The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, January 01, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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SAiiLE6 &
Nervous, Chronic
& Private Diseases
tsr" .
W gnarnntcfl to cure, all curable cases -of
tlio Nose.ThroBt, Ch-i. Stomach, Ltver, Blood,
8k iu and Kidney Diseases, Lost Manhood,
Night Emission, Hydrocele, Varicocele, (Jon
orrliea.Uleet, Pile. Fistula and hectal Uleers.
Diabetes ami Hripht's Diceaso. $ I OO.OO I 'or a
case of ('ATA KKH, KH fclJM AT Ml, mS
I'KI'MlAor HYI'HILIM we nuot cura, if
Examination and consultation free. Call, or
Drs. Searfes & Searles aiVJ?k.
WHAT OF 1903
It Has Been a Record Breaker and
; -This Aggressive Home Life In-
' surance Company Gleefully
. Greets 1903.
, "What of 1903?" repeated B. H. Rob
ison, president of Nebraska's own and
only Bankers Reserve Life Associa
tion, in response to the reporter's
"In 1903 the Bankers Reserve Life
will step into the class of $10,000,000
life companies..
"In 1903 the Bankers Reserve Life
will write not less than $5,000,000 of
new business.
"In 1903 the Bankers Reserve Life
will earn $150,000 net to be invested
under the Nebraska law :n state secur
ities for the protection of policy hold
ers, and will increase its invested as
sets to $250,000. -
"In 1903 the Bankers Reserve Life
Association will write more business
in .Nebraska than any alien member
of the national life insurance trust.
- sometimes called national association
of underwriters.
"In 1903 the more sensible represen
tatives of the alien combination will
have sense enough to treat the Bank
ers Reserve Life decently and fairly.
ln 1903 the Bankers Reserve Life
Association will pay its few losses
promptly and :ward . its excellent
corps of solicitors comprising its field
SttaS generously, as it has always done
' since it entered the life insurance field.
VIn 1903 the president of the Bank
ers Reserve Life Association will con
tinue to be known as the friend of
' home life Insurance. .
i "In 1903 the policies of the Bankers
Reserve Life Association will be, as
hitherto, modern, liberal, attractive
and . easily understood.
"In 1903 the reader should be sure
to secure one of these policies. The
time to' make extra profitable life in
surance contracts is in the early years
of a good company. Get in early and
enjoy the benefits of the earlier years
of the existence of this well known,
prosperous home company."
English as 8h
Spoke by tba Habltaes t
Wall Straat
The Handy Pocket Account Bock
Containing four parts each convenient for pocket
,t. vft.. '
j'- Fatt I consists of simple, yet comprehensive in
structions w th --plain examples and illustra
tions for keeping private accounts iu book keep
ing form.'- .
Part II consists of business fo-ms, as note?,
receipts, etc., interest, rules and many others,
and ust nil tables.
v Part III shows how to write good letters, with
forms, (printed matter above, 32 pages.)
- Part IV, 64 blank pages ruled for Dr. and Cr.
1........ i- wtii.'V, r lrtf ainnlifa
HKtx v v 1 V- 1 v... ... v ,
. Size 63'4 inches firmly bound with pocket and
nap. t rive 5ocpo!i jwiu, i mm -injup iTtvrpiru,
Agents can return book unsold. Money re
funded. Address F. O. JOHNSON, Publisher,
1 o riAti Tnara
Even those who have never indulged
in the great American game draw
poker have some Idea of flushes, roy
al and otherwise, including 1 those
classed as bob-tails; of straights, and
fours and threes and full-houses and
so on. But how many understand the
jargon of Wall street?
A speculator who has bought stocks
is long and is a bull, writes the Chi
cago Inter-Ocean's New York corre
spondent, in a review of "Smith's Fi
nancial Dictionary," compiled by How
ard Irving Smith and to be published
early this month, the opposite of this
term is short, and a speculator who
is short of stocks is a bear. On the
London stock exchange it is the cus
tom to say that a speculator is bull or
bear of stocks, instead of long or
short of stocks. The object in selling
short is, of course, to repurchase sub
sequently at a lower figure. The rules
of the New York stock exchange en
force the completion of each trans
action entered into "regular way" be
fore 2:15 p. mon the day following
the transaction. Hence, the specula
tor who has sold short is forced to
borrow the stock he has sold, but does
not own, and make actual delivery of
it to the purchaser.' This he accom
plishes through his broker by paying.
the market values of the stock to the
one from whom he borrowed it, and
then returning the borrowed stock to
the lender when he has covered, or, In
other .words, bought back the stock.
Contango is a London stock ex
c :ange term, meaning the charge paid
by the buyer for the privilege of con
tinuing his bargain (contract) to the
next fortnightly settlement. It is
equivalent to interest ; or carrying
charge in New York. Backwardation
is another London stock exchange
term, " meaning the premium charged
the-seller when' the bear seller (seller
short) continues his bargain (con
tract) to the next fortnightly settle
ment. The jobber on the London stock ex
change is one who deals between
members, and not for outside prin
cipals or clients. He is practically a
wholesale dealer in securities, buying
as wrell as selling. He will either buy
or sell at prices named by him. The
jobbers make the market (establish
the prices) in London, whereas in
New York prices are established by
the bids and offers of brokers. On the
London stock exchange a ' broker is
merely an agent, who acts for an
other in buying from, or selling to, a
jobber. A broker in executing an or
der asks a jobber to "make a price"
on the security in which he wishes to
deal, and the jobber, who does not
know whether the broker is buyer or
seller, names two prices, for instance,
3-8 and 99 5-8, meaning that he
will sell at the higher or buy at the
If the broker has an order to buy
he buys of the jobber at his (the job
ber's) selling price, or if he has an
order to sell he sells to the jobl-er at.
his (the jobber's) buying price. The
jobber expects to undo or cover the
bargain by a fresh transaction with
another jobber at the middle price.
The jobber has prices "for the ac
count" (in which there is a settlement
every fortnight), and other prices 'for
money" (immediate payment). An
other name for jobber, is dealer, but
its use is less frequent than jobber.
A corner in a stock is created by the
purchase of all the floating or pur
chasable stock of a company, after
which the price of it can be advanced
at will. .Speculators who are short of
the stock and are unable to buy or
borrow to make delivery to buyers, or
to return stock which they have bor
rowed, are, In speculative parlance,
squeezed. They must settle with buy
ers as best they can.
Privileges, or puts, "calls, spreads,
and straddles, are contracts entitling
the holders to receive or deliver cer
tain stocks to the signers of the con
tracts at any time within a specified
period (usually thirty or sixty days),
and at a specified price. A cash price
is paid for the contract by the pur
chaser, and his entire liability is lim
ited to that amount. The matter of
interest is not involved in the contract
A put entitles the holder to put or de
liver stock to the signer. A call en
titles the holder to call for or demand
stock from the signer. A spread en
titles the holder either to deliver to the
signer stock at one price or to demand
it from the signer at another price,
but if the price named in both cases
is the same the contract is known as a
straddle. . -
On a scale is a term used in spec
ulative operations in stocks, meaning
buying or selling, as the case may be,
at stated intervals In prices, as prices
decline or advance. For instance, buy
ing at 100, 98, '6, 94, and 92 would be
buying on a 2 per cent declining scale.
Reversing the order of prices would be
buying on, an ascending f.cale.
The operation of selling on a scale
Is conducted in the same fashion.
Pyramiding is. a. system of enlarg
ing operations by use of paper profits.
Following is an illustration: One
hundred shares of stock of the par
value of 100- Is bought at 10 on a mar
gin of 5 per cent The stock advances
to 15. There is a profit of 5 per cent,
which can be used as margin in the
purchase of 100 shares more. Tho
price goes up to 20. There is then a
profit of 5 per cent on-the second lo.
and an additional profit of 5 per cent
on the first lot, so that there is an
unincumbered profit of 10 per cent on
luO shares, or 5 per cent on 200 shares.
The profit is utiliCS as margin for the
purchase of 200 shares more. The
price goes up to 25. Then there is an
unincumbered profit of 5 per cent on
the whole 400 shares, or 2C per cent on
100 shares. This profit is used to buy
400 shares more.
Then, perhaps, the price drops back
to 20. There being only 5 per cent
margin on the whole 800 shares, the
whole accumulated profit of $3,500 dis
appears, as well as the margin of 5 per
cent provided for the purchase of the
first 100 shares. Should the price go
on up to 30, however, the profits would
be increased by $4,000, which would
provide 5 per cent margin for 800
shares of stock, making the total
amount of stock held 1,600 shares. 1,
500 of which would have been pur
chased with profits. Selling stock at
intervals cn a decline, using profits for
margin, is pyramiding, as well as buy
ing it on profits on an advance.
The Chess Digest
May 16, 1901, The Independent an
nounced the appearance of a much
needed book for chess players espe
cially those interested in correspon
dence play. This was volume No. 1
of the Chess Digest, by Mordecai Mor
gan (Patterson & White Co., 518 Lud
low st, Philadelphia, publishers).
Volume II. has since been published,
and makes a fitting companion to No.
I. The first volume covers openings
as follows: Ruy Lopez, Four Knights',
Three Knghts', Two Knights', Giuoco
Piano and Scotch. The second volume
treats of the Evans Gambit, Ponziana,
Petroff, Philidor's Defence, King's
Knights', King's Bishop's, King's Gam
bit, Salvio, Muzio, Kieseritzky, All
gaier, Cunningham, King's Bishop's
Gambit, King's Gambit declined and
Vienna. .
Since Mr. De France resigned as sec
retary of the Nebraska Chess associa
tion and discontinued his chess depart
ment as a regular feature of The In
dependent, we have devoted scarcely
any space to this game of games too
much of a science to be a game, and
too much of a game to be a science.
As its name indicates, The Chess Di
gest gives a reliable index to many
thousand games of chess, showing the
opening moves down to the point
where friendship ceases" and the real
battle begins; 446 pases: buckram.
$2.50; sheep, $3.50.
Sioux Falls Populism.
A little over a year as;o Sioux Falls
installed a municipal electric lighting
plan, lhe plant and improvements
cost $12,544.09. The operating ex
penses during the year amounted to
The city is three times as well
lighted as ever before, and the cost
is less than it ever was before under
private ownership of the electric
lighting plant. The municipal light
ing system was started with sixty
five arc lights, which have been in
creased to 105 lights. It is proposed
to still further increase this by ex
changing one of the smaller dynamos
for a larger one.
320 Farm for Sale
All fenced, 200 acres under cultiva
tion, balance pasture, good 9-room
house, barn 40x50, windmill and good
dug well 86 feet deep, tank and lead
pipes all in first class condition; 5
miles from Stratton, 8 miles from
Trenton, 1 mile from school, 1 miles
from the Republican river.'-, $2 300.
This is. a great bargain. The im
provements ' alone ' cost more than is
asked for the entire farm. Write to
day. Address The Independent, Lin
coln, Neb.-
At all drug stores.
25 Dews 25c.
The Right Tiff.
A New Catarrh Cure, Which is Rapidly Com
ing to the Front
For several years, Eucalyptol Guaiacol and
Hydrastin have been recognized as standard rem
edies for catarrhal troubles, but they have al
ways been given sepamtlT and only very recent
ly an ingenious chemist succeeded in combining
ihem, together with oiher antiseptics into a
pleasant effective tablet.
Druggists sell theremedy under the name of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and it has met with re
markable success in the cure of nasal catarrh,
bronchial and throat catarrh and in catarrh of
the stomach. - .
Mr. F. N. Benton, whose address is care of
Clark House, Troy; N. Y. says: "When I run up
against anything that is good I like to tell people
of it. I have been troubled with catarrh more or
le ss for seme t me. I.ast winter more than ever. :
Tried several so-called cures, but did not get any
beniht frcm them. About six weeks ago I
bought a 50 cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Ta' Jets
and am glad to say that they have done wonders
for me and I do not hesitate to let all my friends
know that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are the right
1,1 1 . v t 1 v. . j . V-.' muv,a uvia uii iiuu. vr col yiu
street, New. York City, writes: "I have com
menced us tig Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and al
ready they Have given me tetter results than any
catarrh cure I have ever tried." .
A leading physician of Pittsburg advises the
use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in preference to
any other treatment for catarrh of the head,
thror.t or stomach.
Hecla;msthey are far superior to inhalers,
salves, lotions or powder, and are much more
convenient and pleasantto take and are so term
less that little children take them with benefit as
they contain no opiate, cocaine or any poisonous
All druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at
50 cents for full size package and they are prob
ably the safest and most reliable cure for any
form of catarrh.
Plumbing ancl Heating
Estimates Furnished
J. c.cox
1332 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska.
I Live
I Stock
Nye & Buchanan Co.,
Best possible service in "all depart
ments. Write or wire us for markets
or other information.
Long distance Telephone 2305
'lo make cows pay, use sharpies Cream separator
Kook"huslnes8 dairying" &l Cat. 270 free W. Cheater. I'a
B.,sasj j - -it iVrtiifmnrtf J
Members of Legislature Will Find
The Hotel Walton
1516 O STREET,
the best and most convenient low priced
houe in the c ty. Rates fi per day and up.
for well established house in a few counties,
calling on retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. Salary $1024 a year, and expenses.
payaoietiy. ,ua wee in cash and expenses ad
ranced. Position permanent. Business suc
cessful and rushing. Standard House,334 Dear
born St., Chicago.
Farm For Rent
Wanted A renter for my farm, a
single man; 60 acres plowed land 2
miles southeast of Raymond; $3 per
acre. Good buildings, good accommo
dations. Will board man to do chores.
Would like part cash in advance March
1, balance October 15.
Raymond, Neb.
-;. Fruit Farm For Sale
A most " desirable fruit farm, con-"
listing of one hundred and sixty acres,
located immediately on the west bank
of the Missouri .river, in extreme
smithnnstfirn NobvaaL- a nrV.n
... - . . iu. uunu, nunc l tups
of no kind have ever failed. No bet
ter fruit soil. Write Robert W. Fur
nas, Brownville, Neb.
Fire Proof Sate
Large fire proof and burglar proof
safe, 4y2 feet high, 3 feet square, for
sale at a bargain. Address P. F. Zim
mer, 116 South 10th st, Lincoln, Neb.