1 4 : THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. JANUARY 22, 1903. RAILROADS AND POSTOFFICES t Express Matter Carried at One-Tenth the Cost of Mall on tlia Santa Trains Everywhere It has been announced that Con gressman Loud who fought for so many years for the interests of ex press companies as against the post offlce system and who was beaten by an overwhelming majority for re election, will at the end of his term he" appointed fourth assistant post master, which otiice has charge of the mail carriers whom he accuses of hav ing planned his defeat In that way he proposes to get even with them. The IndepeDdent long ago declared that it was not the mail carriers who beat Loud, for they were too few in numbers and too closely confined to their duties. Others are taking the same view of the matter. A letter in the Springfield Republican discusses that matter in a way that is interest ing to the general public, and there fore it is reproduced. In your recent editorial bearing the above title, did you not perhaps give the letter carriers too much credit for the defeat of Congressman Loud of California? Is it not just possible that Mr. Loud's defeat may have been due to the fact that in his political life he appeared to be the servant of certain private corporations rather tha"n of the public whom he was sworn to serve? One thing is quite certain, the letter carriers make up but a very small part of the voting population of Mr. Loud's congressional district I recall an incident that oc curred during the railway mail pay investigation in the latter part of De cember, 18m. Mr. Ernst of Boston was on the stand. Mr. Loud was the general manager of the committee and chief examiner. Mr. Ernst's testimony aid not please the chairman. It went to disprove his theories as to railway mail $ay, and he became very dis courteous, interrupting the witness continually and trying to trip him. Finally, Senator Chandler, vexed by the honorable chairman's rudeness, said to him: "Let the man alone, Mr. Loud; let him give his testimony as he pleases." "It strikes me that the senator is acting as counsel for the witness here," replied the chairman. Quick as thought, the sarcastic voice of the senator rang out: "It strikes me that some folks are acting as coun sel for the railways here." Had a bomb exploded in the Chamber the result could have hardly been more startling. The members of the com mittee jumped to their feet, and one of them said, "If that be the case then I think I had better leave." The witnesses were driven out of the chamber; Senator Chandler left quick ly and the witnesses followed him to his room and thanked him for defend ing them. I was one of those wit- From Inflammatory Rheumatism . Would Have Killed Our Son. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Saved Him. "We bejjan to use Dr. Miles' Nerve a.nd Liver Pills six years ago. My wife had liver trouble and a neighbor gave her some of your liver pills to try, after which we bought a bottle of them and my wife used them un- ; til cured. Since then I have used them and I must Say that I have never used any pills that rave me the satisfaction these have. We also use Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills with greatest satisfaction. "Three years i ago our , ' son Harry had inflammatory rheumatism. He had suffered so much that I believe if we had not given him Dr.' Miles' Anti-Pain Pit's which relieved him almost instantly he would . have died. I am always plad of the oppor tunity for praising Dn Miles' Remedies.1' James Evertt, Alton, Ills. L "I was afflicted with neuralgia for years and never found any permanent relief till I began using Dr. Miles Anti-rain rills. They are a sure cure for headache and neu ralgic pains. Only this morning I recom mended them to a friend with a severe head ache and in a half hour he came into the store smiling. The headache was gone. We f use them in the family and find them excel lent for the women folks. Thia high altitude makes them very nervous. Grandma says I should tell Dr. Miles she could not live nere were it not for the Anti-Pain Pills that she takes occasionally." L. B. Morris, Helena, f Montana. ; All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Cc- Elkhart, led. nesses. Some hours passed before quiet was restored and the hearings begun again, but from that time for ward the witnesses received somewhat more courtesy. Now it may be that the voters of Mr. Loud's district nad come to Sena tor Chandler's conclusion as to their representative and had determined to make a change. Certainly the people of the United tates are to be ton Cratulated on the defeat of a man who opei-ly declared himself an inveterate foe of the postoffice and who in his office as chairman of the house postal committee used all his