The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 22, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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JANUARY ' 22, 1903.
SEAnLb &
Nervous, Chronic
& Private Disease
' Vt gnarantoe to euro all curable cases of
the Non,Tbroat, Cbc Stomach. Liver, Blood.
8k in and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood,
Night Emission, Hydrocele, Varicocele, (ion,
orrhea, Gleet, Files. Fistula and Fecial Ulcers
Diabetes and Hright Disease. $100.00 for a
ease Of CATARRH, KHhUMAl IM, 1Y8
PEPSIAor SYPHILIS we cannot care, If
Examination and consultation freo. Call, or
ttidrees with stamp, P. O. Box 24.
Drs. Scarlcs Searles SSE&tiS.
I I Uuilde.1 Cherries toe each; iludtleil Peaches tc each;
cood varieties; Concord Crape fSper 100; 110 Ash f 1;
B.a4 B.Uroti, Kuwiaa MulbWTT,,. 1 prlra, high auaUtr Ctulof frM.
Galbraith Nurseries, Box 85, Fan-bury, Nebraska.
Trees That Grow
The best sod hardiest
varieties. See our price,
discs unn
WL.W cr&ZS' Sloe
trated Cab
or English free.
German Hnrssrits.
Crl Souderegper, Prop.,
21, Beatrice, Hb.
3Q I The Royal Incubator
I la so (rood and works '
!so well Hint we don't
nsk you to buy it be-
mr jin try, It uum;
tutcmtlt eertal in n
lutts. May Mod you on
on tlt? Catalucn fro.
Of p. ,Dea oiBCt.ts.
fl B SO B V
IMflew Regulator
on the Pare Hnteh iirreally u to
mat lo and direct acting greatest
improvement of years. Don't par
doable price for old style machines.
met our nook ana rree trial oner.
Claj ctntsr, Pen., or Columbus, Ohio.
,0N'T Set Hens the Same Old
ana let lice mm mem on uie nest.
Tiffany's Sure Deuth to Lie Powdr i
wilt kill all vprmiuiind your h. n will brin
. berbrootl off free from lice, 1 lffany's Pars .
goo Lice Killer "Liquid," guaranteed to kit
all lice and mils. Instantly kills lice on
colts, calves, and hogs. By using our Sprayer a very
litlegoeftagratway. Penetrates all cracks. Spray
bottom of house for spider 1 ice. It i a potorrul dirtiv
ftctant. II per gal. cao;65c M gai One gallon and
Sprayer, $1. AO. ' C..11 get it frcewk -re no agents by a
UtUe war h , Torn Trtwii Ca. Lincoln. Neb.
X . if
With Our 1901 Grinder
any 8 or 10 foot Mind Mill now
pumping our water will alRo
grind all kinds of grain. A great
machine at a bargain to Intro
duce. . . ... ,.
532 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago
The best bok on strawberry growing ever writ
ten. It tells how to grow the biggest crops of big
berries ever produced. The book is a treatise on
Plant Physiology and explains how to make
plants bear Big Herri and l ota of Them.
The only thoroughbred scientifically giown
Strawberry Plants to be had for spring plant
ing. One of them is worth a dozen common
scrub p ants. They grow BIG RED BER
RIES. The book is sent free to all readers ot
the Nebraska. Ihdfpewdent. Send your ad
dress to R. M KELLOGG,
for well established bouse in a few counties,
calling ob retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses.
' oavabl $19. 10 a week in cash and expenses ad-
vanced." Position permanent. Business snc-
eesalal and r ashing, btandard House,324 Drar
born St., Chicago, '
Money and tlie
' BY W. It
All R!ghts Reserved.
Taxing; Power
ASHBY. ; :
Having glanced at the conditions
out of which the force of demand
arises, and -having seen what It i
fact is, we now proceed to an investi
gation of the action of this force.
The force of demand acts unon the
supply of wealth. . These are common
ly spouen or a "demand and supply.
Whatever thing constituting wealth,
men, under the conditions named,
etrive to obtain and retain ;in posses
sion, becomes the object-of the force
of demand. It would seem superflu
ous to point out that there never was.,
and never tan be, any force of de
mand for anything that is incapable of
being made to perform any service
deemed beneficial to him, by man.
But strange a3 it may appear,' it Is
needful to call special attention here
to this, self-evident truth, which many
writers have tacitly repudiated.
The force of demand for the supply
of wealth, simple as it appears, is one
of the most complicated and difficult
matters to grasp in the whole rang?
of human knowledge. The supply j
not a unit. It is divided and in the
separate adverse possession of count
less individual:?. Each individual, cut
of possession of a given thing, whklx
he seeks to obtain, to be able to pro
duce the force of demand, must him
self be in the like possession of som
article or capability lor service which
he can persuade the possessor of thp
article he seeks would be more ben
eficial .to him than that now possessed
by him.
Thus each side must seek to obtain
possession of something possessed by
the other, and each mrst seek to re
tain possession of that which he has,
until prevailed upon to part with it.
