The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 05, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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FEBRUARY, 5, 1903.
Judge -nUhfd Clrtymn XTho Crltl
clued Him for Finlotf Mn. Nation
Topeka, Kas., Jan. 10. Dr. J. T.
McFarland, pastor of the First Metho
dist Episcopal church, the largest
church here, has been fined $100 by
the police judge for contempt of court.
Dr. McFarland censured the judge for
a fine imposed on Mrs. Nation with
the above result
Editor Independent: Enclosed clip
ping is one more illustration of the
encroachment of the judiciary on the
people and by a "police judge" at
that. As the victim in this case is
pastor in an influential denomination,
it may well be that even the church
will at last take notice of the usurpa
tions of the rights of the people in
augurated and upheld by the republi
can party. When it does, the fate of
that plutocratic un-American party is
easily foretold.
There are many people in this coun
try who think that in everything that
makes a statesman and all around
man, John Mitchell, the miners' lead
er is easily the superior of Roosevelt.
What he would have been had . he
been born to the purple, and had the
environment of Roosevelt, is not diffi
cult to see. It seems to me that re
form papers do not give him (Mitchell)
the space they should, for he is bound
to be a factor when the inevitable up
heaval comes in the near future.
Mr. Dellart seems to think that all
we need is an income tax and that if
we have free trade we must have it.
Certainly! He must know that the
Wilson bill carried an income tax that
even the unspeakable Grover conced
ed to be just, but inasmuch as it was
estimated that it would produce but
$75,000,000 it would have to be more
searching than that one. The populist
demand I believe to be for a graded
income tax and it seems to me that
that would both yield revenue enough
for the government and also if made
radical enough help to cut down these
enormous fortunes that no man can
use and are a menace to liberty.
I think it was Plato who said,
"Thou shall not keep the traveler from
me running stream, nur uum iignuuj;
his torch at thy fire," but modern re
publicans have no use for such admon
itions. You have made a wonderful im
provement by changing the form of
the paper and I can most heartily in
dorse what Mr. Corbin said in a recent
I was raised on the Log Cabin
(N. Y.) Tribune, Mrs. Swishelm's Sat
urday Visitor, National Era, Libera
tor, etc., but never in the days of
African slavery was there a better
paper, nor one whose bugle call to
duty and principle sounded clearer.
Rut mullet heads have increased out
of all proportion since those days of
dough-heads, or let well enough alone
There was an item in The Indepen
dent recently concerning a find oC
Winchester rifles in New York that
were secreted during the draft riots in
'63, Now, that may do credit to the
imagination of the reporter, but not
to his knowledge, for that particular
arm was not manufactured for ten
years subsequent to '63. But that's
nothing for the big dailies. How not
to instruct, seems to be their motto
In everything except the doings of
the "400."
Those Chicago schoolma'ams are
certainly up to date in joining the
F. of L. if their success in the past is
indicative of the future. They will be
an object lesson worth one's while to
keep track of.
Station C, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Artificial Incubation
It takes a lot of big words and long
phrases perhaps to write up an up-to-date
article on incubation, but
somehow or other I have been reason
ably successful with just common
United States language when it come
to the hatching question
Let us be plain and call things by
their right names. A fertile egg is a
seed, it must have the ' necessary
warmth to sprout and grow, a temper
ature of 103; it also must be culti
vated, the eggs must be turned, aired
and manipulated after nature's ways.
A temperature of 103 seems to be
standard although very few recognize
that placing the thermometer dif
ferently would necessarily mean th&.:
it would read differently, hut. such r?
. the case. With the thermometer lying
between the eggs showiug 103, tb 1
same thermometer lying on the eggs
would show 104, or if suspended above
the eggs near the tank it would show
still more. I prefer placing the the;
"mometer on the eggs, thus showing the
combined heat of the eggs and the heat
applied to them, still more I prefer a
variation of temperature as the hatch
progresses, for instance, 102 to 1C3
first week and 103 second week and
104 third week; this variation beine
due to the increased animal heat in
the eggs as ".hey developed. This
temperature will bring good results.
There are bushels of ironclad pre
scribed rules about turning the eggs
lust so, but my advice is to turn them
as often as you have time and air
them a3 often a3 you have time. 1
don't mean that it would be necessary
to put in your who' time or even a
tenth of it turning and airing the
eggs, but I do mean that they should
be turned at least once every day and
twice every other day and that when
looking at the thermometer the tray
should be pulled out and let the eggs
get a whiff of pure air. Why? you
would ask. I will tell you. Turning
the egg ripens it clear around, the
germ comes to the top; every move
ment of the egg makes a corresponding
movement of the embryo chick; be
sides ripening the shell clear aroun.i,
these movements wake the chick up,
it's exercise for it, it moves, expands
and develops its own strength; this
principle applies to all life whether
stock or eggs, for instance, a stock
breeder vould not pen up a dam ia
clos-.e quarters to bring a strong
young. There is simply nothing mys
terious or unaccountable in hatching
eggs, a little reasoning in advance of
the real thing explains most every
thing about it.
Now about moisture. An egg must
get rid of a lot of moisture before it
can hatch. Eggs during incubation
get smaller and lighter, this being
the case, applied moisture could not
enter the egg. The moisture ques
tion and ventilation question are so
entwined with each other that th-j
effects of one are often take for the
effects of the other. Personally I do
not believe in dosing out the air in
prescribed quantities, there is lots said
about governing the size of the air
cell by opening or closing the damp
ers, but I prefer a correct and contin
uous ventilation. If it is fitted cor
rectly, there need be no dosing it out
in a vnystical way with dampers. I
prefer a continuous mild circulation
of air and to depend on airing the
egs in open air to conform to nature's
What's the good of airing the eggs'"
might be asked. In answer will say
that the egg shells, like other things.
expand in heat and contract in cold.
