16 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. JANUARY 8, 1903. SEAHLE & .SEARLES, SPECIALISTS Nervous, Chronic & Private Diseases : of MEN & WOSIKlf. WE CURE ALL MEN'S DISEASES AND 110 PAY UNLESS .CURED. AY guarantee fo cure all curable rases of the Noae.Throat, Chet. Stomach, Liver, Wood, bkin and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood, Night Emission", Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gon orrhea. Uleet, Pilea. Fistula and Kecinl Ulcera. Diabetes and Bright'- Disease. $ I OO.OO for a case of CATAKKlf. KIItXM A 1 1M. JVS- FKI'SlAor Htl'lllUS we iuiot. cure, 1 curable. ' DOME TREATMENT I1Y MAtL. Examination and consultation free. Call, or address with stamp, P. O. Box 224, Drs. Searles & SearlesIS,. mLV LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Bankers reserve life A ; SUCCESSFUL HOME LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY DOING A PHENOMENAL BUSINESS. BANKER YEAR OF ITS LIFE Nebraska's Strongest Life Company Leads All Competitors for This Year. Business in every line has been ex opticrIly good in this state for sev eral years. Life 'insurance has never before been so much in demand. Peo ple, are seeking safe investment. Lif? Insurance, companies stood the test of panic and' disaster better than any other form of savings institutions. Therefore, life insurant isnow sought by men, not only for protection, but r fpr investment. It is the safest fdrm,, of investment, as time has demon strated. THIS HOME COMPANY offers policies not only securing pro tection to the family; but which are first class investments for those who are seekirg interest-bearing securities, t A policy in the -Bankers Reserve Lif? Association is better than a govern ment bond, because it is as safe and the percentage of increase is more than double the rate allowed on gov ernment bonds. The investment is BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND also because the beneficiary in one of these policies will receive the face of the policy no matter how small may have been the number or amount of premiums paid. The future of life in surance in Nebraska is assured. Th-3 ttate laws governing the management ; of Nebraska companies PLACES SAFEGUARDS AROUND the assets, surplus and reserve of Ne braska companies jvhich will steadily " strengthen the companies as the grow in power and importance. The Bankers Reserve is conservatively 'principles and wrices upon thorough ly, tested plans policies which are un excelled in the world. . ;. is an old life insurance underwriter and expert He is building'this com pany for all time. It is his life work , Wo infonda that tt tVntl V. t ' ment. He wants good agents to as sist in pushing the good work. Write him at, McCague Building Omaha, . Neb. ; "' ' , ' - Bargains in Grass Lands MO acres near North Loup, Neb.; 250 acres of which are . good plow land. Price,-$5,000. ' '320 acres splendid grass land near North Loup, Neb. Price, $2,240. 480 acres good grass and farming land near North Loup, Neb. Price, ' $3,500. . - .;;' 320 acres flno. grass and pasture land near Arcadia, Neb. Price, $2,240. We have a fine line of splendid com bination stock anJ tarm land3ln-Howard, Greeley, Valley, and Sherman counties which we can sell on easy terms. Write to us for particulars stating kind of farm you want Van Decar & Bradley, St Paul, Neb., or Wolbach, Neb. "If Under Socialism" Editor Independent: In your issue of December 11 you have an article published, "Groping in the dark." And tfter reading it over, I felt that it was my duty to dispel the darkness. So cialism not only stands for the produc tion of the necessaries of life, butalso for the 'distribution of the same. Therefore we are obliged to add to your "200,000 millionaire class and 80. 000 army and navy, all of those, now engaged in the retail business, but a su3cient force to operate one govern ment department store in each city of not more than 10,000 inhabitants.. , As it is the design of socialism , to rid society of all of the parasites, that now infest it, we will further add to the . above list, the banker, broker, scalper, real estate agent, all insur ance agents, doctors of law, with thou sands of country editors whose only business it is to advertise the wares of the middle men which would not be necessary under socialism. "We will also add the traveling salesmen with all of those now engaged by the. gov ernment in the manufacturing of im plements of death and destruction used simply to open up new fields for commercialism, and with the tramp element that would show a willingness to work would all be organized into a mighty industrial army sufficient to eliminate every woman and child now employed under capitalism. I will admit that wherg capital has exploited labor, you will find the most scientific and up-to-date machinery that the human intellect can devise, but so far the capitalist has not in vaded the rural distritts only in cer tain localities. So we have one-half of the people of the United otates on tic individual plane without the aid of capital. Therefore, are forced to spend their energy on machinery that would be wholly ignored by the capitalist. For instance, the average farmer goe,; to his field to nlousrh with a snan Tbiorses harnessed with chain tugs nitcneoj-io a piow ana alter following them alPdaylie finds that he has only turned overaisout two and one-half acres; he then proceeds to sow. his grain, which is harrowed in separate ly. But the capitalist Operates