The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 08, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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JANUARY 8, 1903.
Trusts The Cause and Cure J
a fact bo plainly indicated that any
one -with horse sense dare not deny;;
Mark Hanna, the body, ta-il and brains
of the republican party, now admits
that tnerj are trusts "some good and
some bad." Hanna himself has never
.Editor Independent: Your corre
spondent, Guy F. Bowen and E. bel
del have been badly misled by the
Itooseveltian idea of "national super
vision" and "publicity" as remedies
for trust evils. My dear sirs, these
are no reme'dies at all. Give con
gress the power to create and control
- corporations and you establish a great
boodle annex to the United States cap
Itol. Congressional corruption? Cor
porate control of congress? These art
bad enough now. But (nee let con
gress enter uncn the work of super -vising
all corporations o'dng business
in several states and our national leg
islature will no longer belong to thf
people In that day few men will bt
elected to either house who are not
indorsed by the corporations. And at
ter they get there they v. ill all wea.
;he corporation collar.
Publicity? The trusts laugh at pub
licity as the railroad companies laugh
at tho interstate commerce coii'.mis
sion. They are willing to publish tc
the world thai their capital is one
half water and that their annual prof
its are from 20 to 50 per cent on their
actual investment. Witness the United
States steel corporation and the
Standard Oil company.
Reformers cannot afford to be blind
ed by this kind of chaff.
There is bu; one remedy for the
trust evil: Government ownership of
transportation, telegraph and tele
phone lines, anthracite coal mine3 and
enough iron and bituminou? coal mines
to brak any attempted monopoly cf
The !onger we try palliative measures
the more perfect will the trust mo
nopolies become. W. L. HAND.
Kearney, Neb.
Editor Independent:. In response to
your very kind invitation, will venture
to state that the remedy for tb.e trust
evil is very simple: It is only neces
sary to measure by the golden rule
and "hew to the line." But the medi
cine that will purge monopolies oi
greed will operate on the whole push
who seldom fail to take ail the traffic
will safelv bear. The subject is so
plain as hardly to. admit an honest
difference of opinion.
Bronsdale, Minn.
. Editor Independent: In the issuf
of your paper uated November 21 you
kindly invite any of your patrons who
may desire to do so, to write short
articles, for p iblication, on trusts. I
will send you a short article and i will
take for my text, what is the remedy?
That trusts do exist in our country is
LaGrippe Caused
Heart Trouble,
Nervous Prostration
, and Dyspepsia.
I: ,
'My Friends Know Heart
Cure Cured Me.
: Mrs. CO. Hurd, nS Y. Third St., Musca
tine, la., is well-known throughout her
k .section of Iowa as an ardent worker in the
'M, E. Church. She says:"LaGrippe left me
' 'wila a severe caee of nervous depression and
'nervous dyspepsia, which soon affected my
heart, I suffered from sleeplessness, head-
- . ache, extreme nervousness and twitching of
the muscles The lightest cxert;on would
cause shortness of breath, a numbness of my
body and hot flashes w th pain. I will ted
you what I am constantly telling my irientls
thr.t Dr. Mihs' Heart Cure, cured, mc so
, that all these disagreeable symptoms le t me.
1 I may add that for severe pain I have never
found anything to equal Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
'-' Pills and think the Nerve and Liver Pills are
''. a .wonderful stomach remedy."
i'.'Our son was stricken down with heart
v- trouble in his twentieth year. For two
- .months we got no sleep with him at night,
w- so we cpmnu-nced. to use Dr. Miles' Ilea t
. Cure and Nervine with the Nerve and Liver
'" Pills and today he i sound and well. In
' fact he pissed a physical examination since
. 1) is Sickness ana is with the Army in the
-philipo'nes. I desire to add that Dr. Miles'
') Anti-Pain Pills have certainly been a boon
' ' to me. I am frequently troubled with sick
and nervous headaches and I have never
found anything that would-relieve me so
qu ckly andlcwe me feeling so well there
I after." Mrs. Alice Moad, Buffalo, Mo.
'."All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
' tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
' fi Nervous and Heart Disea es." Address
' : Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
undertaken the Intricate ob of point
ing out just what constitutes a "bad
trust" Then as it. is admitted, an.'
that by the highest political authority,
(hat some of the trusts are bad and
very tad, it is the bad trusts tint we
will 'deal with in this article, leaving
'he good trust3, if there Le any such,
o take care of themselves.
