W W I Ml II .11 11 I i 13 II i I IJ II II II 14 II Vol. XIV. LINCOLN, NEB., JAN. 15, 1903. No. 34. V THE PHILIPPINES What tb Independent Has Said About the Horrible Condition Tbere Con fiormed by Got. Taft While the dailies have maintained a studied silence concerning the ter rible conditions fn the Philippines, The Independent, has kept its readers fully posted on that, and many other subjects, about which the readers of the dailies are in total - ignorance. To gather this news h?,s been a great la bor. Some of it bas come from pri vate letters, somf from a few un guarded sentences fn the censored dis patches and now and then a line or two in an official report By the use of a little intaition, some common sense and a cl'se watch on every av enue of information; The Independent readers have been kept informed of the facts. Now everything that The independer I has said has been con firmed, aTid more than confirmed, by the official report 6f Governor Tafl. It would be hardly possible to suppress this report, and, in fact, it is not at all necessary, for the next national election is nearly two years distant, governor Taft says: "Were there prosperous conditions In the Philippines it would not be a troublesome matter to deal with the ladrones, but when want and famine are staring people in the face the lif i of the freebooter forms to the desper ate and the weak a very great attrac tion. Natural discontent with the government when suffering is at hand promoted as it is by cholera, restric tions and the high prices of rice and other commodities, which have beer greatly enhanced by the depreciation of silver, might well have caused a -new outbreak of the insurrection." , All these things have been printed in The Independent from time to time, while the other papers have kept silent, Governor Taft tells of the con ditio js that have made the island pur chase about $15,000,000 of food, and of the effects war has had upon agricul ture, almost the only source of wealth in the islands. The greatest blow to agriculture, he says, is the destruc tion of about 90 per cent of water buf falo, on which the cultivation of rice is almost wholly dependent The Independent was led to believe from vhat information it could get that the "destruction" of the water buffalo was the effect of an epidemic of the rinderpest, but it now appears that that was not the case at all. They were celiberately destroyed bv our army. The plan of Governor Taft for the relief of the Filipinos is thor oughly plutocratic and imperialistic-. Tb.3 independent submits it without comment: First 'The establishment of a gold standard in the islands and of bank ing corporations empowered to issue circuiting tank notes uuder proper safeguards. Second The reduction of at least 75 per cent of the Dingley rates of duty upon goods imported into the United States from the Philippines. Third An amendment of the Phil ippine act so that the additional lim it upon lands which may be sold to or be la-Jd by individuals or corporations from the public domain shall be in creased 25,000 acres, or in the alterna tive so that the government shall ba given the power to lease for sixty years upon competitive biddings from the public lands aggregating in any in dividual or corporate lessee not morf than 30,000. It says this legislation is necessary to the development of the islands, 'and as the government is of fering 65,000,000 out of 70,000,000 acres . In the archipelago there is no danger of concentration of ownership in in dividuals or corporations. Fourth That the Philippine act may be amended by repealing the lim itation which forbids an individual or corporation from holding an inter est in more than one mining claim. ' Fifth That all bonds issued by the insular government under the author 1 ity of the Philippine act shall be free from state, county and municipal tax ation in the United States. Sixth That an amendment be made to tha Chinese exclusion act giving . the power to the government by law to admit a fixed and limited number of Chinamen into the Philippine isi l ands, who are certified to be skilled laborers; on the bond of the employer that for every Chinese skilled laborer employed he will employ a Filipino apprentice and that he will return the Chinese skilled laborer . thus intro duced within five years after his ad mission to the country and that he shall pay a head tax of not exceeding $50 for each Chinaman sa admitted to the insular government tbmeet the expenses of the enforcement of these restrictions. The commission thinks unlimited admission of Chinese would be unwise. Shortly after election the Omaha World-Herald opened up its "Public Pulse column to the socialists and asked them to give their ideas in as clear a manner as possible. A goodly number of the "Kangaroos" and De Leonites responded, as well as a num ber of those opposed to socialism. Among the latter was Rev. John Will iams. Then Dr. II. S. Aley of Lin coln, in a three-column communica tion, undertook to tell the reverend John that what he (the reverend) knows about socialism wouldn't fill a very large volume; but the doctor's lecture was, he says, badly blue-pencilled by the World-Herald, and he re ports the whole proceedings . to the New York People. . After a "much needed rest," as he expresses it, W. H. Stout has resus ciated the Saline County Independent at DeWitt He has bought a printing outfit from the Crete Vidette, and purposes to "wear no party halter," Stout knows how to get up a good newspaper, but he is not in a very good locality to receive the support he deserves: Money and the Taxing Power BY W. II. ASIIBY. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER III. Man in his efforts to obtain that exclusive individual possession of wealth, toward which he is incessantly compelled by the primordial impulse of self-preservation, expends in those efforts the stored up energy already under the dominion of his will. If we consider the process we find that he expends that energy in overcoming adverse forces which stand between him and aCcess to the things endowed with the power of beneficial service which he seeks. In the industrial pro cess of p r o d u c t i o n, he expends his energy in overcoming the adverse forces of nature . interposed between him and the objects he seeks. , These obstacles over which man triumphs by expending his own stqred up ' energy, may consist of form, or , space, or ; t i m e. He applies his energy : to the task of compelling it to change' it form to another capable of serving him beneficially by supplying his needs. He expends his energy in transporting it from a distant point in space to an other, where it' becomes accessible to him. He dries, or preserves, or cans, or fre3zes it, in order to save it for a period of time In which it shall pos sess the tame capacity to serve him. Let it be observed heie that all en ergy thus expended in overcoming ad verse forces of nature, in all the pro cesses above indicated, produce as their effect an increase in the supply of wealth. Seeing that it is an axiom of sci ence that all energy expended must produce an effect somewhere, and that no energy can be expended without producing its proper result, it is vastly important bera simple as it seems to note the fact that all human ener gy expended in overcoming the ad verse forces of nature, in all the vari ous phases of production, reappears under the form of supply of wealth. This seems so apparent, so self-evident, that argument is superfluous. Let no one hereafter, when it rises to destroy some idol, repudiate it for the s.ake of saving that idol! Given, man with his limited store of energy under the dominion of his own will, which he is free to expend efforts to obtain dominion over things endowed with capacity to serve him beneficially, by supplying his needs; given, the universally accepted doc trine of the right to exclusive indl - .dual possession of those things thus endowed; given, something of the na ture of government, which guarantees the exclusive possession of that thing in its quiet and orderly possession and restrains all comers from the ex ercise of any violence or unlawful stratagem to deprive him of that pos session; given, these conditions and the primordial impulse which drives man to activity and what must be the result? His energy expended in overcoming the adverse forces of nature has re sulted in the production of whatever the supply of wealth may at a given time and place be. But this wealth under the conditions is the exclusive possession of him who holds it, guard ed by the powers of the government Force cannot here be employed even to obtain bread to prevent starvation One in possession can only be de prived of that possession by his own consent. ' Whoever seeks that posses sion must find some peaceful mean to induce him to relinquish it of hio own free will. So far as the supply of wealth al ready existent is concerned, the strug gle is no longer one in which man must expend his energy to overcome adverse forces of nature; it is now a struggle in which he must expend his energy to overcome the adverse possession of another, or to retain that possession if it be his. Adam Smith has pointed out with clearness that every exchange of wealth is finally resolvable into an ex change of service. Each party to ev ery exchange seeks to obtain domin ion over wealth which he can compel to serve him more beneficially than he could the wealth, possession of which he consents to relinquish. It is only when each of the two parties to the exchange agree to make it, that any exchange is made. There is no ar biter, and there is no compulsion. Un less both consent there is no ex change, because the government guar anteed each in the quiet and orderlv exclusive possession of that which i. finds him possessing. The struggle thus shorn, by th presence of the constable, of violence, no longer results in wounds and bloodshed. The energy expended, re strained by government from taking the form of violence, no longer mani fests Itself under the form of murder and highway robbery. That energy expended by men under these restrictions to obtain or retain exclusive possession of the supply o' wealth cannot but manifest itself un der some form, and the form which under those conditions, it does neces sarily take it what is called the force of demand. This force of r mand is the effect of the energy ex pended by men, under the restrictions named, to overcome the adverse ex clusive individual possession