The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 22, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    JANUARY 22,. J90;
hundred choice bargains in Farms, Ranches, City Property, Stocks of Merchandise and Estab
; desire to buy, sell or trade property of any description we can suit you. Twenty years' exper-
We have on our list several
lished Business Properties. If vou
ienc dealing in Nebraska Real Estate enables-us to guarantee satisfaction to all customers. We give special attention to our Ex
change Department and now have several fine properties to trade The following are a few of the many bargains we have to offer
this week : ' r :
Fine Ranch Property Well
No. 5401100 acre ranch. 4G0 acres on
Loup riTor bottom, one milo from
Loop City, the county seat of Sherman
county. Fenced and cross fenced. 225
acres in cnltiyation, 100 acres of which
is in alfalfa, balance corn. Alfalfa
yields fire tons per acre, and com iO
to 5U bushels per acre. Watered by a
spring and Xioup river. No waste land
and about 12 acres of timber. Orch
ard bearing 0 bushels of apples, 20
bushels cherries, 40 bushels plums and
much small fruit. Five room house,
barn for i2 head of horses, cribs, etc.
The farm is sub-irrigated at from 6 to
10 feet; dry weather does not effect
this land. And section 85 which is oue
half mile south and one mile west of
the above, is rolling land, all fenced,
good wells, wind mills and tank.
Plenty of grass, good water, tine
past n re. The whole tract goes at
$22,000, half cash, and time to suit
buyer on balance.
No. 541. One section of deeded land, 4
sections of school land leased, five and
one half sections protected by home
stead entriek, controls a body of range
land 10 by 12 miles. 25 miles of wire
fence. Touches the Middle Loup in.
three places. Five wells, wind mills
and storage reservoirs. Can cut 2,000
ions of hay. One shed 32x112 feet,
. another shed 24x80 feet. Two sets of
buildings. 120 acres under cultivation.'
This great ranch goes at $15,000. We
. also have 400 head :of yearlings and'
" two year olds and 20 head of horses
for sals if the party desires them.
No. 540. 640 acres in Frontier county,
all fenced, 200 acres under plow, bal
ance fine grazing land, good well, wind
mill, three room frame house, frame
.barn for 8 horses, shed, double crib,
etc. Price, $7.50 per acre.
No. 543. Fine Dixon county farm of 80
acres, two miles northwest of New-,
castle. All under cultivation. Good,
improvements. This goes at $3,185.
No. 544. One of the best paying laund
ries in this state, in town of 5,0C0 pop
ulation. B' st of reason for selling.
Price, $2,500. This bargain will not
last long.
No. 545640 acres of land in Dawson
connty, 12 miles from Lexington. No
improvements. , Fine hay and grazing
laud. Price, $5,00 per acre.
No. 546. We have several splendid
business properties including under
taking and furniture. s.
No. 547. 160 aerea three-quarters of a
mile from Exeter, Neb. ; high clas im
provements. This is a great bargain.
Write for further description.
No. 4!H. We BtlH have some choice bargains
in sugar licet land. Easy payments. Sell
in tract ot any size from 40 acrs up. Full
set of improvements on every piece of land
sold. Only one-tenth cash. Ten years on
the balance.
No. 5'!fi- A paying manufacturing business in
the city or Lincoln, worth ftSO.OOO to ex
change for Urge body of land. Anybody
that wants to consider this write for de
tailed description of business. 'J his is a
No. 53 '. 80 acres, all under plow but 1 2 acres.
All fenefd. Two barns, 1,001 earing fruit
trees, cherries, apple?, plums and much
Email fruit. House ltii.'S one and one-half
stories bivh with I. luxlH ft loot ceillng.stone
wall cellar under whole building. 10 miles
from Lincoln, 0 miles from Valparaiso, 6
miles f rora t'eresco, and 4 miles from Agnew,
being located in Lancaster county, 'lhis is
certainly cheap at $42.59 per acre.
No. 537. 100 acre farm 4 miles from Valpa
raiso. f-mall house an;! stable and other
l.ulldinjs. 120 acres under cultivation. . 30
or 40 acres in winter wheat Good well and
running water. For a short time we are
authorized to sell this at $37.50 per acre.
No. 539. ' Nice clean stock of groceries invoic
ing W.000 in one of the best towns in Ne
braska, to trade for farm.
No:53!i. 320 acres of choice bottom land in
the Wood river valley. 1 awson county, Joins
the town site of Eddyvtlle, Nebraska. 230
acres under cultivation, balance in pasture.
All fenced. 10 acres native timber. House,
well and windmill, barn, feed yards, water
reservoir with water piped into yards. The
yield of corn on this land last year averaged
50 bushels per'acre. 1 here is no better land
in the state of Nebraska. Eddyville Is a
town of 500 population. This goes at 20
per a re, one-half cash and easy terms on
No. 549. One of the best bargains that has
ever been offered in Lincoln residence prop
erty. Nine room house all finished In hard
oil, city water inside and out, gas for light
ing and cooking, s-plendld locality one
block trom public school. Hood barn with
bins for grain, coal etc., mow for hay. Will
rent for $30 per month, 'i his property would
be cheap at $5,000 but we are going to sacri
fice It lor $3,200 if sold at once,
No. 550. $2,000 residence for exchange. In
one of the best towns in the state. Good
shade trees, fine location, modern, will ex
change for residence in Lincoln or farm in
eastern part of Nebraska and pay difference
in cash.
No. 528 -A good drag store in lire town
with well established business, to
trada for land or ottisr property.
Worth $3000.
No. 522 A 160 acra farm ia Missoari
worth $2000, bringing a ood income;
will sell on easy tarmi, or trade for
any good property.
No. 513. A first-class hardware and Im
plement businssa to oxshange for well
improved farm.
No. 512. This it a Holt county farm of
160 acres; boose, barn, wol windmill,
fine hay land, 30 acres under cultiva
tion and a very nice grove of young
trees. This farm for $900.
No. 51780 acres of school land two
miles from town; one-half under cul
tivation, good building and well ;
small but very fine fruit orchard. This
is a snap at 1,200,
No. 513. Here is a . Holt county - farmer
who has made enough money to move
to town and retire. He now offers his
choice farms for sale. 26) acres two
miles from Stuart, 10 room, two-story
house, large, well-built barn, good
fences, a fine grove, 60 acres in alfalfa,
100 acres under cultivation, 80 acres in
meadow and hay, school house on the
corner. This will bear investigation.
No. 614. A Saunders county farm of 120
acres. Good five-room house, large,
well-built barn, sheds, cribs and other
' out-buildings, good well and wind
' mill, all under fence and all under cul
1 -tivation except 15 acres ia pasture. A
fine fruit orchard. If sold at once this
; goes for $5,000.
No. Saunders county farm,
good house, two-story barn, and ether
out-buildings ; nearly all under culti
vation ; excellent neighborhood, close
to school. $45 per acre.
No. 514. 90-aere farm, one-half tame
hay. balance pasture; all fenced, no
buildings, two and one-half miles from
town. This is a bargain and will hear
No. 509. 480 acres of choice land in high
state of cultivation;' 30 aurea in al
falfa 3 two cats of good improvements ; .
beautiful groves and fine orchards;
four and one-half miles from town and .
half mile from school. We are offer-
ing this for a short time at $45 "pr .
acre, but remember first to come yets
this gilt edge bargain. This body of
land is in Fillmore, one of the best
counties in this state.
No. 510. Here Is another Fillmore
county farm of 490 acres. 100 acres in
hay land and pasture, the balanco
under cultivation. First-class im- -provemnuts,
five miles from town and t
is for sale at $37.50 per acre.
No. tit. Another genuine bargain in
Fillmore county land 165-aore farm,
100 acrea under cultivation, balance in
meadow and pasture, two miles from
town and convenient to school. Good
improvements and it goos at $30 per
No. 505 A good farm four milos from
town. 160 acres. First-class house, barn
, and other improvements; fins orchard.
This is a beautiful home, and a rare
bargain at $45 per aero.
No. 506. Here is ac up-to date farm ; the
very beBt improvements and a beauti
ful home for an body. It is very
cheap at $50 per acre.
No. 507. $7,500 buys a 160-acre farm in
one of the richest counties in the state,
four miles from town. Hmall house
and barn and other buildings, well,
wind mill, etc.
No. 508. A fine piece of land, three and
one-half miles from town, no build
ings, one-half in tame grass, tO acres
in all. You will have to search a long
time to find a better bargain than this
at $35 per acre. '
No. KR A 200-acre farm, well improved,
in Fillmore couuty, three miles from
town, close to school. We are author-
ized to offer this at $10 per acre for a
short time.
No. 501. Another 80-acre farm, four
miles from the county seat. Good im
provements and nearly all under culti
vation. This goes at 3,200. A splen
did home for the lucky buyer.
No. 502. 80-acre farm one mile from
town. 72 acres under cultivation and
8-acre pasture. Good house and barn, -wind
mill, etc. This is cheap at $3,800.
No. 503. A 160 acre farm, good house
and out buildings, fine orchard, 5 miles
from Geneva, Nebraska. This goes at
$6,400 and is one of the best bargains
ever offered in Nebraska land.
No. 501. One of the lest farms in Saun
ders county, 160 acres, one and one
'half miles from town, fine improve-
- ments. $45 per acre is certainly very
cheap for this piece of property.
' No. 500,-r-A splendid 80-acre farm, in the
central part of the state, two miles'
from the county seat. Good Louse,
barn, cribs; etc., orchard; all under
cultivation and all fenced. A bargain .
at $3,000.
Should none of the above interest you, write us fully stating just what you want; give details regarding location, price
you desire to pay, terms, etc., and if we do not happen to be in touch with exactly what you want will find it for you. It you;
have real or rerson'al property to sell send us a complete description with price and we will find you a cash buyer; if you have any
thing to trade list it with us and we will find you a bargain. Remember it costs you nothing to list your property with us, and
only a very small commission when we nnke a deal for you.
Our information and facilities are extensive, exclusive and confidential and nothing is too large, or too small, or too far
away for us to handle successfully. Write us freely and confidentially at any time for any information you desire pertaining to
our line of business.
1 . 4
Webr & Pn-is, IQOR fl St I innnln Nnh.
The Bankers Reserve Life
Last week The independent pub
lished the annual financial statemen
of the Bankers Reserve Life, Omaha;
Cpage '6)., .; Doubtless the formidable
array of figures prevented some of our
readers from giving the statement the
attention it justly deserves for many
persons have a horror of figures. Al
though only three years old, the Bank
ers Reserve Life, harrassed on every
hand by the old-line trust, and given
no very -warm welcome by the Ne
braska insurance department, had in
force on the last day of December,
1902, over five million dollars of in
surance ($5,234,500) ; during the year
1902 It wrote over two and a quarter
millions ($2,332,750); and after de
ducting the policies that had lapsed
(something inevitable in any com
pany, -and to be counted on with al
most the same degree of accuracy as.
the death rate) it made a net gain of
$1,813,000 in the amount of insurance
in force.. ' :
The Bankers Reserve Life has $50,-,
S50 of gilt-edged bonds and mortgages
deposited with the state auditor. Dur
ing the year it paid $8,500 of death
claims and has none unpaid or in
course of litigation. Its income in
premiums for the year was $179,509.14.
In addition to a promition fund of ten
thousand dollars it has a surplus over
and above liabilities amounting to
B. II. Robisoti, the genial, hard
working president of this concern, is
to be congratulated for the abundant
success which has crowned his ef
forts. In no small degree is this to
be attributed to his bright, persistent,
intelligent advertising, with which In
dependent readers are so familiar.
The Poor Old Vag
The fright was cold and he was old;
His back was bent and money spent:
Dressed, too. in rags, like other vags,
He'd walked the street with naught
to eat
For two long days, he tramped the
In need of bread, yet still unfed.
Hunger increased, though hope had
ceased ' '
Famished and weak, ' he Still Was
meek I
As night grew dark, he sought, the
The somber shade the pine trees mads.
Seemed kinder then, than haunts of
Or rock-pile feed, or chain-gang creed..
Paid by the town, a cop came down
And spied the vag, like hunted stag.
The tramp he sought, he roughly
And being stout, he yanked him out!
Next day in court he made report:
'This drunke vag with heavy jag
This son of su, I run him in
By club and nerve which ever serve.
To guard the weak and vengeance
On tramping vags who take their jag.?,
Where young sports wend to meet a
Or nurse-maids go to find a beau!"
The poor old vag look ed at the flag
In vain the plea! The court's decree
No misery knows, nor mercy shows.
Up, he was sent and all' it meant
For sixty days the chain-gang
Yet pardon came, in death's dread
na ne. .
The gafte swung wide Saint Peter
"This way, my son the prize you
won!" ;,
' ; Pasadena, Cal, - !
1 -0UkMlJ
TH 111 L. ft. r .1 , J ,
I It m i ;.r. iww. iwiim d rnninc pnu ttni r '
any reader of this puper. No am'T ! idTHFti erjr low"
MtipithretrBtM. COSTS ALMOST NOTHING -i"r4
with most all other treatment. rihlloer!e
lri btlta, pp!laafM ud rtBMllct fall. Qrilk fl kg for taors
llita BO allaaata.-Oaly rare aura far atl Mtaaa dhaam.
waakaaea aa -JOMlin. For complete Healed con
Bdentlol ' ..MinrMe, cut this ad. out and mail to tm.