JANUARY 23, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, 5 mfri'3. too Ehoald have a Jas. Boss Stiffened GoldCase la order to nrntect thn works and lessen the cost of roDairs. Thfl Boss Case is made of two layers of solid gold with a layer of stiffening metal between. It Is better than a solid, gold case because it is stronger and so close-fitting as to keep out gas, moke, duBt and dampness. Bit V-' Stiffened GOLD Watch (Bass are recognized as the standard the world over, and old aa fiucb by all Jewelers. The Boas la tho only stiffened case in use long enongh to prove by actual wear that ticy wJ3 cailast the 25 year gsarar.tp. There is none "just as good." The Keystone trade mark hero shown la stamped In each Boss case &ST Consult the Jeweler. Write us for booklet. THE KEYSTONE WATCH CASE CO., Philadelphia "YOU CAN END IT" William Bandolph'iHearsfs Opan Letter to President Reosevelt Asking Him to End the Coal Famine William Randolph Hearst on Jan uary 8 devoted a whole page of the New York American to an open letter addressed to President Roosevelt, ask ing him to end the coal famine. The letter tells the whole story but will Roosevelt act? Mr. Hearst said: To Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States. Sir: On October 4, more than three months ago, I had the honor of addressing a letter to you, informing you that I had petitioned your attorney general for permission to furnish him with conclusive proofs of the existence of a coal trust. At the request of your attorney gen eral, I submitted my proofs to General Burnett, United States district attor ney for the southern district of New .York. Those proofs demonstrated, over the hands and seals of the corporations constituting the trust, that a combina tion of coal-carrying railroads abso lutely controls the country's supply of anthracite and fixes its price to the consumer. In the judgment of lawyers whose professional competency is quite as undisputed as that of your attorney general, those proofs if presented in court would suffice to dissolve the coal trust and subject its members to the civil and criminal penalties provided by law. Continuously since the submission of those proofs the coal trust has robbed the people, extorting famine prices for coal, a prime necessity of industrial and domestic life, yet no action against this trust has been tak en by your attorney general for the enforcement of the laws and the ra lief of the public. So remarkable has been the lethargy of your attorney general in the face of a condition of things which reaches the gravity of a widespread public calamity tliat in both houses of con gress a resolution has been intro duced calling upon him to disclose the evidence submitted by me through my attorneys in October last. These proofs aside, sir, neither you nor any other well informed citizen can doubt the existence of the coal trust, nor be ignorant of the organized brigandage which it has practiced and is practicing. You have but to consult the final report of the industrial commission to learn that the eight lines of railroad comprising the trust own nine-tenths of the anthracite deposits and mine three-quarters of the yearly product. From the same report you can ascer tain that in order to crush out compe tition these railroads have charged extortionate freight rates. Compared with the charge per ton per mile on bituminous coal the rate for carrying anthracite is so high that, in the lan guage of Industrial Commissioner HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. 0. We, . the undersigned, have known .F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WaUing, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills ar the best. Phillips, the excess charge "is greater every year than the interest on our national debt," and is "made possible by the railroad monopoly, now euph oniously called 'community of inter ests. " Tiie fact that the coal trust exists is notorious, and its character is univer sally understood. A former attorney general of the United States, Richard Olney, on Oc tober 11 last, in a public address at Boston, said that the members of the trust are the "most unblushing and persistent of law breakers," and he thus specified: "For years they have defied the laws of Pennsylvania, which forbids com mon carriers engaging in the business of mining. "For years they have discriminated between customers in the freiglu charges on their railroads, in viola tion of the interstate commerce law "For years they have unlawfully monopolized interstate commerce, in violation of the Sherman anti-trut law." Senator Spooner of Wisconsin, a member of your own party, high in your confidence, in last Monday's de bate on the Jones resolution direct ing the attorney general to transmit to the senate the evidence presented to him by me proving that a conspiracy in restraint of interstate trade exists, said: "I have been of the opinion that probably there is such a conspiracy." And he added that "if there be such a conspiracy it is one that should bs prosecuted as one absolutely wicked in its character and far-reaching in its deleterious effects. ... If one does ex ist it is a very merciless one, violat ing the laws of the United States and most harmful in every way." You, Mr. President, can have no doubt of this conspiracy, but, if there should chance to remain in your mind any such doubt, I suggest that you remove it by personally examining the 'exidence which I placed in pos session of your attorney general ia October. Sir, these men of the coal trust, enormously ri?h and politically influ ential as they may be, are criminals. They swell their great fortunes daily by deliberate law-breaking. And while your attorney general haa remained so strangely quiescent thest opulent aud politically influential criminals have adopted an old trust device for the double purpose of fur ther plundering the public and laying the basis for a fraudulent defence against the evidence now in the hands of the attorney general should he be gin proceedings against them. A pre tended division between them and the so-called "independent" operators has been arranged, whereby these so called "independents,'' who are utter ly in the power of the trust, shall seem to compete