Each side must, possess something
which the other believes can serv
that other beneficially, by supplying
some need; and each must be made
to believa that his need requires t'v:
thing possessei by the other..
When these conditions are found at
the same point of space and time, thj
lorce of demand is set in motion.
, Each side seeks to obtain - the
most possible of beneficial servict
required by his needs, for the relin
quishment of the least possible
quantity. He tacitly or consciously
recognizes the potentiality for ben
eficial service with which the thing in
his possession is endowed, as so much
energy under dominion of his own
will, and is impelled to hoard it and
to use it sparingly as he would tho
energy of his body.
There Is no guide or means of ascer
taining the relative quantity of thaz
force of demand acting upon each,
and each party Is condemned to a mere
mental estimate or valuation of the
degree of intensity with which that
force of demand acts upon the one
article relatively to the other. Its play
upon the one is regarded only as it Li
more or less intense than its play
upon the other.
Moreover it is not alonfi ihp pffnrt
of the two parties that enter into the-
struggle. Thousands of others strug
gle to obtain the one or the other ar
ticle, or perhaps both, and so increase
the complexitias of action of the for-.s
of demand.
Meantime the - parties engaged in
negotiating the proposed exchange,
each must include in his estimate or
valuation of the quantity of the force
of demand for each, not only the de
mand produced by his own efforts, but
also that demand produced by the
struggles of al! the others who strive
to obtain one cr the other of the ar
ticles involved. It is this complex,
mass of conflicting and intermingling
of the force .of .demand upon which
each must make his estimate or val
uation oi the final quantity of that
force acting upon each article.
Now,' it mut be settled here once
for all that thi3 estimate or valuation
is an estimate or valuation of the
quantity - of sthe force of demanl
for the article; and is not an act con
cerning the article itself. Where there
is no force of demand there can be no
&uch thing-as -an estimate or valua
tion. This .has been asserted in. . a
crude way by faying that "things for
which there Is nc demand are with
out value." But "value" is hot the
name of a thing.; When the quantity
of the force of demand for a thing ii
estimated or' valued, it is
that estimate or quantity of demand
that is meant by its "value." It is not
the value of the thing, but the
valuation of the quantity of th
force of demand for that thing.
The. misuse of "this'word, "value,"
arising from ignorance, is the cause
of much confusion.
It is not the name of a thing, like
the word "hor3e."
It. is of the same nature as the
words, -'weight," "height," "age,''
"length," etc.
Take examples of how these are
improperly used. We hear every day
the following;
What is the "weight" of that horse?
What is the "height" of that horse V
What is the "value" of that horse?
Now, each of these forms is imper
fect. The question as asked in each
case calls merely for a definition of
the word, "weight," or "height," or
"value.". It is evident when the ques
tion is: "What is the 'weight of that
horse?" that his weight is not dif
ferent from weight elsewhere. -But
what it is really desired to learn by
the question is not what "weight" es
sentially is, but "what is th?
quantity of weight of that partic
ular horse?"
We have physical appliances by
means of which we can ascertain the
quantity of weight of the horse, but
the. quantity of force of demand for
the horse is not ascertained by any
physical appliance to determine the in
tensity of the force of demand, but is
the result of a mere mental process
which we call an estimate or valua
tion of that force of demand. So
when we seek to learn the quantity of
that force of demand, we should say,
"What is the quantity of value of
that horse?"
Seeing then that value is simply aa
estimated or "valued" quantity of the
force of demand acting upon-a gm:n
article of wealth at a given time and
place, just as weight is a "weighed"
quantity of the force of gravitatic n
acting upon a ponderable bodv at c
given altitude, we shall find an in
vestigation of the whole theory of
weights and measures will greatly as
sist to a clear understanding of what
this vague term "value" really repre
sents. For it has been demonstrated
that value is not in the things which
constitute wealth, but is a "valued"
quantity of that force of demand which
arises from the expenditure of ener
gy in f fforts to overcome adverse pos
session of those things under a sys
tem which guarantees that posses
sion and prohibits the use of violence
"Value' is not an estimate of the
things constituting wealth; it is an
estimate or "valuation" of the quantity
of the force of demand for that wealth.
When we thu3 see what value really
Is and whence it arises, we perceive
how absurd it is to think or speak jf
value as residing in anything.
(Continued Next Week.)
D. W. Timberlake. Mi'ddlewav;-w.-
'a.: I had aout' decided not to sub
icribe, as I nhi taking Mr. Bryan'?
paper, but after taking up my pen to
tVrite I picked ud the number nf TV-
ijomber 18 and glanced over the ar
ticles on the first page: ."Anti-Tnist
Mills," and "Money and the Taxing
r'ower, and then decided to become a
ubsenber. Find enclosed $1.
G. F. Schmidtlein, Woodville, Ore.:
If it is good for the people to take the
tariff off coal, why isn't it good to tako
it off sugar,, barb wire and coal oil?
You are doing good work. (It would
seem that taking the tariff off - coal
would benefit the foreigner you know,
he "pays the tax." Ed. Ind.)
