The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, December 18, 1902, Page 16, Image 16

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DECEMBER 18. 1902.
Tj.sww ww ww w w w w ww ww w w w w t w w w w vj ut2 w W w ogvuvii wtf wUvOOO U
r. A A A A A A
w w w ww ww ww w w ww ww jssrrr
of Holiday Goods in every department Aside from our regular stock we show goods iS
esneciallv tmrfihased for tnn Hnlidair "P.
-w. -vij uuai iiuouu io J.U.JLJ. ciJUU. UUJLLl U1U LU. 5
j . vT .i . . wouici ui-icixj. wc xictvu .ever siiowii ueiore. wg
cordially invite you to visit our store and inspect these immense lines.
'l?- Nebraska carries a larger or better stock of Christmas Goods than we do.
No store in
- - I -- vctw
. 1 mi i i mW
. ' . . ,TT , ' ""v v.i.t ruu v me jaigcsi uiic oi uiem m tne west, inese oi
Automobiles. Steamro.ts. L' comotives. Eh ire Machines. -htr. Nn' wW m o v r Vi. .i ' east
show. We have alMhe i opi lar and new parlor games.
ularly strong in Toys and Games and carrv the largest line of them
Magic Lanterns. We show a
. complete line of Magic Lanterns,
of our own importations, similar to
cut; polished brass lamp and good
reflector, with retu9vble smoke
stack, geod lens, brass supports
for lens, and fiu to 100 views; OCp
prices from $1.97 down to. . ,L Jll
Pneumatic Toys, each with a
, rubber tube and ball; pressing
UDon the ball pauses the tov to
perform. The -black dog, with lung hair, glass
eyes, neat collar, is made to jump by press- COa
ing upon' the ball; each JUL
Small Dogs (same as above), each 5c
Mechanical Toys. In the front part of this de
partment we have arranged a large table to dis
play these toys. A salesman will be in charge to
(show the toys and start them in motion. These
toys ar in all shapes. They are the Run-abouts,
Automobiles and U. S. Mail Wagons, with uni
formed dressed drivers upon the seats. Price C
-upwards irom '
In the line of Mechanical Animals we show
Horses, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, etc., whichac- Cn
tually jump. Each............ .; .-'.'... ..JUli
r tT-: ? 9.m&.'fb
aa ituk UJ ut 8SJ frfl
Vysfa ft A If t9
r. - m VSSBSS&
Steam Tovs. Our Steam Tnva
with brass boilers, whistles, well arranged safety Jl 7
valves, etc. In price upwards from Tlj
Trains, running upon tracks; with 4-wheel Locomo
tives, 3 Coaches, keys attached to engines, several sec
tions of good track, easily put together and. . C I flfl
forming a large oval. Each 0 I iUU
Largo Electrical Trains, run by electric current. 2 stor
age batteries, 3 coaches upon tracks with CROON
switches similar to railroads, at vuUiliU
Mechanical Boats, with screw propellers, constructed
with , a shaft tto the steam or .spring power, beautiful
cabins and railings. These boatscan be placed in a tub
oi waier or upon a pond and will acquire high
speed. Prices upward from . .;, .
Bellowing Toys. Some mounted
upon 4 wheels, with string atta :h
ments. These toys will bellow
when squeezed or by turning
their heads. Upwards from.'. . 0 u
Trade Hark.
hi I
All popular Games 1G different kinds of Gameboards;
some boards any amount of games can be played Q7a
upon; prices upwards from.
Bolls and Doll Heads.
We are large importers of Dolls and Dolls'
Heads and carry a larger and better line
than can be found elsewhere in the west,
with prices from 2 Doils for lc up I fl flfl
to, each I UiUU
Nankeen Dolls, each from 25c down to q
Jointed Bisque Haby Dolls, from 2 dolls
for lc up to, each 50c
Kid-body Dolls, from f5.87 down to. . .25c
China Doll Heads, from 47c down to 3c
Bisque Heads, real hair, sleeping eyes, from $2.33
down to J5C
Indestructible Doll Heads, from $1.37 down to 33
A very attractive line is our French Dolls, with
turning heads, sleeping eyes, real hair, eyebrows
and lashes, white teeth, ball and socket joiats.
At prices ranging from $9.50 down to 79c
Large Table of Dressed Dolls. Neatly dressed in
various costumes, lace trimming, large brim
hats, lace edges, shoes and stockings, etc., mov
ing heads, jointed limbs and sleeping eyes.
Prices range from $4.47 down to 39c
Rag Dolls for the Babies. Painted face and hands,
neatly dressed. Prices from $1.75 down to 5c
Walking Dolls, that walk like the baby with the
steadying hand, Dolls that will run across the
floor, each QO
Doll Carriages and Go-Carts, single or double seated,
made wholly of coiled wire. For boys we have Express
Wagons, Patrol and Fire Wagons and Coasters, Tricy
cles, Hobby Horses and Shoo Flys.
Children's Desks, com
plete line. A useful and
very entertaining toy. Q7
Prices upward from. . .U I u
Handkerchiefs and
Handkerchief Materials.
