The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 05, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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FEBRUARY 5, 1903.
Tar loan Treaj: Under Consideration
The Statehood Mruggle-No Antl
Truat Legislation
Washington, D. C, Feb. 2, 1903.
(Special Correspondence.) Although
the republican leaders in the senate
continue to use every means of fili
buster and obstruction known to mod
ern parliamentary procedure, they are
ltnding in Senator Quay, backed up
by the democrats, a worthy competi
tor. Quay's latest ruse to force a
vote on the omnibus statehood bill is
to introduce it as an amendment to
the agricultural and sundry civil ap
propriation bills. If these fail, he pro
poses to attempt to tack it onto other
appropriation bills. The fact that the
territories in question are fully
equipped for statehood is not consid
ered by the administration. The fear
ia ever present that two and possibly
three of the new states might elect
democratic United States senators.
The claim made that New Mexico and
Arizona lack the necessary qualifica
tions to become parts of the union is
idle, in view of the apparent lack of
Nevada's qualifications when, in or
der to ratify certain amendments to
the constitution, she was admitted.
Carrying out a promise made by
the late President McKinlcy, Judge
Day of Ohio,- formerly secretary oi:
state, has been appointed to the su
preme bench of the United States to
cucceed Judge Shiras. Governor Taft,
who was slated for the vacancy, has
been induced to remain in the Phil
ippines. Secretary Hay and Sir Michael Her
bert, the British ambassador to this
country, have signed a treaty provid
ing for the settlement of the Alaskan
boundary question, which, for socio
years, has been a source of trouble
and contention. Efforts in this direc
tion have been put forth for years, the
Canadian miners being anxious to get.
through the Klondike to the sea with
out passing through American torri
tory and the Americans insisting upon
their right to the coast Ihie and con
trol of the ports. The treaty has been
submitted to the United States senate
and an effort will be made to ratify it
at an early a date as possible.
The treaty provides for the refer
ence of all these boundary questions
to a mixed tribunal of jurists, three
on each side, to determine the inter
. pretation to be placed on the treaty ot
1825 between Great Britain and Rus
- sia defining the boundaries between
.British America and Russia. This
proposition, which is virtually the
same as that brought forward by the
.American members of the high joint
commission at the meeting in Wash
ington three years ago, but which was
then rejected by the British and Ca
nadian representatives. It has taken
three years to obtain the consent of
the British and Canadian governments
to adjust the boundary dispute on this;
basis. It is understood that the treaty
has been drawn up after thorough
consultation with the leading member i
of the senate of both political parties
the administration desiring to do ev
erything possible in advance to secure
its ratification.
The commission proposed is curious
in composition, consisting of an equal
number of members upon each side,
without an umpire or odd man to cast
the deciding- vote. No other terms of
arbitration would have been accep:
able to the people of the northwest,
who Bee in this arrangement a practi
cal extinction of any chance of a de
cision hostile to their plans. On the
other hand, to get a verdict favorable
to the American claim our case must
be so strongly presented as to win
the support of at least one of the
Canadian contingent.
v As to the Cuban reciprocity treaty,
about which there has been so much
discussion and which is responsible
for a considerable breach in the g. o.
p., Secretary Hay and the Cuban min
ister have extended to March 31 tho
time limit for an exchange of rati
fications between the two countries.
Under the original agreement, the
time limit expired on Saturday, tho
31st. The measure just taken was in
the nature of a precaution to prevent
the loss of the treaty because of the
.senate's failure to ratify same list.
. week.
The house last week passed the ap
. propriation bill for the military
' academy and the Indian appropria
tion 'bill, debate being limited in eae'i
t case. Also the senate bill increas
ing the salaries of United Stales
, judges. 3
. -A rather sharp debate was precipi
tated 'In the senate Wednesday, when
Senator Rawlins called up his resolu
tion directing the secretary of war to
furnish the proceedings of a number
of court-martials in the Philippines.
He referred to the fact that Father
Augustine, a Catholic priest, had been
-murdered in cold blood by American
officers, and that others had met a
like fate, and yet the offenders had
been set free by the findings of court
martial trials. Senator McLaurin of
Mississippi also called attention to
brutalities in the Philippines. In re
plying, Beveridge of Indiana, the
"wasp of the Wabash," reiterated his
old charge that the "democrats were
slandering the army."
This brought Carmack of Tennessee
to his feet who remarked with som?
heat and vigor that "of all the miser-
oKIn 1 I -- rto y 14 AC fKnf T"! Pf?