This expansion and contraction, the
result of airing the eggs, breaks down
the tough fibres of the shell and when
the chick is due to hatch, it can hatch.
It also applies moisture on the same
principle that a glass of cold water
will sweat in a warm room when the
atmosphere is just right. I am sure
this moisture, however light, is good
for the shells, good for the reason that
it is light and effects the shells only.
Good hatches are made with and
without moisture; opinions are about
equally divided. I am satisfied, in
fact I know, it does no harm to apply
a little moisture direct to the shells if
the ventilation is sufficient. Have tried
all the moisture plans and plans with
out moisture and have at this time
more faith in the old-fashIoned way of
sprinkling the eggs occasionally than
any new way.
The old-fashioned sprinkling is ap
plied direct to the shells and does not
make a heavy, continuous mucky air
in the egg chamber. It does not mat
ter about exact dates in sprinkling;
exact dates would be nonsense, but I
can guarantee that you will do the
eggs no harm if you sprinkle them
with tepid water on the 12th, 15th and
18th day. Yours for big hatches,
An Undermuslin
Special For Mail
Order Customers
Post Paid
Monopoly's Defiant Blast
Editor Independent: At a banquet
of the Pennsylvania Society of New
York, President George F. Baer of the
Reading railroad is reported by the
press to have said: "That recently
there had been expressions of desire
in certain parts of the country to un
dertake the power of regulating the
affairs of Pennsylvania. But I am glad
to say, their efforts are vain. There
is a nonst National limitation, which,
if not respected by the masses, will be
protected. There is a tribunal, the
great, true, unbiased tribunal, the su
preme court of the United States,
which will protect the citizens an l
the state of Pennsylvania in their
sovereignty during the cry for the
seizing of lands within the state."
"And if in all this excitement of thj
people, it should be deemed neeessar;
to amend the constitution to gain ends
which its present limitations forbid,
then the wise provisions of that consti
tution will make the process of amend
ment so slow, that the people will be
given time to think and meditate."
The "masses ' who are thus charged
by Mr. Baer with "a desire to regulate
Send your name in at once for our new 1903 r,a
rca tk
r!a j'
Oy m0M'
rca Hr
We will mail you this beautiful eight
gown made of a splendid grade of cam
bricvery full and long V shaped hem
stitched neck--neatly tucked front
trimmed with embroidery insertion and
finishing braid. Sleeve finished with
hemstitched ruffle, fancy braid pearl
buttons. A great bargain and one that
must be quickly taken advantage of as
this offer closes
Thursday, February 12th
Spring and Summer catalogue now being printed
68 beautifully illustrated pages.
Store Dept
Lincoln, Neb.
Located at Omaha, Lincoln and Thedford .
Are you ready to sell your Farm or City Property, or if you want to
exchange for cheap lands or ranches, we make a specialty of this line.and have
an extensive list of most desirable lands that are rich and productive that
we can furnish to our customers at astonishing low prices. The price of
lands is advancing rapidly. Now is the time to take advantage of these
If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it.
Our means of securing purchasers and furnishing the fine lists of prop
erty, that we have for sale is on account of the number of agents that are
giving their entire time pushing the business of this hustling real estate
company. For further information correspond with
The Central Nebraska Real Estate Go.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
J. H. Edmisten, Pres. E. D. Johnson, Sec.
the affairs of Pennsylvania," and
"seize land within the state," we de
dare are not scientific socialists. The
socialist is oniy intent upon having
the government maintain its integrity
by using its power to force monopoly
into obedience to the national indus
trial law of competition.
Mr. Baer has been so long on the
outside (he'd call it the inside) of
the competitive law, that he has come
to regard it as but a big joke, and
doubtless fully believes (not by Divine
inspiration, quite otherwise) that it
is entirely for the under crowd. Be
yond this he has no official knowledge
of its existence. Hence he has forgot
ten all about it: justified in doing so
by the fact that Pennsylvania ha
built a hedge around him. Well, the
s-ocialifct remembers right enough, ar.d
in hunting the lawless, does not stop
at the Harry Traeys.
The socialist knows as well as Mr.
Baer, that the railroad occupies the.
commanding position in the struggle
between the mine owner and the put -lie.
Sly Mr. Baer. he did not onco
mention that railroad. The socially;
also knows that there are mountains
of coal lands accessible to the public
and it is enly necessary for the people
to build a railroad, to have Mr. Baer
to face $2 competitive coal and no
possibility of a merger.
Lands outside the "margin of pro
duction," that is, not within reach of
market, are of little value: the scien
tific socialist proposes the governmen
tal purchase of such coal lands, an l
the building of a railroad, thereby
killing two buzzards with one stone.
"Seizing lands!" Naw, we don't
have to. Land would be useless with
out the railroad. That the railroad
rakes in the boodle, and the land geU
vrtiat's left, is now ancient history.
If Mr. Baer should anticipate the pub
lic, by buying up all coal lands for
the sole purpose of keeping them out
of use, thereby protecting monopoly
of a natural element, we imagine tha
supreme court to which he so confi
dently refers would jar him.
As with the railroads and mines, so
with iron and tobacco, steel and su
gar, until it shall become a genera1
by-word: Uneasy lies the head that
wears the crown of monopoly!
202 W Barre st, Baltimore, Md. 237
Garrison Bare, Pender, Neb I
have voted the populist ticket ever
since the party was organized, but it
is getting too complicated for m?
Am now voting socialist and spending
what little I have to spare in that
Nebraska Farms for Sale
Ranging in price from $30 to
per acre, within 20 miles of Lincoln
near church and school, in Seward
county. For further particulars ad
dress J. D. Pence, Germantown. Neb.
or J. A. Higinbotham, Shenando '