14 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. FEBRUARY 5, 1903. A IAMS' October, 1902. importation of black Percberons, BelfitDi and Coacher was the largest ver made west of the Missouri River. His stallions of biff size, quality, finish and extremely low pricei are prcfHigiivmn that will make you his hnyer. If you can pay cash or giro bankable note, you will sure buy stallion of Jams. Only man in the United States that imported only black or bay stallions. He has just imported 63-STALLIONS-63 Shirpedto New York by fast boat, then by Fargo Express, special train from New York to St Paul, Nebraska, lams' bijj barus are full of bi?, black, ton stallions. He is just finishing a new barn 26xlOU feet, lam's horses are the xensation of the town. Visitors throuff his barn and ray: "Never saw so many hi black stallions togfther:'' "They are larger, bigger bone, more finish than ever before :" ''But lams is progressive;" "He buys tbena Jatger and bettor each year;'' "He makes prices that makes the popi buy his horse;" "Jamshaia hufie show every day, better than State Fairs." He has on band over 100 BLAtK PERCH ERONS, BELGIANS and COACH ERS 100 2 to 6 years old, weight 1.GC0 to 2,500 lbs. More black Percherons, ton stallions, largest Fr?nch horse show winners, more government approved and Mumped stallions of anyone importer in tbe west, lam's speaks French and U rman; pays no interpreter, no buyer, no talesman ; no two to ten men as partners to share profits. His buyers get middlemen' profit aadxalaties. lams 1 uys direct from breeders. This with his twenty years' experience secures the best. All the above facts save his buyers $5U to $ .1(0 on a first-class stallion and yon get a first-class horse, as only second rate stallions are peddled by sleek salesmen to be sold. iUutdoneis dl the.mseleex. ) t costs $000 to fH)0 to have a salesman form a company and sell a second rate stallion. Form your own companies. Go direct to lams barus. He will sell yon a better stallion for $t,(XX) and tl.'.Ui than others aro selling at 2,000 und t(XX. Iaras pays horse's freight end his buyer's fare, (iood guarantees. Uarns in town. Don't be a clam. Write for an eyo opener and finest horse catalogue on earth. St. PauL, Howard Co., Neb. On U. P. and B. & M. Rys. Feferecrcs : M. Paul State l ank, Firtt State Bank, Citizens National Bank. SHIRES, PERCHERONS, l BELGIANS. Head to select from all im ported by us and guaranteed. $1,000 buys a good one from us this fall. competition by selling more quality for less money than the small importers can possibly do. We do not advertise 100 and only have 20, but have just what we claim. GO good ones now on hand. Barns just across from B. & M. depot. On September U we landed iO head, which is our 34th import. 60 GO We down all Watson, Woods Bros. & Ksllsy Co,, Lincoln, Neb. REFORMS COKE SLOWLY Mr. Settle I)!scnse the Slowness of Ac complishing Jteform and Nrces-tity "' for Meadla-tnesii ; Editor Independent: Since the white man left the "rough stone age" there have been countless questions relative to a more advanced state of civilization which have been fought out and settled in sucn a manner as to best accomplish their design. heference to almost any of the great questions which have engaged the attention of the leading men of all ages will reveal the fact that re gardless of the justice or injustice of a given question it is very liable at first to meet the disapproval of a very great number if not a majority of the people to be benefited by its solution. I have no desire to under take the stupendous task of dispens ing with the liability of present day questions taking the same course oth ers have taken, but as one of the hum ble members of society, as one who cannot and does not desire to escape the effect of legislation, good or bad, I deem it my duty to occupy my humble position in life as advantag eously as possible. One of the rea sons (and I think the best one) why I am willing to endure bad laws for a time is because bad law3 when fairh tested will render good ones more per manent when they appear. In my judgment no one can be excused for neglecting or refusing to play his part, no matter how little, in bringing about, such legislation as will be commen surate to the needs of the people. While American citizens enjoy privil eges, they also owe to their country, their representatives and themselves countless duties of which this par ticipation in the solution of pending problems is one of the most impera tive, being second only to obedience to laws which have been thereby been made possible. A realization ol this duty ought to impel every man to action. At this time and in fact since the establishment of our government the money question has' been wanting at tention. It is receiving attention and will continue to receive it, just go long as it remains the acknowledged medium of trade. Some claim that the question is dead. Those who are most persistent in the claim are the ones who know best that it is neither dead, dying or sick. Should those who cling to the gold standard idea remain in power, it can not die, since it will require constant action upon their part to maintain that power. Should they lose