The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 22, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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JANUARY 22.. 1903.,.
It i3 announced that about 40 coal
dealers In Chicago have been indicted
for forming a trust and fixing an ex-1
orbitant price for coal. That is an
outrage. So far as known, none of
these men are millionaires and they
have only done what the millionaires
have done. They employed exactly the
i' same "methods by which the price of
wire nails was doubled and the price ;
of fencing wire raised to exorbitant
figures. They have not employed even
r all the mean3 that Rockefeller ha3
' used to make us pay 100 per cent more
for kerosene oil than wo ought to
- pay. . They have not stood out in such
open violation of the state constitu
tion as the hard coal trust has. The
-. have not bad a lobby at Washington
to bribe and coirupt legislators as the
sugar trust has. It is not even
charged that they received rebates on
the railroads. And yet these men, for
following the example of the million
aires even in a slight degree, are to
be hauled up in court and prosecuted!
It's an outrage and that is all theie
is to it. If we are to have trusts anl
exorbitant prices, the little fellows
ought to have the same chance as
the big fellows. As long as the saintly
r Rockefeller, the godly Baer, the cap
tain of industry, Morgan, and th"
other millionaires and multi-millionaires
are allowed to do the same
- thing, and much worse things than
these Chicago men have done and are
lauded for it, the Chicago men shoulc
not be interfered with. This making
a hero of one man and a criminal of
another for doing exactly the same
thing won't "go down" with the
American people. If these Chicago
men are criminals, then also are
Rockefeller, Morgan, Gates, Baer an 1
some thousands of others who are
honored and praised and called "cap
tains of industry." If there is law
on the statute book to imprison these
Chicago men, there is law to imprison
Rockefeller, Morgan, Gates and Baer.
If the forming of combinations to de
stroy competition in coal is illegal and
criminal, the forming of combination?,
to destroy competition in the produc
tion of iron, steel, meat, flour, kero
sene, agricultural instruments and ah
other things is criminal. The Indo
pendent says, either set those Chicago
men free or indict Rockefeller, Mor
gan, Baer and all the rest who have
been doing exactly thesame thing.
"How to Find a Gold Mine" is the
title of an intensely interesting com
munication from The Mines Exchange,
Ltd., 'whose advertisement appears on
page '3. The various steps in this
fascinating business gold mining
will be told in a series of articles be
ginning next wjeek.
During the campaign the editor of
The Independent said that if he were
a resident of Wisconsin, as much as
he hated the policies and methods of
the republican party and notwithstand
ing that he spent many years of his
life fighting the party and its poli
cies, he would vote for La Folette for
governor and that in doing so ho
would be acting the part of a true pop
ulist. The message that Governor La
Folette read to the Wisconsin legis
lature the other day was couched ii
as plain language as The Independent
uses. He demands that the railroads
and other corporations shall be mad-)
to pay their just share of the taxes,
and then added:
"It becomes apparent at once
that legislation compelling the
railroads to pay their proportion
ate share of taxes will fail utter
ly in its object unless it be sup
plemented with legislation pro
tecting the public against in
creased transportation charges."
That is the right kind of talk and
La Folette means every word of it.
The Independent acknowledges re
celpt of "The Social Unrest," a book of
"studies in labor and socialist move
ments," by John Graham Brooks
fThe Macmillan company. New York:
394 pages, $1.50). Review is reserved
for next week.
Things have got to such a state that
the plutocratic federal judge, Grosscup,
and the old-time street car magnate
Yerkes are both denouncing the trusts.
The judge says that the trusts are
leading straight to socialism, and
Yerkes says that the steel and other
trusts charge him too much for ma
terial, In trying to pay dividends on
watered stoclwN
It has been pointed out by several
persons that Dr. Bascom's denunciar
tion of Rockefeller while he excuses
Carnegie has no solid foundation to
rest upon. Mr. Carnegie's great wealth
has not been wholly derived from tar
Iff nrotection. Unless the common
understanding is very much at fault,
Mr. Carnegie used to enjoy special
railroad favors, .such, as formed a con
siderable part of the illegitimate basis
of Mr. Rockefeller's fortune. All the
great trusts of the day rest upon two
things, the tariff and the private own
ership of railroads and of. the two.
the private ownership of railroads is
the most effective in sustaining them.