with the trust, and so prepare the ground for the false con tention that the trust is not a mo nopoly, but a legitimate business or ganization subject to competition. As the immediate result of this counter feit rivalry the price of coal has be mi doubled. As a citizen regardful of the public welfare, Kr. President, I respectful ly represent to you that the law officer of your administration has been, and is, remiss in hi3 duty in not proceed ing against the coal trust on the evi dence of its unlawful character sup plied by me to him last year. By that failure in duty he has en couraged the coal trust to take ad vantage of a situation largely of its own creation,. not merely to persist In it3 customary pillage of the people, but to enormously increase the scale of its extortion. The submission of evidence to your attorney general and my appeal to him to apply the. law to the coal trust having up to this time resulted in no action on his part, I turn from him to you. - ' In your public speeches and mes sages, Mr. President, you have often declared your conviction that the great combinations of capital commonly known as trusts should be subjected to the fullest publicity and brought within the regulating control of the law1; to the end that the public, while profiting by the concentration of capi tal in' business, may be protected against the incidental . evil effects of that concentration. I submit, sir, that there Js no other combination of capital in the country more contemptuous of law than the coal trust. And I further submit that the most effective method of subject ing it to publicity is to bring it into court to answer for its illegal of- The attorney general of the United States is your servant He must obey your commands or give way to a suc cessor who will do so. I appeal to you. therefore, Mr. Pres ident, to command your attorney gen eral to proceed against the coal trust, both civilly and criminally, on the evidence of its unlawful acts laid be fore him by me, or explain to the people of the. United States his rea sons for not doing so, if reasons suit able for public avowal he has. The people of the United States, President Roosevelt, have a right to expect action from you against the trusts in general and the coal trust in particular. No conspicuous public man of your party has so vehemently as yourself expressed a desire to pro tect the public from spoliation at the hands of combinations of predatory capital. And you have well said that "words are good when backed up by deeds, and only so." What better proof of your sincer ity could you give, what better deed in support of your words could you do, than by moving at once upon this insolent lawbreaker and wholesale robber of the people, the coal trust? As a citizen I have done my duty in supplying evidence for the attack to your attorney general. As a citizen I do my duty in turning from him to you when time has shown his in vincible reluctance to act. The coal trust continues to exist and continues to plunder because the laws are not enforced. For that non-enforcement of the laws, Mr. President, your attorney general is responsible to you, and if you shall uphold him in his refusal to act against the coal trust you will be responsible to the American people. Respectfully, WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. I "C m j 77 173 5k RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble and all Kindred Diseases. Swanson's -DROPS' will cure Rheumatism in any of its forms or stages of development. Applied ex ternally it affords instant relief from pain. Taken internally it rids the blood, tissues and joints of the uric acid and other poisonous matter, which are the canses of the disease. "5-DROPS" a never fails to cure Rheumatism, h Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia or Kidney Trouble. It has effected more cures of these ailments than all ciher remedies combined. It is the greatest blood purifier ever discovered. A Department Store to Trade We have a very fine department store, located in one of the best towns in Nebraska, stock of goods and building worth $9,500. This to sell or trade for good income property. Weber & Farris, Lincoln, Neb. IF it COUPON 66000 Cut this oat and send it with your am and address to Swanaon KfecainaUeCtir Co. . Cfa tea, aad r on wUl be nent a trial bottle at "ft. J If ''5-DROP5" is not obtainable In your locality order direct from us and we will send It prepaid on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle. Larye Sfxe Bottle (300 Doses) $1.00 For Sale by drnegtots. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE GO. 160 Lake Street, CHICAGO. . 320 Acre Farm for Sale All fenced, 200 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture, good nine-room house, barn 40x50, windmill and good dug well 86 feet deep, tank and lead pipes all in first class condition; 5 i lies from Stratton, 8 miles from Trenton, 1 mile from school, 1 miles from, the Republican river. $2,300. This is a great bargain. The Im provements alone cost mere than is asked for the entire farm. Write to day. Address The Independent, Lin coln, Neb. r. Vs-" es a . . j - ms Jc &5;',,fiei "&!; B 'iiS,i,; " e '" '- Vj OUR SPECIAL as as f w We Pay the Freight. We will deliver the following $10.00 combination to any town in the state of Nebraska, freight prepaid by us, any time during the month of January, 1903. Reference: First National Bank or The In dependent. GO lbs Rest Granulated Sugar for $1.00 20 jbs Choice Prunes 1.00 25 bars Good Laundry Soap LOO 2 lbs High Grade Japan Tea LOO 10 lbs High Grade Peaberry Coffee 2.00 6 lbs Fancy Bright Apricots 75 41bs Fancy Muer Peaches .50 4 lbs Fancy 4 Crown Large Raisins .50 G lbs Fancy Japan Head Rice .50 2 cans 16-oz Cream of Tartar Baking Powder .50 3 pkgs. 10 cent soda .25 3 pkgs 10 cent Corn Starch 25 3 pkgs 10 cent U loss atarch w 1 lb Pure Black Pepper .25 ifo 1 bottle Lemon Extract .10 W 1 bottle Vanilla Extract .10 f 2 doz. clothes Pins 05 All the above for $10.00 $ Orders for customers outeide of the state of Nebraska and on line jfo of railroad entering Lincoln add 75c to pay part of freight. , -yjf I Branch & Miller Go. 1 - SB fjfc Cor. 10th and PS ts. " - Lincoln, Neb. JS What we Advertise we Do. j