The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 05, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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FEBRUARY 5, 1903.
Reduce your 1 f"5 j
weight with rfcducto
fceduee your fat and be refined, fcefine jour
fat and le reduced, "heducto" Is a perfectly
harmless vegetable compound endorsed by
thousands of physicians and people who have
tried it We send you the i ormuia, you make
"Keducto" at home if you desire, you know
full well the ingredients and therefore need
have no fear of evil ellects. tend $1.00 for re
ceipt and instructions everything mailed in
plain envelope. Address
Ginseng Chemical Co,,
3701 8. Jefferson At., St. LouU Bio
Plumbing and Heating
Estimates Furnished
J. c. cox
133a O Street Lincoln, Nebraska.
Cancers Cured:
J" why suffer
'J tain and death
from cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor
cures cancers, tumors and wens;
no knife, blood or plaster. Address
1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Do You Want a
Genuine Bargain
Hundreds of Upright Pianos
returned from renting to be
disputed of t one. They include Steinways, Knabes, fisehers,
Sterlings and other well known makes. Many cannot he dis
tinguished from new an M 0t B K et " " offered at
a great disejuut. H BS B 3 Fltffli Uprights as low
as $1U0. Also beau- SB Si B K WKJl! fl Nfw I'p
i4htsat12D,8.',6, Q IBB? 150nd 165- fin
instrument at $200, fully equal to many
tO(j pianos. Monthly payments accepted . Freight only about
95. Write for list and particular!. You make a great savin;.
Pianos warranted as represented. Illustrated Piano Book Proa.
lOOAdams St.. CHICACO.
World's largest music bousa; sell Krerything known in Sluai
25 Crafted Apple Trees for Ji
20 Utidded Peach Trees for $r
50 Concord Grape Vines for $1
They are home grown, hfalthy and sure to
grew. Catalogue atid due bill for 25c, free.
Box 8. Fairbury, Neb.
Lincoln. Neb.
Members of Legislature Will Find
The Hole
Casn f
$4 1
or Wood
Labor Organizations Ileglnnlng to Com
prehend Some Truths Long Taught
by The Independent
At the meeting of the miners na
tional organization last week, John
Mitchell spoke of government by in
junction as follows:
"Government by injunction is one
of the most insidious, harrassing and
dangerous methods resorted to by the
enemies of the worldngmen to destroy
labor organizations and to circumvent
the constitutional right of trial by
jury, ine wnoie system or govern
ment by injunction grows from the
distrust of the ultra-capitalists for
democratic institutions.
"The reasons given for the issuing
of injunctions are always misleading
and generally false. So far as these
injunctions are issued in labor cases,
they are never issued excepting in
such cases as call for "the exercise of
the criminal law.
Government by injunction is not
only hostile to organized labor, but
it is hostile to constitutional liberty,
If the American people do not check
this arbitrary power it will result in
the annihilation of labor unions and
then of all other forms of organiza
tions disliked by capitalists."
Vice President T. L. Lewis in his
annual report reviewed his year's work
in settling disputes and troubles and
discussed injunctions at length. In
closing his discussion, he said:
"When we remember that we have
nearly 500,000 voters directly engaged
in mining in the United States and
that they are distributed through the
country in such proportions that we
may determine the composition of con
gress, we ask in all sincerity, whose
fault it is if we do not secure remedial
legislation. It is our own. Let us
burn that into the minds and con
sciences of every mine worker in this
country then we will get our rights.
"If we expect to secure relief, every
laboring man must act. Not by de
nouncing the courts, or those who is
sue injunctions, but to demand of our
representatives in congress to know
where they stand with reference to
the growing evil of -government by
injunction.' the congress of the United
States by law classify cases that are
subjects for the jurisdiction of the
federal courts when issuing injunc
tions affecting the rights of members
of labor organizations when engaged
in a strike.
"Have a law enacted that federal
judges can issue injunctions in labor
disputes only on the application or
approval of two or more elective
judges. Fix the time within a rea
sonable limit when the defendant
shall answer to an injunction issued
against him. Compel the applican'
for an injunction affecting the rights
of labor unions to submit reasonable
proof that his allegations in support
of the application for an injunction
are truthful. Embodv in that law n I
provision that those arrested for con
tempt of the restraining order in la
bor disputes shall have the same right
to a trial as that accorded a person
charged with a crime.