th3 Big Bonanza wheat farms oKNorth Dakota, California and Washirigicji with a combined steam plow, seeder and harrow, and instead of cutt'ng shocking, stacking and threshing hi? grain separately as does the small In dividual farmer, he proceeds with a combined steam reaper and thresh er and thus reduces the labor-time in pro ducing one bushol . of wheat from 32 4-5 minutes to 2 1-5 minutes. What is true of raising grain, is also true of stock raising. It is the idea of the socialists for the government to own and operate farms, with the latest labor-saving machinery that can be procured. Socialism goes farther than That: it touches the inner circles of the home. It proposes to build public laundries" and bal erie3 and lift the heavy burdens that now weight down the shoulders of the housewife an;! the mother. You have named three causes that have brought about. the present exist ing evils of society, and they are n doubt real evils, but you have failed to mention one that is greater than eith er of them, namely, the exploiting of the laborer by his em plover. Accord ing to the census bulletin 150, Unite! States government report, the avera.ee production per laborer was $2,451 per year while the average wage paid was $437. Each laborer has been robbed of $2,014 of the product of his own labor. TTnder-socialism that vast army of 125.000 miners that have beep idle all summer would have been emp'oved by the government and would have re ceived the full product of their toil. Under socialism the labor-saving ma chinery ' of the nineteenth century would be a blessing to mankind in shortening , the hours of labor. Bui under commercialicm thev are a curse for the wage slave is forced to work these giant machines and give tht drones that own them the lion's ahart while 'he receives just enough of th necessities of life to sustain his phy sical existence and produce his kind in ordr that the future generations of drones may be permitted to revel in the luxuries of their fathers. Under socialism we will not reduce produc tion, but on the contrary will in crease it With the farms operated with labor-saving machinery run bv steam or electricity fully one-half of those now engaged in farming could be placed in other field3 of produc tion. TJae trusts have taught, us the lesson of collective ownership of tb.3 means of production and it will not be very long before they will teach us an othert that of the collective ownership of the means of distribution, unless the middle man and wage slave awakes from his lethargy... The wage slave, should face the future with a bright hope. He can free himself if he wilL He has nothing to lose bu5 his chains, and. a world of happiness, peace and plenty to gain. He has cre ated all wealth, therefore, he should own all wealth. . FRED E. BARNARD. Grand Island, Neb. Wild Cat Issues Editor Independent: Since subscrib ing for your paper I can hardly wait from - one week to another for it. I think it the. best paper I have ever read and only wish I was able to have it in the homes of many more of our people so that they might learn the truth about the affairs of our great country as J find it . shown up in The Independent .When I read mine I hand it to some of my-neighbors so that I may get them interested in it. I am anxious to see and hear what you say in regard to the bills intro duced now in congress on the money question allowing the national banks to issue 50 per cent over and above thr, amount of bonds they have deposited Is that not going back to the old wild cat banking system of years ago? If I understand the bill as introduced this is certainly the way in which I would understand it. W. B. ESSICK. North Benton, O. (It is really difficult to guess just what bill will finally become a law, but it is no trick at all to forecasc the nature of the financial legislation if present tendencies are not checked The bankers are determined to have complete control of the issue of all currency, and before they can secure this they must destroy the greenbacks and silver dollars in some way just how, remains to be seen. Yes, the drift of all recent bills is a return to the old wild cat idea, with some modi fications so the blame for trouble can be thrown . upon the government Ed. Ind.) Prizes for Stock Judging One feature of the live stock judg ing parliament that is to be held in Lincoln, January 23-31, is a contest for prizes. Several prominent breed ers, including' Thomas 'Mortimer of Madison. Riley. Bros, of Albion, Will iam Ernst of Graf, W. A. Apperson of Tecumseh, O. P. Hendershot of Heb ron, Col. F. M. Woods. U. S. A., the "Nebraska Duroc-Jersey association. and Professors Burnett and Smith of fer sums aggregating over $100 for those showing, the greatest proficiency in judging different classes of animals. The contest will taktilace on the last day and will te open toailwho enroi for the parliament. Two carloads of choice young, firf-ed-ing -bu!ls Will be shipped. in for prac: ice work in the selection .of .sire.3. Many of these will be available for purchase should they be wanted. Frpetire will also be given on the splrr-tion of steers for the feed lot. The progr.