The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 08, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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JANUARY 8, 1903.
- - ,
Twat7Firth Meetlnr Nebnwka State II If
torical Society, Lincoln, January
, 13-14, 1903
The twenty-fifth annual meeting of
the Nebraska state historical society
will -be held in Lincoln, January 13
and 14, 1903. Sessions will be held at
Memorial Chapel of the state univer
sity. Following is the program:
Tuesday, January 13, 8 p. m.
Tributes , to J. Sterling Morton
' President Robert W. Furnas, Brown
ville, Hon. George L. Miller, Omaha.
f Railroads in Nebraska Politics
Hon. Edward Rosewater, Omaha.
: The Campaign Against Crazy Horse
" and the Mule Reserves D. Y. Mears,
Chadron. -.
Steamboating and Steamboat Days
on the Missouri. (Pioneering on the
Missouri River,. 1846-1890) Capt. W
R. Massie, St Louis.
. The Rise and Tall of Steamboating
on the Missouri River Phil. E. Chap
pell, Kansas City.
I - Wednesday, January 14, 6 p. m.
Supper for members of State Histori
cal society, Territorial Pioneers, State
Horticultural society, Lancaster Coun
ty Old Settlers' association and visit-
ing friends.
Wednesday, January 14, 8 p. m.
The Passing of a Romantic Business
Capt. H. M. Chittenden, U. S. Engi
- neer3, Yellowstone Park.
My Recollections of the Missouri,
1852-1902 Capt. A. Overton, Council
The All-Water Route to the Rockies
Capt. D- L. Keiser, Booneville, Mo
Runnina the Indian Blockade on the
Missouri Capt. W. H. Gould, Yank
, ton, S. D.
.Decatur, the Early Steamboat and
Railroad Center of. North . Nebraska
Capt. S. T. Learning, Decatur.
, Sailing the Old Missouri Capt Jaa.
Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo.
Steamboating Now and Then Capt.
W. A. Cade, Kansas City, Mo.
Early Railroading and Steamboat
ing Harry P. Deuel, Omaha,
Elections of Steamboat Days at
the Old Omaha. Landing William .T.
Kennedy, Omaha.
Business meeting.
'. The Nebraska Territorial. 'Pioneerr-'
association . will meet in Memorial
Chapel, Wednesday. January 14- a
2; o'clock p. m., for social ..jeminis
. 'censes and election of officers? V,,",
The Nebraska State Horticultural
society will meet in morning and af
ternoon sessions January 13, 14, and
15, in Nebraska hall, university cam
pus. . A supper and - social meeting for
members of the above societies and
.their visiting friends has been ar
ranged for 6 o'clock p. m., Wednes
day, January 14, at the Llndell hotel.
Tickets at hotel, 50 cents.
The public is cordially invited to at-
tend these sessions. Those having
valuable information on subjects to
be discussed are urged to be present,
and those possessing valuable relics
are urged to bring or send them for
presentation at the meetings.
Will hold a session Thursday after
noon, January 15, 2 p. m., in the old
Chapel of the state university with the
following program:
. Music Mr. Camp and others.
" "The Hog in Lancaster County"
J. V. Wolfe.
; Waverly and Its History O. R. Bow
man. Early Law and l awyers of Lancas
ter County Judge S. B. Pound.
L , Music The G. A. .R. Quartet.
. -...The Location of the Capital at Lin
colnHon. T. P. Kennnrd.
.:" Other papers and addresses or talks
are expected from Col. J. P. Bratt,
Col. Vifquain, Mrs. Dr. Demaree, Capt.
Baird, Mrs. A. Roberts, Rev. H. T.
... Davis. Chas. Retzliff, Rev. John Chap-
r. man, Hon. C. H. Warner, and others.
' Recitations will also be given.
Social and supper,, 5 p. m., Armory.'
, Hot coffee.' ,
, Bring your good, things to eat Ta
bles and chairs will . be furnished.
Independent (radical ). " .
A conservative Is all right so long
as tie is not too lenient A radical Is
all right so loag as he is not too ex
cessive. ,This is why. I admire both
the editor of The Commoner and the
editor of The Independent Seems
tibotft time that some of your good old
cr young moneyed populists would
either donate you help while alive or
will a. goodly chunk In death. If 1
had money today 1 would rather put
It into your cause than into the
church, for this reason: I consider
you are representing a cause that can
not fail, to get the blind out of the
ditch. The church cause is so adul
terated that the blind are leading the
blind into the ditch.