V4. lj t , AAJV'Cftii i X Lk? tllii l v . v. V
through the last campaign the mean
est, lowest, and dirtiest was the charge
that we were assailing the army. That
is the very vermin of this debate and
I am a little surprised to see it crawl
ing in the hair of the Senator from
Indiana. Jake Smith is no more tin
American army than the senator from
Indiana is the American senate, and
not half as much as he thinks he is."
If there is a greedy place upon the
face of God's eternal footstool, it is
the District of Columbia. It is a
truth, so well established as to be
axiomatic, that "the people of Wash
ington live off strangers and Potomac
river shad." Last winter in a speech
opposing an increase in the salary of
members of congress, Senator Bailey
declared he would "appreciate a raise
in salary as well as any one, but the
hotel and boarding house keepers of
Washington will get it all, anyway,
and I am paying them enough as it
is. They charge you as long as they
can hold their breath."
The senator failed to add, however,
that the people here were the longest
winded on record. Not content with
absorbing your salary, leaving just
enough for you to get home; hot con
tent with many and varied kinds of
piracy, for the stores and shops are
higher-priced than in any other city
in the country, they continually are
appealing to congress for appropria
tions of one kind and another "for
the improvement of the city." Mil
lions upon millions of dollars are
spent here every year for parks, drive
ways, bridges, and one thing and an
other, and all of it is wrung from the
taxpayers of the rest of the country.
Already this year about $10,000,000
has been appropriated for the district,
and now a committee of business men
is urging $10,000,000 more "as a loan."
Of course, the city is becoming a
wonder in beauty and a desirable
place to live, but so could a number
of other cities be made if the United
States treasury was annually raided
for the purpose. "Our Dave" Mercer
is in a large measure responsible for
the useless squandering of large sums
of money in this city. A halt ought
to be called somewhere and that
right soon.
The republicans are preparing to
drag the Fowler currency bill into
next week's proceedings in the house
that is, the asset currency scheme,
exactly the same as was under discus
sion in the last session. On account
of protests, the branch banking fea
ture has been eliminated for the pres
ent, but in all other respects the bill is
the same as that which called forth
such a storm of protest in the late
congressional campaign. The people
are apt to get what they voted for, so
it is late in the day to squeal about
it now.
au unprecedented number of letters
petitions and telegrams are pouring in
upon congress protesting against any
anti-trust legislation being enacted at
this session. One senator declares he
has a bunch three feet high, and the
end is not yet. If the entire number
that have been received at the capital,
were consolidated, the entire building
could be papered and enough left to
start a wall-paper establishment. Ev
ery trust and combination in the coun
try is represented in these protests
against legislation of any sort and
declare well enough should be let
alone. The belief is gaining ground
that the trusts have nothing to fear.
It is hardly probable that any legis
lation will be enacted, and if there
be, so raild, as to curtail none of their
present perogatives.
Congressman Shallenberger deliv
ered an address at Baltimore Thurs
day night, on the subject, "Business
and Politics." before the annual ban
quet of the Merchants' and Manufac
turers' association. The other speak-
"i m&uuKiuMiea guests were:
Governor Smith and Senator Gorman
of Maryland. Speaker Henderson of
Iowa, Congressmen Landis of Ind
iana and Williams of Mississippi. The
guests numbered 600, and the occasion
was the "most successful of any yet
held by the association. Mr. Shal
lenberger took advantage' of the op
portunity offered to pay a high tri
bute to the enterprise and thrift of
Nebraska business men and farmers
and invited the investment of eastern
capital in the great commercial cen
ter of the west, where so large returns
were sure. The Baltimore papers
speak very highly of Shallenberger's
WE INSIST that you investigate our propositions before you invest
a dollar of your money with us. Those who make the most thor
ough investigation are most anxious to invest. We never could understand
why people would invest their hard earned dollars in mining and oil stocks
without making an inrestigation.
The Eva Free Gold Mine is the property of the Calumet &. British
Columbia Gold Mines, Limited, situated in British Columbia. The com
pany has been underwritten, and the capitalization is most conservative.
There is more than half a million dollars in ore values in sight, ready for stamp
mill wJiich iriU be built at once. Dividends are assured before the end of this pear
A small block of stock will be offered at fl.00 per share. We recom
mend this stock as a "gilt edge" mining investment, but we want you to
investigate before you invest your mosey with us. We are not stock ped
dlers, nor stock boomers. We have a legitimate enterprise, conducted by
conservative, competent business men. You will be anxious to buy after
you investigate.
Ask ns for Photographic. Folder E. containing fifteen (L) photographs of
mining scenes in Jiritish Columbia and the Pacific roast. It is sent free.