Fine all pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched centers, i and inch hem, 6
inches, 7 inches and 9 inches squares, at
32c, 25c, 20c, 15c and.. . . , . , . . .J2Ko
Dainty Hand Emb., blackwork designs,
extra fine linen, 6 inches square, at 40c and 3Qc
Men's all linen Hand Embroidered Initial
Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, 1-2 and 3-4 ' .
inch hems, each at.-.'. ... . ; 25c
Men's Silk. Handkerchiefs, hand embroid
v ered, initial large size, 1-2 inch hem, each
at . .... ; . : ;V ; 25c
Extra, Fine Quality each. . .. gOc
Plain Silk Handkerchiefs.Vhite op black
special values, each $1.00, 75c, 50c and. 40c
We carry a full line in All Silk Mufflers. -. -
Children's Handkerchiefs Dainty. printed
borders, at 5c, 3c, and ". jc
Fairy Christmas Handkerchiefs, 10 styles, - '
at 5
Brownie Handkerchiefs and Initial Hand- '
. kerchiefs, 3 in fancy box; per box 25c
Suggestive Christmas gifts are shown in V
'large variety and high class stales in la- , . .
dies- neckwear, belts, fansveils and ele
gant ribbons for neckwear, and sashes; '
. ladies' fancy aprons. ; A large .and com- ' 5
plete Iine;in dofmestic and fancy aprons; : "
prices from $2.00 down to 25c
Christmas Handkerchiefs.
Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs We
show the most complete line in Ladies'
Handkerchiefs, Swiss Embroidered and
Lace effects on mull, all of excellent val
ues at UUc, 15c, 12ic and
Large line of Embroidered and Lace Hand
kerchiefs, scalloped and hemstitched edges
on mull or fine linen; are of unsurpassed
values, only
A finer quality at 35c, 50, 65c, 75c, $1.00 and
upwards to 84 00
Hand Made Handkerchiefs, in many var
ious kinds, hand Embroidered, real Duch
ess Lace, footing and point lace, each at
$2.00 and upwards to ; g 5 qq
Ladies' plain Linen Handkerchiefs, fine
Hemstitched, each 5c, and upwards to. 3w
Ladies' Hand Embroidered Initial Hand-
Kercniets, eacn at 30c. and
Ladies Mourning Handkerchiefs
borders and embroidered effects.
Ladies' pure linen Hand Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, unlaundtred, Irish manufactur
ed, 3 for 50c, or each
Men's Handkerchiefs Largest assortment.
in plain white or fancy bordered Hem
stitched Handkerckiefs, each 5C
Men's all linen Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched,
1-4, 1-2 and 3-4 inch hems, each at 10c'
12ic, 15c, 20c, 25c and up to gOc
Tree'- ;
Candles and (han
dle holders at, per
dozen, v.... 15c
Artificial snow,
per box.l 5c
;. Tree ornaments,
per dozen GOc
Tinsel moss, per
box.... 5C
of all Descriptions. Our
stock of Baskets is lar
ger and cheaper than
ever bsfore. Both large
and small clothes ham
pers of every description.
Prices from $5.00 down
Ladies' and Children's
Cloaks, Suits, Etc.
Monday morning we will put on sale a line
of Astrachan Coats, Fur Scarfs, etc., which we
purchased from the manufacturer. Closing
out this line. Every garment is of the best of
fur, heavy satin lining, and we guarantee the
fiting. -
Astrachan Coats, all sizes', $40.00, $37.50,
$35.00, $30.00, $27.50 and $25 00
Sable Fox Scarfs, 60 in. long, 2 large 18
inch tails, 4 claws, sold everywhere at
$12.00, at $7 50
Silk Umbrellas and Mackintoshes.
Ladies' Black Silk Umbrellas, with pearl handles, mounted with gold
and sterling silver at $9.00, $8.50 and $(J 50
Men's Black Silk Umbrellas, with horn or boxwood handles, mounted
with gold and sterling silver, at $8.50, $G.50 and $4 50
Ladies' Automobile Mackintoshes, in Oxford grey, tan or blue, at
$10.00, $6.50 and $5 50
Children's Automobile Mackintoshes, in red, blue or grey, at $4.49,
$3.97 and $2 50
Carpet and Drapery Department.
Rug Sale Smyrna, Wilton and Axminster Rugs, size 16x36, werth
up to $1.25 at 79c
Smyrna, Wilton and Axminster Rugs, sizes 36x72, worth up to $3.75,
special at j
Smyrna, Wilton and Axminster Rugs, 72 inches long, worth up to
$4.47, special at $2 89
Smyrna, Wilton and AxminsUr Rugs, 48x90, worth up to $8, spec, at $4 97
Fur Rugs, 72 inches long, worth up to $4.37, special at $2 47
Best Cocoa Mats, upwards from 4flc
A belated shipment of Rope Portiers and Curtains, ranging in prices
from $1.75 to $5.00.; We offer at 25 per cent off.
Carpet Sweeper, the best in the market, in all styles at $3.50 down to$2 00
New Favorite Sewing Machine, drop heads, good as any machine on
the market, guaranteed at $22 50
Tjg " 1
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