of the supply of wealth existent at the given time and place, and to retain it. Thus it becomes manifest that while the supply of wealth Is the form un der which energy expended in over coming adverse forces of nature in production reappears, the force of de mand is the form under which energy expended is overcoming adverse ex clusive possession of existent wealth. reappears. It is thus seen that ener gy expended for one of these objects becomes antagonistic to that energy expended for the other. The energy expended in production can never pro duce as its effect the force of demand. No more can energy expended to ob lain or retain exclusive possession pro duce as its effect supply of wealth. The two effects are as totally different forms as any in nature and, under the forms of "supply and demand," are recognized opposites. It should be pointed out that but for the retention among men of the system of exclusive individual possession, a system In herited from the lower animals and plants, thfre could be no expendit.ur-3 of energy in overcoming adverse in dividual possession, and, consequent ly, there could be no force of demand (To Be Continued.) SOCIALISM Address of Chancellor Andrews Befor Nebraska State Bar Association Chancellor Andrews of the University of Nebraska last Friday afternoon de livered an address before the Nebraska State Bar association on the subject of socialism. , It will be Interesting reading for everybody, but especially instructive to those populists who be lieve that present-day socialism is simply an advanced step from popul ism. The "collective ownership of all the means of production and distri bution" is essentially different . from the public ownership of railroads and other services of that nature. The chancellor's address in full Is as fol lows: If I have any special qualification for discussing socialism it is that of sympathetic opposition. I was once as near being a disciple of Rodbertus as I could come without baptism into the rhnrfh. T thmitrM T saw? in Roriher- tian socialism, socialism scientifically wrought out and applied, a remedy for the most glaring social evils. In time and upon study, however, the system which had seemed to me so desirable grew to look quite other wise, ths difficulties connected with it assuming -vaster and vaster propor tions, until in my thought they tow ered above and outnumbered those necessarily Douna up witn me present order. I was thus converted to the opinion that society has greater hope A 1 1 or reiorm on ire general Dasis oi m- aiviijuamm ir.au uy nying to tne un known thougi. inevitable ills accom panying a socialistic regime. None the less I retain for the man- her of thinking which so long engaged ; me a respect which most of its oppo- nem.3 do not have. I cannot condemn ' socialists as is commonly done. Not only are the majority of them true philanthropists" at heart, but their- ideas and ideals are worthy the most careful, thought. . Indeed, one not, versed in Marx's reasonings can hard-' ly be called fit to discuss any leading ' social theme. I rejoice in socialist stu- ' dy and agitation; vast net good must ' issue from it . . Few can help going far with the so- ' cialist3 in their Indictment of present industry; much wealth without merit, mjch poverty without demerit, cross purposes in production, inducing glut, scarcity, waste and injustice; idle , wealth that might be supporting in dustry but is not; enforced idleness and poverty; fraud In trade, and the tyranny and menace of corporate pow- ' er. These and such evils exist and they are grave. Usually socialists do not overmagnify, them. If such dis tresses are curable, all wish to know ho v.. Most wise people whatever their styio of social thinking sympathize withcsocialism in wishing the public ' power, when necessary, to extend more or less its economic function. Now and then of course some one still de nounces as dangerous, per se,-regard-' less of place or circumstance, e. g., the municipal ownership of street rail-, ways. It is hard to see why this is' more a peril than the owning of schools or of water or gas works by" cities. There is nothing alarming, either, in the proposal that govern-' ment should purchase and work mines.' Public ownership of mines is in con tinental Europe the regular thing, as Is the public ownership of railways. - If the question were merely wheth er or not it is aesiraoie ror govern-, ment to possess and administer cer tain indispensable public utilities it, would not be worth discussion. The thoughtful , people are few, however opposed to socialism, who do not be . lieve that government will In time, take over a great many of the pro ductive agencies now in private hands. " Government might go a long way in this without even an approach to so-, cialism. Socialism would not be reached until all material instrumen talities for the production of wealth had passed into the state's hands, or at least so many of them that indi vidual initiative in its present and historic form had ceased to function. Nor need anti-socialists have any radical quarrel with socialists over Fabianism. Call the Fabians social ists, if you will, they are of a very, innocuous stripe. The three great ten ets' of orthodox socialism, that econ-