We have a selected list of developed mines and prospects for sale. Price
and terms reasonable. Ask for our weekly report on mining properties.
We buy and sell unlisted mining stocks. Ask for our stock list.
Agents wanted in every county to handle our "GILT EDGE" mining
securities Correspondence solicited.
Box E-1006, 112 Clark Street, Chicago, III.
Calumet, Mich., 115 Fifih St. Duluth, Minn., ICG Pallaino Bldg.
Nelson, B. C. Salmon, Idaho. , Cambokne, B. C.
The Daisy Seed Farm
Columbian Beauty Seed Corn, the premium corn of the world. It took the premium
at the World's Fair. The Corn is snow white, large grain and small Cob, weighs 6o
Pounds to the Bushel, 3(0; Bars to the itatk; grows from 250 to 300 Bushels to the
Acre. It is worth it weight in gold. The Seed from which this Corn was prown was
brought here from Genoa, Itaiy, in 1890. by Col. Geo. Siewera. The price of this valua
ble Corn ia, by mail, posts gn paid, Half I'ound 30c, One Pound 50c. Three Pound
$1.00, One Peck $2.50, Haif Bushel $4.00. Cne Bushel $7.00, Two tiushefs $12.00.
Every package guaranteed to give satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded at once. I
refer yon to 8. E. Stwart, postmaster at this place, or to any reliable merchant. Order
today and be ready to plant when the season comes. The best is always the cheapest.
For a success,
Daisy, Forsyth Co., N. C.
All tne leading and beat varieties o choice selected,
thoroughly tested seed corn, which have yielded 75 to
St 1 8 bushels p r mora. Costa Only 26s Par Acre for Scd.
Largo descriptive catalogue of Corn and ail kinds of
Farm and Garden Seed mailed free 1f yon mention this
paper, IOWA 822T 00,. Jim TSOTcnw, I&WA,
500,000 Apple Trees, 125,000 Cherry Trees, 75,000 Plum Trees and a
complete line of small fruits, ornamentals, roses and evergreens.
Our fruits won HIGHEST AWARDS at Omaha in 1898, Taris in
1900, and Buffalo in 1901. Location, one of the leading fruit districts
of Nebraska. Immediate access to main lines of leading railroads; thus
the advantage of quick shipments. We make a speciality of hardy varie
ties which are adapted to Nebraska and the Northwest. Catalogue
mailed upon application.
MARSHALL BROS., Arlington, Nebr., Washington Co.
speech, which they reprint in full,
the comment of the American being
typical of all:
"Hon. A. C. Shallenberger, member
of congress from Nebraska, delivered
a notable address, which proved one
of the oratorical treats of the occa
sion." Senator Scott has introduced a joint
resolution to create a commission to
investigate the pension laws and "tho
desirability of pensioning all soldiers
who served ninety days during the
war of the rebellion, were honorably
discharged, have reached the age of
sixty-two, and made application for
same at the rate of $12 per month."
In discussing the resolution he said:
"Mr. President, this resolution pro
vides that the soldier be paid $1:1 per
month after reaching the ago of sixty
two and making application for sumo.
This will be a scanty living; even then
the wolf will howl close by. After the
age of sixty-two few men, especially
those who have undergone the hard
ships of war, are able to do manual
labor. Many of thear are today
worthy; many of these are at this
hour suffering for the necessaries of
"Let lis dispense with that largo
roll of pension agents whose salaries
amount to $72,000 a year; with clerks
who are paid $415,164.31; rent for tho
different agencies, $9,480; contingent
expenses, $20,709, and close the door
upon the army of examining surgeons,
paid $191,123.83. together with travel
ing expenses aggregating $302,442.11 ;
this costly paraphernalia of examin
ing soldiers, $1,808,856.
"This vast sum is multiplied many
times over by the salaries of clerks
and other employes. All these could
be dispensed with, or the greater part
of them. Many a soldier files hi3
claim, and long before it is reached
he has passed over the river and tiled
a claim elsewhere. Nearly forty
years have come and gone; 8G1.07G ap
plications are on file; of these 470
830 have been allowed, leaving nearly
400,000 not, acted on."
It is not probable favorable action
will be taken on (he resolution, yet
the contention of the senator is just
and well founded that the money that
is now spent for salaries of clerk
pension agents and experts, and red
tape, had better be paid to those who,
in the nation's supremest crisis!
proved themselves worthy to be called
American citizens.
About fifty men, representing lead
ers in the business and political life
of the nation from all sections, met
this week in this city, and adopted
strong resolutions demanding that the
attorney general of the United States
cease his inactivity and begin perma
nent remedial action to alleviate cobt