ers, without their knowledge of the
fact. I will assist you in reaching
the highest pinnacle of success, which
it is possible to attain," etc., and all
for a few paltry dollars. It is doubt
ful whether the drug habit bad as it
is is as insidious as the nonsense
taught by these fakirs.
Very often The Independent is
urged to take up some reform for the
betterment of the human race entirely
outside its field. In many of these,
the editor is personally interested.
Scientific charity is one. A decrease
of the drug habit is another. Sanita
tion and preventive medicine is still
another. Prison reform but it would
take up too much space to enumerate
them all. Mr. Houghton, of Balti
more, asks The Independent to make
a feature of preventive methods and
sanitation which he thinks Is far
more effective than serums and the
knife. It is a fact that the advances
made in the public health, notwith
standing all the discoveries that the
doctors have made in biology and
bacteriology, have been accomplished
by enforcing sanitary laws. It is cer
tainly better to prevent the breeding
of typhoid and diphtheria germs than
to try to kill them with anti-toxins
and serums after they have invaded
the human body. Some wonderrul
things have been done along these
lines. New Orleans and Havana were
each transformed from pest holes in
to healthy cities, the first by General
Butler and the second by United
States army surgeons, in a very short
space of time, and it was done, not by
the use of serums, drugs or the sur
geon's knife, but by sanitation. Puc
The Independent down as a sanitarist.
It believes in sanity in medicine as
well as in politics.
Mr. W. C. Starlrey, in his reply to
an article in this paper, says: "The
editor who penned that article seems
to suppose that every 'stay-at-home'
voter knows what a good man Mr.
Thompson is and his reasoning is
about as logical as that of the drunk
en soldier, while the truth is that Mr.
Thompson was measured by his own
party's rule." The editor did not sup
pose any such thing. On the contrary,
he expressly stated that he disagreed
with Mr. Hand on that point and said
that the cause of the "stay-at-home"
vote was that the voters were not in
formed of the facts. Then Mr. Stark
ey remarks that there are "good
men" who are republicans and good
men who are democrats. That has
nothing to do with the question. This
editor knows a man who proclaimed
Limself a monopolist, who has backed
up every corporation steal in the
state for 30 years, who was an advo
cate of slavery and a defender of the
Mormon polygamists, but who is gen
erous, kind-hearted to all whom he
meets and in social life one of the
most lovable of men. He is a "good
man," but his political principles are
so at variance with the public welfare
that it would hardly do to elect him
to an office where he would have in
fluence upon public affairs. W. H.
Thompson, while a "good man," has
the right political principles. To re
fuse to vote for a "good man" who
advocates the right political principles
simply because he is a democrat, even
a drunken soldier would comprehend
was not the height of statesmanship
or patriotism. To vote against a man
calling himself a democrat because a
arty of that name in a former gener
ation defended slavery, or because a
president elected by that party turned
traitor has no more common sense
about it than to vote for the trusts
and railroads because Abraham Lin
coln freed the slaves.
Since railroads have come under
the control of a very few men and the
management of thousands of mile1'
has been concentrated in one office,
they have not only made less net
earnings, but such confusion exists
that a great national calamity por
tends. Besides that, the accidents are
becoming so numerous that the dan
ger of death in traveling on these
"merged" lines has greatly increased.
There seems to be chaos in the trans
portation business. When a dozen
railroads send out notices at once re
fusing to receive anything but per
ishable freight, live stock and coal,
as they did last week, it is a threat
to business of such magnitude that
it gives cause for alarm. Their at
tempt to concentrate business under
one man that has taxed the energies
of a dozen of the most capable, has
resulted in disaster. The Increasing
of the weight of trains has overtaxed
locomotives and men and these men
are unable to run trains on schedule
time. Trusts, whether in railroads or
great industries, means in the end
ruin to business and indescribable
suffering for the people. Down with
the trusts.
The Moore brothers and a few oth
ers are forming a trust to get hold of
the Brazil coal fields in Indiana. The
plan includes water, preferred and
common stock, after the approved
fashion. It will be a sort of a trust
that will make the peonle shiver, not
only in the winter time, but when
ever they think of it. This is "the
Rock Island crowd" and it duplicates
in the bituminous field the perform
ances of the anthracite coal barons.
According to Attorney General Knox
the government "can't do anything"
to stop it So it seems that tribute to
the coal barons has only begun.
