FEBRUARY 5, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, 5 dltlons precipitated by the coal strike. Representative Gaines of Tennessee criticised the president and the at torney general and the district courts here for not enforcing the Sherman anti-trust law and the interstate com merce law against the alleged coal mo nopolies, suggested that the people of this city petition the district judges to enforce the law, and said that if the laws cannot be enforced "we can then see about impeaching the officials who fail of their duty." He closed by declaring that he would leave the convention to go to the capitol for the purpose of voting against the measure increasing the salaries of the judges. "We want to find out," he said, "whe ther it is a fact or not that the dis trict judges have not attempted to en force the laws applying to the coal trust. There has been a conspiracy in the District of Columbia to raise the price of fuel, and no attempt has been made to indict those who have been responsible. Will I vote for the bill to increase the salaries of these judges from $4,500 to $6,000 a year? I would lose ' my right arm before I would consent to raise their salaries one penny, with the record of their fail ure to do justice scaring them in the face. When I leave here it will be to go to the capitol to vote against the bill to raise their salaries." Representative Cochran of Missouri also criticised the inactivity of the courts in affording relief from trust extortion and their control by cor poration influences. ''Were a judge to drop dead this hour," he said, "be fore the widow's tears were dried the corporations would be selecting hi! successor and forcing their choice upon the appointive power." He went on to declare that an honest judiciary could, by enforcing all the laws we already have, drive every trust out of existence in six months. An illustration of the power of th coal trust was cited. In her testimony before the coal strike commission, Mrs. Burns said she had worked as a charwoman in the Markle Coal com pany's office and her son in the mines for ten years and neither had ever re ceived a cent of money, but were $40 in debt at the end of that time to the company's store. Such conditions as these, -all built up under republican rule, will inspire a doubt as to the willingness of the party in power to deal a blow at the trusts of any ef fect. A minority report was submitted to the house yesterday by the democratic members of the house judiciary com mittee on the anti-trust bill recently reported by the committee. The views of the minority are submitted at con siderable length. They propose an amendment which will make the bill applicable in its operations to exist ing corporations, as well as to those organized in the future, and will deny all corporations violating the Sherman anti-trust law the use of the mails Renewed. Left Side Badly Affected. Liable to Paralytic Stroke. Dr. Miles' Nervine Gave Me New Life. "This is to certify that I have used Dr. Miles' Remedies quite extensively, especially .the Restorative Nervine, which has done wonders for me. Six years ago I had nerv ous prostration and again three years ago, at which time I began taking Dr. Miles' Re.-.tor-atiye IServine. I kept taking it for six months and have taken an occasional doic during the last two years. I am practically a new man and feel that I have been given a new lease of life. I used to have very bad attacks of stomach trouble bu" since using the Nervine I can eat riost anything I wan' with impunity. 1 wa? examined ia Omaha by a noted German doctor three years ago. He told me I was liable to a paralytic stroke any moment; that my whole L ft side was badly affected. That was just before I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. My work for two years and a half has been very trying on rny nerves. I am a presiding elder, traveling my districts at the rate of ten thousand miles a year, preaching on au average of five times a week, besides marry business meetings, and the multitudinous cares of my work in general. Thanks to Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine 1 have beeu gain ing in flesh despite this hard work until now I weigh a hundred and nhv ty-six pounds, nearly twenty pounds more than in all my life. I preach Nervine wherever I go to those afflicted with nerve, heart or stomach trouble." Rev. M. D. Myers, Presiding Elder, Free Methodist Church, Correctiunville, la. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. telegraph, and telephone systems, as well as the other facilities of inter state commerce specified in the bill reported. " Another, amendment proposes to make watered stock ground for declar ing a corporation bankrupt. Still an other amendment provides that every corporation engaged in interstate com merce wherever organized shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the state in which it may operate. Provision if made by the minority for the imposi tion of a tax on all corporations with a capital in excess of $200,000. In addi tion to imposing a fine where com mon carriers knowingly transport the goods of a corporation violating the anti-trust law, provision is made by the minority for summary seizure and condemnation of such goods. Finally, the minority propose an amendment putting on the free list certain ar ticles manufactured of steel, agricul tural implements, paper and pulp for the manufacture of paper, window and plate glass, salt, and other ar ticles. The chairman of the house judic iary committee has asked for a rule for the consideration of the anti-trust bill,. and also for the bill to expedite hearings brought under the Sherman anti-trust law. II. W. RISLEY. CANCER MICROBE SAID TO HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED. The Cancer Germ said to have been discovered by an Eastern Physician caused great surprise. Heretofore this disease was supposed to be caused by a cell growth. Careful experiments are being made. Dr. Bye, the Emi nent Cancer Specialist, of Kansas