At a time waen the resumption of
pecie payment was a much talked of
natter, I think it wa3 Horace Greeley
vho said that the best way to resume
vas to resume: so the best way to do
' thing is to do it. If our country is
nrsed with "bad trusts," then, for the
lonor of the nation, and the highest
Tood of the masses of our people, all
fhese trusts, should be wiped out of
existence, and it should be done with-,
out delay. If it is true that our na-
ion is afflicted with bad trusts then
had trusts exist by creation or stat
utory, law, or they exist independent
of law and without any statutory sanc
tion. " If these, bad trusts exist' as, a
creature of law, then the law-making
power of the nation should, apply the
nxe to, the root of the poisonous upas
tree, and with one fell stroke strike to
death the dreaded monster. If thece
bad trusts : exist without any 'lawful
Sanction, then.: they exist, as so many
law-defying criminals, and they should
be legislated out of existence, and
dealt with as we deal with pirates and
other crimes and criminals that oper
ate to the great injury of our country
and the masses of our people. These
trusts are a dangerous monster, they
are getting in their killing work to tin
great injury of the honest laboring
and common consuming classes of our
people. 'No man who has the welfar?
of the masses of the people at heart,
and i3 true and loyal to the honor of
his country, should have a word to say
in excuse for the existence of these
wicked trusts: and in like mannej any
political party that stands for these
trusts, should meet with the universal
displeasure of the people and sv.ould
be voted so deep down in'o outer dark
ness that never a ray of light shall
strike into the darkness. Thh leads
me to remark in conclusion, that the
nly sure and speedy remedy for rhes
bad trusts, is the proper exercise and
application 0f the God-given ballot.
W- M- KA1N-
Ashtabula. 0.
The Ox and the Fo
The Independent acknowledges re
ceipt of an interesting pamphlet en
titled The Ox and the Fox," pub
lished by the Ox and the Fox com
pany, Omaha a series of conversa
tions between the Brother to the ox
and the Brother to the fox. such as
have been published from time to time
in the Workers' Gazette. The them
is socialism. The publishers say: "It
is immaterial who the author is. The
peoole have had much authority for
truth. Now let them have a little
truth for authoritv." Price, 10 cents
Address the publishers as above.
The Best Way
To go to California is via the Burlington's personally con
ducted excursions every Thursday and Saturday only flO.CO
Lincoln to Jxs Angeles. "Call and get full information.
Jt . Cor. 10th and O Sts.
j Telephone 235. 9
fc? 0
'J 7th St.. Bet. P & Q. J
& Tel. Burlington No. 1290. &
1$ i$ u&
For last week beef steers probable
slumped 10 to 10c and cows and heif
ers 15 to 25c, although the week closed
with some of the loss regained and A
firmer tone, owing to falling off in re
ceipts. Three days this week bring
heavy receipts in Chicago and a low
er market. Receipts here for three
days only about 8,500 and market was
Beef steers, choice, $5.00 to $5.50;
-nofi $4.40 to $5.00; fair. $4.00 to MM;
choice cows and heifers. $3.40 to $3.75 '
good. $185 to 3.?5; canners and cut
ters. $1.75 to $2.50; stooVers and feea
rrs, steadv; choice. $3 7 to $4.00; me
di"m to fair. $2.M to S.50; b'HR $2.50
to 2.75; venl calves. $4.00 to $fi.00.
Ifoir were 15 to 20c lower for last
wepV. but stedv to Fc hlsher bo far
thiq week. Range of prices, S6.20 to
Sheep receipts last week small
prices, pteadv. This week stnrteri
with liberal receipts nt all noints and
mnrvet was 10c lowar Mnmlay, but
steady Tuesday art'i flnesv, - !
Kll'ers. . Feeders.
T ombs $5 nn-$i; k t-inn.tim
Wethers S...... 4.25- 4.75 3.15- 3.3i)
Uwes ........... 3.00- 3.75 1.50,- 5
Mr, Hand Explain th Cause of th Great
Change In That County Fusion
Did it
Editor Independent: I read your
article on Buffalo country in The In
dependent, of some weeks ago and 1
have a few remarks to make thereon.
"You have given some excellent rea
sons why this great loss ought not te
have occurred. Indeed, the reasons
are overwhelming, why every fusion
1st ought to have gone to the polls and
voted the anti-republican ticket this
fall. The idea that our voters have
consented, by remaining at home on
election day, to a return to power of
the corrupt and extravagant and railroad-ruled'
republican party in thirf
state, Is to me utterly intolerable. And
I want to tell you that we worked
hard to prevent this result. Our
working force of active populists in
this county was greatly reduced f ov
various reasons, removals among oth
ers, but we did our utmost to interest
ouri voters and get them to the polls.
We carried on a thoroughly organized
school-house campaign and we dis
tributed an abundance' of literature,
covering state issues and showing up
the misdeeds of the republican partj
1 But our school-house meetings were
poorly-attended. And on election day
800 or more of our voters stayed at
home. ,
You are puzzled to know the reason
for this.
