16 - THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JANUARY 29. 1903 i 1 7 SEAfiLb & SEARLES, SPECIALISTS IN Nervous, Chronic & Private Diseases of MKN & WOMEN. WECURE ALL MEN'S DISEASES AND NO PAY UNLESS CURED. W imarantpo to cnro all curable cases of the Nose,! h rout. Client, Stomach, Liver, Blood. 8kiu and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood, Night Kmissiowt, Hydrocele, Varicocele, (ion, orrhoa, Ulcet, Piles. Fistula and Hecial Ulcers Din bHes and Kright's Disease. $ I OO.OO for a casoot :atakkh, kiikumatim, 1YS- PJSPSlAor SVl'HILIS wo cannot euro, !f curub'e. llIOMK TREATMENT BY MAIL. Examination and consultation free. Call, or addrefs with utamp, P. O. Box 224. Drs. Scarles & Searles r. ml. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Money and the Taxing Power BY W. II. ASHBY, All Right3 Reserved. f Ths Rischt Thins:. Cancers Cured; jk, suffer pain and death from cancer? Dr. T. O Connor jcures caneena, tumors and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Address 130G O St., Lincoln, Nebraska. 2 U&2E22223 Free tature Sure It nurtured write to"lr. W. 8. Rice, HM Main St., Adarui, N Y., and ho will send free a trial of hie won derfiil method. Whether fkentical or nnt get this free method and try tho remarkable invention that cirea wlthcit pain, "dinner, oixratinn or detontion from work. Write to-day. Don't waifc FAT TO FAT People Feduceyonr 1 ! t a. weiEtit with nedUCto 1 educe your fat and be refined. l.enne your .f ct and i o reduced. "1 educto" Is a perf ctly harmless vegetable compound endorsed by thousands of physicians and people who have tried It. V o send you tho f ormula, you make "Hedueto" at homo if you desire, you know full well the Ingredients and therefore need have no 'ear of evil ellects. tend $1.C0 for re ceipt end Instructions everythlns mailed in plain mv -lope. Address Ginseng Chemical Co., 3701 5. Jefterson At., St. Louis Mo. i THE National Cornstalk Remedy The greatest discovery of the aire, prevents stock from dying of cornstalk disease. The remedy is a real preventive, we have such abso lute confidence in it that wo require no money from buyers until they have (ed and tested the remedy. If it is not as represented yon ray nothing. We want every farmer to try our remedy. It never foils when fed with salt as directed Order a pail today, which will protect 60 head for the season. The price is $lo.oo per pail. Address NATIONAL CORNSTALK REMEDY CO., JAS. R. MUIR, Manager, Ramge Block, Omaha, Neb. Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure is guaranteed to cure or money refunded. One application is enough. One bottle is sufficient for 4 head or more. You can buy it at your druggists or he can get it from his jobber. If he won't, write us direct and we will send vou a bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall Oil Company, sole sale agents for the United States, Marshalltown, la. Without 1901 Grinder any R or 10 foot Wind Mill now pumping your water will also grind all kinds of grain. A great machine at a bargain to Intro duce. E. B. WINGER 532 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago, iUlnois. of this ear Indicates a Trf eft tvne of thorough bred corn. The end of the harvest will demonstrate Vi far that our imoroved var intfo of Seed Corn will vield204 to bV more than the older kinds. It costs ly 25 Cents Per Acre to plant out choice, twted seed corn. You ' ran 't afford to risk doubtful Stock or inferior , varieties, l arge Illustrated catalog of fcSvar ieties of pedigreed Seed Corn and also Seed Whtlt, 0U. PoUtoef, t. Bi4lUd frMlf T Mtiea tMl paper. WlhUrgMtrdera4MliMUU.a. IOWA SEED CO., Set Moines, lows. 2 CHAPTER V. Having determined the nature and origin of value, we must next inquire into its relation to money. Knowing that value stands in some intimate re lation to money and that value is sim ply oar estimation of quantity of a modi? of manifestation of force, called "demar.d.'- it will manifestly be ad vantageous to investigate the methods adopted in dealing with those other modes of manifestation of force called gravitation, light, heat, clec tricty, etc., as well as the dimensions In .-i)ace, and duration in time. The object must be to learn, if we can, the purpose to be gained in deal ing with the force of demand, under which quantity of force of demand is ap:;rohrtded f.nd valued, and how it, like ollic 'fcn.-ee of nature, may be brought i.ndf r the dominion of man. From Kiitli investigation it will be pos sible to loam the origin, nature and f-inction of money. la the final analysis the total con tents of the human mind are reduci ble to tliR cens-ciousness of force op erating in space and time. Force is the l'orra of our consciousness of all the.phenonema of the universe. Space is tlx form of our consciousness of co existences. And time is the form of our consciousness of sequences. Our consciousness of phenomena as force, occupying two or more points in space, involving the conception of co existence, gives rise to the notion of extension. This we conceive as being of one, two or three dimensions. The perception of successive events, in volving the consciousness of se quences, gives rise to the notion of duration in time. It will be