I am not a populist, democrat, nor
republican; but independent of party,
politics, and churen. Think for my
self, believe for myself and live for
God and my family. .
R. F. D. 6, Mansion, Wis.
Jerome Harvey, Uljsses, Pa.: Whila
I was in Washington attending th
G. A. R. encampment in October I vis
ited the capitol and while looking
down into th3 senate and house of
representatives chambers I thought
how many go there to sell themselves
to the money power, instead of work
ing for the good of those who sent
them. Will it ever be changed? It is
getting worse tver7 time.
Glad ti Help
Editor Independent: I am very
glad that there is a probability of get
ting together. I have hoped for it
and prayed for it I am willing to dc
all in my power to help it on. I am
not one who holds malice and will
take any man's hand, let him be
democrat, republican, populist, or so
cialist, as - soon as he gives me a
promise to stand firm and independent
of either old narty.
. I believe it Is possible to reorganize
the people's independent party, but I
am unalterably opposed to fusion o
co-operation when more than one par
ty name is used. If, as you believe, we
should have .'in opportunity to vote
for Judge Sullivan, iet him espouse our
party's cause and if he won't do tha.
we ought not indorse him for two rea
sons: First, he should be a populist
second, .if he undertakes two parties
he wil' surely fail, for beyond a doubt
l.he democratic macline is as sorry as
we are that fusion ever came, and the
chances are that with three parties
in the field our cause can win.
If you .vjsh to tsst Mr. Bryan's sin
cerity come' squarely out for populist
principles. Force bim to show his
hand;-it won't hurt him if he is hon and no man can stand long for a
party name only ane be honest, when
1 i party goes astray.
The day has come when a man that
is righteous let him be righteous
still; and he that is filthy (well, if he
won't repent) let him be filthy still.
And when the popvlist party is reor
ganized we will b3 surprised at. our
strength. Trne populist principles
have been crushed to the earth, but
like a smoldering volcano will break
out with wonderful effect.
Violet, Neb.
L. H. Hassing, Albert Lea, Minn.:
send another three months' sub
scriber and wish to ask if any more
will be accepted at that rate? (Ten
cents yes. Ed. Ind.) Your paper
has improved in form and is handier
to keep on file for future reference.
. I. W. Zornes. Mountain Grove, Mo,
I am reading The Commoner now, but
'- must have The Independent, as it is
the only paper that says things just
i- the way I want to hear them said. 1
like the change in the form of The
, Independent ; :
' ; For God and Family
Editor Independent: No man, any
more, can tell me what is my duty
"Duty" is quite obsolete in my vo
cabulary. ' "Privilege" has taken its
T stead: Yes, I take The Independent
' and as long as you conduct yourself
and paper as you now do, and I can
legitimately raise the money, I'-'ex-pect
to continue. Am also taking Thz
Commoner (con servative) beside- The
G. W. Knisel, Oxford, Neb.: We
like your paper and must have it.
We are sorry over Shallenberger's de
feattried our best to elect him.
There were fifteen brainless fellows
shipped out of Oxford that would havo
voted for him had they not sold thek
votes for a pass to Denver and back.
Such things are disgusting but I am
not discouraged.
ljfp Pojjj tflfj Froint
J and deliver the following bill of Staple Groceries
to your R. R." station. Hundreds Lave purchased
this combination of us during the past few months
and every response ' to a shipment brings the best
of satisfaction. We try hard to please. Give us a
trial order. Ask our Customers. Save 30 per
cent by ordering this bill. READ.
40 Lbs. Best Granulated
Sugar for Si. 00.
40 lbs. very best granulated su
gar for $1 00
4 lbs. best Rio coffee 1 00
25 bars laundry soap 1 00
3 10c pkgs. corn starch 25
3 10c pkgs. gloss starch 25
2 lbs. 50c Japan tea 1 00
2 lbs. best baking powder 50
All above delivered
your depot for $5.
free to
$5 00
Remit by Draft, Express or ftey Order.
flefirsnce Columbia National Bank.
the books of the men we traded with.