. They are getting after Rockefeller
over in Germany. It is proposed to
put a discriminating duty on refine 1
petroleum. Dr...Paasche, national. lib
eral, said he thought it was time to
get rid of the Standard Oil company's
monopoly, which had already cost
Germany $12,500,000. When the ques
tion of "the most favored nation"
clause in the commercial treaties was
mentioned as an obstacle, Count Wen
ner said that "the United States-was
no longer entitled to the most fav
ored nation treatment."
There are "ITgood'many men in
various parts of these states who are
coming to the same conclusions that
The Independent long since arrived at
concerning the plutocratic universi
ties. Arthur McEwing says: "The
voice of reason should be the voice of
the university, but what we oftener
hear from there is the voice of syco
phancy, the voice of eminent respec
tability worshipping the God of Things
as They Are, and too seldom the voice
of the democracy which is the life of
American institutions."
The "personal equation" bears as
imnnrtant a nart in government as in
domestic, affairs and divorces. It is
said that Congressman Jenkins had
just been outrageously swindled by a
coal dealer and from the scrap with
the man who extorted an outrageous
price for coal, he went' to the house
and introduced his celebrated resolu
tion for the government ownership of
the coal mines and coal railroads. If
a few of the plutocratic senators were
made to suffer for a while what r vast
numbers of people suffer, we should
immediately have a different order of
things. But the trusts see to it that
these gentlemen suffer no inconven
ience. It was a great oversight to
overlook the chairman of the judiciary
committee of the house.
The movement among farmers to
organize is denounced by the pluto
cratic dailies as "the formation of an
other trust." If it is a trust that they
are trying to form, it differs in sev
eral ways from the . steel trust, the
coal trust, the sugar trust and every
ether "beneficent" trust that the dail
ies have defended. It does not pro
vide for limitation of output, the de
struction of competition, stock wa
tered to the hundred million, and
enormous salaries for superintendents,
but improvement in methods, an in
crease in the crops, to obtain a fair
price for farm products and force a
square deal from the railroads. None
of the "good trusts" have any of these
features. So The Independent is
forced to the conclusion that farmers
are not organizing a trust at all.
Everywhere that Hanna went in
1896 he declared: "There are no
trusts." Now he says: "The trusts
are here to stay." Both times the
mullet head replied: "Yep, that s so."
Having given the trusts the power
to tax; they are exercising that right
in a most oppressive way. The coal
trust has taxed us enough to run the
government for a whole year.
The final result of the infamous
bargain which Mark Hanna made with
the Mormon bishops, a full account of
which was published in The Indepen
dent at the time, is that an apostle
of the Mormon church has been elect
ed United States senator. He" can
never be ousted from the senate in
the way that Roberts was from the
house. The senate don't do business
in that way.
The way politics is managed by the
republican leaders to keep the mul
let heads in line so that they will
"vote 'er straight" is so shallow and
ridiculous that it would seem that it
would not deceive a three-year-old
child. Senator Hoar introduced an
anti-trust bill and made a speech ad
vocating it. He now says that this is
no time to pass anti-trust legislation
that the question is too big to be
solved in a hurry and although he has
given much time to a study of the
question he is not prepared to vote on
an anti-trust measure this session. I
is ,eli known that the house passed
several bills after an understanding
with senators that they will be held up
in that body. It was simply for ef
feet. The congressmen will go back
into their districts and say: , "Look
at the measures we adopted for the' re
lief of the people. We voted for them.
JJWe are all right. We are genuine re
formers." 'The .mullet head will
"stand pat' shout "Let well enough
alone," and "vote -er straight" as us
ual. Republican congressmen we!1
know what kind of cattle they have to
deal with. ; v-ww '
By oversighthTldependent failed
earlier to make acknowledgements to
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hodgman of the
Lincoln Academy for their holiday
greeting a poster calendar, all Lin
coln work from start to finish. Aside
from being a neat bit of poster work,
it has the distinction of being the first
poster, done all at home ever exhibited
in Lincoln. Professor and Mrs. Hodg
man conduct the Lincoln Academy as
t preparatory school for students who
wish to enter the state university o
cther college. lt.U a high grade fit
ting school for college and is accred
ited by both our state university and
the university of Iowa.
