THE BAD6E0F FRAUD Mr. YanYorhla Comment on the Too Prer Int I'raclieo of Mannfactarlnff Sta tistic for Porpoioi of Concealment Editor Independent: Concealment has always been regarded as a badge of fraud. It is a rare occurrence that it is not evidence of evil intention. There is something inherently wrong about any purpose that will not bear the broad light of complete disclosure. Deception is the plan of an enemy; rarely that of a friend. It is the meth od of self-seeking; seldom of self-sac-rice. It is not often that ignorance serves a good purpose. It does not frequently occur that the effort to keep people in ignorance has an hon est object Want of information is the ambuccade from which deception malies its attack; it never can be the instrument, the method, or the pur pose of truth and honesty. Truth re quires no assistance from falsehood, tnd honesty is never promoted by de ception. Motives are never made pure by devices for concealment, nor is the public welfare advanced by schemes to prevent the people from acquiring information. Want of knowledge is the only soil in which humbugs will grow; in no other can schemes for public plunder and individual despoil ation be germinated and cultivated with success. The man who is inter ested in a business that succeeds best, when the people know least about it will seek to enrich the soil that pro duces his kind of crops. The man who regards public plunder as a lawful purpose, and individual despoilatitfn as a legitimate business enterprise, will naturally resort to every possi ble device to keep information from interfering with his plans. Knowledge is like a flood to his soil and destroys his crops. The man who desires to profit by the ignorance of others does not want his intended victims enlight ened. f ' There are in this country today not a few pursuits in which men are en gagedpursuits that, by too many people, are regarded as legitimate bus inessthat have no possible basis up on which success can be predicated or expected except concealment, decep tion and falsehood; no possible grounds of any reasonable hope of profit except as the result of want of information. It. is an awful fact with which we are brought face to face, but the truth must be faced; -the fact that there are in this country many men in high standing in business, and in social cir cles, with whom concealment, decep tion and falsehood are every-day n,eth ods of business, and whose business would be ruined in a day if the cloak of concealment was removed and the truth fully known. - It is appalling to contemplate, but sooner or later it will have to be con fidered; that there are men in high places who have not heretofore, and will not hereafter, hesitate to use, when personal or party interests may be advanced thereby, the opportuni ties given them by public confidence to deceive and mislead the very peo ple who have trusted them. We have taken great pride in assert ing that our . American institutions have their principal safeguard in the intelligence of our people; but in the buun?ss affairs. of our country we are acting as if oblivious to the fact that, in the highest places and in the most important departments of our gov ernment influences are at work, the wholo tendency and purpose of -which is to undermine this bulwark of our freedom. The very possibility that such influences may find their way into our executive departments, or be admitted to the floors of the house p.n-1 senate of the American congress, is planning. The thought that our executive and legislative departments may be used, by influences that de pend upon concealment for success, to throw obstacles in the way of the pub lic acquiring information about mat ters ihat most nearly concern them is calculated to give every patriotic American a chill of apprehension. When it is realised that it is not only a possibility but a fact that Loth the exeeulive and' the legislative department:-, are, through reports and legislative - enactments, being used to conceal what the public ought to know, how can alarm and apprehension fail to be changed into consternation? It rvn no longer be disguised that the reports of the departments, particular ly of the treasury department, are not constructed for the purpose of impart ing exact information, but to conceal facts that are regarded as detrimental to the great financial, corporate and pnrty interests. Upon the floors of the house and the senate are men, who, a the opportunity occurs, are using their places and their votes to advance personal interests; who are devising, and seeking to put In opera tion, schemes to prevent public infor mation; whose conduct in the perform ance of their legislative duties dif fers in no wise from what It would be expected to be on a board of trade, or In a "bucket shop," where the mark ets are manipulated for personal gain; wnere gambling fn the necessities of life is regarded as business, and the winnings are called profits. We deceive ourselves if we refuse to recognize that there are now on the floors of both house and senate men with whom personal and party interests are first, and public business and national welfare are second; if, indeed, public business and national welfare have any place at all in their minds as a motive for their conduct in the discharge of the duties they have sworn to faithfully perform. Some are there, not by the freely ex pressed will of the constituency they pretend to represent, but by the will of the financial and corporate influ ences they really represent, expressed through various methods of most heartless coercion, or by the most audacious and shameless bribery and corruption. The holders of large cred its, and the great corporations that in combination have acquired so large a control over the business