JANUARY 22, 1903 THPWrRPACiTi wncDCMnmiT . s United States 3enator he spent in the ; Mormon temple with.. the -Other eleven apostles of that church. The rank of apostle in the Mormon church about equals that of bishops or archbishops in,other denominations. If a bishop of any other church was elected Unit ed States senator, there -would be a row. But as this particular bishop is known to be a defender of polygamy the row Is likely to be a pretty lively one. However, Smoot will be senator and legislate for you and me just as the other senators do. It is the cul mination of the bargain that the re publican party made with the Mor mon bishops and apostles when the state was thrown into the republican ranks. ; A whole gun crew" of the Massachu setts was blown up and all killed or mortally wounded- except one, last week, the cause being the premature explosion of a charge for an eight inci. gun while at target practice. The National Live Stock associa tion is in a state of terror over the meat trust merger. At Kansas City last week it passed resolutions and did all sorts of things along that line, but the merger will be completed all the same. That trust has enough mon ey to escape investigating grand jur ies cud all the annoyances that the little trusts meet with. The only way to beat the meat trust is to beat the republican party and get an attorney general who will endeavor to enforce the anti-trust laws. I The Great Sale of Gloaks is Pro gressing; - It includes the loose box coatsthe novelties of the season in broken sizes. The fitted backs with box fronts a style of garment always stylish and desirable. Ihese in any size from 32 to 40. Blouses, three-quarter -lengths, and full lengths, plain or trimmed. Take ad vantage of this best of all times for buying winter cloaks when we are ready to part with them at smallest prices and you have still time to wear them this season. $5 to $7.50 Cloaks for $8.50 to $9.00 Cloaks for prices ana yoi $3.90 $5.00 $10 to $15 Cloaks for. $18 to $20 Cloaks for $7-5 $12 if 8 xu huo tt vi wis tug isi-icii&c ui isiixD iiai u coal operators that the miners restrict j the output of coal. John Mitchell made ! a statement before the commission in j which he declared that the operators j are deliberately doing that very thing themselves. He said that there were over 3,000 miners who had been de manding work ever since the mines started up and the mine owners re fused to employ them. At a meeting of the interstate com merce commission last week. J. Pier pont Morgan gave his opinion of John W. Gates. Now Gates wants the com mission to call another meeting so that he can give his opinion- of Mor gan. After that, the eeneral nubile should be called to give its opinion of ootn or tnem. Millinery Another Opportunity to get the jaunty Tarns in angora wool or cloth at our reduced prices. Just the thing for riding, walking, outings the year 'round, school, play, and o on. 50c for Our $1.25 Angoras and ice for 50c Cloth Tams. A girl may certainly have a fresh one if she gets it soon. w In the agricultural district of Penn sylvania. where the Deonle ar kp. verely suffering for the want of coal. me coat cars are guarded by armed police as they pass through to keep tne rreezmg people from stealing the coal. The republican medicine bag seems to nave had a rent made in it after all. To keep the thing absolutely sacred it was provided that the reg ular duty on coal should stand as it was, but a rebate of the full amount after it was collected was to be paid lack to the importer. That was to prevent the holy of holies from being entered at all. Now the department has decided that the silly performance of collecting the money and then pay ing it back shall be dispensed with. So there has been a hole poked in the republican big medicine bag, the sac red tariff, which is in the keeping of the family of Aldrich. Senatorial elections in various state legislatures are as follows: Thomas Piatt of New York, re-elected; Orville H. Piatt of Connecticut, re-elected; Albert J. Hopkins of Illinois, at pres ent congressman, to succeed "Billy" Mason; James P. Clark of Arkansas, to succeed Senator Jones; William J. btone of Missouri, to succeed Senator Vest; Charles W. Fairbanks of Ind iana, re-elected; H. C. Hansborough of North Dakota, re-elected; A. P. Kit teridge of South Dakota, re-elected; R. A. Alger of Michigan, to fill unex pired term of Senator McMillan; Reed Smoot, the Mormon apostle, of Utah, to succeed Senator Rawlins; Jacob H. Gallinger of New Hampshire, reelected. - The deadlock in Delaware still con tinues, but the democrats have about lost patience in their efforts to effect a fusion with the regular republicans to defeat Addicks. For the long term. Kenney (dem.) had 21, Addicks (union republican) 21, Dupont (regular re publican) 10, own uuu uicftuu llttve IlOl Vpfr RnnnaaAail in n.',. States senator. A disgraceful state of affairs exists out in our sister state, Colorado. The capitol is filled with men armed with revolvers and shot-guns and indica tions point to bloodshed before peace is restored. And for what? Not be cause one faction of the legislature wants to enact some law which the Girls' Felt Hats. , A little soiled and mussed, but con taining much good service; mostly plain, round shapes with bands and perhaps a quill 25c and 50c, originally worth $1.00 and $1.50. Women's Street Hats Trimmed in velvet, silk and feathers, neat and attractive, that have been $2 to $3, for 50c and $1.00. Babies' Bonnets at Half Price. Prompt Results at the Sale of Hen's Shirts. Squads of these Shirts are leaving the store, pretty Madrases and percales such as every man likes. Still a goodly supply left from the thirty dozen with which it began, and all to be closed out at 67c and 35c for garments that have been $1 and 50c We show an immense line of carpets and rugs in a well-Iighted salesroom. Corner O & 13th Sts. Lincoln, Neb. other opposes but because Edward O. Wolcott wants Henry M. Teller's sena torial shoes. Several of the demo cratic members show a disposition to sell out to Wolcott. It seems that the polished Jonathan P. Dolliver may prove a veritable bull in the protection china shop. "Did it (the Dingley act) mean that we were going to surrender all the industries of the United States to the GREED, if you please, of the agricul tural interests and the manufacturers of the west?" shouted Senator Aldrich angrily in answer to Senator Dolliver's assertion that: "It is true that iirthe bill Mr. Dingley reported from the committee on ways and means, of which I was a member, he did put du ties up for the express purpose of hav ing them traded down." Senator Aldrich seems frightened over the prospects of the "omnivorous west" securing any legislation which might in the remotest degree benefit that section. Of course, he has no reason for any apprehension Durkett, McCarthy, Hinshaw, Norris, and Kin- kaid from Nebraska can be depended upon to do whatever the trusts want them to do. "Western greed," in deed! It is satan rebuking sin. Western Canada's Hard Wheat Growing Lands Sixty thousand American farmers found homes on the rich soil of the Canadian Northwest in 1902, the fin est hard wheat growing land in the world. If you are interested in the Canadian Northwest, subscribe for the Weekly Free Press, Winnipeg, Cana da, the leading farmers' paper of Western Canada. It contains a mass of information every week relating to the Canadian Northwest, its lands, its varied resources, climatic conditions, regulations respecting . government lands, etc Subscription price, $1.00 a year. Sample copies sent on application. is located in the Grand Valley, Colo rado, one of the finest fruit countries of the west. Also in Snake River Valley, Idaho, grain, alfalfa, and stock country. Climate for health and com- fort unsurpassed. Free from all wind storms. 80 acres improved, all un der cultivation and irrigated, near St. Anthony, Idaho, for rent. Write Carey, Bland & Chase, Lincoln, Neb. Governor Murphy of New Jersev is much concerned over the trust, agita tion. He is afraid New Jersey may ose some revenue in fees for creating fankensteins. Harlan County, Nebraska. Number 20 N. W. 1-4 Sec. 17, Tp. 2 R. 20. 125 acres cultivated land, balance in pasture. A nice farm, good black soil, small frame improvements. Located within one-half mile of Stam ford and in the heart of one of the best alfalfa districts in the state. Price $2,200. Van Decar & Bradley, St. Paul, Neb., and Wolbach, Neb. Irrigated Lands If you are interested in irrigated lands, write us for information. Wc have such land in different parts of the west and can suit you. This land Nebraska Farms for Sale Ranging in price from $30 to $43.50 per acre, within 20 miles of Lincoln, near church and school, in Seward county. For further particulars ad dress P. L. Pence, Germantown, Neb., or J. A. Higinbotham, Shenandoah la. The Nye & Buchanan Co. of South Omaha seemed to have a corner on top prices one day last week, as they got the top load of hogs, lambs and yearlings for that day. The hogs were shipped by W. B. Weekes of Scotia, Neb., and the lambs and wethers by G. L. Dermyer of Walnut, la. The hogs brought $G.60; yearlings $5.10, and the lambs $5.75. Wanted A reliable man from tho country to represent us in every county In this state. A golden oppor tunity to the right party. Can make from $1,000 to $1,500 a year. Ad dress The Ohio Paint & Varnish Co.. Fin? lay, O. 'A Patronize our advertisers.