News of the Week
It appears that the trusts got a lit
tle uneasy last week over the situa
tion in Washington caused by the ex
citement that produced the "coal
day" legislation, and each of the big
ones hurried their ablest men to the
imical to their interests. These
imicable to their interests. These
representatives of the great combines
did not stay very long, for they were
assured by the leading republican
senators that there would be no "trust
busting" legislation passed at this
session. While the trust representa
tives were at the capital they assured
the senators that they had no objec
tion to any "publicity" law that might
be passed and in fact that they were
in favor of such legislation. It ap
pears that as soon as Senator Hoar
found that the trusts were opposed to
that portion of his bill which provid
ed penalties for selling goods belov
cost to drive out competition and then
raising prices to a v'oiti. where enor
mous profits would be made, he an
nounced that he was not ready to vote
on his own bill at this session of congress.
There is, a famine in the northern
part of Sweden affecting a popula
tion of over 30,000. It is an extension
of the same distress that afflicts the
adjoining Russian provinces of which
an account was given in The Indepen
dent not long ago. Over $12,000 have
already been sent by the Swedes of
this country to relieve the suffering
and more -is being constantly contri
buted. It is feared that all the north
ern, hardy cattle will die and leave
the peasants in the same condition as
the Filipinos, without means of culti
vating their land.
The interstate commerce commis
sion having collected evidence that
proved beyond the shadow of a.doabt
that the Pennsylvania railroad had
been giving rebates to favored ship
pers and there being no way of suc
cessfully denying that fact, it came in
to court and admitted that during the
six months ended January 1, 1902, it
participated in the payment of rebates
on shipments originating at points
west of Pittsburg to the extent of ap
proximately $110,000. Was the law
applied and the penalties inflicted?
Not at all. Under republican rule rail
roads are not subject to criminal laws.
The result of millionaire rule and
plutocratic tendencies in New York
city is described by a gentleman of
that city as follows: "During tlu
course of the past six or seven years
New York has developed into a sor
did hell with a blue sky and imprac
ticable streets for attractions. Today
ugliness, constructive and destructive,
circumadjacently abound. Against the
submergence of aesthetics there is
never a protest In any event beauty,
ousted by progress, some day will
everywhere become extinct. When
that day arrives there will be but
trusts and machinery. Only in books
shall the story of beauty survive. And
that story the Tom Paines and Inger
solls of a latter age will declare whol
ly legendary, very amusing and quite
In the report of the committee on
agriculture of the Colorado state
grange, the following passage occurs
"If football tends to the development
of the physical faculties better than
the plow and the hoe, the reaper and
the mower, the bucksaw and the cross
cut, then let us have football in all its
modern beauties, although it may lame
and maim and kill now and then a boy,
so long as that one is not our boy.
This age demands and will have the
highest, the brightest and the best in
all things."
Flower Seeds From California. .
Flower seeds mature to perfection in the balmy
climate of California; and that land oi flowers is
the natural eeed warehouse for the Easteri gar
den. We make a business of supplying flower
feeds, and our packets are made up exclusively
of California'growu seeds which will grow read
ily in cooler climates. Many of thefn are native
of the State, and include some of the most beau
tiful flowers known. W e put up a package of ten
of the very cho cest kinds at 50c. Some should
be planted early in boxes, indoors and trans
planted later. Send us an order from two of
your neighbors, and we will mail you three pack
ages for the dollar one to pay you for your
trouble. Wanted Reliable agent at once, in
each town. liberal pay, cash. Send, for com
plete lit of our seeds.
NOTE The fiipply of seeds for our Special
Packet, mentioned above, is limited, and all who
desire to avail tnetnseives of this rcinaikablc
offer should write for them immediately. Address
Dept. L, 3148 Klngsley St.
Seed Merchants, Los Angeles, Cal.