Now, I wish you would tell me what
is the matter; do I need high tariff or
do I need low tariff, or do I need no
tariff; do I need dear money or do
need cheap money? Our last campaign
in this state the little bugle-moutl cd
parrots that stumped around here told
us we had too much money. Well, I
will not impose on you by sending for
a three months' trial subscription for
myself, for I have already read sev
eral copies sent as samples, but I
have a neighbor that gave me ten
cents for three months' subscription,
so will send that and as soon as I can
get enough together I want to send
and get The Independent a year.
Beaver, Oregon.
was the only one I could understand.
Yet there are some really valuable
productions born only to die because
they are written in a vicious style.
God bless you for castigating those
most despicable slaves imperialistic
editors. JAMES W. FITCH.
Uncasville, Conn.
A Victim of Prosperity
Editor Independent: You wish to
know what I think of your paper.
think it is all right and speaks with
out fear, and I would subscribe for it
if I had the money, but I haven't got
but 50 cents to my name. So much for
the good times and the g. o. p. I have
worked this summer and have got al
most the top wages in the logging
camp, but I find that wages do not
keep pace with the high price of -the
necessaries of life, so when my sum
mer's work is over and I go to set
tling up my store bills they are larg
er than ray income. Some might
claim it was because of the large fam
ily I have. I have a wife and five
small children, the oldest not quite
ten, and they have not been able to
keep such things as meat on account
of the high price. We .have run no
useless bills Jorthings that-were not
necessary, which can be shown by
John Arnot, Boulder Creek, Cal.:
It came as a hard rap to see old Ne
braska go back as it has done espt-
Uy the Bib Sixth. I thank you for
past favors and the firm stand you
have always maintained for principle.
Translating College Jargon
Editor Independent: Inclosed is 10
cents in stamps, for which please send
me the worth of 'that in copies of The
Independent for November 27, 1902.
If all out of copies for November 27
send later copies, I mean later issues
enough to use up the stamps. But I
am anxious for the issue of November
27, wherein you, in the editorial, "The
Gospel of Discontent," acted as manly
towards me rs you were generous be
fore in publishing what stirred the
editor of the Star to name me a "fran
tic ass."
Another editorial in the same issue
"Making the Independent," should be
read and pondered over by every pop
ulist reader, and,-.then he ought to
work mightly for your success. i
would not hesitate to pay $5 a year If
I could not get it for les3, to havo
a paper for revolutionists what The
Independent Is for populists.
J You do an immense service in trans
lating articles written in cultured or
college jargon. Years ago I avoided
Huxley, for the lesser scientists were
unintelligible to .me and I thought a
great one like, him must certainly b
unreadable. . Later, I found that he
L. L. Kingsolver, Powder Springs,
Pa.: Enclosed find 50 cents for edu-
ational subscriDtioiiS. ' I sold them
in a few minutes and think the mir-
chasers will be pleased with your pa
per, i iiKe it better than any paper
I ever read.
Soil Exhaustion
Editor Independent .: Fi
order' to pay for five educational sub-s.riptions.
In your issue of November 27 "TTvw
Long, Oh, How Long." This is all
O. K. and is just what's the matter
wun ine American farmer, expressed
in a nuisneu. do you know that the
eastern states are playing out? The
bun is exnaustea almost beyond re
covery, and I know lots of land in the
west that is becoming exhausted also
by constant, cropping:. Wheat, wheat,
wlieat in constant succession; wheat
and oats, wheat and oats; wheat and
oats, etc., until the soil is nearly all
gone. ' -'
We should keep all oir -good lands
in reserve ' for future, -generations of
Americans, instead of dealing it out
to foreigners., We will soon need It
all; with, .this constant sapping of
the soil and flood of Immigration wilt
soon have a congested population' with
nothing to live on it will all be desert
This may. help the railroads, but It
is deith to the American farmer, who
growing poorer and poorer 'under
the system. . ' ,
Say it again; sav it asrain.
Pittsfield, Pa. ' " :
W. I. Calhoun,' Wayside, N. C.V
Find five educational subscriptions.1 I
appreciate the new dress ofour val
uable -paper. Hope you will -continue
vour battle for the reform forces nn-:
til we are able to gain a victory. We
should .Jive, in hopa.. If : we .die Jnde-r
Epair. (But we shan't die. Ed. Ind.)