power not only to prevent the advancement of thn postoffice, but to transfer the business to private corporations. If anything were lacking to warrant the necessity of an organization like our postal I Jgresa league to protect and to ad vanc .' this most wonderful public ser vice, it is the possibility of such offices as that of chairman of the house pos tal committee falling into the hands of a man who holds such views as Mr. Loud's respecting the postoffice. In each of the reports on his three successive bills attacking the organs of public intelligence and aiming at (he destruction of the liberty and in dependence of the American press; in each of these reports, he declares that the public sentiment for the postoffice is "a maudlin sentiment;" that the postoffice is not a public necessity; that it ought to be turned over to pri vate corporations, and finally that its very existence is a "wrong" because the cheapness and beneficence of its operation implies its extension over the whole field of transportation and transmission. What wonder that there is a deficiency in postal revenues while the business is under the con trol of men bent on turning it over to private corporations? I recall the fact that in 1899 Senator Wolcott of Colo radonow seeking re-election was chairman of the senate postal com mittee and at thj same time, as I am credibly informed, counsel for several important railroads. May not the de votion of the chairman of postal com mittees to private corporations ac count for the fact that the railroads tax the government from 8 to 10 times as much as they tax the express com panies for similar services? and may not this unnecessary burden be the real cause of all the annual deficien cies in the postal revenues? I have before me one of the Adams express books. It advertises to carry newspapers collect and deliver be tween all points on the 50,000 miles of its Adams and Southern express combination fpr one cent a pound, and this even on special mail or newspaper trains; and where there is no wason service the rate, station to station, ! within this 50,000-mile combination is c 3-half cent a pound, except within New England, when it is considerably less I think rather less than four tenths of a cent a pound. Now the haulage of newspapers costs as much as th.3 haulage of other kinds of rner e'lanaise "A pound is a pound for a' that and a' that." And if newspapers can je transported between any two stations in this great area by the ex press companies for half a cent a pound then general merchandise can be t-vnsported for the government by the. r.ii! roads as express or mail trains at .-n:ilar rates. Yes, and at lower rates; for do Hot the railways accept from the express companies 40 per cent of their receipts as the railroad share of the business? and 40 per cent of half a cent is a fifth of a cent a pound or 20 cents a hundred. Now there is steady move on the part of the railways and express com panies to increase transport rates, and this with no good reason; for their increased earnings at present rates finite suffice to meet their tardy in crease of wages and the improve ments in their machinery and tracks more than meet any other increased cost of operations. And this increase in railroad taxation is evidently to go on until it has reached "what the subject will bear." There is certainly no limit, to their power of taxation and in .tV determination of this taxation over $1,200,000,000 annually the pub lic have no representation whatever on the tax board. JAMES L. COWLES. Farmington, Conn. n (is ft (s .is to OUR SPECIAL to to We Pay the Freight. Wn -ri!l rlflirr.!- ihe, fnWnrvinrr 10 00 r nrnhinaf.inn tr anv trwr in the state of Nebraska,' Freight prepaid by us, anytime during the 1 month of January, 1903. Reference: First National Bank or The In- DEPENDENT. A Monetary Congress In a personal letter to the editor of The Independent, the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., (240 West 23rd st, New York,) say that Hon. Alex. Del Mar is now engaged in writing a book entitled "History of Money in Italy," including the republics of Venice, Genoa, Florence, Pisa and Lucca, which upon completion will be pub lished by the Cambridge people. Read ers of The Independent are doubtless familiar with Mr. Del Mar's "The Sci ence of Money" and some of his other ft ft ft ft 70 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 20 lbs. Choice Prunes . 