"A bill covering our demands should
be drawn, and then insist that it must
enacted with every vital fentnrp
Thirteen" Year
Many people look upon the number
thirteen (13) a3 unlucky. We don't
think there is anything unlucky in any
number. Already some have ascer
tained that the four figures In the year
1903 when added amount to 13. Wc
have looked back over the years of
the nineteenth century and find there
were in the hundred years five whose
totals amounted to 131804, 1813,
1822, 1831 and 1840, the last the year
of the writer's birth. For over sixty
years there ha!? been no "13" year, and
yet we have had some that were most
unfortunate, not to say unlucky.
During the twentieth century there
will be but four years whose totals
will be thirteen 1903, 1912, 1921 and
In the twenty-first century there
will be no thirteen year until 2029,
but it won't matter much to us, for
few now living will be here then.
Don't believe that any year is "hoo
doo" time. Depend on yourself for
good times. Be Industrious, self-denying,
temperate and honest, and
you're sure to beat any unlucky years
that you may live in. Easton (Pa.)
Ms H wmmmrQa-iimLK.Mmnmrirm ms wwi
U-f -r-.riYS fy't 'Jw.fff, fft
Cattle Ranch at a Bargain
Here is 320 acres deeded land 8
miles south of Plattner, Colo., on the
B. & M. railroad. Splendid improve
ments. One-half mile from good
school. 65 cows all under seven years
old, well bred; 32 yearling steers and
heifers; 34 last spring black galloway
calves. Cattle all dehorned and of a
very high grade; 7 splendid horses.
For a short time we are authorized
to sell this property for $6,500, and
will tako 11,000 in trade if desired.
To a man with small means an equal
ly good proposition has never been
offered. Weber & Farris, Lincoln,
The Vandalia railroad received a
charter in Indiana in 1847, agreeing to
pay to the school fund all profits over
a certain percentage. It refused to do
it. The supreme court has decided
that it must. Thus you see that the
men who run railroads will not keep
an agreement, will not be bound by
any. charter, will steal openly where
they cannot steal sneakingly. If the
public owned and operated the rail
roads, there would be no lawsuits and
bribery. The state paid the attorneys
?3oO,OOU fees to make the railroads pay
their contracts. Cheap, isn't
The Independent, Boone, la.
1516 O STREET.
1 t . 1 .1 . : a , 1
I house in the c ty. Rates $1 per day atid up.
Farmers write me what you
Lave and I will pay you the
highest market price if I can
use it.
Charles B. Gregory,
Lincoln, Neb
embodied and that politics will posi
tively be thrown aside in securing the
record of every candidate for con
gress on this question."
That is considerable of an advance.
When the wage-workers get far
enough along that they will not vote
for the representatives of the party of
injunctions, when thev cannot be
fooled with fake orders for good3 "to
be cancelled if Bryan is elected." when
they learn that wages is one side of
an equation, the other side of which
is the cost of living, and that ex
orbitant tariffs raise the side of the
equation which represents th cost of
living, leaving the other side the sam?
and a few more things of that kind
and then have the courage to act, the
rummiuii 01 tne toilers will be
320 Acre Farm (or Sale
All fenced, 200 acres under cultiva
tion, balance pasture, good nlne-roon;
house, barn 40x50. windmill and good
dug well 80 feet deep, tank and lead
pipes all in first class condition; 5
ilea from Stratton, 8 miles from
Trenton, 1 mile from school, 1 miles
from the Republican river. $2,300.
This is a great bargain. The im
provements alone cost rr.:re than is
asked for the entire farm. Write to
day. Address The Independent, Lin
coln, Neb.
Drug Cutter.
has moved to 1321 O street.
Reduced rent makes it possible
to still further cut the prices
of drugs.
Peruna 64c
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 64c
Stuart's Catarrh Cure 1(M
Miles' Remedies 79o
Pinkham Compound 64c
Ayers' San-aparilla 79c
Hood's Sarsaparilla 74c
Paine's Celery Compound. .7lc
S. S. S C4c
Vinol 11.00
S hoop's Remedios $1.00
Kilmer's Swamp Root C4c
ScoH'h Emulsion 64c
Pierce's Remedies 64c
Malted Milk 74c
Hospital Size $2.99
Danderine 74c
Herpicide 69c
Penaud's Hair Tonic 79c
Chamberlain's Cough
byrup 19c
Piso's Consumption Cure.. 19c
Omega Oil 19c
St. Jacob's Oil 19c
Temptation Tonic 64c
Anti Phlogistine 39c
Liebig'a Extract 19c
Cuticura Sonp 19j
Packer's Tar Soap 19c
Lablach Face Powder 39c
Pozzoni Face Powder 39c
Swandown Face Powder. . .15c
Mistletoe Cream 19c
Rubifoam 19o
Pinaud's Vegitol 19c
7 5 cent Cigars 25c
4 10 cent Cigars 25c
What is the Matter
HPHErushof settlers to the Canadian Noith-
west has already commenced in pood ear
nest, and promises to excel in a few months the
famous Oklahoma stampede. I have informa
tion worth Thousands of Dollars to intending
settlers, investors or persons wanting free grant
. lands. Send your name and address in a Healed
envelope today. Tomoirow may be too late.