of the coun try, nave their representatives in both houses, and it begins to look as if they constituted a majority. The evidence of their presence, and of the power of the influences behind them, is so plain that the fact is now generally recog nized by all who take interest enough in public affairs to observe current events. So powerful, self-confident and audacious have these twin influences become, that those who are accused of being their instruments feel so secure that they no longer deny it. It is a matter that is too plain for contro versy that representatives in both houses are using opportunities offered them by the positions they occupy to advance their own interests, and the interests of personal and party friends, by the enactment of laws intended fo benefit the holders of credits, or that are intended. to advance the inteiests of corporations by which they are em ployed, or in which they are other wise directly or indirectly interested. A large part of the business of the country has passed into the hands of, and is controlled by, corporations, the very existence of which is a public grant, the very life of which is a gift and evidence of public favor. The growth and success of these business monsters have depended in large de gree upon the fact that the people have had very little information con cerning their objects and their meth ods. These combinations of creditors and corporate influences have been for years, and are now, resorting to ev ery possible device to prevent the I ople of this country, who have made them what they are and given them all they possess, from acquiring any in formation concerning their organiza tions o- their methods of business. Not only have they sought to conceal their true character and purposes, but they have sought, for the purposes of gain, to mislead public thought, cor rupt the public mind, and debauch public morals. There is a pretense that they are required to make reports. But the reports that are made are marvels of ingenuity for wrat they do not contain, being d?vised more with a view to concealment than for giving information. Not only is there concealment, but every avenue of pub lic information is filled with false statements and false pretenses so mon strous that the father of lies is likely to give up the contest in disgust. No possible opportunity is lost in cr out of congress to ma' e it difficult for our people, who are being robbed, to learn anything about how the rob bery is being effected. The effort goes even beyond this; to the not altogether unsuccessful attempt to make those who are being despoiled cf their prod ucts and their p-opertv believe that their misfortunes are the results of unavoidable and imvi'able business conditions resulting fn m natural laws over which no human wisdom and p nver can have crn rol. These organizations that deal in credits, and are necessarily out of busi ness when the nati n and i s pcop'e ore out of debt, cr org-'niz'ions that are permitted to operate privileges and utilities that are public property, were created by law because it was expected that a public benefit would be derived from them. That, at least, was the professed purpose. It is not to be de nied that, to a certain extent and in certain ways, the public has derived, at least from some of them, a benefit; but a benefit small and limited in ex tent to what it ought to be. It is this limited benefit limited in amount, and limited with reference to the classes to whom it is permitted -that la used as a cover under which to inaugurate, perpetuate and extend schemes for the deception and robbery of the na tion, of industry, and of commerce. Under the cover of premeditated concealment, professed benefits, false reports and false pretenses, much of the work of these organizations has been done. The business of these in stitutions is our business, and the time has come when public interest and public safety alike demand that more should be known about them; that they should be compelled to disclose their doings to the minutest detail, or else go out of existence. The warning of the great-hearted Lincoln comes to our memory like a voice from the tomb. The remarkable foresight of his clear intellect filled his patriotic heart with gloom and fore boding. Mow little the American peo ple then realized that which he saw in the movement of events, and which is now being fulfilled before our eyes! His words of warning ought to be read from every pulpit, morning and even ing; taught to the children in school; graven upon every monument, and blazoned on. every wail; should stand at the head of every newspaper in the land, and be committed to memory by every American man and woman until, like a great signal of danger, it Khali fill the eyes, and, like a great cry of alarm, fill the ears of this whole na tion, and attract the attention of all civilization. Read over and ever again his words, and ponder well their meaning "As a result of the war, corpora tions have been enthroned, and an era of corruption Will follow. The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by playing on the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is concentrated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed. Ilefore God, I fear more for my country now than when in the midst of the war," In these few words history and prophecy are' mingled. "Corporations have been enthroned." Wa3 it not true? "An era of corruption will fol low. Has it not come to pass? Out o! the necessities of the nation engaged in war for its existence sprang corporations and financial combina tions in great numbers and almost lim itless power. They hung over the American congress, over fields and shops, over industry and- commerce, over our navy upon the seas, and over our