their power it cannot die for the opposition will upon its assumption of control proceed to action believed by it to bo more in accord with the wants of the times. So in either case the money question will not and cannot, die. II would seem that those who have been so credulous as to believe in the al leged death of this question are very unmindful of the fact that much time Is always required in the aceomplibh ment of any great reform. During the reign of Henry II. ot England the way was opened lor some constitutional amendments the effort of which is felt, by the subjects of the British crown today. Henry II. mado repeated attempts to enforce the con stitutions of Clarendon to the cud that he might establish a more jus I arid equitable system of administra tion of justice. The Historian Mont gomery cays his effort, "though baf fled was not wholly lost; like seed buried in the soil, it sprang up and bore good fruit in later generations.' The king reigned from 1154 to 1189, a period of thirty-five years, and never lived to see his works bear fruit. I wonder if the eminent men of his realm did not. boast over the death of his reforms. The history of England reveals the DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cas(s out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Ig nothing put an inflamed condition of the 'mucous surfaces.' We 4ill give One Hundred Dollars lor any' case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh' Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the lest. fact that from the first invasion or Caesar, 55 B. C, to the battle of Lewe3 between King Henry III. and his brother-in-law, Simon De Montpart, fought A. D. 1264, there was an un ceasing struggle upon the part of the people to obtain justice at the hands of their rulers. True, it can not be said that they received it in full at this date, but this appears to be the noint in history where the king was successfully "bridled." Where parliament and the l ing began to lose some of their unjust powers. Where it became possible for a truly reser vative body to assemble. This was a reform that had been sought for thir teen hundred years, possibly longer. Now consider the reverses suffered during this period. View the times when despots claimed the divine right to rule as they pleased. See the num ber of lives lost in the continued strug gle to bring about one reform. Th convention called by "Sir Simon the righteous" in the winter of 1265 was the nucleus of what Lincoln called "a government of the people, by th'. people, for the people," was was nev er realized until the ratification of the constitution of the United States. As important as it was for the com mon people to be represented by those who were directly responsible to them, they did not jump at and embrace the idea suddenly, but every inch o' ground between those who favored and those who opposed the house of com mons was bitterly contested. I thin.v I can guess what the result would have been, had, the friends of repre sentation accepted as final, the re verses suffered by them. Again in 1477 when William Caxton introduced to England the art of printing the most religious and best educated men of that day called it the "black art" and alleged that it had its origin with the devil. The monks opposed it on the grounds that it would destroy the copying trade. So it can be seen that, selfish consideration will sometimes j cause men to interpose serious objec tions to measures of reform calculated to benefit a number of people much greater than the number offering thfc I objection. 1 am not willing to be lieve that men even at this late day enjoy ' a supernatural endowment which enables them to rise above self ishness in every case. Other evidence and by no means irrelevant evidence is to be found in the fact that the great habeas corpus ad subjiciendum act passed under the reign of Charles II. in 1679 by no means received the support of all who were to be ben efited by it. Certain it is that some found fault with it and even expressed a desire to have it repealed. So it will be seen that it is not always a selfish motive that prompts men to combat a reform movement, but may very well be ignorance of the beneficent results to be obtained. But I shall not. confine myself to English history for further citations. I think I should weary in so doing. A glance at the dark period covering the alternate rising and falling of justice in Great Britain causes one's soul to revolt. The only reason I can get consent of my mind to per use those gloomy pages is to better enable me to enjoy the benign offer ings of a republic. There the concur rent action of the common people and their rulers often extinguished the light of noble souls. Here the grief over the loss of great men has ajways been shared by all, regardless of party affiliation. There the aim has been to extort as much money possible from the peo ple who r. ;ed it most. Here the great obnet I: as almost always been to save to the i eople as much of their earnings as possible. There the great desire h;s in b majority of instances been tc keep the government as far from the people as possible. Here the c fieri s cf all arc to bring the govern ment as near the people as practicable. Thee they have claimed to rule by divine right. Hcie they have always ! ackr.owloc'ged the supremacy of the people and looicod to them for the right to rule. There they have breathed the spirit of an empire propped up with bayonets. Here they breathe the pure air and drink the crystal Avaters of a republic resting upon the will of the people. There the ruler has always governed the people. Here the people have always governed the ruler. 