Let me talk to you. I can show you something
that will do you good.
Real Estate Kxehauge.
Recixa, Northwest Territory, Canad 1.
A Department Store to Trade
We have a very fine department
Store, located in one of the best towns
in Nebraska, stock of goods and
building worth $9,500. This to sell or
trade for good income property.
Weber & Farris, Lincoln, Neb.
Farms for Everybody
160 acres in north part of Howard
county, Nebraska. 90 acres cultivated
balance in grass and pasture. 55 acres'
fenced with 3 wires, hew cedar posts.
Good new frame house 26x20, frame
barn for 8 horses, chicken house, corn
crib, good cave, fine well and wind
mill. About 5 acres of alfalfa, nice
young trees. Soil is first class and
Plowed land is nearly all level. Good
road to market. The best farm in
Howard county .for the money; good
masons for selling. Price, $3,000.
rlte us for particulars. If you see
the place, you will buy it. Send for
our general list of lands. Van Decar
& Bradley, St Taul, Neb., or Wolbach,
Neb. '
Editor Independent: Wheat is
about 71 cents a bushel in Chicago.
This is no price when compared to
trust prices of other goods and so
much rag money. Here are some wheut
prices in former years, the highest
point in each instance;
1865 $1.25
18GG 2.03
18C8 2.M
18C9 1 47
1870 1.3;
1871 1.6 i
1873 i.4(i
1874 1.28
1877 1.7G
1878 1.14
1882 1.40
1883 I.I.",
This 71 cents is a starvation price
for the farmer when compared with
trust prices and rag money that costs
the national banks nothing and no
taxes to pay. That's what's the mat
ter with Mr. Huston in January 8U1
number of The Independent.
It is discrimination against the
farmer and wage-earner who dig al!
this wealth out of the ground.
Pittsfield, Pa.
Any brand.
We guarantee these.
Riggs' Celery and Sarsa-
parilla 61c
Riggs' Kidney Cure 64c
Riggs' Tasteless Cod
Liver Oil. ... 64c
Riggs' Emulsion Cod
Liver Oil 64c
Riggs' Pure Cod
Liver Oil T. 64c
Riggs' Castoria Pitcher's
Formula 13c
Riggs' Tropical Fig
Syrup 19c
Riggs' Hive Syrup 19c
Riggs' Soothing Syrup 19c
Riggs' Dandrutf Cure ..74c
Riggs' Hair Restorer 74c
Riggs' Beef Iron and
Wine 79c
Riggs' Cough Cure 19c
Riggs' Liquid Smoke 59c
Riggs' Dyspepsia Tablets.. .64c
Riggs' Trilby Headache
Cure 19c
Riggs' Catarrh Tablets 39c
Riggs' Cascara Tablets 19c
Riggs' Pile Cure 39c
Riggs' Eczema Cure 19c
Riggs' Formaldehyde 19c
This is the place to buy your
sundries. Mail orders prompt
ly rilled.
RIGGS... Cut Rater.
1321 0 STREET.
Llnco'n, Nebraska.
- 1! frrVisjifiM-sr, fa all 1 itutiim , mfui ii V nr. hi Tti 111 1 ,i ,
" f-WBirtmnffir" -
. . SISaLL. . t
Mobile and return $28.3.r
New Orleans and return 29. 5(
Havana, Cuba, and return. . 63.3;
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure is
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application is enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he,
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send you a
bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United States, Marshalltown, la.
The above special rates ant
many others with long limits and
stopovers on pale Feb. 17th to 22nd,
inclusive. All information at Wa
bash city oflice, 1601 Farnam St.,
or address,
Harry E. Moores,
Cien. Agt. Pass. Dept.,
The man who declares that the
world owes him a living always finds
out when it is too late that the world
is an awfully slow liquidator of its,