armies in camp and field like vul tures over a battle field, and with in satiable maw and gluttonous greed feasted upon the necessities and mis fortunes of the nation and its people. Would to God our people could have seen then what Lincoln saw; 'that, even before the close of the war, finan cial combinations and corporations had come into the occupancy of the places of power. Looking into he future, he saw the results that must come, and said, "Corruption will fol low." Looking backward, we are compelled to see the results that have come, and are compelled to say, cor ruption has followed. It is every where; so bold that it hardly wears a mask, or seeks to hide its head. Taught by history, in the wisdom of that teaching he was able to antici pate the future. "The money power of t ) country will endeavor to pro long its reign." The holders of pow er rarely relinquish it without a strug gle. With the money power, on the throne, that it would seek to remain was a natural conclusion. That it was and is on the throne of power is ap parent to any one who is not wilfully blind to passing events; that it has prolonged its reign from the time of Lincoln until now; and that the en deavor to still further prolong it is still" going on, with as much earnest ness as ever before, is demonstrated every day of the year. The reign of these malevolent in fluences and powers has been pro longed in the way and by the means that Lincoln said it would be -"By playing on the prejudices of the peo ple." In this play, concealment, de ception and falsehood have occupied prominent places. Government sta tistics have been manipulated; reports, public and corporate, have been con structed to conceal facts; eehcols have been prostituted to the perversion of history; colleges have been created, and chairs in col!g"S endowed, that the scientific brain might be put in chains and compelled to furnish so phistries to. mislead and deceive; and the press has been induced by pecun iary rewards and personal preferments to become a party to the tremendous game of concealment, and falsehoods are promulgated and the truth sup pressed or perverted. That which Lincoln feared is going on with a rapidity that it is questionable if even he anticipated. All wealth is being concentrated in a few hands. FLAVIUS J. VAN VORIIIS. Indianapolis, IncL For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut ting Teeth? If so send at. once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Us value Is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about It It cures diarrbo, regulates the stomach acd bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil dren teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians aaJ nurses In the United States, and ?. for sale by all druggists throughout the wond. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 1 Trial. 8 B39 Doi Pay Double. We'll sell you a better hatcher for the money than any other Incubator rune cm on earth. New im proved regulator, that rant get out vferder. Hl( buok-iullluilr!Uma ftae. 81 UK lUTtll INC'tlUTOIl CO., Clay Center, Neb. or Coluialins, Ohia, BY IT FIRST That's the- way we tell the ROYAL INCUBATOR, the but Mlf r.ulxlnr, entomelie Incubator in the world. It work, perfaotljt. If not ,atlsfsrtry la every wit Mnd it back. Call's; Ira. ROYAL IRCUBATOR CO.. Dept. 33, DeiMoints.loM. FOR 30 DAYS ir OHEST TREES!;-S U. Hided Cherries luc each; t)uril-d I'earhef 4c earhj trood varieties: Concord (iraiies ti ir 1(H): 1K)0 11: R.uirf R.foruft, Russian Mulberry ,Jio. Low print, high quality CaUloo- frM. Galbraith Nuneriea, Box 36, Fairbury, Nebraska. Plumbing and Heating Estimates Furnished J. c. cox 1332 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska. Live Stock CATTLE SHEEP Com mission Nye & Buchanan Go, SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Best possible service in all depart ments. Write or wire us for markets or other information. Long distance Telephone 2305 io make cows par, use sharpies cream .separator Eook"huglncs Ualrylng" &eat.270 treo W. Chester. fa Members of Legislature Will Find The Hotel Walton 1510 O STREET. the best and convenient low priced houe n tne c ty. Kates ft per day and up. EE The Handy Pocket Account Book Containing four parts each convenient for pocket life.. I'att I consists of simple, yet comprehensive in structions w th plain examples and illustra tions for keeping private accounts in bcokkecp ing form. Part II consists of business fo-ms, as notes, nceipti5, ttc, interest, rules and many others, and us( fill tables. Part III shows how to write good Utters, with forms, (printed matter above, 32 pages.) Part IV, 64 blank pag(s ruled lor Dr. and Cr. heavv paper on whii h to keep accounts. Size 6xjX inches firmly bound with pocket and flap. Puce 50c post paid, 1 and 2c stamps accepted. Agents can return books unsold. Money re funded. - Address V. O. JOHNSON, Publisher, Marion, Iowa. WANTED FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established bouse in a few comities, calling on retail merchants and agents. 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World's largest music bouse, sells Everything known in M usiev DON'T Set Hens the Same Old Way, ruid let lice kill them on the nt sru TlU'anv's A'r Drullilrt Lire. frno,lJ ESfV will kill all vprmin and yourli n will bringj l berbniod off free from lice, 'iifl'any'a Para- rf' gon Lice Killer "Liuuid," guaranteed tn kill " ail nee and muv.s. instantly kiiib lice on col ts, calves, and hoj8. By osii; our Hprayer a. very lit'leKoeKagrfatway. Penetrate all cracks. Bpiny bottom of house for aplder I ice. 1 1 1" a rxrwrul dUin (frtntd. tl per (tab can;6ic gal Otto gallon and Pprayer.ll.W. Can get it free wli ;re no agent by Uttla Tk u- tw. Th Tjtfant Co., Lincoln, NeU.