City, Mq., is being beseiged by hundreds of people suffering with this dread dis ease. The Doctor is curing many cases, thought to be incurable, with the combination of Medicated Oil. Persons suffering or having friends afflicted should write for an illus trated book on the treatment of can cer, tumor, ulcer, piles, fistula and all skin and womb diseases. Address Dr. W. O. Bye, Cor. 9th & Broadway, Kan sas City, Mo. The Outlaw's Lament The cold, starry vault, alone covers my head; The mountains far up, are deep mantled with snow; A wandering outlaw denounced and in dread, While hounds and man-hunters are. trailing, below. Wild beast and the wilderness kinder than man , Less ruthless and vengeful, to those who transgress. Forgiveness and mercy are under a bin My blood for the blood they will grant nothing less. Oh, those merciless men! They pray every day Their God to forgive, as they merci ful grant Free pardon to those who transgress go astray ! Such prayers are 'naught? save a hypocrite's cant. On, on to the mountains the wilder ness dense, To hide from the mercy these Christians bestow. To one who repents of his deadly of fense And loathes the fell deeds which the passionate know. Through hunger and horror an out cast, alone A price on my head and a hound on my track! Man's vengeance craves blood noth ing less will atone For the sins which were instinct though brutal and black. To die of starvation be torn by a hound Or plunge down the cliff on the rough rocks below To end the man-hunt to meet death with a bound Thus thwart the foul fate and its lingering woe. Lie mangled and dying tormented by thirst One chance in ten thousand may haps to live free; While wolf, man and buzzard, each strive to be first Small thoice in the doom which is howling tor me! LYDIA PLATT RICHARDS. Pasadena, Cal. Isthmian Canal Editor Independent: I see a great deal in the newspapers about the isth mian canal. We are no nearer having a canal than we were fifty years ago although we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars employing com missions to ramble around in Central SPEC,AL 117. n xt w vve r-ay uie rreigru. y We will deliver the following 110.00 combination to any town in Hy the state of Nebraska, freight prepaid by us, any time during tho f iK month of January, 1903. Reference: First National Bank or The In- yft rfk? dependent. ?K f GO lbs Best Granulated Sugar for fl.00 VJ K 20 lbs Choice Prunes 1.00 i j 'P 25 bars Good Laundry Soap 1.00 JJ' J 2 lbs High Grade Japan Tea 1.00 . ? 4V 10 lbs High Grade Pea berry Coffee 2MO A's wjS? G lbs Fancy Bright Apricots " .75 J!f fjS 4 lbs Fancy Muer Peaches f)0 f li 4 lbs Fancy i Crown Large Raisins 50 ik'i Gibs Fancy J pan Head Rice 50 Jff . r.l 2 cans 10-oz Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. 50 f i 3 pkgs. 10 cent soda 25 fi ' A 3 Pk6s 10 cent Corn Starch 25 k 3 pkgs 10 cent Gloss Starch ; 25 V A 1 lb Pure Black Pepper 25 l r;K 1 bottle Lemon Extract 10 ?k ' 1 bottle Vanilla Extract 10 W jfjb 2 doz. clothes Pins ; ; 05 Of fiS All the above for f 10.00 W Orders for customers outside of the state of Nebraska and on line f of railroad entering Lincoln add 75c. to j ay part of freight. l hi t'tt W W . I Branch & Miller Go. f flN Cor. lo.h and PS ts. Lincoln, Neb. IS What we Advert! we Do.' t Not Too Late Yet Christmas has come and you did not buy one of our Beautiful Pianos. Well its not too late yet, we still have a beautiful assortment, all styles, grades and prices. I We are still as anxious as ever to sell you and will make every possible inducement. If you can't call, write us. Matthews Piano Co. H20 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. j U America. I don't think we will ever build any canal, nor does any bod v want one, for it would be of no use to the people of this nation if we did have it. No one would use it. It is about 700 miles nearer for a ship go ing from New York to Manila to go by the way of the Suez canal. Beside" there is not a ton of coal by the isthmian canal, except what is car ried by ships, and no markets for a ship to stop it; while by the Suez canal there is the finest market in the world and cheap coal at every port. " The produce of the Orient and Cali fornia are largely perishable goods and can be shipped across the conti nent in four days, while it would taki 30 days to go by a canal. These goods are largely used in the interior and would have to be reshipped to interior points. By railroad they could be dis tributed as the trains pass across the continent, so no one would use it t carr produce. It would be worthless in time of war, for no one would trust a great warship in it when it could be blown up any minute; further it is in a hot climate where white men can not work on it and would not give employment to the American people. The estimated cost is something like 180 million and it would probably cost twice as much to finish it. The money it would cost to build and maintain this canal would build a double track railroad from New York to San Fran cisco and equip it, besides leaving sev eral millions dollars to work out on the highways. I will leave it to tho rt l r f f ' 1 1 J TnrlonAnlnMf nVtiT icaucio Oi a iib liiucpixuiit tt uuji would be best for the American peopla to spend, these hundreds of millions digging a worthless ditch in a hot cli mate where no one can live, or build a double track railroad across our own country owned by the government and run at actual expenses. If a canal were built the expense of maintaining it would be several mil lion dollars per year and the income would be practically nothing, as no tody would' use it. The French peo ple have been working down there for nearly fifty years and have spent hun dreds of millions of dollars and now want to unload the worthless old ditch, they have been digging for forty mil lion dollars since we bought the Phil ippines, at $20,000,000. Every Europ ean country think they can sell us any old trash at their own price and it looks as if they can do it. T. J. QUAIL. Miller, Neb.