1.00 25 bars Good Laundry Soap 1.00 2 lbs. High Grade Basket Fired Japan Tea 1.00 10 lbs. High Grade Peaberry Coffee 2.00 Gibs. Fancy Bright Apricot3 75 4 lbs. Fancy Muer Peaches . , . , 50 4 lbs. Fancy 4 Crown Large Raisins 50 0 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Rice 50 2 cans 16-oz Cream of Tartar BakiDg Powder .50 3 pkgs. 10 cent Soda 25 3 pkgs. 10-cept Corn Starch 25 3 pkgs. 10 cent Gloss Starch 25 1 lb. Pure Black Pepper 25 1 bottle Lemon Extract 10 1 bottle Vanilla Extract .10 2 doz. Clothes Pin3 .05 All the above for $10.00 Orders for customers outside of the state of Nebraska and on line of railroad entering Lincoln add 75c to pay part of freight. Branch H er Go. Cor. loth and P Sts. What we Advertise we Do. Lincoln, Neb. books on the question of money and the precious metals. Alexander Del Mar was born in the city of New York, August 9, 1836. Af ter graduating at a polytechnic, he was educated as a civil and mining engi neer. In 1857 he formed the design of writing a history of the precious metals. .This led to his study of mon ey. In 1862 he published "Gold Mon ey and Paper Money," and in 1865 "Essays on the Treasury." In this year he was appointed director of the bureau of statistics, at that time a board of trade, with executive func tions, among others the supervision of the commissioners of mines, com merce, railways, immigration, etc. In 18C6 he was appointed the American delegate to the international congress which met at Turin, Italy, and in 186S delegate to The Hague. In 1872 (Greeley campaign) he was nominated by Mr. Greeley's friends for secretary of the treasury. In the same year he represented the United States at th.3 international congress in St. Peters burr, Russia. In 1876 he was appointed mining commissioner to the United States monetary commission; 1878, clerk to the committee on naval expenditures, house of representatives; 1870, he pub lished his "History of the Precious Metals'"' the labor of twenty-two years; 1881, he published "A History of Mon ey in Ancient States;" 1885, "Money and Civilization, or a History of Mon ey in Modern States;" 1889, "The Sci ence of Money;" 1895, his crowning work, "A History of Monetary Sys tems in Various States;" 1898, "The Science of Money," 2d ed.; 1899, "A History of Monetary Crimes;" 1900, "The Science of Money," 3d ed.; 1900, "A History of Money in America;" 1901, "A History of Monetary Sys tems," 3d ed.; besides several histori cal works and archaeological treatises; of great interest, all of which havej been reviewed with the highest com-! mendations by English, French 'and! American critics. Mr. Del Mar is likewise the author of numerous pamphlets and other minor publica tions chiefly on politico-economical topics. For the past twenty years, Mr. Del Mar has given practically nis whoje time to original research in the greac libraries and coin collections of Eu rope on the subject of the history of money and finance. His future works, both of which are well advanced to ward completion, will be a new edi tion of the "History of the Precious Metals," in two volumes, and "The Politics of Money," in one volume. The Cambridge Encyclopedia Co. say further: "He (Mr. Del Mar) intimated that a monetary congress, similar to the Memphis convention of 1895 might usefully be called next sum mer, in one of the western states, to outline those principles and policies concerning money, which should be offered to the suffrages of the people ROY'S DRUG STORE 104 Mil in SL We say "Roy's" drug storeas a matter of fr.ct it Is EVERYBODY'3 drug store almost Roy only con ducts It, buys and keeps to sell .he goods, and meet and force competition. Our patrons do the rest We want La remind you of seasonable goods, viz: Garden Seeds, Condit: - Powders, Lice Killers, B. B. Poison, Kalsomine, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. We make a specialty of all kinds of Stock and Poultry Foods, etc. Don't miss U3. Rovs' 1 04 Flo I Gth LINCOLN, NEB. EI FAT TOO FAT People Reducto' Reduce your Weight With tfeauce your rat and be refined. Kefino your fat and I e reduced, "heducto" Is a perfectly harmless vegetable compound endorsed l.y thousands of physicians and people who have tried It. We send you the Formula, you make "Reducto" at home If you desire, yon know full well the ingredients and therefore need have no fear of evil etrects. bend i. 00 for re celpt and lnstructions-Mverything mailed in iiitui tfiiveKjpe.. Address Ginseng Chemical Co, 3701 S. Jefieraon At., St. ton! Mo- ...THE. National Cornstalk Remedy The preatest discovery of the ao, prevent! stock from dymiar of cornstalk disease. The EE iV rM PTntv we have such abso lute confidence in it that we require no money from buyers until they have fed and tested the remedy. Ifiti. tint n. mt.. tA .... . We want every farmer to try our remedv It never fail, when fed with lilt Is directed Order a pail todey, which will protect 60 head Addresa PnCe $,0 0 er Pil- NATIONAL CORNSTALK REMEDY CO., JAS. R. MUIR, Manager, Ramge Block, Omaha, Neb. in 1904. Why not Nebraska? is our own suggestion." Why not, indeed? Nebraska would be an ideal place to hold it say in Omaha or Lincoln.