8 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JANUARY 8, 1903. Zbe Htbraska Independent Lincoln, Utbraska. UBERTY BUILDING. 1328 0 STREET. Entered according to Art of CongTes of March , 1S79, at the Totlofliceat Lincoln, Nebraska, a tccond-clafs mail matter. FUBLIS11ED EVERY THURSDAY. I . FOURTEENTH YEAR. $1.00 PER YEAR When making remittances do not. leave ' U.outy with news cger.cies, postmaster., etc., ,to be icrwarded ly them. They frequently forget or remit a different commit than was i left with them, and the subscriber fails to gel : proper credit. Address all communications, and make all drafts, money orders, etc., payable to tbf Utbraska litdtpwdtnt, t . Lincoln, Neb. Anonymous communications will not be noticed. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned. Roosevelt is proving to be a mor? prolific talker than Bryan, but the dailies have no remarks to make con cerning his "jaw" or the amount of wind he uses. This is an era of prosperity, never theless there are more people in these United States suffering from cold and want of fuel than there were In the days of "the Cleveland soup houses." : The plutocratic preachers of Chica go are rouring out the vials of their wrath upon the head of Dr. Bascora for hi3 opinions concerning universi ties accepting part of Rockefeller's loot. . One of the causes of the shortage of coal in Chicago and other citie3 of that state is the Illinois law allowing mal mines. That was a direct way of building up an invincible monopoly. - , . Governor Cummins and his "Iowa Idea" has been sat down upon pretty ' hard at Washington. The tariff is to ' continue as a shelter for the trusts as long as the, republican party is in power. What will poor Cummins do now? General Schalkburger, for some time acting president of the Orange Free State, says that "the power of rule lies in the Afrikander who will re main loyal to the British crown while righteousness reigns and his rightful portion is allotted him." Did you ever reflect upon the far- ' reaching effect those injunctions had that Teddy got issued against the meat trust and the railroads? The meat trust kept on raising the price of meat and the railroads continued to increase the freight and passenger rates. The Manila American wonders "why, in view of the fact that the na tives of these islands have been Chris tians for over 300 years, that so much hue and cry is being raised among the various missionary societies as to the best method of 'Christianizing' the Filipinos." Rockefeller got angry at a little town in Illinois because the city coun . oil ordered his trust to move its plant on account of the danger of fire. Now the people of that town have to go si?, miles to the next town to get oil. h, the Standard Oil trust a good trust or a bad trust? Teddy won't answer. The doctors have given the culture of lemons a tremendous boost. Those in charge of bacteriological labratcries all over the country are unanimous in their declaration that lemon juice will Instantly kill typhoid germs in water. Two or three drops In a glass of water makes an end of the germs and it can be drunk with perfect safety. PROTISIOR JENKS When one looks back to the fierce contest waged over the money ques tion in 1896 and 1900 and remembers the part taken therein by professors of political economy who abandoned the teachings of all the authoi Lies on that subject at the command of 1 po litical party, stultified themselves and disgraced the profession to which they belonged, he can only comfort himself by reflecting that human nature is weak. Among this class of professors was Jeremiah W. Jenks, who held a chair in Cornell university. The re striction of the coinage of silver in India was fully discussed. It was nointed out time and again that that restriction was in the interest of the British officeholders in that country and would work untold hardships upon the native population, perhaps pro ducing widespread famine, a result that did follow. It was shown that the industries of India were taking on new life and were exceedingly prcs norous and that the increased pur chasing power of the rupee effected by an arbitrary order in council at Lon don, would ruin thousands. Ah that and more, too, was proclaimed by the honest economists of Both England and the United States. At that time Professor Jenks was in the ranks of the gold standard advocates. The other day at the meeting of the na tional society of economists he spoke as follows: "The stoppage of the free coinage of silver in India in 1893 was the re sult, not so much of a general busi ness depression coming from the de preciation in the value of silver as compared with gold, a3 of injury to the government in distinction from the people and to certain classes in thf community. Together with this injury to some classes went, doi btless, ben efit to others. The total benefit or in jury to a country from a change in its currency system must be found by noting its effect upon the different classes and by estimating the relative importance of these different classes in the community. In India, for ex ample, during the' period of the fall of silver, the classes who were pro ducing goods for export, speaking gen erally, felt a stimulus in their indus try, and made uncommonly large profits. In certain cases, doubtless, this increase in profit led to increased investments of capital brought over from Europe. This increase in profits, however, was at the expense, to a con siderable extent, of other classes in the community. While producers for ex port gained the consumers of imported goods lost. "Wage-earners received their pay in the depreciated currency, but in many cases, owing to the fact that their purchases were mainly of goods which were valued onthe silver stand ard, they often did not feel any loss. The loss was really felt when the sil ver rupees passed on from hand to hand, finally coming into the posses sion of those who needed to buy goods valued on the gold standard. As a matter of fact, in India the government officials were in all probability the chief sufferers. The nttive peoples, in many cases, did not suffer appre ciably." Professor Jenks understood these Uings just as well in 1896 and 1900 as he does now. His position then and now shows the effect that money has in closing the mouths of some mtn who pose as teachers of science or in opening them when their masters so order. Just now those masters are making an attempt to do in the Phil ippines just what the British did in India and Professor Jenks comes bravely to their aid. After a few re marks that do not bear upon the real question at all, he concludes as fol lows: "Inasmuch, therefore, as our gov ernment has the duty and has ex pressed the intention of administering the Philippines for the benefit of the Filipino, it seems essential both for their Fake and for the sake of the gov ernment 'tself that the gold standard be established and maintained." If there was ever a non sequiter that equalled that since man made his first attempt to reason, The Inde pendent will give a five dollar bill to. the one who discovers it. REPUBLICAN ANARCIIY