found that what is re quired in each case is to ascertain and express quantity. In order that we may definitely know the various recognized modes of force, and the different dimensions of extension in space, as well as of dura tion of time nd make that knowl edge serviceable to us it becomes necessary not only to invent or dis cover some appliance for ascertaining and determining quantity of each, but also in addition we must create a de vice for expressing those quantities, when so ascertained and determined. It is evident that the appliances first employed to ascertain quantity of force, extension and duration were crude and inexact Necessarily the devices for expressing those quanti ties were correspondingly imperfect. As the human intellect developed and human knowledge became more ex tensive and more exact, both the appliances for determin i n g and the devices for ex pressing quantity in each of these fields became more and more accurate: At length mathematics be ing applied to the creation of devices to express quantity of force, exten sion, or duration, gave the world the systems of weights and measures, now in use, by which it has become prac ticable to express with exactness any given quantity of force, under any known form, or of extension in space, or duration in time. When we look abroad upon the phenomena of the universe, considered simply as a manifestation of force in space and time, and contemplate our conceptions of extension in space and duration in time, we find ourselves upon an illimitable ocean, with no natural divisions or monuments con stituting a standard; and we, unfur nished with any means either of as certaining or expressing quantity of either. As we are not here concerned with the concrete appliances invented or adopted for ascertaining and de termining quantity, we will only glance at them and then carefully con sider only those devices created to en able us to express those quantities after they have been ascertained by such appliances. There being three dimensions of ex tension in space, it is apparent that a separate appliance for ascertaining, as well as a distinct device for expressing quantity, is necessary for each. Extension of one dimension only is length, without breadth or thick nesswhich defines a line. Extension of two dimensions gives length and breadth, without thick ness which defines a surface. Extension of three dimensions pro duces length, breadth, and thick n e s s which defines body. ' Not only is an appliance to ascer tain quantity of each necessary bu also a device becomes equally neces sary to express quantity of each of these; and we have called those de vices "linear," "square," and "cubic" measures, corresponding with the three dimensions in space. There is in human affairs an urgent need for a device by means of which to express quantity of each of those dimensions of space; and that neces sity brought forth such a device, the purpose of which is to enable us to express quantity of extension of the three dimensions, after having by suitable appliances ascertained that quantity. When we undertake to deal with se quences in time, we perceive at once the necessity of a device by means of which we may express quantity of duration. Force, notwithstanding its myriad forms, is our fundamental conscious ness of all existence. This force, more inscrutable than the Spliynx, becomes manifest to us through our various faculties, under the forms of gravi tation, sound, light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity, electricity, demand, etc. Each of these forms under which force manifests itself requires a sep arate device by means of which to express quantity of that particular form of force. Let us next try to ascertain what is the essential element constituting each of these devices. In the case of duration in time which, unlike the others, has but one form, we find this device with us to consist of the word "d a y," which we have divided into hours, minutes, and seconds. .Great confusion exists in the minds of men as to what our knowledge of these things really is. People im agine when they use the word "day" that it is the name of an object, as tangible as a horse "or a tree. It is nothing of the kind. The word "day" is the term adopted to stand as the symbol of the quantity of duration in time required by the earth to complete one revolution upon its own axis. The earth itself, in its changing re lation to- the sun, is the appliance made use of by man to ascertain and determine quantity of duration; but we use the word "day" as tiia symbol to express that quantity. The quan tity of duration required in the pro cess, we name a "day;" and because .we cannot in any way deal with the quantity of duration itself thus taken, we deal with the chosen symbol in stead, as if it were itself the quan tity of duration for which it stands; just as in algebra we deal with the- symbol "x" as if it were itself thp unknown quantity for which it stands. We truly have no knowledge of the quantity of duration for which our symbol called "day" stands. We can not know whether it is a long time or a short time; we only know it is that quantity of duration in time in which the earth revolves upon iU axis; and we