-tm of thf various agricul tural meetings which .are to he held in Liiiro!:i. Janv.nry 20-23, promise to be the most interesting ever given. The half rates on railroads are good until the close of the judging parlia ment following the meetings, it is expected manv will take advantage of the opportunities offered by attending both. The indications are favorable for a large and enthusiastic gathering of stockmen. AN OBJECT LESSON G. S Floyd, box 562. Seattle, Wash. T have read populist and greenback literature ever since it was first pub lished and realize the necessity of giv ing those publications a living sup port, seeing that it for the lack of this that so mny abte champions r,f the pponle's cause have beep forced to suc cumb and cease publication. This leads m to congratulate vou upon vour ahility to survive the misfor tunes that have come upon our. Dartv and to hone that populist- princiole may yet. prevail. T have lost trad of the Nou?onforniit and other f?v orjf pprtv organs, but. snw (h Knight Watchman, as the Nat lorn I Watchman, pti flown before th r?trl--H"n' caste of -th eiof. (Tha tn,rPor for"tt is now the Central Ffl.rtner. nnbljahed at Omaha: Prof n. Vincent editor and pronrietcr. Ed. Ind.) F. M. . Marrs. Ptephenville. Tex.: Hvine read vo"r three samnle copies, and being a democrat, I eandidiv sav I do not lPe them. (What sort of democrat? Ed. Ind.) ! , In a Restaurant. . , A physician puts the qiicry.r,'Have you never noticed in any large restaurant at lunch or din rert tnethe large number of hearty, vigorous o l men at the table?; men whose ages run from 6o to 8o years; many of them bald and all per haps gray, but none of them feeble or ten He?"- Perhaps the spectacle is so common as to have escaped your observation or comment, but never theless it is an object lesson which means some thing. . - If you will notice what these hearty old fel lows are eating you will observe that they are not munching bran cratkers nor gingerly pick ing theirwav through a menu card of new fan gled health foods; on the contrary they seem to prefer a juicy roast of beef, a properly turned lorn ot mutton, and even the deadly broiled lobster is not altogether ignored. . - The point of all this is tha a vigorous old age depends upon good digestion and plenty of wholesome food end sot fon dating and an endeavor to live upon bran crackers. There is a certain class rf fcod cranks who seem to believe that meat, coffee and manv other good thingsare rank poisons, but these cadaver ous, silky looking individualsare a walking con demnation of their own theories The matter in a nnfciii 'c ihoi ir it., rimnu secrets the natural digestive juices in suffic ent Quantity any wholesome food will be promptly digf-sted; if the stomach does not do so, and ce. ta n foods cause distress one or two of Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets alter each meal will remove all difficulty because they supply just what eacit weak omaoh lacks, pepsin, hydrochloric acic, diastase and nui. . , ',, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act upon the I OWt'ls and. in faof aro yrx ct. ,',1. n ... : as thev act almost em , r i).. tA . , ...... j u ' V. . . . IUUU V (1 1 V 1. , aigtsling it thoroughly and thus gives a much Siviuj tii nyucuic ior inc next meal. Of Deo tile who travel in -.if n ,,c . 1 - - . " ' UUi V VI.U UJV. S uart s Dyspepsia Tablets, knowing them to be i j i " 'sluu'ctl aBy I'lJie, ana aiso raving tound out by expetience that they are a safe guard ncnit.st inrlio-pvt;, n in on .,A nig as they have to. at all hours and a 1 kinds of loud, the traveling public for years have pinned their faith to Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. - All drUPCISta fifll thftn at rr, f..1t f " - " fc JV VlllO 1UI 1 Ull-IMU packages and any druw pist f r m Maine to Cali- tfirtna tf Vtia : . . . . . . - i vpjwiuu were usitca, wm say mac Stuart S Dvsnerisifl Tahlftcie tc-f ..u. and s ccesfu' remedy for any stomach trouble Plumbing and Heating Estimates Furnished J.C.COX ' 1333 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska. ' ' TT'm7JSSI1mZ1m I1U ."'IVi'mSm I! I CATTLE SHEEP I! Live I Stock Com mission Nye & Buchanan Go,, SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Best possible service in all depart ments. Write or wire us for markets or other information. - Longdistance Telephone 2305 ' 'io make cows nay. nsn harnim rnui .mritnn Booklu8lnes3 tairylng" &cat.0 free W. Chester, i'a Members of Legislature Will Find The Hotel Walton 1516 O STREET, the best and most convenient low oriced ' t" iy- K.aies fi per aay and up. ESS- 22 'ttam WANTEDFAITHFUL PERSON TOTRAVEL for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $ 19. 0 a week in cash and expenses ad. vanced. Position permanent. Business suc cess! nl and rushing. Standard House,334 Dear born St., Chicago. " m Fruit Farm For Saitr ... A most desirable fruit farm, con sisting of one hundred and sixty acres, located immediately on the west bank of the Missouri river, . in extreme southeastern Nebraska, where crops of no kind have ever failed. No bet ter fruit soil. Write Robert W. Fur nas, Brownville, Neb. Fire Proof Safe Large fire proof and burglar rro6f safe, 414 feet high, 3 feet square 'for sale at a bargain. Addres&rP.'F. zim mer, 116 South 10th st-Lincoln, Neb. Hon. W. A. Way, state senator from the 12th district, visited The Inde pendent Monday and spent a pleasant hour discussing the probable course of legislation during the present session. J J J J J The date at which your sub scription has expired or will expire is printed plainly with the address on the wrapper of the paper each week. -It Is sufficient notice to all readers ., of The Independent as to the condition of their account. Ex amine the date cn the wrap per of YOUR paper. If it is past your subscription is de linquent.