Will be Pleased to See All His Customers at
1032 OSTR ET.
The Daisy Seed Farm
.ulr1!'?.11 Hrauty Feed Corn, tho rremium corn of the world. It took the prrmlum
f' ,;9,;" ''" ,R 1T: ,T,,0or'i 18 white, largo grain and small Cob, weighs 6o
Arri i PuM. 3 o 5 Lar. lo the Ma k; grows fr, m 25o to 300 I tighe a to the
Acre. Jt is worth its weight m gold. The Seed from which (hie Corn was grown was
brought b;e from leuoa, Italy, in 1H). by Col. 0,-o. Sjewert. The price of this valua
h e(orn is, by mail, uostHR. paid, rUlf Pound 30c. One Pound 50c. Three Pound
fico, One eck $2.50, half bushel $400. ( ne liushrl $7 00. Two Huihcla $12.00.
fc-fcry tackago guarausoed to give satisfaction or money eheortully refunded at once. I
rerer you to h. Stewart, postmaster at tins place, or to any reliublo merchant. Order
today and be ready to plant when the season comes. The bent i always the cheapest.
Daisy, Forsyth Co., N. C.
V3nS3flf A" lTn,al'd Grown on our own farms, 1902 nop. Guaranteed to grow where
P J i ',anycorn Prow- Variet c include corn suitaHe ford ff'tent climates and
c66u Cfin '"calitics- Com espec lly bred for cattle feeding t ur poses, yields from 60
ifO-d-T " l" uo per acre; t veryoociy wants inm variety. Also a tine yellow early
. cCcrJV f'cnd;d yielder; als a'fme white variciy, grows on white cob, etc. Van
n. Corn "ever disapn inK Write for free SaVp'es and Circulars.
ekeVTfTKft ..TisW. W. W. Vansant & Sods, Farrapt, la.
t-Ja-fflthpTii(iiiV.MwWa-J ""-"ill fill '-
8 I
TE2gsk feagfli fcaafcffl ffipZfrh Ours hare stood tbe test of 50 years.
:3 "jM PCm -"i. ., j fcaa!!i Send for Catalogue.
m5( RbBa 4LzF 600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Established 182.
63 LiSs22a mmS3 E I50 lnrk St., Itloominrtoii, Illinois.
l&mmmmMW Arlington Nurseries in stock 500,000 A pp!o Trees,
MmMm 125,000 Cherry Trees, 75,000 Plum
0MIS&WS-' and a complete line of small
m0iiM uits, ornamental,, roses, and
mkWdbkM "r "Uit Won HIOHK8T AWARDS
itWMW Omaha in 1808, Huffalo in 1000,
lMMIW2 and Pans in 15) 1. Location, one
imMilAt of the leading fruit districts of Ne
MteM braka. I n. mediate access to main
gSMiiPiW "ne of leading railroadthuH the
Wib'm- advantage of quick shipments.
mmmm'0mmk make a specialty of hardy
:4feWmaW varieties which are adapted to Ne-
ue. mailed upon application.
Wa.hirglcn County. ARLINGTON, NEB.
Congressman Lessler charged that
an attempt had been made to bribe
$15.00 To Billing..
$20.00 I?tte, Helena, Salt Lake and Ogden.
$22.50 To Spokane.
$25 Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and
Los Angeles, via the Burlington daily February
15th to April 30th, 1903.
City Ticket Office
Cor Tenth and O Streets
Telephone No. 235
Boilington Depot
7th St., between P and Q
Tel. BurliDgton 1290.
him. A committee appointed to In
vestigate the matter reported that the
charge was true. All the plutocratic
dailies are disgusted with Lessler and
are pouring out the vials of their
wrath upon him. They haven't a word
to say against the man who attempted
to bribe him. When the dailies think
that there was a man who would not
take money for his vote, they get
scared for fear that the example may
be catching and then what would be
come of their pets, the trusts.
Under trust conditions among the
railroads, the life or death of city,
town or business man is decreed by
the men who control the means of
transportation. A change In rates
will transfer business from one town
to another, decrease the value of real
Bcttr sad (food reputation in each itate (one in
tliif' county required; to represent and advertise
old established wealthy business house of solid
financial ttanding. Snlary jei.00 weekly with
expatiftct additional, all payable in cash direct
each Wednesday from head offices. Horsa and
carriaff furuilicd when necessary. References.
Lnrlose self addressed envelope. Colonial Co.,
&i4 Dearborn St., hicafto.
estate in one and advance it in the
other, or by rebates one firm may be
come rich while the other is driven
into bankruptcy. In that way, those
who control railroads may enrich all
their uncles, their cousins and their
aunts by giving them a little informa
tion concerning where to invest. Such
power as that should never be given
to any set of men. The railroads
should be owned by the government
All efforts to "regulate" rates have
proved complete failures.