1 shall therefore pass into the period beginning about the year 1776. I do not wish it un derstood that even in the republic of the United States all was har mony and equilibrium of interests. There have been dissensions; there have been disagreements; there have been wars. But between the enjoy ment of liberty in England and the United States there Is no comparison. Perhaps I should say very little com parison at most. The adoption of our present consti tution depended upon an agreement among its framers upon some great questions. Beginning with the memor able convention that was organized May 25, 1767, we find our govern ment confronted by some intricate problems. Some of the problems grap pled with by this convention were not solved for many years. The slavery question rose to such a height as to cause serious alarm. Attaching to it were the difficulties of representation and the proper distribution of politi cal power. A heavy storm hung over the convention; so heavy in fact that some of the most accomplished men of the assembly despaired of a suc cessful termination of it. One writer says of that body that it was "scarce held together by the strength of a hair." Washington repented of having al lowed himself to be persuaded into tho work. Another great question to be dealt with was where to fix the lini between general and local govern ments. State rights and privileges had to be properly empowered. Then when the government began proceed ings under the constitution, let us re member how it was received. When the effort was made to collect the ex cise tax in Pennsylvania the idea was received with contempt. The author ity of the government was disputed and defied. Armed resistance was de cided upon. The position of the in surgents, the justice or injustice of the tax is not to be questioned here. The insurrection is cited because it affords evidence in support of the claim that it requires- time and study to bring about even a small measure of reform. If it be doubted, however, that it was an instance of reform I offer ao testimony, the language of Mr. Ham ilton concerning the signing of the constitution under which the fax was levied. In the convention referred to he rose and said: "No ma'u's ideas are more remote from the plan than my own are known to be; but is it possible to deliberate between anarchv and convulsion on one side and tin chances of good to be expected from the plan on the other?" Is it not re form to pass from anarchy and con vulsion to good government were not the insurgents opposing the reform? Conscientious opposition it was, no doubt, but opposition nevertheless. Yet it has been said that others re ceived the new constitution with in structive joyfuluess. Another ques tion and I shall offer no more. Slav ery! the word is not to be found in the constitution. When the great so- 1 HEADACHE At ug , mijjmFnt'fn itt'i J Lincoln Hide Market The Lincoln Hide & Fur Company, 92) R street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quote U:e following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln, until further notice: No. 1 greea salted hides, per lb., 6c, No. 2, 5c; bulls and side branded, Sc; green hides 1c lb. less than salt cured; horse and mule hides, large, each, $2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 5-8c per lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb., 12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and murrain hides .per lb., 5-10c. Our clas sified fur list, together with little booklet telling how to trap, skin, stretch and handle furs and hides to obtain the best i -suits, will be mailed free to all upon request, also write for tags and general information any time. cial reform was begun no alteration was needed to empower the states to abolish the institution. This ques tion is so familiar as to render de tails unnecessary. All know that from the beginning of the operation of the general gov ernment the question was sometime? hot and other times cold. There re mained a diversity of opinions con cerning it throughout the period. Its adjustment has cost thousands of liv?3 and millions of dollars. It cannot be said even now that all faith in th principle for which the southern con federacy fought has been destroyed. These historical storms are not of fered for the educated. They are pre sumed to know of them and to be able to gather from them whatever benefit the common people; as one practically uneducated, I offer them to the readers of The Independent and others of my class, in hope of enabling some to take consolation from them. To me all such instances as the foregoing af ford abundant proof that temporary defeat must not be taken as perma nent conclusion when we are dealing