We have the enly absolute successful end bes
treatment for itching, bleeding, piotiuding
piles and other rectal diseases. Wa know It.
because we have cured thousands of men and
women during the las-t twenty years and can
produce testimonials as proof.
A pl!e operation by kuife, injection of poison
ous acids, crushing clamps, ligature or cauteriz
ing with red hot 11 ons in raw sores is filled wiih
death danger and never cures.
The hern, it Treatment is a Home Treatment
easy to use and always successful. Never fails.
Our statements are truthful. We do as we
promise. We refer to former pile sufferers;
cured by our treatment.
If you have been deceived before or spent
money for an unsuccessful operation, wiite or
call on us.
WITN ESSES. W'e will ghr names on rejucsf .
Case 1207. This is to certify that the Hermit
Rectal Home Treatment can, will and does cure
any case of piles. 1 have had piles since 1861, and
have tried dozens of remedies, but none helped
me until I lece'.ved your treatment. (Cognac,
Kan.) ,
Case 1205. Did not expect a cure in such a
short time. (Roinaliss, N. Y.)
Case 1202. I am happy to inform you I am en
tirely cured. (Rryson, Mi-s. )
Case 1 176. Although 1 have doutted all along
I now know your treatment cured me. (Ran
dolph, 111.)
Case 1174. After using your treatment two
months am perfectly cured. Was treated by
doctors for three years. No relief. (Chicago,
" Case 1144. lam well, and your treatment cured
me. (Iceland Oregon.)
Case 1 154. Your treatment acted like a charm.
I am entirely cured. (Chicago, 111.)
Case 1155. isix years of pile pain, paid one doc
tor $75.00 for a miseraole failure, but your treat
ment cured me at once. (Chicago, 111.)
Hermit Remedy Co.
738 Adams Express Bldg., Chicago, III.
Cancers Cured;
wby suffer
M pain and death
cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor
cures cancers, tumors and wens;
no knife, blood or plaster. Address
1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
American plutocrats want to import
Chinese coolies into the Philippines to
cultivate the land and the English
Box Sent FREE.
Any woman can cure bar
husband, son or brother
of liquor drinking, by
secret 1 y placi n x t aie rem
edy la his coffee, tea or
food without hi knowl
edge,asiti6 entiraly .tor
Ices and tas eless. Any
good and faithful woman
can wipe out this fearful
evil and permanently
etop thj craving for liq
uor, as did Mr. It. 1j.
Townsend, of Selma, La.
For years ihe prayed to
her hntband to quit
drinking, but found that
he could not do 0 of hia
own free will, and learn
ing of this remarkabla
jAmliXiSk iyr' ?JJ cure, she determined to
j4,V try it. Mn. Townsend
says that before she gav
her h nband half a box
ofMilo Tablets ho lost all desire for whisky; the sight or
odor of whisky and beer now makes him deathly sick. Mrs.
Townsend's word of gratitude is only one of the thousands in
possession of this company. Anyone vno win send their
name it address ro tne mho urugto., i.v jiho rJuilfling,
St. Lou'iB, Mo., will receive by mail, sealed In plain wrapper,
a free ackagc of tiii wonderful remedy and full instruction!
how- "-' , !;,. It li i'ilt. It costs nothing to try iU
plutocrats want to import them itno
fcouth Africa to work the mines. The
proposition of the 'Rand mine owner3
to import coolies, made personally to
Chamberlain at Johannesburg, has
created a great uproar in England.
The steel trust paid 7 per cent on
its preferred stock and 4. per cent on
its common stock last year and had a
surplus of $33,841,563 left over with
which to buy out the remaining com
peting companies.
The usual fabulous placer mines are
being discovered In Alaska which al
ways occur at this time of the year
ever since gold was found up there.
The Independent .must say that the
art of advertising has been brought to
the highest point of development by
the steamboat lines which run be
tween the Pacific coast points of the
United States and its territory of
Alaska. The last placer mine discov
ered, according to the statements in
these advertisements, which are run as
reading matter and sometimes as spe
cial dispatches, is a district of vast
proportions and has a pay streak eight
feet thick, running 25 cents to the
The day that Smoot was elected