Mrs. Lizzie Traner, Wilsey, Kas. :
Please continue to send The Indepen
dent. We like the independent truth3
whica it brings to us every week. My
husband thinks It just suits him.
0. H. Smith, Little Valley, N. Y.:
I feel that The Independent is a great
educator in the right direction, i "What
matters it if it appears under the iiamc
populist, democrat or socialist? I
feel that the seed sown by the old
greenback party years ago did enough
to immortalize its name.
Joseph Bowen, Kananga. O.: I lik
The Independent very well and if j
can have the time and other condi
tions are favorable, I should like to
contribute articles for the paper oc
casionally if desired. (Come ahead.
Ed. Ind.)
C. G. Smith, Peru, Neb.: The Inde
pendent is a hustler and every family
should have one in the house. It
teaches the right principles for the
rising generation.
L. C. Lasher, Yell City, Ind.: En
closed find five educational subscrip
tions. I did not solicit these. They
had. heard of The Independent and
wanted me to send for It for them.
In a Restaurant. . - ' . -
A physician puts the query: "Have you never -noticed
in any large restaurant at luuch or din
ner time the large number of hearty, vigorous
old men at the tables; men whose ages run from
6o to 8o years; many of them bald and all per
haps gray, but none of them feeble or senile?"
Perhaps the spectacle is so common as to have
escaped you&observation or comment, but never-
theless it is an object lesson which means some- ,
thing. ' - - ' .
If you will notice what these hearty old fel- -lows
are eating you will cbierve that they are
not munching- bran crackers nor gingerly pick
ing their way through a menu card of new fan
gled health foods; on the contrary they seem to .
prefer a juicy roast of beef, a properly turned loin
ot mutton, and even the deadly broiled lobster
is not altogether ignored.
The point of all this is that a vigorous old age
depends upon good digestion and plenty of
wholesome food and not upon dieting and an
endeavor to live upon brau crackers.
There is a certain class rf food cranks who ,
seem to believe that meat, coffee and manv other
good thingsare rank poisons, but these cadaver-";
ou, silky looking individuals are a walking con- . ,
demnation of their own theories. -
The matter in a nutshell is that if the stomach ,
secrets the natural digestive juices in sufficient
quantity any wholesome food wilt be promptly '
digt stcd; if the stomach does not do so, and cer- ,
ta n fcods cause distress one or two of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets alter each meal will remove .
all difficulty because they supply just what each ;
weak stomach lacks, pepsin, hydrochloric acid,
diastai-e and nux.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act upon the
towels and, in fact, are not strictly a med cine
as they act almost entirely uron the food eaten, '
digesting it thoroughly and thus gives a much
m eded rest and giving an appetite for the next
meal. . .
Of people who travel nine out of ten use
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, knowing them to be
r erfeUly afe to ufe t any time, and also having -found
out by expetience that thty are a safe
gumd sigainst indigestion in anv form, a id eat-"
mg as they have to. at all hours and a 1 kinds of ;
food, the traveling public for years have pinned
their faith to Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
All druggists sell them at 50 cents for full-sized
packages and any drue gist fr.rni Maine to Cali
fornia, if his opinion were asked, will say that
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the most popular
and s ccessfut remedy for any stomach trouble-
Lincoln Hide
The Lincoln Hide & Fur Company,
92) R street, Lincoln, Nebraska, suc
cessors to S. J. Dobson & Co., quoto.
t'.:e following prices, f. o. b. Lincoln,
until further notice: No. 1 green
salted hides, per lb., ;7c, No. 2,"
Cc; bulls and side branded, c;
horse and mule- hides, large, each,
$2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green sheep
pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 5-8c per
il.; dry flint butchered hides, per lo.,
12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and
murrain hides .per lb., 5-lfic Our clas
sified fur list, together with little'
booklet telling how to trap, skin,
stretch and handle furs and hides to
obtain the best ; -mlts. will be mailed
free to all upon request, also write for
tags and general information' any time."
All correspondence promptly attend
ed to.
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure is
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application is enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send vou a
bottle for $1.25 delivered Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United States, Marshalltown, la. -
Fire Proof Safe
Large fire proof and burglar proof
safe, 42 feet high, 3 feet square, for
sale at a bargain. Address P, F. Zim
mer. 116 South 10th st.. Lincoln. Neo.
I Members ,f Legislature Will rind
The Hotel Walton
1516 O 8TRKKT.
tt-.c best and most convenient low priced
house in the c ty. Rates 1 per dav at'd up.
Nye & Buchanan Co.,
Best possible service in all depart
ments. Write or wire ua for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2305
. 1
'io make cow pay, use harples uream separators
Book'-iiuslnesg Dairying" & Cat. 270 free W. Chester, fa'
taught with plain examples and illustrations,
and other business information for referen
HOOK. Firmly and nicely bound with pocket
and flap; 50c, postpaid. Send M. o. or 2a
stamps. Address F. O. Johnson, Publisher.
Prion, Iowa. '
Plumbing and Heating
Estimates Furnished
j. a cox
1331 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska.