DECEMBER 25, 1002. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. JiOTIIIXG TO VOTE FOR The republicans "redeemed" the state and now the apportionment for public schools is cut down fearfully and the rates on the railroads have been raised. Still there are some pop ulist mullet heads who declare that there is nothing to vets for, so they stay at home. They got out of their sphere when they lelt the republican party in the first place. If they like increased rates on the raikoads and decrease in appropriations for com mon school3, their place is in the re ublican Dirty. They should, how ever, go to the polls and vote for them rather than play the "cornfield ca narie" and not vote at all. A man who claims to be a populist and wont vote because some democrats vote for the very thing that he Ins been de manding, is a worse part.san idiot than the wond eyer saw before. Will you increase your local school taxes now, or cut short your school term and let your children grow up in ignor ance? They could not possibly have duller intellects than such fathers have if they never went to school at all. "If we have nothing more to vote for than we had the last year or two, there will be droves of stay-at-home 'cattle,' as some of them dub us and canaries, whole flocks of us." Nothing to vote for? There are no common schools to provide for? "I like to pay taxes for the railroads. I want to pay inirc-assd rates on the products of my farm. All that just suits me and so there is nothing to vote for. All I need to make me hap py is the chance to vote a straight partisan ticket, even if by so doing it will never result in electing a man or enacting a law. Just let me vote 'er straight. That's all I want. It don't make a particle of difference whether we have schools or not, whether the roads take all the traffic wfll bear, whether I have to pay the taxes for them, there's nothing in all that. The one thing needful to make me happy is to allow me to vote 'er straight and keep any horrid democrat fr. m vot ing the same ticket that I do." MAKE HIM A DUKE Ambassador McCormick has gone to St. Petersburg in the grandest style that a minister of a foreign power ever entered that city. He has rented a palace much larger than the White house and has taken with him from Italy his cooks, butlers, valets, grooms, horses and dogs, the whole forming a cavalcade that outshine the sultans of all the orient. These millions that McCormick is spending with such lav ish hand were taken from the farmers of this country by means of an ex orbitant tariff enabling McCormick and his father before him to charge prices that made the farmers work many a long day to pay them. Mc Cormick ought to be popular in Rus sia for he has sold his machinery to the people of that country during the last fifteen or twenty years at one half less than he forced the American farmers to pay. But that is just what the mullet head American farmer likes, and McCormick is just a3 popular with them as he is with the Russian nobles who own the big estates and buy his machines at 50 per cent discount. The czar ought to make a duke out of Mc Cormick and keep him permanently in that country. His style is far better fitted to an autocracy than to a dem ocracy. By all means make him a duke and never let him come back. BLOOM IN THE SPUING The Denver News' wants to know "what has become of the Roosevelt anti-trust program which blossomed last spring, matured in the Fourth of July address in Pittsburg, the homo or Attorney General Knox, and was exploited at 'one-night stands' during the president's tour of New England, with terrific applause from the gal leries? Congress has been in session two weeks, but aside from mild refer ences to the topic in the president's message, with a caution to be careful of the 'goods trusts,' the public has heard little or nothing on the subject, which was graphically described as 'burning in August, September and October last, ust prior to election." That's all right. Just "stand pat" and 'stay put" The Chicago Tri bune has for twenty years been an ad vocate of tariff reform and an ardent supporter of the republican party for about three months previous to every election. Tariff reform and trust reg ulation are flowers that bloom in the spring, wither about November and hide their heads under the ground till blooming time comes again. About next May they will put forth their blossoms again, or, perhaps, a little later. These are "the flowers that bloom in the spring." PERFECTLY II A PI' Y The old moss-backed republicans, the "let well enough alone," "stand pat" and "stay put" rock-ribbed plu tocrats are determined that this coun try shall go tagging behind all crea tion in everything that concerns the welfare of the great mass of the com mon people. Mexico is taking ener getic action in regard to the trusts, especially the trusts organized first in the United States and stretching out their tentacles to gather in the peo ple of Mexico. Meanwhile Teddy and the republicans of congress advocate "publicity." They seem to think that if the trusts are made to open their books to the public and show just how much they are making, how much water there is in their stock and other things connected with the running of the concerns, the people will be hap py. If they charge twice as much for the goods that they produce as is rea sonable, all the people demand is an official statement of that fact. Noth ing must be done to stop the trusts from oppression and robbery. Just let the people know how much they are robbed and they will be contented. There is no necessity to stop the rob bery at all. The chief delight of a mullet head is to pay taxes for the, railroads and make contributions to the trusts. Pretty soon these chaps will be called upon to pay their taxes. They will do it with a smile, for they all hope that some day the railroad politi cal boss will come along and give them a pass to go to some political con vention. They will cheerfully pay $100 of taxes, that the roads ought to pay, to get a pass worth three dollars. They will haul hay when the snow is two feet deep to feed cattle, dress in canvas overcoats and burn corn cobs for fuel to keep themselves from freez ing to death to get the money to pay taxes for the railroads and other cor porations and do it with delight They hope some day to get a pass. Why should any one seek to interfere with this sort of bliss? m 1 Grand S Holiday Sales. Omai,a You have every advantage by trading moilOi now at Hayden Bros'. The readiness for the holidays is apparent in every one of our 40 departments. They are filled with complete varieties cf all that is new, desirable useful or ornamental for holiday use or gift giving. You now have the advantage of complete assortments and clean, fresh unhandled goods to select from. Buy early and avoid the crowds. Get your holiday goods in the best condition by selecting them now at Haydon Bros. New things in Furniture, in Fancy China and Cut Glass ware in Watches, and Jewelry, in Books of all kinds, in pictures including every line of subjects, in Musical Instruments, Pianos and Organs, ns well as in such useful lines as Silks and Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, etc. etc. Never has Santa Claus presented such a vast array of pleasing and useful articles, the best he could pro cure throughout the markets of the world for suggestions to you and for your se lection. You can get what you want in these grand sales at Ilayden Bros. You get the newest and best in every line. Our immense direct spot cash purchases and tremendous Fales enable us to save you from 13 to 12 the usual prices. You find what you want at llaydens. Mail Orders Filled For Any Goods You Need If you bave'nt got price lists from, us make up your order from our cata logue. You may have from any house irt America. We guarantee to supply you everything you eat, wear or use at a big saving to you in time, freight and money. Not a house in America ia better equipped to serve you right at your doors with gigantic stocks bought direct for spot cash from the leading markets of the world. There is no place you can trade with such security and satisfaction. Remember," Havdpn Bros, wilf duplicate or undersell the quotations of any house on earth. i- . . . . , . . i Just make up your orders from any catalogues, give us tne name oi cawuoguo, page and number and we guarantee to supply you with the goods at the same or less prices. Being right at your doors you can save time and freight by buying at Hayden Brothers. We invite your orders on this basis: You Take no Risk in Buying at Haydens. Your money when sent to us is still yours until you are satisfied with the goods . ... m j . 1 t 1 I XT A . 1 I 1- Al 1 I. .hh you receive, we can reter you 10 uio commercial rxauonai uaus, uw mea-uou National Bank or any Bank or business house in umaua or any commercial agency, railroad or express company as to our reliability. HAII.KOAD MERGERg Any man who does not know that a railway merger is created for the pur pose of either creating or extending a monopoly ought to be tapped for the simples, yet the great dailies con tinue to tell us that they have been arranged simply to reduce cost of transportation and are entirely in the interest of the public welfare. The fellows who are troubled with the simples of course all believe what the dailies say. The interstate commerce commission, since the courts decided that it had no power to do anything has developed courage enough to tell a few truths which for years, when it supposed that it had authority to compel obedience to its orders, it never mentioned. Among other things in its late report is the following: "The progress of consoli dation (of railroads) will at no dis tant day confine competition within narrow and unimportant limits, be cause tlifi control of most, railway properties will be merged in a few individuals, whose common interests compel them to act in concert" Wholesale Supply House, Omaha. R r B A Piano by Mail. We have developed an enor mous business in piano Felling through correspondence alone and orders received in this way receive our! most particular care and attention. ' ' If you ; need a piano or ara interested in the subject, write to us. We shall gladly fu - nish catalogues and all information desired. ' Our pianos are the best in the world if they were not we would not handle them. But you need not take our word for it. We send our pianos subject to your approval. We quote you the lowest prices and easiest terms; select carefully and honestly for you, and when the piano arrives you give it a thorough test. If not satisfactory, return it to us and we pay freight both ways. Write for further information. MJSS IT . h A 0 207 South nth St., Lincoln, Neb. The editor of The Independent traveled all over the state, made speeches, got up meetings, often paid the expenses himself, wrote column after column trying to persuade re publicans and democrats to adopt populist principles and vote for them at the polls. Many thousand republi cans did adopt them, left their party and have "stood pat" ever since, Last year the whole democratic party of the state came over, adopted a plat form that was indorsed by every gen uine populist in the state and agreed to co-operate with the populists in electing men who would, as far as they wfre able, enact it into law. Just at that juncture, pomn mon who had bcien the loudest in their demands for these reforms concluded it the whole democratic party was turning pop ulist and was going to vot" for these principles, they wouldn't they would just stay at home and not vote at all. When Clem Deaver proved traitor and claimed to be the "true populist," this editor was pretty mad, but when he thinks of these men who wouldn't vote the ticket because the democrats had been won over and were going to vote it, it makes him mad enough to "cuss the roof off the house." A republican mullet head is a Solomon in compari son with them. Clem Deaver got a big office for his treason, but these populist mullet heads will get nothing at all except the privilege of paying taxes for the railroads, shorter ,erms of school for their children, and the pleasure of paying higher freight rates on tho stuff they send t'o market. Cuming county is Treasurer Stuef ers home. This is how she fared: Fusion, smallest December apportion ment (in 18091 was $4,283.90. This year, ?3,542.S0. Only $741.10 smalleri