I will tell you.
The greatest and controlling reason
so far as the populists are concerned
is fusion. .No doubt you think this is
not a defensible reason. No matter
whether the reason can be defended
or not, that is what is the matter
When our convention nominated the
state ticket with a democrat at the
head, I knew what would happen in
Buffalo county. We came home and
went to work to get our vote out, but
tv could not be done.
Thv county and Custer are the cra
dle of tt populist party. Formerly
the counties- jyere overwhelming re
publican. VoteivWho, prior to 189'..'
had always voted afeinst the demo
cratic party, cannot now e driven t
vote that party into power, vu can
not reason .with these voters; n vnn
try to persuade them to vote a demo
cratic ticket, they refuse to listen, no
matter how plausible fusion may look
Fusion is dead in these counties. If
another fusion state ticket is at
tempted the losses will be still great
er. And what is more, the republi
cans will make greater gains. We are
steadily losing votes to the republi
cans. It is useless to try to ignore thi
fact. Unpleasant as it may be, we
must face it.
Incidentally, two other reasons mav
be mentioned as factors in the result.
.1., Failure of the populists to carry
out. certain reform pledges and plat
form declaration when they had th
legislature. Our state board of trans
portation accomplished very little; and
our officials nearly all traveled or
passes These are mentioned as only
two of the grounds of complaint.
2.' Our big crop kept farmers so
busy that they felt their work to be
more important than the election. But
this would not have kept them at
home if they had felt interested in
What shall be done?
l et Mr. Brvan lead a great, revo't
from the democratic party in 190,
when the reorganizes take control of
that partv. and then let all reformers
get together into one great' reform
party with a new name, a'rid in 1908 ,i
reform president will' be elected.
In the meantime, hold the non'ilist
partv together. W. L. HAND.
Kearney, Neb.
Mobile and return 128.35
New Orleans and return 29.50
Havana, Cuba, and return. . G3.35
The above special rates and
many, others with long limits and
stopovers on sale Feb. 17th to 22nd,
inclusive. All information at Wa
bash city office, 1G01 Farnam St,
or address,
Harry E. Moores,
Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.,
Omaha, Neb.
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure i
guaranteed to cure or money refunded.
One application is enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy it at your druggists or he
can get it from his jobber. If he won't,
write us direct and we will send you a
bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall
Oil Company, sole sale agents for the
United States, Marshalltown, Ia.
2 ox. 20 inche. 90.90 j 3 oz. 34 Inches, 83.25
2 oz. 22 inchm, 1.85 SJ( ox. 26 inche, 3.25
2 ox. 22 iuchea, 1.40 ox. 28 lachei, 4.00
Remit Are seats far pwUfe.
All short stem, three strands. Send sample lock
of hair. We can match perfectly any hair. Ail orders
filled promptly. Money refunded if desired. Illu
strated Catalogue of Switchet, WIGS, Curls, Bangs,
Pompadours, Wares, etc., free. We send switches by
mail on approval, to be paid for when received, if
satisfactory. Otherwise to be returned to us !y mail. ! order
sag, write us ihli rffVet. This offer mar aot be nade again
RnMfLfPFPIMR sufficient for private ac
UUuArVLLrillU counts and ordinary use
taught with plain caamr les and illustrations,
and other business information for reference.
HOOK, firmly and nicely bound with ooetet
and flap; Mc. postpaid. end M. O. or 2o
tamps. Address F. O. Johnson, Publisher,
Marion, Iowa.
Lincoln Hide Market
Lincoln Hide & Fur Company,
920 It su Lincoln, Nebraska, suc
cessors to b. t. Dobson & Co., quolo
t-e following prw f. 0. b. Unwln,
until further notict No j green
salted hides, . per lb.,- . -j'C( 2
6c; bulls and side brati'e(j '-c.'
horse and mule hides, large,' cn'
$2.35; small, 75c-$1.50; green she
pelts, each 40-75c; dry pelts. 5-8c pet
lb.; dry flint butchered hides, per lb.,
12-13c; dry fallen, weather beaten and
murrain hides ,per lb., 5-10c. Our clas
sified fur list, together with little
booklet telling how to trap, skin;
stretch and handle furs and hides to
obtain the best : -suits, will be mailed
free to all upon request, also write for
tags and general information any time.
All correspondence promptly attend
ed to.
Heaven will be enjoved most by
those who endeavor to secure a bit of
it while here on earth.
The days are growing longer, but
that promissory note will mature just
as quickly.
.: li t! -Ji'l