express that quantity by the symbol "day." We bring to our help the aid of mathematics, and treating the word "day as if it were itself a fixed and unchanging quantity of duration chosen as a standard, with which to compare other quantities of duration, we use that word as the symbol of the standard unit of duration, and make it by the help of the numerals ex press any quantity of duration, in multiples or fractions of that unit. Any given quantity of duration may by the use of this device be expressed as so many times that symbol which stands for the standard unit of dura tion, or as equal to it, or such a frac tional part of it. But when we have so expressed it, that expression is but a symbol stand ing for a fixed quantity of duration, taken as a standard, of which we know nothing; except that we call it a "day." Neither is it requisite that we should know anything more of it, provided it shall always symbolize a quantity of duration that is fixed and unchangeable. (Continued Next Week.) A New Catarrh Core, Wh'ch is Rapidly Com ing to the Front. For several years, Kucalyptol Guaiacol and Hydrastin have been recognized as standard rem edies for catarrhal troubles, but they have al ways been given separately and only very recent- ' ly an ingenious chemist succeeded in comHning them, together with other antiseptics into a pieiisant ffective tablet. Druggists sell the remedy under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and it has met w th re markable success in the cure of nasal catarrh, bronchial and throat catarrh and in catarrh of the stomach. Mr. F. N. Benton, whose address is care of Clark House, Troy, N. Y. fays: "When I run up against anything thatisgoo'd Hike totell people ol it. I have been troubled with catarrh more or le-s fcr st.me tine. Last winter more than ever Tried several so-called cures, but did not get an" bent fit from them. About six weeks ago I bought a 50 cent tx x of gtuart's Catarrh Ta lets and am glad to say that they have done wonders for me and I do not hesitate to let all my friends know that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are the right thing." Mr. Ct o. J. Casanova of hotel Griffon. West 9th f-trect, New York City, writes: "I have com menced 11s ng Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and al ready they have given me better results than any catarth cure I have evertried." A leading physician of Pittsburg advises the use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in preference to any other treatment for catarrh of the heac, throat or stomach. He claims they are far superior to inhalers, salves, lotions or powder, and are much more convenient and pleasactto takeand are so? arm less that little children take them with benefit as they contain no opiate, cocaine or any poisonous drugs. All druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at 50 cents for full size r ackage and they art prob ably the safest aud most reliable cure for any form of catarrh. Lincoln Hide Market The Lincoln Hide & Fur Company, 92) R street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quoto t"e following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln, until further notice: No. 1 green salted hides, per lb., 7c, No. 2. 6c; bulls and side branded, c; horse and mule hides, large, each, $2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 5-8c per lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb., 12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and murrain hides .per lb., 5-10c. Our clas sifi:d fur list, together with little booklet telling how to trap, skin, stretch and handle furs and hides to obtain the best i -.ults, will be mailed free to all upon request, also write for tags and general information any time. All correspondence promptly attend ed to. I. II. Hat field-Attorney NOTICE. In compliance with the laws of the state of Nebraska, and especially in compliance with chapter 16 thereof entitled "Corporations tho president and a majority of the board of direct ors hereby give notice that all theexisting debts oftheCnshman Motor Company, of Lancaster county, Nebraska, amount to the sum of no dot lars. K. P. Coleman, M. A. Warren. Lee Arnett, L. S. Cuthman, E. B. Cuihman, directors and H. W. Datis, president. pi TALLOW. Jr. J WOOL, U fA FURS. p. Il-l PELTS. U Ffre Proof Site Large fire proof and burglar proof safe, 4y2 feet high, 3 feet square, for sale at a bargain. Address P. F; Zim mer. 11C South 10th st., Lincoln, Neb. Wanted A reliable man from tho country to represent us in every county in this state. A golden oppor tunity to. the right party. Can mal e from $1,000 to $1,500 a year. Ad dress The Ohio Paint & Varnish Co., Fine' lay, O. Pure Bred Seed Corn. REID'S YELLOW DENT. The corn that pays the rent. The acknowledged king of the corn belt. Selected, safe, souud seed, sent on approval In the ear. Write today for de scriptive circular of pure bred corn. Q. M. RICHARDSON. I Buffalo Hart, 111. (Sangamon Co.) Nebraska Farms for Sale Ranging in price from $30 to $43.50 per acre, within 20 miles of Lincoln, near church and school, in Seward county. For .further particulars ad dress J. D. Pence, Germantown, Neb., or J. A. Higinbotham, Shenandoah, la. ,--yr : - J