It has been twelve years since the republican party under the leadership of Blaine, formally announced reci procity as one of its policies. During that twelve years not a reciprocity treaty has been ratified. It has been used all that time as a fraudulent cam paign cry. The republican platform of 1896 had these words: "We believe the repeal of the reciprocity arrangements nego tiated by the last republican ad ministration was a national calam ity, and we demand their renewal and extension on such terms a3 will equalize our trade with other nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of American products in the ports of other countries, and secure en larged markets for the products of our farms, forests and factories." This is the first time in the history of parliamentary government that any party became so degraded as to open ly repudiate its platform. They have sometimes done it by indirection, but never in the brazen way that the re publican party has. It is a long step toward anarchy. When the people become convinced that they can place no reliance in party plal forms, there will be no usa of voting. It under mines the very foundations of free government. THE DECLINE OF ORATORY It is related that the erstwhile John Mellen Thurston of Nebraska and Col Henri Watterson of the Louisville Courier-Journal once upon a time met somewhere and (probably over a hot bottle and a cold bird, or vice versa) discussed the decline of "oratory. "Why," said Thurston or Watter&on it matters not which "there are only three orators in all America me, and you, and Chauncey Depew." "I can't see the use of dragging Depew into this," drily retorted Watterson or Thurston "he's not present." Doubtless man is evolving from a state of ear-mindedness to one of eye mindedness. He learn3 by sight what he formerly learned by ear. Spoken language preceded written language, and very naturally the human mind received impressions more readily at first by listening than by seeing at least so far as concerns the thoughts received through the medium of language. Naturally for a long time te orator was supreme. He alone could reach and sway the ear-minded multitude. And, although in a way, he is still popular, yet with ail his powers of persuasion he cannot com pete with the stammering, halt-of-speech individual who sits in an ob scure back room and writes out his thoughts. Just as in the art of wa the finest specimen of physical man hood is, in the shedding of human blood, no match for the hollow-chcSted German professor who compounds some hellish explosive; so in his pow er for weal or woe the man wit 11 the silver tongue is'no match for him with the brass pen. The American people still love to listen to oratory but not as pupils. They want entertainment, and not in struction, by word of mouth. When they want to learn they read. Even for their entertainment they are not dependent upon their sense of hearing The Macmillan company report -that over a million topics have been sold of six novels alone in a very short space of time. These are: Mr. Crawford's new novel Cecilia. (Just published)... '03,000 Mr. Wister's The Virginian. .175,000 Mrs. Athertoh's The Conqueror 70,000 Mr. Major's Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall 120,000 Mr. Allen's The Choir Invisi ble JuO.000 (Mr. Churchill's The Crisis 400,000 THE COURTS No man can fail to see, if he gives a little attention to. the subject, that the foundation of the robbery and ex tortion practiced by the trusts and railroad corporations is -in the courts. Another thing he will also discover, if he investigates a 'little further, and that is that just as the couHs get away, from responsibility to the people, ic that measure do their decisions tend to uphold tru&ts and combinations. First he will find that judges who are elected by the people for short lerms are those whose decisions have been against aggression. Tin longer the term, the less is this the case. Judges selected by an appointing power, espe cially if their terms are for life, lean more and more to the side cf plutoc racy. The decision of the supreme court of the United States, and that alone, has enthroned the railroads and given them a power to discriminate and ex tort unreasonable rates ftom the peo ple. It declares that to give the in terstate commerce commission th9 power to reduce rates is a delegation of the power to legislate. When the states pass maximum rate bills re duce rates by legislation then it says that is confiscation, taking private property without compensation foi the benefit of the public, so that is also unconstitutional. It, however, em powers congress to delegate the au thority to govern 10,000,000 people to a commission and declares that that delegation of power to legislate is constitutional. This twisting and turning, wriggling in and wriggling out is all in the interest ,of plutoc racy. , " Government by injunction, adopted by the courts in the last few years, has all been in the interest of com binations of wealth. It cannot be successfully denied that the courts of this country are "the bulwark behind which trusts and all aggregations of capital engaged in exploiting, labor find safe refuge and from which they sally forth in their raids on mankind. This is not to deny that there are jusc judges and that there is a miajrity of such on the supreme bench of the United States. How larg that minor ity would be if their votes were need ed by plutocracy at any time, no man can tell. These judges grow more autocratic every year. Not long sin :e several cf the highest in the land in public in terviews declared that the decisions of the courts should not be allowed to be criticised. They would establish the law of lese majesty in this country anct enforce it in regard to the decision of the judges. That is nothing less than the re-establishment of the old doc trine, "the king can do no wrong," and applying it to the courts. While these facts stare every man in the face, the doctrine is most se dulously preached by the daily press and plutocratic magazines that the courts are a sort of divinely appointed and inspired Institution and that any man who criticises them is at heart an anirchist. They have created a sort of psychological influence pervad'ng all society which in the words ol an other has brought to the defense of the sanctity of the courts "landlords,, and capitalists, stock exchange wolves and shop keepers, protectionists and free traders, young street walkers and old nuns undei the common cry for the salvation of property, religion, the family and society," and that even words containing an inference that the courts might be biased must be stud iously avoided. As far as The Inde pendent is concerned, it will speak its opinions about the courts as freely as about anything else, and it be lieves with some of thj founders of this government that a l'fe-appoinied judiciary contains the tceds of the greatest danger that this republic will ever have to meet Hon. Soren M. Fries, representative' from the 48th district (Howard coun ty), wa3 a caller at Liberty Building Tuesday. wm ar-W" wwevrrt r memmrt- ZJ